Firefighter quest

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In the Firefighter quest, Firefighters are matched against Eddie the Pyro for the Fire Chief Helmet. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article.

Home level Fire-Brigade Base
Locate level Smokey Forest
Goal level Eddie the Pyro's lair
Leader Smokey
Guardians attendants
Nemesis Eddie the Pyro
Quest Artifact Fire Chief Helmet


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:


Fire-Brigade Base

..............^..................... . .....................................
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...................................E . :....................................
................................... E:: ....................................
.................................... . .....................................
................................... ... ....................................

The magic portal is in the top left. Smokey sits in the center on a chest and a chaotic altar, surrounded by 8 attendants. The circle is under siege by 8 fire elementals, 5 salamanders, 2 greater fire elementals and one random lizard (marked 1). There is a pit at each entrance to the circle, and there are two other random traps on the level.

The entire level is no-teleport, and has undiggable walls.

A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"level is lit"

Upper filler level

Smokey Forest

 <.       ....            ......            .>.        .......         ..   
  ..     ......S...     ..........         .....       ........       ....  
   ..    .. ...   .    ......... ..          ^           .....       ....   
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    .....        ...      ..         ..    ........              ..    ..   
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    ....      .. ....   ....       ........................S....S......     
       ..    ..   ..     ...     ........................         ..        
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   .. ..     ..............    ....      ............      ....  ..   ..... 
    ...                   ..            ..     ....    .....      ..   .... 
                           ..............         ......           .....    

Lower filler level(s)

Eddie the Pyro's Lair

 -----                                                                ----- 
 --.-----............-----.......---|.|     ---------- --.......----- --.-- 
  |.||.............................||.|     |........| |.........S..-- |.|  
  |.|--............----.--......----|.|     |.------.| --.......---..--|.|  
  |.| ---.........--  |.|--....------+----- |.|...||.|--------------..||.|  
  |.|-------S---------|.| ------|.........| |.S.---|.S...............--|.|  
  |.|-...---.|  --...-|.|-------|.........|--------|.|---------------- |.|  
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  |.|-----.......-----...--     -----+-------....----....----..........|.|  
  |.|..............--..---          |.|   --......--..--.............--|.|  
 --.-----.............--            |.|   |..........----------......|--.-- 
 -----                                                                ----- 



First time:

Waves of blistering heat ripple off of the lava-covered landscape that
surrounds you.  Off in the distance, you can see the craggy rocks
of Fire-Brigade Base.

Suddenly, the hairs on your neck stand on end as you detect a faint hint of
evil moisture in the air.

Next time:

Once again, you near Fire-Brigade Base.  You know that Smokey
will be waiting. 

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

Again, and you think possibly for the last time, you approach
Fire-Brigade Base.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"The battles here have been good -- our enemies' blood has boiled away!"
"May your days always be warm!"
"We have had trouble concentrating on our studies!"
"The water elementals are fierce, but they boil away under our fire!"
"Smokey is a strange one, but he has helped defend us."

If #chatting after the quest is complete:

"May your days always be warm!"
"Since the defeat of the hoarde, all can concentrate fully on our studies!"
"I'm taking my holidays in Gehennom this year - very warm there, supposedly"
"Have you noticed how much stronger Smokey is since the Fire Chief Helmet was recovered?"

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

This message is not currently used:

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

When finally assigned the quest:


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

Locate level

When first entering the locate level:

To be written.

When returning:

To be written.

Goal level

When first entering the goal level:

To be written.

When returning:

To be written.

Quest nemesis

To be written.


To be written.


When picking up your quest artifact:

As you pick up the Fire Chief Helmet, you feel the power of it
flowing through your hands.  It seems to be in two or more places
at once, even though you are holding it.

When killing the nemesis:

Eddie the Pyro falls to the ground, and utters a last curse at you.  Then his
body fades slowly, seemingly dispersing into the air around you.  You
slowly become aware that the overpowering aura of magic in the air has
begun to fade.

When returning to your quest leader:

To be written.

When subsequently throwing the Orb of Detection to Lord Carnarvon:

To be written.


To be written.