Skeleton key
( ![]() | |
Name | skeleton key |
Appearance | key |
Base price | 10 zm |
Weight | 3 |
Material | iron |
Monster use | Will not be used by monsters. |
A skeleton key is a type of tool that appears in NetHack. It is an unlocking tool that is made of iron, and appears as a key when unidentified.
The skeleton key is the base item for the artifact The Master Key of Thievery.
Skeleton keys make up 2⁄25 of all randomly-generated tools, and are always generated uncursed outside of bones levels and trap "bones". General stores and hardware stores can sell skeleton keys.
Shopkeepers always generate with a skeleton key.[1]
Applying a skeleton key towards a door or lockable container will lock it if unlocked, or unlock it if locked, with the chance of the hero succeeding dependent on their dexterity: there is a (70+Dex)% chance of success for doors and a (75+Dex)% chance for containers, and the chance of unlocking a container is halved if the key is cursed.[2][3][4] This chance is calculated and rolled during each action of the occupation until the hero either succeeds, is interrupted or gives up after 50 turns - a completed attempt to use a skeleton key exercises dexterity regardless of success.[5][6]
A hero applying a skeleton key to a door in Minetown in view of a watch member has a 1⁄3 chance during each action of being interrupted and warned, causing the door to become trapped as well[7] - immediately attempting to lock or unlock that door again will anger the entire watch.[8]
A hero that applies a skeleton key on a mimic disguised as a door will uncover the mimic, and the mimic will have a 1⁄2 chance of absorbing the tool and adding it to its inventory, which is reduced to 1⁄10 for artifacts.[9]
Intelligent monsters with hands that are not tiny will pick up a skeleton key and use it to unlock locked doors, and pets that can use keys will hold on to them for this purpose.[10]
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
Per commit b12ea03d, intelligent monsters with hands will also use keys to unlock containers.Strategy
Skeleton keys are worth carrying for any hero: it is one of the faster methods of locking and unlocking doors for most roles, and is the fastest method of locking and unlocking containers for all roles except the Rogue - they are also one unit of weight lighter than lock picks, which can be a factor for especially cautious players and highly-efficient packrats. Most heroes will only need one unlocking tool, though they can keep a backup in case the primary one is stolen or permanently lost.
Be careful allowing pets to obtain keys, as they will become difficult to keep out of certain rooms (e.g. keeping higher-leveled pets away from shopkeepers and aligned priests). This also means that it is possible (albeit incredibly unlikely in normal play) for a chaotic pet that picks up The Master Key of Thievery to keep it until they are killed or else have it stolen.
The skeleton key first appears alongside other unlocking tools in NetHack 3.0.0 - from this version to NetHack 3.0.10, including variants based on those versions, there are also special shaped keys that fit specific locks on chests and large boxes: a triangular key can only open a container with a triangular keyhole, while a skeleton key can be used for any keyhole, but locks and unlocks slower in comparison.
Below is a list of keys in NetHack 3.0.10 and the locks that they fit in:
Key | Lock |
round | round |
square | square |
triangular | triangular |
oval | oval |
octagonal | octagonal |
hexagonal | hexagonal |
cylindrical | wide |
irregular | notched |
conical | large round |
wedge-shaped | large square |
The ability of monsters to unlock doors using keys and other tools is introduced in NetHack 3.6.0 via commit c1393e50 and commit 74f08dcb.
A skeleton key is a type of master key whose serrated edge has been removed in such a way that it can open numerous locks, most commonly warded locks: a master key system of lever locks normally has the same lever heights in all locks, and each door will have different or wards so that they can only be opened by the correctly warded key or the master key - the skeleton key's warded section is removed so that it opens all the doors of a system, and is so named because the key has been reduced to its "bare bones" or essential parts. Though skeleton keys are often associated with picking locks for illicit purposes (e.g. releasing handcuffs), legitimate skeleton or master keys are used in many modern contexts where lock operation is required and the original key has been lost or is not available. In hotels without electronic locks, skeleton keys are used by housekeeping services to enter the rooms.
Variants based on NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions may not add the ability for monsters to unlock doors with keys, while variants based on later versions usually retain this feature and allow them to unlock containers as well.
In SLASH'EM, non-artifact skeleton keys that are not blessed have a 1⁄15 chance of breaking when applied.[11][12] This makes it useful for a hero to keep multiple unlocking tools on hand, which can be safely ditched once they can bless a couple or else obtain an artifact tool. Monsters cannot use skeleton keys.
Upgrading a credit card or lock pick will produce a skeleton key, and upgrading a skeleton key will produce a lock pick.
SLASH'EM also adds the three alignment keys, which are intelligent artifacts that correspond to each of the three alignments: at least two of the three are required to unlock the artifact doors on the top floor of Vlad's Tower under normal circumstances, and a hero can also use the key of their alignment to reliably lock and unlock doors and containers without the key breaking.
In UnNetHack, monsters can pick up and use skeleton keys and other unlocking tools on doors starting in version 5.1.
In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, clockwork automata heroes require skeleton keys in order to be wound up and maintain their "nutrition", since they cannot eat food of any kind. Each turn is worth 10 nutrition, and another non-hostile monster that is intelligent and has hands must perform this action for them: a tame monster will perform the action for a clockwork hero that chats to them, and a peaceful monster can do so if they are paid.
In xNetHack, intelligent monsters with hands can also use keys to unlock containers.
Skeletons may drop skeleton keys made of bone upon death.
In SpliceHack, One-eyed Sam the black marker proprietor is always generated with a skeleton key.
A skeleton key can be created by combining two lock picks at a furnace, and two skeleton keys can be combined to create a lock pick.
In EvilHack, skeleton keys have a base material of bone.
In Hack'EM, skeleton keys have a base material of bone as in EvilHack.
Upgrading a skeleton key will produce a lock pick and vice versa.
Skeletons may drop skeleton keys made of bone upon death as in xNetHack.
- ↑ src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 674
- ↑ src/lock.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 428: skeleton keys and containers
- ↑ src/lock.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 434: cursed unlocking tools
- ↑ src/lock.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 510: skeleton keys and doors
- ↑ src/lock.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 104
- ↑ src/lock.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 164
- ↑ src/monmove.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 87: watch_on_duty function
- ↑ src/monmove.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 92: angers watch if already warned
- ↑ src/lock.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 465: unlocking tools and mimics imitating doors
- ↑ src/monmove.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 47
- ↑ lock.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 412: skeleton keys and containers
- ↑ lock.c in SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2, line 515: skeleton keys and doors
This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:
Redistribution, copying, and editing of these spoilers, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- The original contributors to any spoiler must continue to be credited.
- Any modifications to the spoiler must be acknowledged and credited.