Sokoban Level 1n

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Sokoban Level 1n is one of the new possible maps for Sokoban Level 1 in UnNetHack; an altered version of this level may also appear as a second floor map in EvilHack.


In UnNetHack, this level has 16 boulders and 18 pits, but only 15 of them need to be filled, leaving 1 spare boulder. Like all Sokoban levels in UnNetHack, this level may be flipped horizontally or vertically.

Beware of the lava near the end of this level, which can spell a very quick end to a promising character and may be devastating even if you survive with fire resistance.

----------------     0 boulder
|...|..|>|.--..|     ^ pit
|.|.|..0....0..---   > starting position/downstairs
|.|....--##--.0..--- < upstairs
|...|..|..<.|..00..| ? scroll of earth
--0-|0-|^##^|......| # iron bars
 |.||.|-^^^^--.--.-- } lava


EvilHack removes the extra pits on the leftmost lane and adds a row of iron bars nearby, relocating the upstair to the north of it; the amount of boulders is unchanged.

----------------     0 boulder
|...|..|>|.--..|     ^ pit
|.|.|..0....0..---   > starting position/downstairs
|.|....--##--.0..--- < upstairs
|...|..|<...|..00..| # iron bars
--0-|0-|###^|......| } lava


The main idea here is to fill in both lanes of pits in the center to make enough room to push boulders horizontally into one of the sets of pits near the lava pools.

The following solution may not be very fast or organized. Improvements welcome. Like all Sokoban levels it can be solved without making any boulders 'stick'.

All boulders are replaced by letters so they can be referred to. Moving the boulders is shortened to r for right, l for left, u for up, d for down. An asterisk is used to denote the last move filled a pit (and thus removed the boulder from the game). So "N ddrr*" means move boulder N two times down and two times to the right into a pit.

First, make your way to the lower left chamber, pushing the boulders the only way that prevents them from sticking other boulders:

----------------     A ll
|...|..|@|.--..|     F dddd dd

Push the first boulder in.

----------------     N rrru u*

Use the boulders in the lower left chamber to finish the right lane of pits:

----------------     M u
|...|..|>|.--..|     L rrrr d__ rrrr uuu*
|.|.|A......B..---   M drd_ ___ rrrr uuuu*
|.|....--##--.C..--- K drrd ___ rrrr uuuu u*
|...|..|..<.|..DE..| J drrr d__ rrrr uuuu uu*
--.-|G-|^##^|......| F rrrr dd_ rrrr uuuu uuu*

Use the last two boulders on the left to start work on the left lane:

----------------     G dddd dd__ __ rddr rruu*
|...|..|>|.--..|     A dddd dddd d_ rddr rruu u*

Break into the lower right chamber to continue filling the pits of the left lane:

----------------     O rru
|...|..|>|.--..|     P llll lllu uuu*
|.|.|.......B..---   O dlll luuu uu*

The next boulder needs to be moved to prevent the remaining boulders from getting stuck, but from there the boulders of the upper right chamber can be used to finish the left lane of pits and fill in one of the sets of three pits near the lava pools, which you should be careful of. For UnNetHack, the left lane is slightly faster here:

----------------     I uuuu uu
|...|..|>|.--..|     H drrr ____ ____ ddll llll lluu uuuu*
|.|.|.......B..---   C dddd dddd rrr_ ddll llll lluu uuuu u*
|.|....--##--.C..--- D dldd dddd rrr_ ddll llll lluu uuuu l*
|...|..|..<.|..DE..| E d
--.-|.-|^##^|......| I ll
 |.||.|-^^.^--.--.-- E rddd ddd_ ____ ddll llll lluu uuuu ul*
 |.##.#}^^.^}#.##.|  I drrd dddd d___ ddll llll lluu uuuu ulu*

Check under the final boulder in case an item happens to be underneath.



The solution for UnNetHack is applicable for this version of the level up to this point:


Here, a right lane strategy is required as the group of pits by the left pool of lava are removed:

----------------     I uuuu uu
|...|..|>|.--..|     H drrr ____ ____ ddll llll lluu uuuu*
|.|.|.......B..---   C dddd dddd rrr_ ddll llll lluu uuuu u*
|.|....--##--.C..--- D dldd dddd rrr_ ddll llll lluu uuuu rr*
|...|..|..<.|..DE..| E d
--.-|.-|###^|......| I ll
 |.||.|-.^.^--.--.-- E rddd ddd_ ____ ddll llll lluu uuuu urr*
 |.##.#}.^.^}#.##.|  I drrd dddd d___ ddll llll lluu uuuu urru*

Next level

The pool of possible levels on the next floor depends on the variant:


UnNetHack's Sokoban branch has only three levels per game, collapsing the 'second' levels into the first floor, so the first level leads straight to the pool of third levels: