Source:NetHack 3.0.0/apply.c

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Below is the full text to apply.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/apply.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)apply.c	3.0	88/10/24
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /* block some unused #defines to avoid overloading some cpp's */
6.    #define MONATTK_H
7.    #include	"hack.h"
8.    #include	"edog.h"
10.   #ifdef MUSIC
11.   #define IS_INSTRUMENT(typ)	((typ) >= FLUTE && (typ) <= DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE)
12.   #endif /* MUSIC /**/
14.   static const char tools[] = { TOOL_SYM, 0 };
16.   static boolean did_dig_msg;
18.   /* version of bhit for cameras and mirrors */
19.   static
20.   struct monst *
21.   bchit(ddx,ddy,range,sym) register int ddx,ddy,range; char sym; {
22.   	register struct monst *mtmp = (struct monst *) 0;
23.   	register int bchx = u.ux, bchy =;
25.   	if(sym) {
26.   		Tmp_at2(-1, sym);	/* open call */
27.   #ifdef MSDOSCOLOR
28.   		Tmp_at2(-3, (int)AT_WHITE);
29.   #endif
30.   	}
31.   	while(range--) {
32.   		bchx += ddx;
33.   		bchy += ddy;
34.   		if(levl[bchx][bchy].mmask) {
35.   			mtmp = m_at(bchx,bchy);
36.   			break;
37.   		}
38.   		if(!ZAP_POS(levl[bchx][bchy].typ) ||
39.   		    (IS_DOOR(levl[bchx][bchy].typ) &&
40.   			    (levl[bchx][bchy].doormask & (D_CLOSED | D_LOCKED)))
41.   		  ) {
42.   			bchx -= ddx;
43.   			bchy -= ddy;
44.   			break;
45.   		}
46.   		if(sym) Tmp_at2(bchx, bchy);
47.   	}
48.   	if(sym) Tmp_at2(-1, -1);
49.   	return(mtmp);
50.   }
52.   static void
53.   use_camera(obj) /* register */ struct obj *obj; {
54.   register struct monst *mtmp;
55.   	if(!getdir(1)){		/* ask: in what direction? */
56.   		flags.move = multi = 0;
57.   		return;
58.   	}
59.   	if(u.uswallow) {
60.   		You("take a picture of %s's stomach.", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
61.   		return;
62.   	}
63.   	if(obj->cursed && !rn2(2)) goto blindu;
64.   	if( {
65.   		You("take a picture of the %s.",
66.   			( > 0) ? "floor" : "ceiling");
67.   		return;
68.   	}
69.   	if(!u.dx && !u.dy && ! {
70.   blindu:
71.   		if(!Blind) {
72.   			You("are blinded by the flash!");
73.   			make_blinded((long)rnd(25),FALSE);
74.   		}
75.   		return;
76.   	}
77.   	if(mtmp = bchit(u.dx, u.dy, COLNO, '!')) {
78.   		if(mtmp->msleep){
79.   			mtmp->msleep = 0;
80.   			pline("The flash awakens %s.", mon_nam(mtmp)); /* a3 */
81.   		} else
82.   		if(mtmp->data->mlet != S_YLIGHT)
83.   		if(mtmp->mcansee || mtmp->mblinded){
84.   			register int tmp = dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
85.   			register int tmp2;
86.   			if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
87.   			  pline("%s is blinded by the flash!", Monnam(mtmp));
88.   			if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_GREMLIN]) {
89.   			  /* Rule #1: Keep them out of the light. */
90.   			  kludge("%s cries out in pain!", Monnam(mtmp));
91.   			  if (mtmp->mhp > 1) mtmp->mhp--;
92.   			}
93.   			setmangry(mtmp);
94.   			if(tmp < 9 && !mtmp->isshk && rn2(4)) {
95.   				mtmp->mflee = 1;
96.   				if(rn2(4)) mtmp->mfleetim = rnd(100);
97.   			}
98.   			if(tmp < 3) mtmp->mcansee  = mtmp->mblinded = 0;
99.   			else {
100.  				tmp2 = mtmp->mblinded;
101.  				tmp2 += rnd(1 + 50/tmp);
102.  				if(tmp2 > 127) tmp2 = 127;
103.  				mtmp->mblinded = tmp2;
104.  				mtmp->mcansee = 0;
105.  			}
106.  		}
107.  	}
108.  }
110.  /* Strictly speaking it makes no sense for usage of a stethoscope to
111.     not take any time; however, unless it did, the stethoscope would be
112.     almost useless. */
113.  static void
114.  use_stethoscope(obj) register struct obj *obj; {
115.  register struct monst *mtmp;
116.  register struct rm *lev;
117.  register int rx, ry;
118.  	if(!freehand()) {
119.  		You("have no free %s!", body_part(HAND));
120.  		return;
121.  	}
122.  	if (!getdir(1)) {
123.  		flags.move=multi=0;
124.  		return;
125.  	}
126.  	if( < 0 || ( && Levitation)) {
127.  		You("can't reach the %s!",<0 ? "ceiling" : "floor");
128.  		return;
129.  	}
130.  	if(obj->cursed && !rn2(2)) {
131.  		You("hear your heart beat.");
132.  		return;
133.  	}
134.  	if( {
135.  #ifdef STRONGHOLD
136.  		if (dlevel == stronghold_level)
137.  			You("hear the crackling of hellfire.");
138.  		else
139.  #endif
140.  			pline("The floor seems healthy enough.");
141.  		return;
142.  	}
143.  	if (Stunned || (Confusion && !rn2(5))) confdir();
144.  	if (!u.dx && !u.dy && ! {
145.  		ustatusline();
146.  		return;
147.  	}
148.  	rx = u.ux + u.dx; ry = + u.dy;
149.  	if(u.uswallow) {
150.  		mstatusline(u.ustuck);
151.  		return;
152.  	}
153.  	if (!isok(rx,ry)) {
154.  		You("hear a faint typing noise.");
155.  		return;
156.  	}
157.  	lev = &levl[rx][ry];
158.  	if(lev->mmask) {
159.  		mtmp = m_at(rx,ry);
160.  		mstatusline(mtmp);
161.  		return;
162.  	}
163.  	if(lev->typ == SDOOR) {
164.  		You("hear a hollow sound!  This must be a secret door!");
165.  		lev->typ = DOOR;
166.  		lev->seen = 0;		/* force prl */
167.  		prl(rx,ry);
168.  		return;
169.  	}
170.  	if(lev->typ == SCORR) {
171.  		You("hear a hollow sound!  This must be a secret passage!");
172.  		lev->typ = CORR;
173.  		lev->seen = 0;		/* force prl */
174.  		prl(rx,ry);
175.  		return;
176.  	}
177.  	You("hear nothing special.");
178.  }
180.  /* ARGSUSED */
181.  static void
182.  use_whistle(obj)
183.  struct obj *obj; {
184.  	You("produce a high whistling sound.");
185.  	wake_nearby();
186.  }
188.  static void
189.  use_magic_whistle(obj)
190.  struct obj *obj; {
191.  	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
193.  	if(obj->cursed && !rn2(2)) {
194.  		You("produce a high-pitched humming noise.");
195.  		wake_nearby();
196.  	} else {
197.  		You("produce a %s whistling sound.", Hallucination
198.  			? "normal" : "strange");
199.  		while(mtmp) {
200.  			if(mtmp->mtame) mnexto(mtmp);
201.  			mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
202.  		}
203.  	}
204.  }
206.  boolean
207.  um_dist(x,y,n)
208.  register xchar x, y, n;
209.  {
210.  	return(abs(u.ux - x) > n  || abs( - y) > n);
211.  }
213.  #ifdef WALKIES
214.  #define MAXLEASHED	2
216.  int
217.  number_leashed()
218.  {
219.  	register int i = 0;
220.  	register struct obj *obj;
222.  	for(obj = invent; obj; obj = obj->nobj)
223.  		if(obj->otyp == LEASH && obj->leashmon != 0) i++;
224.  	return(i);
225.  }
227.  void
228.  o_unleash(otmp) 	/* otmp is about to be destroyed or stolen */
229.  register struct obj *otmp;
230.  {
231.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
233.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
234.  		if(mtmp->m_id == (unsigned)otmp->leashmon)
235.  			mtmp->mleashed = 0;
236.  	otmp->leashmon = 0;
237.  }
239.  void
240.  m_unleash(mtmp) 	/* mtmp is about to die, or become untame */
241.  register struct monst *mtmp;
242.  {
243.  	register struct obj *otmp;
245.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
246.  		if(otmp->otyp == LEASH &&
247.  				otmp->leashmon == (int)mtmp->m_id)
248.  			otmp->leashmon = 0;
249.  	mtmp->mleashed = 0;
250.  }
252.  void
253.  unleash_all()		/* player is about to die (for bones) */
254.  {
255.  	register struct obj *otmp;
256.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
258.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
259.  		if(otmp->otyp == LEASH) otmp->leashmon = 0;
260.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
261.  		if(mtmp->mtame) mtmp->mleashed = 0;
262.  }
264.  /* ARGSUSED */
265.  static void
266.  use_leash(obj)
267.  struct obj *obj;
268.  {
269.  	register int x, y;
270.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
272.  	if(!obj->leashmon && number_leashed() >= MAXLEASHED) {
273.  		You("can't leash additional pets.");
274.  		return;
275.  	}
277.  	if(!getdir(1)) return;
279.  	x = u.ux + u.dx;
280.  	y = + u.dy;
282.  	if((x == u.ux) && (y == {
283.  		pline("Leash yourself?  Very funny...");
284.  		return;
285.  	}
287.  	if(levl[x][y].mmask == 0) {
288.  		pline("There is no creature here.");
289.  		return;
290.  	}
292.  	mtmp = m_at(x, y);
294.  	if(!mtmp->mtame) {
295.  		pline("%s is not %s!", Monnam(mtmp), (!obj->leashmon) ?
296.  				"leashable" : "leashed");
297.  		return;
298.  	}
299.  	if(!obj->leashmon) {
300.  		if(mtmp->mleashed) {
301.  			pline("This %s is already leashed!", lmonnam(mtmp)+4);
302.  			return;
303.  		}
304.  		You("slip the leash around your %s.",
305.  				mtmp->data->mname);
306.  		mtmp->mleashed = 1;
307.  		obj->leashmon = (int)mtmp->m_id;
308.  		if(mtmp->msleep)  mtmp->msleep = 0;
309.  		return;
310.  	}
311.  	if(obj->leashmon != (int)mtmp->m_id) {
312.  		pline("This leash is not attached to that creature!");
313.  		return;
314.  	} else {
315.  		if(obj->cursed) {
316.  			pline("The leash wouldn't come off!");
317.  			return;
318.  		}
319.  		mtmp->mleashed = 0;
320.  		obj->leashmon = 0;
321.  		You("remove the leash from your %s.",
322.  		/* a hack to include the dogs full name.  +4 eliminates */
323.  		/* the 'the' at the start of the name */
324.  				 lmonnam(mtmp)+4);
325.  	}
326.  	return;
327.  }
329.  boolean
330.  next_to_u()
331.  {
332.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
333.  	register struct obj *otmp;
335.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
336.  		if(mtmp->mleashed) {
337.  			if(dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) > 2) mnexto(mtmp);
338.  			if(dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) > 2) {
339.  			    for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
340.  				if(otmp->otyp == LEASH &&
341.  					otmp->leashmon == (int)mtmp->m_id) {
342.  				    if(otmp->cursed) return(FALSE);
343.  				    You("feel %s leash go slack.",
344.  					(number_leashed() > 1) ? "a" : "the");
345.  				    mtmp->mleashed = 0;
346.  				    otmp->leashmon = 0;
347.  				}
348.  			}
349.  		}
350.  	return(TRUE);
351.  }
353.  struct obj *
354.  get_mleash(mtmp) 	/* assuming mtmp->mleashed has been checked */
355.  register struct monst *mtmp;
356.  {
357.  	register struct obj *otmp;
359.  	otmp = invent;
360.  	while(otmp) {
361.  		if(otmp->otyp == LEASH && otmp->leashmon == (int)mtmp->m_id)
362.  			return(otmp);
363.  		otmp = otmp->nobj;
364.  	}
365.  	return((struct obj *)0);
366.  }
368.  void
369.  check_leash(x, y)
370.  register xchar x, y;
371.  {
372.  	register struct obj *otmp;
373.  	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
375.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
376.  	    if(otmp->otyp == LEASH && otmp->leashmon != 0) {
377.  		while(mtmp) {
378.  		    if((int)mtmp->m_id == otmp->leashmon &&
379.  			    (dist2(u.ux,,mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) >
380.  				dist2(x,y,mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
381.  			) {
382.  			if(otmp->cursed) {
383.  			    if(um_dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 5)) {
384.  				pline("%s chokes to death!",Monnam(mtmp));
385.  				mondied(mtmp);
386.  			    } else
387.  				if(um_dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 3))
388.  					pline("%s chokes on the leash!",
389.  						Monnam(mtmp));
390.  			} else {
391.  			    if(um_dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 5)) {
392.  				pline("%s's leash snaps loose!",Monnam(mtmp));
393.  				m_unleash(mtmp);
394.  			    } else {
395.  				if(um_dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 3)) {
396.  				    You("pull on the leash.");
397.  # ifdef SOUNDS
398.  				    if (mtmp->data->msound != MS_SILENT)
399.  				    switch(rn2(3)) {
400.  					case 0:  growl(mtmp);	break;
401.  					case 1:  yelp(mtmp);	break;
402.  					default: whimper(mtmp); break;
403.  				    }
404.  # endif
405.  				}
406.  			    }
407.  			}
408.  		    }
409.  		    mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
410.  		}
411.  	    }
412.  }
413.  #endif /* WALKIES */
416.  static int
417.  dig() {
418.  	register struct rm *lev;
419.  	register int dpx = dig_pos.x, dpy = dig_pos.y;
421.  	lev = &levl[dpx][dpy];
422.  	/* perhaps a nymph stole his pick-axe while he was busy digging */
423.  	/* or perhaps he teleported away */
424.  	if(u.uswallow || !uwep || uwep->otyp != PICK_AXE ||
425.  	    dig_level != dlevel ||
426.  	    ((dig_down && (dpx != u.ux || dpy != ||
427.  	     (!dig_down && dist(dpx,dpy) > 2)))
428.  		return(0);
430.  	if(dig_down && is_maze_lev) {
431.  		pline("The floor here is too hard to dig in.");
432.  		return(0);
433.  	}
434.  	if(!dig_down && IS_ROCK(lev->typ) && !may_dig(dpx,dpy)) {
435.  		pline("This wall is too hard to dig into.");
436.  		return(0);
437.  	}
438.  	if(Fumbling && !rn2(3)) {
439.  		switch(rn2(3)) {
440.  		case 0:  if(!welded(uwep)) {
441.  			     You("fumble and drop your %s", xname(uwep));
442.  			     dropx(uwep);
443.  			 } else {
444.  			     pline("Ouch!  Your %s bounces and hits you!",
445.  				xname(uwep));
446.  			     set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, 5 + rnd(5));
447.  			 }
448.  			 break;
449.  		case 1:  pline("Bang!  You hit with the broad side of the %s!",
450.  			 xname(uwep)); break;
451.  		default: Your("swing misses its mark."); 
452.  			 break;
453.  		}
454.  		return(0);
455.  	}
456.  	dig_effort += 10 + abon() + uwep->spe + rn2(5);
457.  	if(dig_down) {
458.  		if(dig_effort > 250) {
459.  			dighole();
460.  			dig_level = -1;
461.  			return(0);	/* done with digging */
462.  		}
463.  		if(dig_effort > 50) {
464.  			register struct trap *ttmp = t_at(dpx,dpy);
466.  			if(!ttmp) {
467.  				ttmp = maketrap(dpx,dpy,PIT);
468.  				ttmp->tseen = 1;
469.  				if(Invisible) newsym(ttmp->tx,ttmp->ty);
470.  				You("have dug a pit.");
471.  				u.utrap = rn1(4,2);
472.  				u.utraptype = TT_PIT;
473.  				dig_level = -1;
474.  				return(0);
475.  			}
476.  		}
477.  	} else
478.  	if(dig_effort > 100) {
479.  		register char *digtxt;
480.  		register struct obj *obj;
482.  		if(obj = sobj_at(BOULDER, dpx, dpy)) {
483.  			fracture_rock(obj);
484.  			digtxt = "The boulder falls apart.";
485.  		} else if(obj = sobj_at(STATUE, dpx, dpy)) {
486.  			if (break_statue(obj))
487.  				digtxt = "The statue shatters.";
488.  			else
489.  	digtxt = "Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly comes alive!";
490.  		} else if(!lev->typ || lev->typ == SCORR) {
491.  			lev->typ = CORR;
492.  			digtxt = "You succeeded in cutting away some rock.";
493.  		} else if(IS_WALL(lev->typ)) {
494.  			lev->typ = is_maze_lev ? ROOM : DOOR;
495.  			digtxt = "You just made an opening in the wall.";
496.  		} else if(lev->typ == SDOOR) {
497.  			lev->typ = DOOR;
498.  			digtxt = "You just broke through a secret door.";
499.  			if(!(lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED))
500.  				lev->doormask = D_BROKEN;
501.  		} else if (IS_DOOR(lev->typ) &&
502.  			   (lev->doormask & (D_CLOSED | D_LOCKED))) {
503.  			digtxt = "You just broke a hole through the door.";
504.  			if(!(lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED))
505.  				lev->doormask = D_BROKEN;
506.  		} else
507.  		  digtxt = "Now what exactly was it that you were digging in?";
508.  		mnewsym(dpx, dpy);
509.  		prl(dpx, dpy);
510.  		pline(digtxt);		/* after mnewsym & prl */
511.  		if(IS_DOOR(lev->typ) && (lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED)) {
512.  			b_trapped("door");
513.  			lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
514.  		}
515.  		dig_level = -1;
516.  		return(0);
517.  	} else {
518.  		if(IS_WALL(lev->typ) ||
519.  		 (IS_DOOR(lev->typ) && lev->doormask & (D_CLOSED | D_LOCKED))) {
520.  		    register int rno = inroom(dpx,dpy);
522.  		    if(rno >= 0 && rooms[rno].rtype >= SHOPBASE) {
523.  			pline("This %s seems too hard to dig into.",
524.  			IS_DOOR(lev->typ) ? "door" : "wall");
525.  			return(0);
526.  		    }
527.  		}
528.  		if(!did_dig_msg) {
529.  		    You("hit the %s with all your might.",
530.  			sobj_at(STATUE, dpx, dpy) ? "statue" :
531.  			sobj_at(BOULDER, dpx, dpy) ? "boulder" :
532.  			IS_DOOR(lev->typ) ? "door" : "rock");
533.  		    did_dig_msg = TRUE;
534.  		}
535.  	}
536.  	return(1);
537.  }
539.  /* When will hole be finished? Very rough indication used by shopkeeper. */
540.  int
541.  holetime() {
542.  	return( (occupation == dig) ? (250 - dig_effort)/20 : -1);
543.  }
545.  void
546.  dighole()
547.  {
548.  	register struct trap *ttmp = t_at(u.ux,;
550.  	if(is_maze_lev
551.  #ifdef ENDGAME
552.  			|| dlevel == ENDLEVEL
553.  #endif
554.  						) {
555.  		pline("The floor here seems too hard to dig in.");
556.  	} else {
557.  		if(IS_FURNITURE(levl[u.ux][].typ)) {
558.  #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
559.  	            if(IS_ALTAR(levl[u.ux][].typ)) {
560.  		    	altar_wrath(u.ux,;
561.  			if(in_temple(u.ux, angry_priest();
562.  		    }
563.  #endif
564.  		    levl[u.ux][].typ = ROOM;
565.  		    levl[u.ux][].altarmask = 0;
566.  		}
567.  		if(ttmp)
568.  			ttmp->ttyp = TRAPDOOR;
569.  		else
570.  			ttmp = maketrap(u.ux,, TRAPDOOR);
571.  		ttmp->tseen = 1;
572.  		if(Invisible) newsym(ttmp->tx,ttmp->ty);
573.  		pline("You've made a hole in the floor.");
574.  		if(!u.ustuck && !Levitation) {			/* KAA */
575.  			if(inshop())
576.  				shopdig(1);
577.  #ifdef WALKIES
578.  			if(!next_to_u())
579.  			    You("are jerked back by your pet!");
580.  			else {
581.  #endif
582.  			    You("fall through...");
583.  			    if(u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
584.  				u.utrap = 0;
585.  				u.utraptype = 0;
586.  			    }
587.  			    unsee();
588.  			    goto_level(dlevel+1, FALSE);
589.  #ifdef WALKIES
590.  			}
591.  #endif
592.  		}
593.  	}
594.  }
596.  static boolean
597.  wield_tool(obj)
598.  struct obj *obj;
599.  {
600.  	if(uwep && uwep->cursed) {
601.  		/* Andreas Bormann - ihnp4!decvax!mcvax!unido!ab */
602.  		if(flags.verbose) {
603.  			pline("Since your weapon is welded to your %s,",
604.  				bimanual(uwep) ?
605.  				makeplural(body_part(HAND))
606.  				: body_part(HAND));
607.  			pline("you cannot wield that %s.", xname(obj));
608.  		}
609.  		return(FALSE);
610.  	}
611.  # ifdef POLYSELF
612.  	if(cantwield(uasmon)) {
613.  		You("can't hold it strongly enough.");
614.  		return(FALSE);
615.  	}
616.  # endif
617.  	unweapon = TRUE;
618.  	You("now wield %s.", doname(obj));
619.  	setuwep(obj);
620.  	if (uwep != obj) return(FALSE); /* rewielded old object after dying */
621.  	return(TRUE);
622.  }
624.  static int
625.  use_pick_axe(obj)
626.  struct obj *obj;
627.  {
628.  	char dirsyms[12];
629.  	register char *dsp = dirsyms, *sdp = flags.num_pad ? ndir : sdir;
630.  	register struct rm *lev;
631.  	register int rx, ry, res = 0;
632.  	register boolean isclosedoor = FALSE;
634.  	if(obj != uwep)
635.  	    if (!wield_tool(obj)) return(0);
636.  	    else res = 1;
638.  	while(*sdp) {
639.  		(void) movecmd(*sdp);	/* sets u.dx and u.dy and */
640.  		rx = u.ux + u.dx;
641.  		ry = + u.dy;
642.  		if( > 0 || ( == 0 && isok(rx, ry) &&
643.  		    (IS_ROCK(levl[rx][ry].typ)
644.  		    || sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry)
645.  		    || sobj_at(BOULDER, rx, ry))))
646.  			*dsp++ = *sdp;
647.  		sdp++;
648.  	}
649.  	*dsp = 0;
650.  	pline("In what direction do you want to dig? [%s] ", dirsyms);
651.  	if(!getdir(0))		/* no txt */
652.  		return(res);
653.  	if(u.uswallow && attack(u.ustuck)) /* return(1) */;
654.  	else if( < 0) You("cannot reach the ceiling.");
655.  	else if(!u.dx && !u.dy && ! {
656.  		int dam;
658.  		dam = rnd(2) + dbon();
659.  		if (dam <= 0) dam = 1;
660.  		You("hit yourself with your own pick-axe.");
661.  		losehp(dam, "self-inflicted wound");
662.  		flags.botl=1;
663.  		return(1);
664.  	} else if( == 0) {
665.  		if(Stunned || (Confusion && !rn2(5))) confdir();
666.  		rx = u.ux + u.dx;
667.  		ry = + u.dy;
668.  		lev = &levl[rx][ry];
669.  		if(lev->mmask && attack(m_at(rx, ry)))
670.  			return(1);
671.  		if(!isok(rx, ry)) {
672.  			pline("Clash!");
673.  			return(1);
674.  		}
675.  		isclosedoor = (IS_DOOR(lev->typ) &&
676.  			       (lev->doormask & (D_CLOSED | D_LOCKED)));
677.  		if(!IS_ROCK(lev->typ)
678.  		     && (!IS_DOOR(lev->typ) || (lev->doormask==D_NODOOR
679.  			|| lev->doormask & (D_ISOPEN | D_BROKEN)))
680.  		     && !sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry)
681.  		     && !sobj_at(BOULDER, rx, ry)) {
682.  			/* ACCESSIBLE or POOL */
683.  			You("swing your %s through thin air.",
684.  				aobjnam(obj, NULL));
685.  		} else {
686.  			if(dig_pos.x != rx || dig_pos.y != ry
687.  			    || dig_level != dlevel || dig_down) {
688.  				dig_down = FALSE;
689.  				dig_pos.x = rx;
690.  				dig_pos.y = ry;
691.  				dig_level = dlevel;
692.  				dig_effort = 0;
693.  			    	You("start %s.",
694.  				   isclosedoor ? "chopping at the door" :
695.  				   sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry) ?
696.  						"chipping the statue" :
697.  				   sobj_at(BOULDER, rx, ry) ?
698.  						"hitting the boulder" :
699.  						"digging");
700.  			} else
701.  				You("continue %s.",
702.  				   isclosedoor ? "chopping at the door" :
703.  				   sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry) ?
704.  						"chipping the statue" :
705.  				   sobj_at(BOULDER, rx, ry) ?
706.  						"hitting the boulder" :
707.  						"digging");
708.  			did_dig_msg = FALSE;
709.  			set_occupation(dig, "digging", 0);
710.  		}
711.  	} else if(Levitation) {
712.  		You("cannot reach the floor.");
713.  	} else {
714.  		if(dig_pos.x != u.ux || dig_pos.y !=
715.  		    || dig_level != dlevel || !dig_down) {
716.  			dig_down = TRUE;
717.  			dig_pos.x = u.ux;
718.  			dig_pos.y =;
719.  			dig_level = dlevel;
720.  			dig_effort = 0;
721.  			You("start digging in the floor.");
722.  			if(inshop())
723.  				shopdig(0);
724.  		} else
725.  			You("continue digging in the floor.");
726.  		did_dig_msg = FALSE;
727.  		set_occupation(dig, "digging", 0);
728.  	}
729.  	return(1);
730.  }
732.  #define WEAK	3	/* from eat.c */
734.  #ifdef MEDUSA
735.  static void
736.  use_mirror(obj)
737.  struct obj *obj;
738.  {
739.       register struct monst *mtmp;
740.       register char mlet;
742.  	if(!getdir(1)){		/* ask: in what direction? */
743.  		flags.move = multi = 0;
744.  		return;
745.  	}
746.  	if(!u.dx && !u.dy && ! {
747.  		if(!Blind && !Invisible)
748.  #ifdef POLYSELF
749.  		    if(u.umonnum == PM_FLOATING_EYE) {
750.  			pline("Yikes!  You've frozen yourself!");
751.  			nomul(-rnd((MAXULEV+6) - (int)u.ulevel));
752.  		    } else if (u.usym == S_VAMPIRE || u.usym == S_DEMON)
753.  			You("don't seem to reflect anything.");
754.  		    else if(u.umonnum == PM_UMBER_HULK) {
755.  			pline("Huh?  That doesn't look like you!");
756.  			make_confused(HConfusion + d(3,4),FALSE);
757.  		    } else
758.  #endif
759.  			   if (Hallucination) You("look %s.", hcolor());
760.  		    else if (Sick)
761.  			You("look peakish.");
762.  		    else if (u.uhs >= WEAK)
763.  			You("look undernourished.");
764.  #ifdef POLYSELF
765.  		    else if (u.usym == S_NYMPH
766.  #ifdef HARD
767.  			     || u.umonnum==PM_SUCCUBUS
768.  #endif
769.  			     )
770.  			You("look beautiful in the mirror.");
771.  #ifdef HARD
772.  		    else if (u.umonnum == PM_INCUBUS)
773.  			You("look handsome in the mirror.");
774.  #endif
775.  #endif
776.  		    else You("look as %s as ever.",
777.  				ACURR(A_CHA) > 14 ?
778.  				(poly_gender()==1 ? "beautiful" : "handsome") :
779.  				"ugly");
780.  		else {
781.  		if (rn2(4-u.uluck/3) || !HTelepat ||
782.  		    (u.ukilled_medusa
783.  #ifdef HARD
784.  			&& u.udemigod
785.  #endif
786.  		    )) {
787.  			You("can't see your %s %s.",
788.  				ACURR(A_CHA) > 14 ?
789.  				(poly_gender()==1 ? "beautiful" : "handsome") :
790.  				"ugly",
791.  				body_part(FACE));
792.  		} else {
793.  			static char buf[35];
794.  			char *tm, *tl; int ll;
795.  			if (!u.ukilled_medusa && rn2(4)) {
796.  			    tm = "n ugly snake-headed monster";
797.  			    ll = dlevel - medusa_level;
798.  			}
799.  			else {
800.  			    tm = " powerful wizard";
801.  			    ll = dlevel - wiz_level;
802.  			}
803.  			if (ll < -10) tl = "far below you";
804.  			else if (ll < -1) tl = "below you";
805.  			else if (ll == -1) {
806.  			    Sprintf(buf, "under your %s", makeplural(
807.  				body_part(FOOT)));
808.  			    tl = buf;
809.  			} else if (ll == 0)  tl = "very close to you";
810.  			else if (ll == 1) {
811.  			    Sprintf(buf, "above your %s", body_part(HEAD));
812.  			    tl = buf;
813.  			} else if (ll > 10) tl = "far above you";
814.  			else tl = "above you";
815.  			You("get an impression that a%s lives %s.",
816.  				tm, tl);
817.  		    }
818.  		}
819.  		return;
820.  	}
821.  	if(u.uswallow) {
822.  		You("reflect %s's stomach.", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
823.  		return;
824.  	}
825.  	if( {
826.  		You("reflect the %s.",
827.  			( > 0) ? "floor" : "ceiling");
828.  		return;
829.  	}
830.  	if((mtmp = bchit(u.dx, u.dy, COLNO, 0)) && haseyes(mtmp->data)) {
831.  	    mlet = mtmp->data->mlet;
832.  	    if(mtmp->msleep) {
833.  		if (!Blind)
834.  		    pline ("%s is tired and doesn't look at your mirror.",
835.  			    Monnam(mtmp));
836.  		mtmp->msleep = 0;
837.  	    } else if (!mtmp->mcansee) {
838.  		if (!Blind)
839.  		    pline("%s can't see anything at the moment.", Monnam(mtmp));
840.  	    } else if (mtmp->minvis || mlet == S_VAMPIRE ||
841.  					mlet == S_DEMON || mlet == S_GHOST) {
842.  		if (!Blind)
843.  		   pline ("%s doesn't seem to reflect anything.", Monnam(mtmp));
844.  	    } else if (!mtmp->mcan) {
845.  	    /* some monsters do special things */
846.  		if(obj->cursed && !rn2(2)) {
847.  		    if (!Blind)
848.  			pline("The mirror gets foggy and doesn't reflect!");
849.  		    return;
850.  		} else if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_MEDUSA]) {
851.  		    if (!Blind)
852.  			pline("%s is turned to stone!", Monnam(mtmp));
853.  		    stoned = TRUE;
854.  		    killed(mtmp);
855.  		} else if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_FLOATING_EYE]) {
856.  		    if (!Blind)
857.  			pline("%s is frozen by its reflection.",Monnam(mtmp));
858.  		    mtmp->mfroz = 1;
859.  		} else if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_UMBER_HULK]) {
860.  		    if (!Blind)
861.  			pline ("%s has confused itself!", Monnam(mtmp));
862.  	    	    mtmp->mconf = 1;
863.  		} else if(mlet == S_NYMPH
864.  #ifdef HARD
865.  			  || mtmp->data==&mons[PM_SUCCUBUS]
866.  #endif
867.  			  ) {
868.  		    if (!Blind) {
869.  	    	      pline ("%s looks beautiful in your mirror.",Monnam(mtmp));
870.  	    	      pline ("She decides to take it!");
871.  		    } else pline ("It steals your mirror!");
872.  	    	    freeinv(obj);
873.  	    	    mpickobj(mtmp,obj);
874.  	    	    rloc(mtmp);
875.  		}
876.  	    } else if (mlet != S_UNICORN && !humanoid(mtmp->data) && rn2(5)) {
877.  		if (!Blind)
878.  		pline ("%s is frightened by its reflection.", Monnam(mtmp));
879.  		mtmp->mflee = 1;
880.  		mtmp->mfleetim += d(2,4);
881.  	    } else if (!Blind)
882.  		pline("%s doesn't seem to mind %s reflection.", Monnam(mtmp),
883.  		      (is_female(mtmp) ? "her" :
884.  		       is_human(mtmp->data) ? "his" : "its"));
885.  	}
886.  }/* use_mirror */
888.  #endif
890.  static void
891.  use_lamp(obj)
892.  struct obj *obj;
893.  {
894.  	if(obj->spe <= 0 || obj->otyp == MAGIC_LAMP ) {
895.  		pline("This lamp has no oil.");
896.  		return;
897.  	}
898.  	if(obj->cursed && !rn2(2))
899.  		pline("The lamp flickers on for a moment and dies.");
900.  	else litroom(TRUE);
901.  	obj->spe -= 1;
902.  }
904.  static void
905.  use_crystal_ball(obj)
906.  	struct obj *obj;
907.  {
908.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
909.  	int oops, ret;
911.  	if (Blind) {
912.  		pline("Too bad you can't see the crystal ball.");
913.  		return;
914.  	}
915.  	oops = (rnd(20) > ACURR(A_INT) || obj->cursed);
916.  	if (oops && (obj->spe > 0)) {
917.  		switch(rnd(5)) {
918.  		case 1 : pline("The crystal ball is too much to comprehend!");
919.  			break;
920.  		case 2 : pline("The crystal ball confuses you!");
921.  			make_confused(HConfusion + rnd(100),FALSE);
922.  			break;
923.  		case 3 : pline("The crystal ball damages your vision!");
924.  			make_blinded(Blinded + rnd(100),FALSE);
925.  			break;
926.  		case 4 : pline("The crystal ball zaps your mind!");
927.  			make_hallucinated(Hallucination + rnd(100),FALSE);
928.  			break;
929.  		case 5 : pline("The crystal ball explodes!");
930.  			useup(obj);
931.  			losehp(rnd(30), "exploding crystal ball");
932.  			break;
933.  		}
934.  		obj->spe -= 1;
935.  		return;
936.  	}
938.  	pline("What do you want to look for? ");
939.  	getlin(buf);
940.  	clrlin();
941.  	if (!buf[0] || buf[0] == '\033') {
942.  		if(flags.verbose) pline("Never mind.");
943.  		return;
944.  		}
945.  	You("peer into the crystal ball.");
946.  	nomul(-rnd(10));
947.  	nomovemsg = "";
948.  	if(obj->spe <= 0)
949.  		pline("The vision is unclear.");
950.  	else {
951.  	  	obj->spe -= 1;
952.  		switch(buf[0]) {
953.  		case GOLD_SYM :	ret = gold_detect((struct obj *)0);
954.  			break;
955.  		case '^' :	ret = trap_detect((struct obj *)0);
956.  			break;
957.  		case FOOD_SYM :	ret = food_detect((struct obj *)0);
958.  			break;
959.  		case POTION_SYM :
960.  		case GEM_SYM :
961.  		case TOOL_SYM :
962.  		case WEAPON_SYM :
963.  		case WAND_SYM :
964.  		case SCROLL_SYM :
965.  #ifdef SPELLS
966.  		case SPBOOK_SYM :
967.  #endif
968.  		case ARMOR_SYM :	ret = object_detect((struct obj *)0);
969.  			break;
970.  		default  : lcase(buf);
971.  			if (!strncmp(buf,"gold",4) || !strncmp(buf,"money",5))
972.  				ret = gold_detect((struct obj *)0);
973.  			else if (!strncmp(buf,"trap",4))
974.  				ret = trap_detect((struct obj *)0);
975.  			else if (!strncmp(buf,"food",4) ||
976.  				 !strncmp(buf,"dead",4) ||
977.  				 !strncmp(buf,"corpse",6))
978.  				ret = food_detect((struct obj *)0);
979.  			else if (!strncmp(buf,"obj",3) ||
980.  				 !strncmp(buf,"the",3) ||
981.  				 !strncmp(buf,"a ",2) ||
982.  				 !strncmp(buf,"an ",3))
983.  				 /* || strstr(buf, " of") */
984.  				ret = object_detect((struct obj *)0);
985.  			else ret = monster_detect((struct obj *)0);
986.  			break;
987.  		}
988.  		if (ret)
989.  		    if (!rn2(100))  /* make them nervous */
990.  			You("see the Wizard of Yendor gazing out at you.");
991.  		    else pline("The vision is unclear.");
992.  	}
993.  	return;
994.  }
996.  static const char cuddly[] = { TOOL_SYM, 0 };
998.  int
999.  dorub()
1000. {
1001. 	struct obj *obj = getobj(cuddly, "rub");
1003. 	if(!obj || (obj != uwep && !wield_tool(obj))) return 0;
1005. 	if (uwep->otyp == MAGIC_LAMP) {
1006. 	    if (uwep->spe > 0 && !rn2(3)) {
1007. 		uwep->spe = 0;
1008. 		djinni_from_bottle(uwep);
1009. 	    } else if (rn2(2) && !Blind)
1010. 		You("see a puff of smoke.");
1011. 	    else pline(nothing_happens);
1012. 	} else pline(nothing_happens);
1013. 	return 1;
1014. }
1016. int
1017. dojump()
1018. {
1019. 	coord cc;
1020. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1021. 	if (!Jumping) {
1022. 		You("can't jump very far.");
1023. 		return 0;
1024. 	} else if (u.uswallow) {
1025. 		pline("You've got to be kidding!");
1026. 		return 0;
1027. 	} else if (u.ustuck) {
1028. 		kludge("You cannot escape from %s!",
1029. 			mon_nam(u.ustuck));
1030. 		return 0;
1031. 	} else if (inv_weight() > -5) {
1032. 		You("are carrying too much to jump!");
1033. 		return 0;
1034. 	} else if (u.uhunger <= 100 || ACURR(A_STR) < 6) {
1035. 		You("lack the strength to jump!");
1036. 		return 0;
1037. 	}
1038. 	pline("Where do you want to jump?");
1039. 	getpos(&cc, 1, "the desired position");
1040. 	if (dist(cc.x, cc.y) > 9) {
1041. 		pline("Too far!");
1042. 		return 0;
1043. 	} else if (!cansee(cc.x, cc.y)) {
1044. 		You("cannot see where to land!");
1045. 		return 0;
1046. 	} else if (levl[cc.x][cc.y].mmask) {
1047. 		mtmp = m_at(cc.x, cc.y);
1048. 		You("cannot trample %s!", mon_nam(mtmp));
1049. 		return 0;
1050. 	} else if (!isok(cc.x, cc.y) ||
1051. #ifdef POLYSELF
1052. 		(IS_ROCK(levl[cc.x][cc.y].typ) && !passes_walls(uasmon)) ||
1053. #else
1054. 		IS_ROCK(levl[cc.x][cc.y].typ) ||
1055. #endif
1056. 		sobj_at(BOULDER, cc.x, cc.x) ) {
1057. 			You("cannot jump there!");
1058. 			return 0;
1059. 	} else {
1060. 			teleds(cc.x, cc.y);
1061. 			nomul(-1);
1062. 			nomovemsg = "";
1063. 			morehungry(rnd(25));
1064. 			return 1;
1065. 	}
1066. }
1068. static void
1069. use_tinning_kit(obj)
1070. register struct obj *obj;
1071. {
1072. 	register struct obj *corpse, *can;
1074. 	/* This takes only 1 move.  If this is to be changed to take many
1075. 	 * moves, we've got to deal with decaying corpses...
1076. 	 */
1077. 	if (!(corpse = floorfood("can", 1))) return;
1078. 	if ((corpse->corpsenm == PM_COCKATRICE)
1079. #ifdef POLYSELF
1080. 		&& !resists_ston(uasmon)
1081. #endif
1082. 		&& !uarmg) {
1083. pline("Tinning a cockatrice corpse without gloves was not a very wise move...");
1084. 		You("turn to stone...");
1085. 		killer = "unwise tinning decision";
1086. 		done("stoned");
1087. 	}
1088. 	can = mksobj(TIN,FALSE);
1089. 	can->corpsenm = corpse->corpsenm;
1090. 	can->quan = 1; /* Defeat the occasional creation of pairs of tins */
1091. 	can->owt = weight(can);
1092. 	can->known = 1;
1093. 	can->spe = 0; /* No spinach allowed... */
1094. 	can->cursed = obj->cursed;
1095. 	can->blessed = obj->blessed;
1096. 	can = addinv(can);
1097. 	You("now have %s.", doname(can));
1098. 	useup(corpse);
1099. }
1101. int
1102. doapply() {
1103. 	register struct obj *obj;
1104. 	register int res = 1;
1106. 	obj = getobj(tools, "use or apply");
1107. 	if(!obj) return 0;
1109. 	check_unpaid(obj);
1111. #ifdef MUSIC
1112. 	if (IS_INSTRUMENT(obj->otyp)) {
1113. 		res = do_play_instrument(obj);
1114. 		return (res);
1115. 	}
1116. #endif /* MUSIC /**/
1118. 	switch(obj->otyp){
1120. 		use_camera(obj); break;
1121. 	case CREDIT_CARD:
1122. 	case LOCK_PICK:
1123. 	case SKELETON_KEY:
1124. 	case KEY:
1125. 		(void) pick_lock(obj);
1126. 		break;
1127. 	case BAG_OF_TRICKS:
1128. 		if(obj->spe > 0) {
1129. 			register int cnt = 1;
1131. 			obj->spe -= 1;
1132. 			if(!rn2(23)) cnt += rn2(7) + 1;
1133. 			while(cnt--)
1134. 			    (void) makemon((struct permonst *) 0, u.ux,;
1135. 			makeknown(BAG_OF_TRICKS);
1136. 		}
1137. 		break;
1138. 	case LARGE_BOX:
1139. 	case CHEST:
1140. 	case ICE_BOX:
1141. 	case SACK:
1142. 	case BAG_OF_HOLDING:
1143. 		use_container(obj, 1); break;
1144. 	case PICK_AXE:
1145. 		res = use_pick_axe(obj);
1146. 		break;
1147. 	case TINNING_KIT:
1148. 		use_tinning_kit(obj);
1149. 		break;
1150. 	case MAGIC_WHISTLE:
1151. 		if(pl_character[0] == 'W' || u.ulevel > (MAXULEV/3)) {
1152. 			use_magic_whistle(obj);
1153. 			break;
1154. 		}
1155. 		/* fall into next case */
1156. 	case WHISTLE:
1157. 		use_whistle(obj);
1158. 		break;
1159. #ifdef MEDUSA
1160. 	case MIRROR:
1161. 		use_mirror(obj);
1162. 		break;
1163. #endif
1164. 	case LAMP:
1165. 	case MAGIC_LAMP:
1166. 		use_lamp(obj);
1167. 		break;
1168. 	case CRYSTAL_BALL:
1169. 		use_crystal_ball(obj);
1170. 		break;
1171. #ifdef WALKIES
1172. 	case LEASH:
1173. 		use_leash(obj);
1174. 		break;
1175. #endif
1176. 	case MAGIC_MARKER:
1177. 		dowrite(obj);
1178. 		break;
1179. 	case TIN_OPENER:
1180. 		if(!carrying(TIN)) {
1181. 			You("have no tin to open.");
1182. 			goto xit;
1183. 		}
1184. 		You("cannot open a tin without eating its contents.");
1185. 		if(flags.verbose)
1186. 			pline("In order to eat, use the 'e' command.");
1187. 		if(obj != uwep)
1188.     pline("Opening the tin will be much easier if you wield the tin opener.");
1189. 		goto xit;
1191. 	case STETHOSCOPE:
1192. 		res = 0;
1193. 		use_stethoscope(obj);
1194. 		break;
1195. 	case FIGURINE:
1196. 		You("set the figurine on the ground and it transforms.");
1197. 		make_familiar(obj);
1198. 		useup(obj);
1199. 		break;
1200. 	case BLINDFOLD:
1201. 		if (obj == ublindf) {
1202. 		    if(cursed(obj)) break;
1203. 		    else Blindf_off(obj);
1204. 		} 
1205. 		else if (!ublindf) Blindf_on(obj);
1206. 		else You("are already wearing a blindfold!");
1207. 		break;
1208. 	default:
1209. 		pline("Sorry, I don't know how to use that.");
1210. 	xit:
1211. 		nomul(0);
1212. 		return 0;
1213. 	}
1214. 	nomul(0);
1215. 	return res;
1216. }