Sokoban Level 4e (flipped vertically)

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This is one of the new possible maps for the final level of Sokoban in UnNetHack (flipped around the horizontal axis from the original GruntHack level). It has 22 boulders and 18 holes, leaving 4 spare boulders.

Behind the holes is a treasure zoo, beyond which is a set of closets containing Sokoban prizes, only one of which can be picked up: a bag of holding, a cloak (of magic resistance or displacement) and an amulet (of reflection, life saving or ESP).

    --------------            + door
    |..|..|..-|>.|            > starting position/downstairs
----|......0..|..|  -------   ^ hole
|...|..000-0..0..|--|.....|   0 boulder
 |.| |....---0|.0.|-|.....|.|
|..|.0..-...----.-| ------|.|
|.0.....0..0......|       |.|


The following solution may not be very fast or organized. Improvements welcome. Like all Sokoban levels it can be solved without making any boulders 'stick'.

All boulders are replaced by letters so they can be referred to. Letters O and Q are skipped for clarity. Moving the boulders is shortened to r for right, l for left, u for up, d for down. An asterisk is used to denote the last move filled a hole (and thus removed the boulder from the game). So "N ddrr*" means move boulder N two times down and two times to the right into a hole.

First, a few boulders need to be rotated near the entrance so that M can be pushed into the position of N:

    --------------            R d
    |..|..|..-|@.|            W ru
----|......X..|..|  -------   R uull l
|...|..STU-V..W..|--|.....|   X llll l
|...M.N..P..-..R.||.+.....|   S dddd u
--.|..-.--.L....--|-|.....|-- L rrrr uu
 |.|--..|..|.K..--|.+.....+.| V ddrr rr
 |.| |....---I|.J.|-|.....|.| P rr
 |.|--..--.|..|H..|.+.....|.| N rr
--.|..--...|......|-|.....|.| M llrr rr
|..|.G..-...----.-| ------|.| V uurr rr
|.D.....E..F......|       |.| L rrrr dd
--...-.C-------------------.| S uuuu d
 |..|.AB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^..| X llll l
 ---|...--------------------- R ddll l
    |..--                     W rd
    ----                      R u

It is now possible to make it up to the holes by going along the left. Beware, pushing D the wrong way here can be hard to recover from:

    --------------            D r
    |..|..|..-|>.|            A d
----|.X.......|W.|  -------   B r*
|...|...TU-.R..L.|--|.....|   A urrr*
|....@M.N..P-....||.+.....|   C drrr*
--.|..-.--.....V--|-|.....|-- G drrd drrr r*
 |.|--.S|..|.K..--|.+.....+.| D rrrr ddrr rrr*
 |.| |....---I|.J.|-|.....|.|
|..|.G..-...----.-| ------|.|
|.D.....E..F......|       |.|

The boulders at the bottom can now be pushed around the outer edge of the level:

    --------------            M llll ____ ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr*
    |..|..|..-|>.|            X ddll ll__ ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr r*
----|.X.......|W.|  -------   N llll ll__ ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rr* 
|...|...TU-.R..L.|--|.....|   S uull lll_ ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrr*
|.....M.N..P-....||.+.....|   U d
--.|..-.--.....V--|-|.....|-- T lldl lll_ ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr*
 |.|--.S|..|.K..--|.+.....+.| U llll lll_ ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr r*
 |.| |....---I|.J.|-|.....|.| P uull llll ____ ____ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr rr*
 |.|--..--.|..|H..|.+.....|.| R lull llll ddll l___ ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr rrr*
--.|..--...|......|-|.....|.| L llll ulll llld dlll ___ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr rrrr*
|..|....-...----.-| ------|.| W dlll lull llll ddll l__ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr rrrr r*
|.......E..F......|       |.| V uull llul llll lddl ll_ dddd dddr rrrr ddrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rr*

The last two holes can be filled by the two topmost boulders:

    --------------            K r
    |..|..|..-|>.|            I ddrr r
----|.........|..|  -------   H u
|...|.....-......|--|.....|   I l
|...........-....||.+.....|   F l
--.|..-.--......--|-|.....|-- E lldd ___ rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rr*
 |.|--..|..|.K..--|.+.....+.| F llll dd_ rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrr*
 |.| |....---I|.J.|-|.....|.|
|..|....-...----.-| ------|.|
|.......E..F......|       |.|

The level is now complete. Remember to check under boulder J for any items.

----|.........|..|  -------
 |.| |....---.|HJ.|-|.....|.|
|..|....-...----.-| ------|.|
|.................|       |.|