Source:Hack 1.0/hack.cmdlist.c

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Below is the full text to hack.cmdlist.c from the source code of Hack 1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Hack 1.0/hack.cmdlist.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

Screenshots and source code from Hack are used under the CWI license.

1.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1984. */
3.    #include	"config.h"
4.    #include	"def.objclass.h"
5.    #include	"def.func_tab.h"
7.    int doredraw(),doredotopl(),dodrop(),dodrink(),doread(),dosearch(),
8.    doversion(),doweararm(),dowearring(),doremarm(),doremring(),dopay(),doapply(),
9.    dosave(),dowield(),ddoinv(),dozap(),ddocall(),dowhatis(),doengrave(),
10.   dohelp(),doeat(),doddrop(),do_mname(),doidtrap(),doprwep(),doprarm(),doprring();
11.   #ifdef SHELL
12.   int dosh();
13.   #endif SHELL
14.   #ifdef OPTIONS
15.   int doset();
16.   #endif OPTIONS
17.   int doup(), dodown(), done1(), donull();
18.   int dothrow();
19.   struct func_tab list[]={
20.   	'\022', doredraw,
21.   	'\020', doredotopl,
22.   	'a', doapply,
23.   /*	'A' : UNUSED */
24.   /*	'b', 'B' : go sw */
25.   	'c', ddocall,
26.   	'C', do_mname,
27.   	'd', dodrop,
28.   	'D', doddrop,
29.   	'e', doeat,
30.   	'E', doengrave,
31.   /*	'f', 'F' : multiple go (might become 'fight') */
32.   /*	'g', 'G' : UNUSED */
33.   /*	'h', 'H' : go west */
34.   	'i', ddoinv,
35.   /*	'I' : UNUSED */
36.   /*	'j', 'J', 'k', 'K', 'l', 'L', 'm', 'M', 'n', 'N' : move commands */
37.   #ifdef OPTIONS
38.   	'o', doset,
39.   #endif OPTIONS
40.   /*	'O' : UNUSED */
41.   	'p', dopay,
42.   	'P', dowearring,
43.   	'q', dodrink,
44.   	'Q', done1,
45.   	'r', doread,
46.   	'R', doremring,
47.   	's', dosearch,
48.   	'S', dosave,
49.   	't', dothrow,
50.   	'T', doremarm,
51.   /*	'u', 'U' : go ne */
52.   	'v', doversion,
53.   /*	'V' : UNUSED */
54.   	'w', dowield,
55.   	'W', doweararm,
56.   /*	'x', 'X' : UNUSED */
57.   /*	'y', 'Y' : go nw */
58.   	'z', dozap,
59.   /*	'Z' : UNUSED */
60.   	'<', doup,
61.   	'>', dodown,
62.   	'/', dowhatis,
63.   	'?', dohelp,
64.   #ifdef SHELL
65.   	'!', dosh,
66.   #endif SHELL
67.   	'.', donull,
68.   	' ', donull,
69.   	'^', doidtrap,
70.   	 WEAPON_SYM,  doprwep,
71.   	 ARMOR_SYM,  doprarm,
72.   	 RING_SYM,  doprring,
73.   	0,0,0
74.   };