Bare hands

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The bare hands skill is used when attacking while wielding nothing. Every role has this skill, except Monks and Samurai, who instead possess the superior martial arts skill.

Damage calculation

Bare hands do 1d2 base damage to both small and large monsters.[1]. Shades are an exception, receiving 0 base damage.

If base damage is more than 1, then there is a skill-based damage bonus: +1 for Basic or Skilled, +2 for Expert or Master.[2]

There is a strength bonus.

If you are wearing blessed gloves, and you are striking an undead monster, a major demon, or a shapeshifted vampire, then there is a 1d4 damage bonus. If you are not wearing gloves, and you are wearing a silver ring, and you are striking a monster that is vulnerable to silver damage, then there is a 1d20 damage bonus. However, a second silver ring does not add a second silver damage bonus. [3]

If you have at least Basic skill there is a small chance of a staggering blow.

Since the skill-based damage bonus is applied only to hits with base damage greater than 1, the average damage is not 1.5 + bonus, but (1 + (2+bonus)) / 2.

  + to hit + damage average damage
Unskilled +1 +0 1.5
Basic +1 +1 2
Skilled +2 +1 2
Expert +2 +2 2.5
Master +3 +2 2.5

No role can advance to Grand Master in bare hands.

Bare hands skill

Bare hands
Max Role

Roles which can reach Master start with Basic skill; these are Barbarians and Cavemen. Other roles start Unskilled.


A desperate hero may need to attack with bare hands from time to time, but the need is rare and the benefit is marginal. A ranged attack is much better. This skill should never be enhanced.

Bare-handed attacks do not break the never hit with a wielded weapon conduct. However, a role with martial arts is much more suitable for this conduct.


In NetHack 3.4.3, there was no to-hit bonus for this skill.[4]


SporkHack grants a to-hit bonus if you advance the skill.

In SLASH'EM, the Drow can put enemies to sleep by attacking with bare hands.
