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Hi fellow hackers! I'm jmst on, and an admin here.

What I'm up to

I'm happy with the way the wiki is going - lots of good people are adding good stuff. My vision is for NetHackWiki to be a Total Spoiler - a one-stop repository of all of humanity's knowledge of NetHack - as well as a venue for an emerging field of scholarly NetHack analysis :-) My secret desire is that it one day becomes bigger than Wikipedia.

2006/09/15: Travelling until next Tuesday. Tata for now!

2006/08/05: On a redirection binge. Trying to pre-empt duplicate articles.


The weather has been too nice for ASCII this week, but the subsequent thunderstorms finally drove me back inside and I'm planning to ascend a rather bedraggled Monk.

Result: he died on the thrice-accursed Plane of Air! Moral: Defence is only half the equation: you've got to be able to kill 'em. --Jayt 19:08, 4 August 2006 (UTC)


Date Char Score Turns Conducts
2004/02/29 Val Hum Mal Law 5167362 85417 aw
2004/06/08 Wiz Elf Fem Cha 5014828 62397 aw,ps
2004/11/30 Pri Elf Mal Cha 3566624 73989 aw,ps,s
2004/12/08 Tou Hum Mal Neu 9245501 74318 aw,s
2004/12/17 Kni Hum Mal Law 4394088 56715 aw,p,ps,s
2004/12/18 Bar Hum Fem Neu 8916782 118767 aw,s
2004/12/27 Sam Hum Mal Law 4142714 50476 aw,s
2005/01/19 Arc Hum Mal Law 2564564 35709 aw,p,ps,s
2005/01/22 Ran Elf Mal Cha 3638114 51113 aw,ps,s
2005/01/28 Cav Dwa Fem Law 3879664 42900 aw,ps,s
2005/02/15 Rog Hum Mal Cha 2518054 40832 aw,ps,s
2005/02/20 Mon Hum Fem Neu 2725664 31920 aw,ps
2005/02/23 Hea Gno Mal Neu 3239812 46553 aw,p,ps,s
2005/03/17 Val Dwa Fem Law 3315062 43018 aw,g,p,ps,vg,w,s
2005/10/21 Wiz Elf Mal Cha 3348070 52493 aw,g,p,ps,w,s
2006/02/26 Bar Hum Mal Cha 2902394 42906 ps,s
2006/06/28 Wiz Hum Mal Neu 1607752 22910 p,ps,s
2006/07/04 Rog Orc Fem Cha 2550726 40404 aw,g,p,ps,w
2006/07/20 Pri Hum Mal Law 4339290 68745 a,i,g,p
2006/10/24 Ran Hum Mal Neu 3230200 44564 g,p,w
  • a = atheist
  • aw = artifact wishless
  • g = genocideless
  • i = illiterate
  • p = polyless
  • ps = polyselfless
  • vg = vegan
  • w = wishless
  • s = survivor (I know, not a real conduct)

Old stuff


Here are my thoughts on completeness

Source wikification script

#version 20061002
# usage: ./ sourcefile.c
# the first line of output will be the article title, for use with
# an uploadbot
outputdir="/home/user/somewhere/" # where to put the wikified file
gamename = "NetHack"              # NetHack or Hack or SLASH'EM
uploadversion = "3.4.3"           # 1.3d/2.3e/3.1.0/3.4.3/etc.
latestversion = "3.4.3"           # 3.4.3 or 0.0.7E7F2
license = "NGPL"                  # NGPL or CWI

import sys, re

srcfile = sys.argv[1]

f = open(srcfile)
g = open(outputdir + srcfile, "w")

if uploadversion != latestversion or gamename=="SLASH'EM":
	wikilink = gamename + ' ' + uploadversion + '/' + srcfile
	srccodelink = '[[' + gamename + ' ' + uploadversion + \
' source code|source code]]'
	catlink = "[[Category:" + gamename + ' ' + uploadversion\
+ ' ' + "source code|" + srcfile + "]]"
	oldwarning = "'''Warning!''' This is the source code from an old \
release. For the latest release, see [[Source code]].\n\n"
	wikilink = srcfile
	srccodelink = '[[source code]]'
	catlink = "[[Category:Source code]]"
	oldwarning = ''

if gamename == "SLASH'EM":
	oldwarning = ''
	if uploadversion != latestversion:
		oldwarning = "'''Warning!''' This is the source code\
 from an old release. For the latest release, see [[SLASH'EM "\
+latestversion+" source code]].\n\n"
	slashwarning = "The latest source code for vanilla NetHack is \
at [[Source code]].\n\n"
	slashwarning = ''

print >> g, wikilink
print >> g, "Below is the full text to '''" + srcfile + "''' from the "\
+ srccodelink + " of [[" \
+ gamename + ' ' + uploadversion + ']]. To link to a particular line, \
write [[' + wikilink + '#line123|[[' + wikilink + \
'#line123]]]], for example.\n'

print >> g, oldwarning + slashwarning

print >> g, "{{" + license + "}}"

for line in f.readlines():
	wikiline = (str(i) + '.').ljust(6)+line.rstrip("\n")
		wikiline = ''+wikiline+''
	print >> g, ' <span id="line' + str(i) + '">'+wikiline\
       	i += 1

print >> g, catlink

--Jayt 18:39, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

Updated to output better wikicode. --Jayt 21:56, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

Updated to handle old source code files. --Jayt 11:51, 31 August 2006 (UTC)

Updated to handle SLASH'EM and files containing {{ --Jayt 19:03, 2 October 2006 (UTC)