Source:NetHack 3.6.0/include/trampoli.h

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Below is the full text to trampoli.h from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/include/trampoli.h#line123]], for example.

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 /* NetHack 3.6	trampoli.h	$NHDT-Date: 1433806581 2015/06/08 23:36:21 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.11 $ */
 /* Copyright (c) 1989, by Norm Meluch and Stephen Spackman	  */
 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
 #ifndef TRAMPOLI_H
 #define TRAMPOLI_H
 /* ### apply.c ### */
 #define dig() dig_()
 #define doapply() doapply_()
 #define dojump() dojump_()
 #define dorub() dorub_()
 /* ### artifact.c ### */
 #define doinvoke() doinvoke_()
 /* ### cmd.c ### */
 #define doextcmd() doextcmd_()
 #define doextlist() doextlist_()
 #define domonability() domonability_()
 #define enter_explore_mode() enter_explore_mode_()
 #define doprev_message() doprev_message_()
 #define timed_occupation() timed_occupation_()
 #define wiz_attributes() wiz_attributes_()
 #define wiz_detect() wiz_detect_()
 #define wiz_genesis() wiz_genesis_()
 #define wiz_identify() wiz_identify_()
 #define wiz_level_tele() wiz_level_tele_()
 #define wiz_map() wiz_map_()
 #define wiz_where() wiz_where_()
 #define wiz_wish() wiz_wish_()
 /* ### display.c ### */
 #define doredraw() doredraw_()
 /* ### do.c ### */
 #define doddrop() doddrop_()
 #define dodown() dodown_()
 #define dodrop() dodrop_()
 #define donull() donull_()
 #define doup() doup_()
 #define dowipe() dowipe_()
 #define drop(x) drop_(x)
 #define wipeoff() wipeoff_()
 /* ### do_name.c ### */
 #define ddocall() ddocall_()
 #define do_mname() do_mname_()
 /* ### do_wear.c ### */
 #define Armor_off() Armor_off_()
 #define Boots_off() Boots_off_()
 #define Gloves_off() Gloves_off_()
 #define Helmet_off() Helmet_off_()
 #define Armor_on() Armor_on_()
 #define Boots_on() Boots_on_()
 #define Gloves_on() Gloves_on_()
 #define Helmet_on() Helmet_on_()
 #define doddoremarm() doddoremarm_()
 #define doputon() doputon_()
 #define doremring() doremring_()
 #define dotakeoff() dotakeoff_()
 #define dowear() dowear_()
 #define select_off(x) select_off_(x)
 #define take_off() take_off_()
 /* ### dogmove.c ### */
 #define wantdoor(x, y, dummy) wantdoor_(x, y, dummy)
 /* ### dokick.c ### */
 #define dokick() dokick_()
 /* ### dothrow.c ### */
 #define dothrow() dothrow_()
 /* ### eat.c ### */
 #define Hear_again() Hear_again_()
 #define eatmdone() eatmdone_()
 #define doeat() doeat_()
 #define eatfood() eatfood_()
 #define opentin() opentin_()
 #define unfaint() unfaint_()
 /* ### end.c ### */
 #define done1(sig) done1_(sig)
 #define done2() done2_()
 #define done_intr(sig) done_intr_(sig)
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(__EMX__)
 #define done_hangup(sig) done_hangup_(sig)
 /* ### engrave.c ### */
 #define doengrave() doengrave_()
 /* ### fountain.c ### */
 #define gush(x, y, poolcnt) gush_(x, y, poolcnt)
 /* ### hack.c ### */
 #define dopickup() dopickup_()
 #define identify(x) identify_(x)
 /* ### invent.c ### */
 #define ckunpaid(x) ckunpaid_(x)
 #define ddoinv() ddoinv_()
 #define dolook() dolook_()
 #define dopramulet() dopramulet_()
 #define doprarm() doprarm_()
 #define doprgold() doprgold_()
 #define doprring() doprring_()
 #define doprtool() doprtool_()
 #define doprwep() doprwep_()
 #define dotypeinv() dotypeinv_()
 #define doorganize() doorganize_()
 /* ### ioctl.c ### */
 #ifdef UNIX
 #ifdef SUSPEND
 #define dosuspend() dosuspend_()
 #endif /* SUSPEND */
 #endif /* UNIX */
 /* ### lock.c ### */
 #define doclose() doclose_()
 #define doforce() doforce_()
 #define doopen() doopen_()
 #define forcelock() forcelock_()
 #define picklock() picklock_()
 /* ### mklev.c ### */
 #define do_comp(x, y) comp_(x, y)
 /* ### mondata.c ### */
 /* See comment in trampoli.c before uncommenting canseemon. */
 /* #define canseemon(x) canseemon_(x) */
 /* ### muse.c ### */
 #define mbhitm(x, y) mbhitm_(x, y)
 /* ### o_init.c ### */
 #define dodiscovered() dodiscovered_()
 /* ### objnam.c ### */
 #define doname(x) doname_(x)
 #define xname(x) xname_(x)
 /* ### options.c ### */
 #define doset() doset_()
 #define dotogglepickup() dotogglepickup_()
 /* ### pager.c ### */
 #define dohelp() dohelp_()
 #define dohistory() dohistory_()
 #ifdef UNIX
 #define intruph() intruph_()
 #endif /* UNIX */
 #define dowhatdoes() dowhatdoes_()
 #define dowhatis() dowhatis_()
 #define doquickwhatis() doquickwhatis_()
 /* ### pcsys.c ### */
 #ifdef SHELL
 #define dosh() dosh_()
 #endif /* SHELL */
 /* ### pickup.c ### */
 #define ck_bag(x) ck_bag_(x)
 #define doloot() doloot_()
 #define in_container(x) in_container_(x)
 #define out_container(x) out_container_(x)
 /* ### potion.c ### */
 #define dodrink() dodrink_()
 #define dodip() dodip_()
 /* ### pray.c ### */
 #define doturn() doturn_()
 #define dopray() dopray_()
 #define prayer_done() prayer_done_()
 #define dosacrifice() dosacrifice_()
 /* ### read.c ### */
 #define doread() doread_()
 #define set_lit(x, y, val) set_lit_(x, y, val)
 /* ### rip.c ### */
 #define genl_outrip(tmpwin, how) genl_outrip_(tmpwin, how)
 /* ### save.c ### */
 #define dosave() dosave_()
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(__EMX__)
 #define hangup(sig) hangup_(sig)
 /* ### search.c ### */
 #define doidtrap() doidtrap_()
 #define dosearch() dosearch_()
 #define findone(zx, zy, num) findone_(zx, zy, num)
 #define openone(zx, zy, num) openone_(zx, zy, num)
 /* ### shk.c ### */
 #define dopay() dopay_()
 /* ### sit.c ### */
 #define dosit() dosit_()
 /* ### sounds.c ### */
 #define dotalk() dotalk_()
 /* ### spell.c ### */
 #define learn() learn_()
 #define docast() docast_()
 #define dovspell() dovspell_()
 /* ### steal.c ### */
 #define stealarm() stealarm_()
 /* ### trap.c ### */
 #define dotele() dotele_()
 #define dountrap() dountrap_()
 #define float_down() float_down_()
 /* ### version.c ### */
 #define doversion() doversion_()
 #define doextversion() doextversion_()
 /* ### wield.c ### */
 #define dowield() dowield_()
 /* ### zap.c ### */
 #define bhitm(x, y) bhitm_(x, y)
 #define bhito(x, y) bhito_(x, y)
 #define dozap() dozap_()
 /* ### getline.c ### */
 #define tty_getlin(x, y) tty_getlin_(x, y)
 #define tty_get_ext_cmd() tty_get_ext_cmd_()
 /* ### termcap.c ### */
 #define tty_nhbell() tty_nhbell_()
 #define tty_number_pad(x) tty_number_pad_(x)
 #define tty_delay_output() tty_delay_output_()
 #define tty_start_screen() tty_start_screen_()
 #define tty_end_screen() tty_end_screen_()
 /* ### topl.c ### */
 #define tty_doprev_message() tty_doprev_message_()
 #define tty_yn_function(x, y, z) tty_yn_function_(x, y, z)
 /* ### wintty.c ### */
 #define tty_init_nhwindows(x, y) tty_init_nhwindows_(x, y)
 #define tty_player_selection() tty_player_selection_()
 #define tty_askname() tty_askname_()
 #define tty_get_nh_event() tty_get_nh_event_()
 #define tty_exit_nhwindows(x) tty_exit_nhwindows_(x)
 #define tty_suspend_nhwindows(x) tty_suspend_nhwindows_(x)
 #define tty_resume_nhwindows() tty_resume_nhwindows_()
 #define tty_create_nhwindow(x) tty_create_nhwindow_(x)
 #define tty_clear_nhwindow(x) tty_clear_nhwindow_(x)
 #define tty_display_nhwindow(x, y) tty_display_nhwindow_(x, y)
 #define tty_destroy_nhwindow(x) tty_destroy_nhwindow_(x)
 #define tty_curs(x, y, z) tty_curs_(x, y, z)
 #define tty_putstr(x, y, z) tty_putstr_(x, y, z)
 #define tty_display_file(x, y) tty_display_file_(x, y)
 #define tty_start_menu(x) tty_start_menu_(x)
 #define tty_add_menu(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
     tty_add_menu_(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
 #define tty_end_menu(a, b) tty_end_menu_(a, b)
 #define tty_select_menu(a, b, c) tty_select_menu_(a, b, c)
 #define tty_update_inventory() tty_update_inventory_()
 #define tty_mark_synch() tty_mark_synch_()
 #define tty_wait_synch() tty_wait_synch_()
 #ifdef CLIPPING
 #define tty_cliparound(x, y) tty_cliparound_(x, y)
 #define tty_update_positionbar(x) tty_update_positionbar_(x)
 #define tty_print_glyph(a, b, c, d, e) tty_print_glyph_(a, b, c, d, e)
 #define tty_raw_print(x) tty_raw_print_(x)
 #define tty_raw_print_bold(x) tty_raw_print_bold_(x)
 #define tty_nhgetch() tty_nhgetch_()
 #define tty_nh_poskey(x, y, z) tty_nh_poskey_(x, y, z)
 #endif /* USE_TRAMPOLI */
 #endif /* TRAMPOLI_H */