Source:NetHack 3.4.3/include/qtext.h

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Below is the full text to include/qtext.h from NetHack 3.4.3. To link to a particular line, write [[qtext.h#line123]], for example.

/*	SCCS Id: @(#)qtext.h	3.4	1997/02/02	*/
/* Copyright (c) Mike Stephenson 1991.				  */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

#ifndef QTEXT_H
#define QTEXT_H

#define N_HDR	16		/* Maximum number of categories */
				/* (i.e., num roles + 1) */
#define LEN_HDR 3		/* Maximum length of a category name */

struct qtmsg {
	int	msgnum;
	char	delivery;
	long	offset,

#ifdef MAKEDEFS_C	/***** MAKEDEFS *****/

#define N_MSG	100		/* arbitrary */

struct msghdr {
	int	n_msg;
	struct	qtmsg	qt_msg[N_MSG];

struct	qthdr {
	int	n_hdr;
	char	id[N_HDR][LEN_HDR];
	long	offset[N_HDR];

/* Error message macros */
#define CREC_IN_MSG	"Control record encountered during message - line %d\n"
#define DUP_MSG		"Duplicate message number at line %d\n"
#define END_NOT_IN_MSG	"End record encountered before message - line %d\n"
#define TEXT_NOT_IN_MSG	"Text encountered outside message - line %d\n"
#define UNREC_CREC	"Unrecognized Control record at line %d\n"
#define OUT_OF_HEADERS	"Too many message types (line %d)\nAdjust N_HDR in qtext.h and recompile.\n"
#define OUT_OF_MESSAGES "Too many messages in class (line %d)\nAdjust N_MSG in qtext.h and recompile.\n"

#else	/***** !MAKEDEFS *****/

struct	qtlists {
	struct	qtmsg	*common,
#if 0	/* UNUSED but available */

*	Quest message defines.	Used in quest.c to trigger off "realistic"
*	dialogue to the player.
#define QT_FIRSTTIME	 1
#define QT_NEXTTIME	 2
#define QT_OTHERTIME	 3

#define QT_GUARDTALK	 5	/* 5 random things guards say before quest */
#define QT_GUARDTALK2	10	/* 5 random things guards say after quest */

#define QT_NEXTLEADER	16
#define QT_LASTLEADER	18
#define QT_BADLEVEL	19
#define QT_BADALIGN	20

#define QT_ENCOURAGE	25	/* 1-10 random encouragement messages */

#define QT_NEXTLOCATE	36

#define QT_FIRSTGOAL	40
#define QT_NEXTGOAL	41

#define QT_NEMWANTSIT	53	/* you somehow got the artifact */

#define QT_DISCOURAGE	60	/* 1-10 random maledictive messages */

#define QT_GOTIT	70

#define QT_KILLEDNEM	80
#define QT_OFFEREDIT	81
#define QT_OFFEREDIT2	82

#define QT_POSTHANKS	90
#define QT_HASAMULET	91

*	Message defines for common text used in maledictions.
#define COMMON_ID	"-"	/* Common message id value */

#define QT_ANGELIC	10
#define QTN_ANGELIC	10

#define QT_DEMONIC	30
#define QTN_DEMONIC	20

#define QT_BANISHED	60
#endif	/***** !MAKEDEFS *****/

#endif /* QTEXT_H */