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名称 基础价 重量 AC 材料 效果 外观
低跟鞋 8 10 1 皮革 步行鞋
高筒靴 12 20 2 皮革 长筒靴
铁鞋 16 50 2 硬底鞋
精灵靴 8 15 1 皮革 赋予潜行 随机
踢靴 8 50 1 提升击效果 随机
笨拙靴 30 20 1 皮革 赋予笨拙 随机
飘浮靴 30 15 1 皮革 赋予飘浮 随机
跳跃靴 50 20 1 皮革 赋予跳跃能力 随机
速度靴 50 20 1 皮革 加速 随机
水上步靴 50 15 1 皮革 赋予水上行走 随机


  • 带扣靴
  • 战斗靴
  • 登山靴
  • 丛林靴
  • 马靴
  • 雪地靴
  • 泥靴




速度靴、跳跃靴和水上步靴的基础价都是50 zm;笨拙靴和飘浮靴是30 zm;精灵靴和踢靴是8 zm(基本上约实用的靴子就越贵)。但要注意,防具的附魔带来的售价提升会影响判断。








水上步靴鉴定起来比较麻烦,因为直接走进水里非常危险!如果有条件,可以用启蒙来确定。如果你发现某双50 zm价值的靴子既无法提供加速,也无法让你跳跃,那么它就是水上步靴了。




SLASH'EM uses steel boots as a randomized appearance for magical boots in place of buckled boots. This change is purely cosmetic: SLASH'EM does not introduce any new types of randomized boots. Despite the name, steel boots are not inherently metallic, as an object's material is dependent on its base type, not its randomized appearance (thus, steel boots will be metallic if they are kicking boots, as is true for any other randomized appearance).

SLASH'EM also regularizes the weights of the randomized boots, albeit not completely: speed, water walking, jumping, and fumble boots all weigh 20 aum, while kicking, levitation, and elven boots weigh 15.

While SLASH'EM does not introduce any new types of boots, it does introduce an artifact set of boots: Whisperfeet. These are neutral speed boots that are the guaranteed first sacrifice gift for tourists, and in addition to their usual effect act as a luckstone when carried and provide stealth when worn. The presence of Whisperfeet means that the artifact naming bug (which still works in SLASH'EM) can be used to distinguish speed boots. Conversely, a player who finds Whisperfeet will informally learn the appearance of speed boots.


In Fantasyland these are remarkable in that they seldom or
never wear out and are suitable for riding or walking in
without the need of Socks. Boots never pinch, rub, or get
stones in them; nor do nails stick upwards into the feet from
the soles. They are customarily mid-calf length or knee-high,
slip on and off easily and never smell of feet. Unfortunately,
the formula for making this splendid footwear is a closely
guarded secret, possibly derived from nonhumans (see Dwarfs,
Elves, and Gnomes).

[ The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, by Diana Wynne Jones ]