Sokoban Level 1e

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This is one of the new possible maps for Sokoban Level 1 in UnNetHack. It has 12 boulders and 11 pits, leaving 1 spare boulder. Like all Sokoban levels in UnNetHack, this level may be flipped horizontally or vertically.

----             0 boulder
|??|             ^ pit
|..------------- > starting position/downstairs
|..^^^^^^^^^^^.| < upstairs
|-0--######---+| ? scroll of earth
|.0.0......#...| # iron bars


The following solution may not be very fast or organized. Improvements welcome. Like all Sokoban levels it can be solved without making any boulders 'stick'.

All boulders are replaced by letters so they can be referred to. Moving the boulders is shortened to r for right, l for left, u for up, d for down. An asterisk is used to denote the last move filled a pit (and thus removed the boulder from the game). So "N ddrr*" means move boulder N two times down and two times to the right into a pit.

First, push a couple of boulders out of the way and solve the first boulder, grabbing the scrolls of earth in the process:

----             C rrrr
|??|             B rrrr
|..------------- A uudr*

Now solve the next six boulders:

----             B llll uuud rr*
|..|             C llll lluu udrr r*
|..------------- D uull lluu udrr rr*
|.@.^^^^^^^^^^.| E uull lllu uudr rrrr*
|-.--######---+| F llll uull luuu drrr rrr*
|.....B.C..#...| G uuul llll lluu udrr rrrr r*

The next boulder needs to be moved specifically to prevent getting the final boulders stuck, but from there the solution is straightforward:

----             J u
|..|             I uuuu llll luuu drrr rrrr r*
|..------------- L uuuu uull lllu uudr rrrr rrrr*
|.......@.^^^^.| J luuu ulll lluu udrr rrrr rrrr*
|-.--######---+| K lluu uuul llll uuud rrrr rrrr rrr*

The level is now complete. Remember to check under the final boulder in case an item happens to be underneath.


Next level

UnNetHack's Sokoban branch has only three levels per game, collapsing the 'second' levels into the first floor, so the first level leads straight to the pool of third levels: