Source:NetHack 3.0.0/mklev.c

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Below is the full text to mklev.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/mklev.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mklev.c	3.0	88/11/24
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    /* for UNIX, Rand #def'd to (long)lrand48() or (long)random() */
8.    /* croom->lx etc are schar (width <= int), so % arith ensures that */
9.    /* conversion of result to int is reasonable */
11.   #ifdef SINKS
12.   static void mksink();
13.   #endif
14.   #ifdef ALTARS
15.   static void mkaltar();
16.   #endif
18.   int
19.   somex(croom)
20.   register struct mkroom *croom;
21.   {
22.   	return rn2(croom->hx-croom->lx+1) + croom->lx;
23.   }
25.   int
26.   somey(croom)
27.   register struct mkroom *croom;
28.   {
29.   	return rn2(croom->hy-croom->ly+1) + croom->ly;
30.   }
32.   #define	XLIM	4	/* define minimum required space around a room */
33.   #define	YLIM	3
34.   boolean secret;		/* TRUE while making a vault: increase [XY]LIM */
35.   struct rm zerorm;
36.   schar nxcor;
37.   boolean goldseen;
39.   /* Definitions used by makerooms() and addrs() */
40.   #define	MAXRS	50	/* max lth of temp rectangle table - arbitrary */
41.   struct rectangle {
42.   	xchar rlx,rly,rhx,rhy;
43.   } rs[MAXRS+1];
44.   int rscnt,rsmax;	/* 0..rscnt-1: currently under consideration */
45.   			/* rscnt..rsmax: discarded */
47.   static void
48.   addrsx(lx,ly,hx,hy,discarded)
49.   register int lx,ly,hx,hy;
50.   boolean discarded;		/* piece of a discarded area */
51.   {
52.   	register struct rectangle *rsp;
54.   	/* check inclusions */
55.   	for(rsp = rs; rsp < &rs[rsmax]; rsp++) {
56.   		if(lx >= rsp->rlx && hx <= rsp->rhx &&
57.   		   ly >= rsp->rly && hy <= rsp->rhy)
58.   			return;
59.   	}
61.   	/* make a new entry */
62.   	if(rsmax >= MAXRS) {
63.   #ifdef WIZARD
64.   		if(wizard) pline("MAXRS may be too small.");
65.   #endif
66.   		return;
67.   	}
68.   	rsmax++;
69.   	if(!discarded) {
70.   		*rsp = rs[rscnt];
71.   		rsp = &rs[rscnt];
72.   		rscnt++;
73.   	}
74.   	rsp->rlx = lx;
75.   	rsp->rly = ly;
76.   	rsp->rhx = hx;
77.   	rsp->rhy = hy;
78.   }
80.   static void
81.   addrs(lowx,lowy,hix,hiy)
82.   register int lowx,lowy,hix,hiy;
83.   {
84.   	register struct rectangle *rsp;
85.   	register int lx,ly,hx,hy,xlim,ylim;
86.   	boolean discarded;
88.   	xlim = XLIM + secret;
89.   	ylim = YLIM + secret;
91.   	/* walk down since rscnt and rsmax change */
92.   	for(rsp = &rs[rsmax-1]; rsp >= rs; rsp--) {
94.   		if((lx = rsp->rlx) > hix || (ly = rsp->rly) > hiy ||
95.   		   (hx = rsp->rhx) < lowx || (hy = rsp->rhy) < lowy)
96.   			continue;
97.   		if((discarded = (rsp >= &rs[rscnt]))) {
98.   			*rsp = rs[--rsmax];
99.   		} else {
100.  			rsmax--;
101.  			rscnt--;
102.  			*rsp = rs[rscnt];
103.  			if(rscnt != rsmax)
104.  				rs[rscnt] = rs[rsmax];
105.  		}
106.  		if(lowy - ly > 2*ylim + 4)
107.  			addrsx(lx,ly,hx,lowy-2,discarded);
108.  		if(lowx - lx > 2*xlim + 4)
109.  			addrsx(lx,ly,lowx-2,hy,discarded);
110.  		if(hy - hiy > 2*ylim + 4)
111.  			addrsx(lx,hiy+2,hx,hy,discarded);
112.  		if(hx - hix > 2*xlim + 4)
113.  			addrsx(hix+2,ly,hx,hy,discarded);
114.  	}
115.  }
117.  static int
118.  comp(x,y)
119.  register struct mkroom *x,*y;
120.  {
121.  	if(x->lx < y->lx) return(-1);
122.  	return(x->lx > y->lx);
123.  }
125.  static void
126.  finddpos(cc, xl,yl,xh,yh)
127.  coord	*cc;
128.  xchar	xl,yl,xh,yh;
129.  {
130.  	register xchar x, y;
132.  	x = (xl == xh) ? xl : (xl + rn2(xh-xl+1));
133.  	y = (yl == yh) ? yl : (yl + rn2(yh-yl+1));
134.  	if(okdoor(x, y))
135.  		goto gotit;
137.  	for(x = xl; x <= xh; x++) for(y = yl; y <= yh; y++)
138.  		if(okdoor(x, y))
139.  			goto gotit;
141.  	for(x = xl; x <= xh; x++) for(y = yl; y <= yh; y++)
142.  		if(IS_DOOR(levl[x][y].typ) || levl[x][y].typ == SDOOR)
143.  			goto gotit;
144.  	/* cannot find something reasonable -- strange */
145.  	x = xl;
146.  	y = yh;
147.  gotit:
148.  	cc->x = x;
149.  	cc->y = y;
150.  	return;
151.  }
153.  /* Only called from makerooms() and makebigroom() */
154.  static int
155.  maker(lowx,ddx,lowy,ddy,lit)
156.  schar lowx,ddx,lowy,ddy;
157.  boolean lit;
158.  {
159.  	register struct mkroom *croom;
160.  	register int x, y, hix = lowx+ddx, hiy = lowy+ddy;
161.  	register int xlim = XLIM + secret, ylim = YLIM + secret;
163.  	if(nroom >= MAXNROFROOMS) return(0);
164.  	if(lowx < XLIM) lowx = XLIM;
165.  	if(lowy < YLIM) lowy = YLIM;
166.  	if(hix > COLNO-XLIM-1) hix = COLNO-XLIM-1;
167.  	if(hiy > ROWNO-YLIM-1) hiy = ROWNO-YLIM-1;
168.  chk:
169.  	if(hix <= lowx || hiy <= lowy) return(0);
171.  	/* check area around room (and make room smaller if necessary) */
172.  	for(x = lowx - xlim; x <= hix + xlim; x++) {
173.  		for(y = lowy - ylim; y <= hiy + ylim; y++) {
174.  			if(levl[x][y].typ) {
175.  #ifdef WIZARD
176.  			    if(wizard && !secret)
177.  				pline("Strange area [%d,%d] in maker().",x,y);
178.  #endif
179.  				if(!rn2(3)) return(0);
180.  				if(x < lowx)
181.  					lowx = x+xlim+1;
182.  				else
183.  					hix = x-xlim-1;
184.  				if(y < lowy)
185.  					lowy = y+ylim+1;
186.  				else
187.  					hiy = y-ylim-1;
188.  				goto chk;
189.  			}
190.  		}
191.  	}
193.  	croom = &rooms[nroom];
195.  	/* on low levels the room is lit (usually) */
196.  	/* secret vaults are always lit */
197.  	/* some other rooms may require lighting */
198.  	if((rnd(dlevel) < 10 && rn2(77)) || secret || lit) {
199.  		for(x = lowx-1; x <= hix+1; x++)
200.  			for(y = lowy-1; y <= hiy+1; y++)
201.  				levl[x][y].lit = 1;
202.  		croom->rlit = 1;
203.  	} else
204.  		croom->rlit = 0;
205.  	croom->lx = lowx;
206.  	croom->hx = hix;
207.  	croom->ly = lowy;
208.  	croom->hy = hiy;
209.  	croom->rtype = OROOM;
210.  	croom->doorct = 0;
211.  	/* if we're not making a vault, doorindex will still be 0
212.  	 * if we are, we'll have problems adding niches to the previous room
213.  	 * unless fdoor is at least doorindex
214.  	 */
215.  	croom->fdoor = doorindex;
217.  	for(x = lowx-1; x <= hix+1; x++)
218.  	    for(y = lowy-1; y <= hiy+1; y += (hiy-lowy+2)) {
219.  		levl[x][y].typ = HWALL;
220.  		levl[x][y].scrsym = HWALL_SYM;
221.  	    }
222.  	for(x = lowx-1; x <= hix+1; x += (hix-lowx+2))
223.  	    for(y = lowy; y <= hiy; y++) {
224.  		levl[x][y].typ = VWALL;
225.  		levl[x][y].scrsym = VWALL_SYM;
226.  	    }
227.  	for(x = lowx; x <= hix; x++)
228.  	    for(y = lowy; y <= hiy; y++) {
229.  		levl[x][y].typ = ROOM;
230.  		levl[x][y].scrsym = ROOM_SYM;
231.  	    }
232.  	levl[lowx-1][lowy-1].typ = TLCORNER;
233.  	levl[hix+1][lowy-1].typ = TRCORNER;
234.  	levl[lowx-1][hiy+1].typ = BLCORNER;
235.  	levl[hix+1][hiy+1].typ = BRCORNER;
236.  	levl[lowx-1][lowy-1].scrsym = TLCORN_SYM;
237.  	levl[hix+1][lowy-1].scrsym = TRCORN_SYM;
238.  	levl[lowx-1][hiy+1].scrsym = BLCORN_SYM;
239.  	levl[hix+1][hiy+1].scrsym = BRCORN_SYM;
241.  	smeq[nroom] = nroom;
242.  	croom++;
243.  	croom->hx = -1;
244.  	nroom++;
245.  	return(1);
246.  }
248.  static int
249.  makerooms() {
250.  register struct rectangle *rsp;
251.  register int lx, ly, hx, hy, lowx, lowy, hix, hiy, dx, dy;
252.  int tryct = 0, xlim, ylim;
254.  	/* init */
255.  	xlim = XLIM + secret;
256.  	ylim = YLIM + secret;
257.  	if(nroom == 0) {
258.  		rsp = rs;
259.  		rsp->rlx = rsp->rly = 0;
260.  		rsp->rhx = COLNO-1;
261.  		rsp->rhy = ROWNO-1;
262.  		rsmax = 1;
263.  	}
264.  	rscnt = rsmax;
266.  	/* make rooms until satisfied */
267.  	while(rscnt > 0 && nroom < MAXNROFROOMS-1) {
268.  		if(!secret && nroom > (MAXNROFROOMS/4) &&
269.  		   !rn2((MAXNROFROOMS-nroom)*(MAXNROFROOMS-nroom)))
270.  			return 0;
272.  		/* pick a rectangle */
273.  		rsp = &rs[rn2(rscnt)];
274.  		hx = rsp->rhx;
275.  		hy = rsp->rhy;
276.  		lx = rsp->rlx;
277.  		ly = rsp->rly;
279.  		/* find size of room */
280.  		if(secret)
281.  			dx = dy = 1;
282.  		else {
283.  			dx = 2 + rn2((hx-lx-8 > 20) ? 12 : 8);
284.  			dy = 2 + rn2(4);
285.  			if(dx*dy > 50)
286.  				dy = 50/dx;
287.  		}
289.  		/* look whether our room will fit */
290.  		if(hx-lx < dx + (dx>>1) + 2*xlim ||
291.  		   hy-ly < dy + dy/3 + 2*ylim) {
292.  					/* no, too small */
293.  					/* maybe we throw this area out */
294.  			if(secret || !rn2(MAXNROFROOMS+1-nroom-tryct)) {
295.  				rscnt--;
296.  				rs[rsmax] = *rsp;
297.  				*rsp = rs[rscnt];
298.  				rs[rscnt] = rs[rsmax];
299.  				tryct = 0;
300.  			} else
301.  				tryct++;
302.  			continue;
303.  		}
305.  		lowx = lx + xlim + rn2(hx - lx - dx - 2*xlim + 1);
306.  		lowy = ly + ylim + rn2(hy - ly - dy - 2*ylim + 1);
307.  		hix = lowx + dx;
308.  		hiy = lowy + dy;
310.  		if(maker(lowx, dx, lowy, dy, FALSE)) {
311.  			if(secret) return(1);
312.  			addrs(lowx-1, lowy-1, hix+1, hiy+1);
313.  			tryct = 0;
314.  		} else
315.  			if(tryct++ > 100)
316.  				break;
317.  	}
318.  	return(0);	/* failed to make vault - very strange */
319.  }
321.  static void
322.  join(a,b)
323.  register int a, b;
324.  {
325.  	coord cc,tt;
326.  	register int tx, ty, xx, yy;
327.  	register struct rm *crm;
328.  	register struct mkroom *croom, *troom;
329.  	register int dx, dy, dix, diy, cct;
331.  	croom = &rooms[a];
332.  	troom = &rooms[b];
334.  	/* find positions cc and tt for doors in croom and troom
335.  	   and direction for a corridor between them */
337.  	if(troom->hx < 0 || croom->hx < 0 || doorindex >= DOORMAX) return;
338.  	if(troom->lx > croom->hx) {
339.  		dx = 1;
340.  		dy = 0;
341.  		xx = croom->hx+1;
342.  		tx = troom->lx-1;
343.  		finddpos(&cc, xx, croom->ly, xx, croom->hy);
344.  		finddpos(&tt, tx, troom->ly, tx, troom->hy);
345.  	} else if(troom->hy < croom->ly) {
346.  		dy = -1;
347.  		dx = 0;
348.  		yy = croom->ly-1;
349.  		finddpos(&cc, croom->lx, yy, croom->hx, yy);
350.  		ty = troom->hy+1;
351.  		finddpos(&tt, troom->lx, ty, troom->hx, ty);
352.  	} else if(troom->hx < croom->lx) {
353.  		dx = -1;
354.  		dy = 0;
355.  		xx = croom->lx-1;
356.  		tx = troom->hx+1;
357.  		finddpos(&cc, xx, croom->ly, xx, croom->hy);
358.  		finddpos(&tt, tx, troom->ly, tx, troom->hy);
359.  	} else {
360.  		dy = 1;
361.  		dx = 0;
362.  		yy = croom->hy+1;
363.  		ty = troom->ly-1;
364.  		finddpos(&cc, croom->lx, yy, croom->hx, yy);
365.  		finddpos(&tt, troom->lx, ty, troom->hx, ty);
366.  	}
367.  	xx = cc.x;
368.  	yy = cc.y;
369.  	tx = tt.x - dx;
370.  	ty = tt.y - dy;
371.  	if(nxcor && levl[xx+dx][yy+dy].typ)
372.  		return;
373.  	dodoor(xx,yy,croom);
375.  	cct = 0;
376.  	while(xx != tx || yy != ty) {
377.  	    xx += dx;
378.  	    yy += dy;
380.  	    /* loop: dig corridor at [xx,yy] and find new [xx,yy] */
381.  	    if(cct++ > 500 || (nxcor && !rn2(35)))
382.  		return;
384.  	    if(xx == COLNO-1 || xx == 0 || yy == 0 || yy == ROWNO-1)
385.  		return;		/* impossible */
387.  	    crm = &levl[xx][yy];
388.  	    if(!(crm->typ)) {
389.  		if(rn2(100)) {
390.  			crm->typ = CORR;
391.  			crm->scrsym = CORR_SYM;
392.  			if(nxcor && !rn2(50))
393.  				(void) mksobj_at(BOULDER, xx, yy);
394.  		} else {
395.  			crm->typ = SCORR;
396.  			crm->scrsym = STONE_SYM;
397.  		}
398.  	    } else
399.  	    if(crm->typ != CORR && crm->typ != SCORR) {
400.  		/* strange ... */
401.  		return;
402.  	    }
404.  	    /* find next corridor position */
405.  	    dix = abs(xx-tx);
406.  	    diy = abs(yy-ty);
408.  	    /* do we have to change direction ? */
409.  	    if(dy && dix > diy) {
410.  		register int ddx = (xx > tx) ? -1 : 1;
412.  		crm = &levl[xx+ddx][yy];
413.  		if(!crm->typ || crm->typ == CORR || crm->typ == SCORR) {
414.  		    dx = ddx;
415.  		    dy = 0;
416.  		    continue;
417.  		}
418.  	    } else if(dx && diy > dix) {
419.  		register int ddy = (yy > ty) ? -1 : 1;
421.  		crm = &levl[xx][yy+ddy];
422.  		if(!crm->typ || crm->typ == CORR || crm->typ == SCORR) {
423.  		    dy = ddy;
424.  		    dx = 0;
425.  		    continue;
426.  		}
427.  	    }
429.  	    /* continue straight on? */
430.  	    crm = &levl[xx+dx][yy+dy];
431.  	    if(!crm->typ || crm->typ == CORR || crm->typ == SCORR)
432.  		continue;
434.  	    /* no, what must we do now?? */
435.  	    if(dx) {
436.  		dx = 0;
437.  		dy = (ty < yy) ? -1 : 1;
438.  		crm = &levl[xx+dx][yy+dy];
439.  		if(!crm->typ || crm->typ == CORR || crm->typ == SCORR)
440.  		    continue;
441.  		dy = -dy;
442.  		continue;
443.  	    } else {
444.  		dy = 0;
445.  		dx = (tx < xx) ? -1 : 1;
446.  		crm = &levl[xx+dx][yy+dy];
447.  		if(!crm->typ || crm->typ == CORR || crm->typ == SCORR)
448.  		    continue;
449.  		dx = -dx;
450.  		continue;
451.  	    }
452.  	}
454.  	/* we succeeded in digging the corridor */
455.  	dodoor(tt.x, tt.y, troom);
457.  	if(smeq[a] < smeq[b])
458.  		smeq[b] = smeq[a];
459.  	else
460.  		smeq[a] = smeq[b];
461.  }
463.  static void
464.  makecorridors() {
465.  	register int a, b;
467.  	nxcor = 0;
468.  	for(a = 0; a < nroom-1; a++)
469.  		join(a, a+1);
470.  	for(a = 0; a < nroom-2; a++)
471.  	    if(smeq[a] != smeq[a+2])
472.  		join(a, a+2);
473.  	for(a = 0; a < nroom; a++)
474.  	    for(b = 0; b < nroom; b++)
475.  		if(smeq[a] != smeq[b])
476.  		    join(a, b);
477.  	if(nroom > 2)
478.  	    for(nxcor = rn2(nroom) + 4; nxcor; nxcor--) {
479.  		a = rn2(nroom);
480.  		b = rn2(nroom-2);
481.  		if(b >= a) b += 2;
482.  		join(a, b);
483.  	    }
484.  }
486.  static void
487.  dosdoor(x,y,aroom,type)
488.  register int x, y;
489.  register struct mkroom *aroom;
490.  register int type;
491.  {
492.  	register struct mkroom *broom;
493.  	register int tmp;
494.  	boolean shdoor = in_shop(x, y);
496.  	if(!IS_WALL(levl[x][y].typ)) /* avoid SDOORs with DOOR_SYM as scrsym */
497.  		type = DOOR;
498.  	levl[x][y].typ = type;
499.  	if(type == DOOR) {
500.  	    levl[x][y].scrsym = DOOR_SYM;
501.  	    if(!rn2(3)) {      /* is it a locked door, closed, or a doorway? */
502.  		if(!rn2(5))
503.  		    levl[x][y].doormask = D_ISOPEN;
504.  		else if(!rn2(4))
505.  		    levl[x][y].doormask = D_LOCKED;
506.  		else
507.  		    levl[x][y].doormask = D_CLOSED;
509.  		if (levl[x][y].doormask != D_ISOPEN && !shdoor && !rn2(25))
510.  		    levl[x][y].doormask |= D_TRAPPED;
511.  	    } else {
512.  		if(shdoor)	levl[x][y].doormask = D_ISOPEN;
513.  		else		levl[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
514.  	    }
515.  	} else { /* SDOOR */
516.  		if(shdoor || !rn2(5))	levl[x][y].doormask = D_LOCKED;
517.  		else			levl[x][y].doormask = D_CLOSED;
519.  		if(!shdoor && !rn2(20)) levl[x][y].doormask |= D_TRAPPED;
520.  	}
521.  	aroom->doorct++;
522.  	broom = aroom+1;
523.  	if(broom->hx < 0) tmp = doorindex; else
524.  	for(tmp = doorindex; tmp > broom->fdoor; tmp--)
525.  		doors[tmp] = doors[tmp-1];
526.  	doorindex++;
527.  	doors[tmp].x = x;
528.  	doors[tmp].y = y;
529.  	for( ; broom->hx >= 0; broom++) broom->fdoor++;
530.  }
532.  static boolean
533.  place_niche(aroom,dy,xx,yy)
534.  register struct mkroom *aroom;
535.  int *dy, *xx, *yy;
536.  {
537.  	coord dd;
539.  	if(rn2(2)) {
540.  	    *dy = 1;
541.  	    finddpos(&dd, aroom->lx, aroom->hy+1, aroom->hx, aroom->hy+1);
542.  	} else {
543.  	    *dy = -1;
544.  	    finddpos(&dd, aroom->lx, aroom->ly-1, aroom->hx, aroom->ly-1);
545.  	}
546.  	*xx = dd.x;
547.  	*yy = dd.y;
548.  	return(levl[*xx][(*yy)+(*dy)].typ == STONE);
549.  }
551.  #ifdef ORACLE
552.  boolean
553.  place_oracle(aroom,dy,xx,yy)
554.  register struct mkroom *aroom;
555.  int *dy, *xx, *yy;
556.  {
557.  	if(!place_niche(aroom,dy,xx,yy)) return FALSE;
559.  	dosdoor(*xx,*yy,aroom,DOOR);
560.  	levl[*xx][*yy].doormask = D_NODOOR;
561.  	return TRUE;
562.  }
563.  #endif
565.  /* there should be one of these per trap */
566.  const char *engravings[] = {	"", "", "", "", "", "",
567.  				"?la? ?as ?er?", "ad ae?ar um",
568.  				"", "", "", "" ,""
569.  				, "", "ad ae?ar um"
570.  #ifdef SPELLS
571.  				,""
572.  #endif
573.  				,""
574.  #ifdef POLYSELF
575.  				,""
576.  #endif
577.  				,""
578.  				};
580.  static void
581.  makeniche(trap_type)
582.  int trap_type;
583.  {
584.  	register struct mkroom *aroom;
585.  	register struct rm *rm;
586.  	register int vct = 8;
587.  	int dy, xx, yy;
588.  	register struct trap *ttmp;
590.  	if(doorindex < DOORMAX)
591.  	  while(vct--) {
592.  	    aroom = &rooms[rn2(nroom)];
593.  	    if(aroom->rtype != OROOM) continue;	/* not an ordinary room */
594.  	    if(aroom->doorct == 1 && rn2(5)) continue;
595.  	    if(!place_niche(aroom,&dy,&xx,&yy)) continue;
597.  	    rm = &levl[xx][yy+dy];
598.  	    if(trap_type || !rn2(4)) {
600.  		rm->typ = SCORR;
601.  		rm->scrsym = STONE_SYM;
602.  		if(trap_type) {
603.  		    ttmp = maketrap(xx, yy+dy, trap_type);
604.  		    ttmp->once = 1;
605.  		    if (strlen(engravings[trap_type]) > 0)
606.  			make_engr_at(xx, yy-dy, engravings[trap_type]);
607.  		}
608.  		dosdoor(xx, yy, aroom, SDOOR);
609.  	    } else {
610.  		rm->typ = CORR;
611.  		rm->scrsym = CORR_SYM;
612.  		if(rn2(7))
613.  		    dosdoor(xx, yy, aroom, rn2(5) ? SDOOR : DOOR);
614.  		else {
615.  		    (void) mksobj_at(SCR_TELEPORTATION, xx, yy+dy);
616.  		    if(!rn2(3)) (void) mkobj_at(0, xx, yy+dy);
617.  		}
618.  	    }
619.  	    return;
620.  	}
621.  }
623.  static void
624.  make_niches()
625.  {
626.  	register int ct = rnd((nroom>>1) + 1);
627.  	boolean	ltptr = TRUE,
628.  		vamp = TRUE;
630.  	while(ct--) {
632.  		if(dlevel > 15 && !rn2(6) && ltptr) {
634.  			ltptr = FALSE;
635.  			makeniche(LEVEL_TELEP);
636.  		} else if (dlevel > 5 && dlevel < 25
637.  			   && !rn2(6) && vamp) {
639.  			vamp = FALSE;
640.  			makeniche(TRAPDOOR);
641.  		} else	makeniche(NO_TRAP);
642.  	}
643.  }
645.  static void
646.  makebigroom()
647.  {
648.  	register int x,y,n;
649.  	register struct mkroom *croom;
650.  	register struct monst *tmonst;
652.  	/* make biggest possible room; make sure it's lit */
653.  	(void) maker(XLIM, COLNO - 2*XLIM - 1, YLIM, ROWNO - 2*YLIM - 1, TRUE);
654.  	croom = &rooms[0];
656.  	/* add extra monsters and goodies */
657.  	n = 10 + rn2(15);
658.  	while (n--) {
659.  		x = somex(croom);
660.  		y = somey(croom);
661.  		tmonst = makemon((struct permonst *) 0,x,y);
662.  		if (tmonst && tmonst->data==&mons[PM_GIANT_SPIDER])
663.  			(void) maketrap(x,y,WEB);
664.  		if (tmonst && rn2(2))
665.  			tmonst->msleep = 1;
666.  	}
667.  	n = 6 + rn2(10);
668.  	while (n--)
669.  		(void) mkobj_at(0,somex(croom),somey(croom));
670.  }
672.  static void
673.  makevtele()
674.  {
675.  	makeniche(TELEP_TRAP);
676.  }
678.  #define rntwixt(L1,L2)	rn1((L2)-(L1),L1)
680.  static void
681.  init_levels()
682.  {
683.  #if defined(STRONGHOLD) && defined(MUSIC)
684.  	register int x;
685.  #endif
687.  #ifdef LINT	/* handle constant in conditional context */
688.  	medusa_level = 0;
689.  #else
690.  	medusa_level = rn1(3, HELLLEVEL - 5);
691.  #endif /* LINT */
692.  #ifdef STRONGHOLD
693.  	stronghold_level = rn1(5, medusa_level)+1;
694.  # ifdef MUSIC
695.  	for (x=0; x<5; x++)
696.  		tune[x] = 'A' + rn2(7);
697.  	tune[5] = 0;
698.  # endif
699.  	/* The tower will be on 3 levels */
700.  	tower_level = rntwixt(stronghold_level, MAXLEVEL-2)+1;
701.  	/* We don't want the wizard in Vlad's tower */
702.  	do
703.  		wiz_level = rntwixt(stronghold_level, MAXLEVEL)+1;
704.  	while (wiz_level >= tower_level && wiz_level <= tower_level + 2);
705.  #else
706.  	wiz_level	 = rntwixt(medusa_level, MAXLEVEL)+1;
707.  #endif /* STRONGHOLD /**/
708.  #ifdef WIZARD
709.  	if (!rn2(15) || wizard)
710.  #else
711.  	if (!rn2(15))
712.  #endif
713.  		/* between the middle of the dungeon and the medusa level */
714.  		bigroom_level = rntwixt(HELLLEVEL>>1, medusa_level);
715.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
716.  # ifdef WIZARD
717.  	if (!rn2(3) || wizard)
718.  # else
719.  	if (!rn2(3))
720.  # endif
721.  		rogue_level = rn1(5,10);
722.  #endif
723.  #ifdef ORACLE
724.  	oracle_level = rn1(4,5);
725.  #endif
726.  }
728.  #undef rntwixt
730.  static void
731.  makelevel() {
732.  	register struct mkroom *croom, *troom;
733.  	register unsigned int tryct;
734.  	register int x,y;
735.  	struct monst *tmonst;	/* always put a web with a spider */
737.  	nroom = 0;
738.  	doorindex = 0;
739.  	rooms[0].hx = -1;	/* in case we are in a maze */
741.  	for(x=0; x<COLNO; x++) for(y=0; y<ROWNO; y++)
742.  		levl[x][y] = zerorm;
744.  	oinit();	/* assign level dependent obj probabilities */
745.  	fountsound = 0;
746.  	sinksound = 0;
748.  	if (wiz_level == 0)
749.  		init_levels();
750.  	if (
751.  #ifndef STRONGHOLD
752.  	    Inhell
753.  #else
754.  	    dlevel >= stronghold_level || dlevel < 0
755.  #endif
756.  	    || (dlevel > medusa_level && rn2(5))
757.  	   ) {
758.  	    makemaz();
759.  	    return;
760.  	}
762.  	/* construct the rooms */
763.  	nroom = 0;
764.  	secret = FALSE;
766.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
767.  	if (dlevel == rogue_level) {
768.  	    makeroguerooms();
769.  	    makerogueghost();
770.  	} else
771.  #endif
772.  	if (dlevel == bigroom_level)
773.  	    makebigroom();
774.  	else
775.  	    (void) makerooms();
777.  	/* construct stairs (up and down in different rooms if possible) */
778.  	croom = &rooms[rn2(nroom)];
779.  	xdnstair = somex(croom);
780.  	ydnstair = somey(croom);
781.  	levl[xdnstair][ydnstair].scrsym = DN_SYM;
782.  	levl[xdnstair][ydnstair].typ = STAIRS;
783.  #ifdef MEDUSA
784.  	if (dlevel == medusa_level) {
785.  		struct monst *mtmp;
787.  		if (mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_MEDUSA], xdnstair, ydnstair))
788.  			mtmp->msleep = 1;
789.  		for (tryct = rn1(1,3); tryct; tryct--) {
790.  			x = somex(croom); y = somey(croom);
791.  			if (goodpos(x,y))
792.  				(void) mk_tt_statue(x, y);
793.  		}
794.  	}
795.  #endif
796.  	if(nroom > 1) {
797.  		troom = croom;
798.  		croom = &rooms[rn2(nroom-1)];
799.  		if(croom >= troom) croom++;
800.  	}
801.  	xupstair = somex(croom);    /* %% < and > might be in the same place */
802.  	yupstair = somey(croom);
803.  	levl[xupstair][yupstair].scrsym = UP_SYM;
804.  	levl[xupstair][yupstair].typ = STAIRS;
805.  #ifdef STRONGHOLD
806.  	xdnladder = ydnladder = xupladder = yupladder = 0;
807.  #endif
808.  	is_maze_lev = FALSE;
810.  #ifdef SYSV
811.  	qsort((genericptr_t) rooms, (unsigned)nroom, sizeof(struct mkroom), comp);
812.  #else
813.  	qsort((genericptr_t) rooms, nroom, sizeof(struct mkroom), comp);
814.  #endif
815.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
816.  	if (dlevel == rogue_level) {
817.  	   You("feel as though you were here in a previous lifetime.");
818.  	   return;
819.  	}
820.  #endif
821.  	makecorridors();
822.  	make_niches();
824.  	/* make a secret treasure vault, not connected to the rest */
825.  	if(nroom <= (MAXNROFROOMS/2)) if(rn2(3)) {
827.  		troom = &rooms[nroom];
828.  		secret = TRUE;
829.  		if(makerooms()) {
830.  			troom->rtype = VAULT;		/* treasure vault */
831.  			for(x = troom->lx; x <= troom->hx; x++)
832.  			for(y = troom->ly; y <= troom->hy; y++)
833.  				mkgold((long)(rnd(dlevel*100) + 50), x, y);
834.  			if(!rn2(3))
835.  				makevtele();
836.  		}
837.  	}
839.  #ifdef WIZARD
840.  	if(wizard && getenv("SHOPTYPE")) mkroom(SHOPBASE); else
841.  #endif
842.  #ifdef ORACLE
843.  	if(dlevel == oracle_level) mkroom(DELPHI);
844.  	/*  It is possible that we find no good place to set up Delphi.
845.  	 *  It is also possible to get more than one Delphi using bones levels.
846.  	 *  The first is not a problem; the second is a minor nuisance.
847.  	 */
848.  	else
849.  #endif
850.  	if(dlevel > 1 && dlevel < medusa_level && rn2(dlevel) < 3) mkroom(SHOPBASE);
851.  	else
852.  #ifdef THRONES
853.  	if(dlevel > 4 && !rn2(6)) mkroom(COURT);
854.  	else
855.  #endif
856.  	if(dlevel > 6 && !rn2(7)) mkroom(ZOO);
857.  	else
858.  #ifdef ALTARS
859.  	if(dlevel > 8 && !rn2(5)) mkroom(TEMPLE);
860.  	else
861.  #endif
862.  	if(dlevel > 9 && !rn2(5) && !(mons[PM_KILLER_BEE].geno & G_GENOD))
863.  		mkroom(BEEHIVE);
864.  	else
865.  	if(dlevel > 11 && !rn2(6)) mkroom(MORGUE);
866.  	else
867.  #ifdef ARMY
868.  	if(dlevel > 14 && !rn2(4) && !(mons[PM_SOLDIER].geno & G_GENOD))
869.  		mkroom(BARRACKS);
870.  	else
871.  #endif
872.  	if(dlevel > 18 && !rn2(6)) mkroom(SWAMP);
875.  	/* for each room: put things inside */
876.  	for(croom = rooms; croom->hx > 0; croom++) {
877.  		register boolean boxinlev = FALSE;
879.  		if(croom->rtype != OROOM) continue;
881.  		/* put a sleeping monster inside */
882.  		/* Note: monster may be on the stairs. This cannot be
883.  		   avoided: maybe the player fell through a trapdoor
884.  		   while a monster was on the stairs. Conclusion:
885.  		   we have to check for monsters on the stairs anyway. */
887.  		if(u.uhave_amulet || !rn2(3)) {
888.  		    x = somex(croom); y = somey(croom);
889.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
890.  		    if (dlevel == rogue_level)
891.  			tmonst = makemon(roguemon(), x, y);
892.  		    else
893.  #endif
894.  		    tmonst = makemon((struct permonst *) 0, x,y);
895.  		    if (tmonst && tmonst->data == &mons[PM_GIANT_SPIDER])
896.  			(void) maketrap (x,y,WEB);
897.  		}
898.  		/* put traps and mimics inside */
899.  		goldseen = FALSE;
900.  		while(!rn2(8-(dlevel/6))) mktrap(0,0,croom);
901.  		if(!goldseen && !rn2(3)) mkgold(0L, somex(croom), somey(croom));
902.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
903.  		if (dlevel == rogue_level) goto skip_nonrogue;
904.  #endif
905.  #ifdef FOUNTAINS
906.  		if(!rn2(10)) mkfount(0,croom);
907.  #endif
908.  #ifdef SINKS
909.  		if(!rn2(60)) mksink(croom);
910.  #endif
911.  #ifdef ALTARS
912.  		if(!rn2(60)) mkaltar(croom);
913.  #endif
914.  		/* put statues inside */
915.  #ifdef MEDUSA
916.  		if(!rn2(dlevel == medusa_level ? 1 : 20)) {
917.  			if (!rn2(dlevel == medusa_level ? 2 : 50))
918.  				(void) mk_tt_statue(somex(croom), somey(croom));
919.  			else {
920.  				struct obj *otmp =
921.  					mkstatue((struct permonst *)0,
922.  						somex(croom), somey(croom));
923.  				if (dlevel == medusa_level && otmp) 
924.  					otmp->spe = 0;
925.  				/* Medusa statues don't contain books */
926.  			}
927.  		}
928.  #else
929.  		if(!rn2(20))
930.  				(void) mkstatue((struct permonst *)0,
931.  						somex(croom), somey(croom));
932.  #endif
934.  		/* put box/chest inside */
935.  		if(!rn2(20) && !boxinlev) {
937.  		    boxinlev = TRUE;
938.  		    (void) mksobj_at((rn2(3)) ? LARGE_BOX : CHEST,
939.  				     somex(croom), somey(croom));
940.  		}
942.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
943.  	skip_nonrogue:
944.  #endif
945.  		if(!rn2(3)) {
946.  			(void) mkobj_at(0, somex(croom), somey(croom));
947.  			tryct = 0;
948.  			while(!rn2(5)) {
949.  				if(++tryct > 100){
950.  					Printf("tryct overflow4\n");
951.  					break;
952.  				}
953.  				(void) mkobj_at(0, somex(croom), somey(croom));
954.  			}
955.  		}
956.  	}
957.  }
959.  void
960.  mklev()
961.  {
962.  	if(getbones()) return;
964.  	in_mklev = TRUE;
965.  	makelevel();
966.  	bound_digging();
967.  	in_mklev = FALSE;
968.  }
970.  static boolean
971.  bydoor(x, y)
972.  register xchar x, y;
973.  {
974.  	register boolean tmp1, tmp2;
976.  	/* break up large expression to help some compilers */
977.  	tmp1 = (IS_DOOR(levl[x+1][y].typ) || levl[x+1][y].typ == SDOOR ||
978.  		IS_DOOR(levl[x-1][y].typ) || levl[x-1][y].typ == SDOOR);
979.  	tmp2 = (IS_DOOR(levl[x][y+1].typ) || levl[x][y+1].typ == SDOOR ||
980.  		IS_DOOR(levl[x][y-1].typ) || levl[x][y-1].typ == SDOOR);
981.  	return(tmp1 || tmp2);
982.  }
984.  /* see whether it is allowable to create a door at [x,y] */
985.  int
986.  okdoor(x,y)
987.  register xchar x, y;
988.  {
989.  	register boolean near_door = bydoor(x, y);
991.  	return((levl[x][y].typ == HWALL || levl[x][y].typ == VWALL) &&
992.  	   		doorindex < DOORMAX && !near_door);
993.  }
995.  void
996.  dodoor(x,y,aroom)
997.  register int x, y;
998.  register struct mkroom *aroom;
999.  {
1000. 	if(doorindex >= DOORMAX) {
1001. 		impossible("DOORMAX exceeded?");
1002. 		return;
1003. 	}
1004. 	if(!okdoor(x,y) && nxcor)
1005. 		return;
1006. 	dosdoor(x,y,aroom,rn2(8) ? DOOR : SDOOR);
1007. }
1009. static boolean
1010. occupied(x, y)
1011. register xchar x, y;
1012. {
1013. 	return(t_at(x, y) || levl[x][y].typ == STAIRS
1014. #ifdef FOUNTAINS
1015. 		|| IS_FOUNTAIN(levl[x][y].typ)
1016. #endif
1017. #ifdef THRONES
1018. 		|| IS_THRONE(levl[x][y].typ)
1019. #endif
1020. #ifdef SINKS
1021. 		|| IS_SINK(levl[x][y].typ)
1022. #endif
1023. #ifdef ALTARS
1024. 		|| levl[x][y].typ == ALTAR
1025. #endif
1026. 		);
1027. }
1029. /* make a trap somewhere (in croom if mazeflag = 0) */
1030. void
1031. mktrap(num, mazeflag, croom)
1032. register int num, mazeflag;
1033. register struct mkroom *croom;
1034. {
1035. 	register struct trap *ttmp;
1036. 	register int kind,nomonst,nomimic,nospider,
1037. #ifdef POLYSELF
1038. 		    nopoly,
1039. #endif
1040. 		    nospikes, nolevltp,
1041. 		    nolandmine,
1042. 		    tryct = 0;
1044. 	xchar mx,my;
1046. 	if(!num || num >= TRAPNUM) {
1047. 		nomonst = (dlevel < 4) ? 1 : 0;
1048. 		nolevltp = (dlevel < 5) ? 1 : 0;
1049. 		nospikes = (dlevel < 6) ? 1 : 0;
1050. 		nospider = (dlevel < 7) ? 1 : 0;
1051. #ifdef POLYSELF
1052. 		nopoly = (dlevel < 6) ? 1 : 0;
1053. #endif
1054. 		nolandmine = (dlevel < 5) ? 1 : 0;
1055. 		nomimic = (dlevel < 9 || goldseen ) ? 1 : 0;
1056. 		if((mons[PM_SMALL_MIMIC].geno & G_GENOD) &&
1057. 		   (mons[PM_LARGE_MIMIC].geno & G_GENOD) &&
1058. 		   (mons[PM_GIANT_MIMIC].geno & G_GENOD))
1059. 			nomimic = 1;
1060. 		if(mons[PM_GIANT_SPIDER].geno & G_GENOD)
1061. 			nospider = 1;
1063. 		do {
1064. #ifdef REINCARNATION
1065. 		    if (dlevel==rogue_level) {
1066. 			switch(rn2(7)) {
1067. 			     case 0: kind = BEAR_TRAP; break;
1068. 			     case 1: kind = ARROW_TRAP; break;
1069. 			     case 2: kind = DART_TRAP; break;
1070. 			     case 3: kind = TRAPDOOR; break;
1071. 			     case 4: kind = PIT; break;
1072. 			     case 5: kind = SLP_GAS_TRAP; break;
1073. 			     case 6: kind = RUST_TRAP; break;
1074. 			}
1075. 		    } else
1076. #endif
1077. 			    kind = rnd(TRAPNUM-1);
1078. 		    if((kind == MONST_TRAP && (nomonst && nomimic))
1079. 			|| ((kind == WEB) && nospider)
1080. 			|| (kind == SPIKED_PIT && nospikes)
1081. 			|| (kind == LEVEL_TELEP && nolevltp)
1082. #ifdef POLYSELF
1083. 			|| (kind == POLY_TRAP && nopoly)
1084. #endif
1085. 			|| (kind == LANDMINE && nolandmine)
1086. 			)  kind = NO_TRAP;
1087. 		} while(kind == NO_TRAP);
1088. 	} else kind = num;
1090. 	if(kind == MONST_TRAP && !nomimic && !rn2(4) && !mazeflag) {
1091. 		register struct monst *mtmp;
1093. 		do {
1094. 			if(++tryct > 200) return;
1095. 			/* note: fakedoor maybe on actual door */
1096. 			if(rn2(2)){
1097. 			    if(rn2(2))	mx = croom->hx+1;
1098. 			    else	mx = croom->lx-1;
1099. 			    my = somey(croom);
1100. 			} else {
1101. 			    if(rn2(2))	my = croom->hy+1;
1102. 			    else	my = croom->ly-1;
1103. 			    mx = somex(croom);
1104. 			}
1105. 		} while(levl[mx][my].mmask);
1107. 		if((mtmp = makemon(mkclass(S_MIMIC), mx, my))) {
1108. 		    mtmp->mimic = 1;
1109. 		    mtmp->mappearance = DOOR_SYM;
1110. 		}
1111. 		return;
1112. 	}
1114. 	do {
1115. 		if(++tryct > 200)
1116. 			return;
1117. 		if(mazeflag){
1118. 			coord mm;
1119. 			mazexy(&mm);
1120. 			mx = mm.x;
1121. 			my = mm.y;
1122. 		} else {
1123. 			mx = somex(croom);
1124. 			my = somey(croom);
1125. 		}
1126. 	} while(occupied(mx, my));
1128. 	ttmp = maketrap(mx, my, kind);
1129. 	if (kind == WEB) (void) makemon(&mons[PM_GIANT_SPIDER], mx, my);
1130. 	if(mazeflag && !rn2(10) && ttmp->ttyp < MONST_TRAP)
1131. 		ttmp->tseen = 1;
1132. }
1134. #ifdef FOUNTAINS
1135. void
1136. mkfount(mazeflag,croom)
1137. register struct mkroom *croom;
1138. register int mazeflag;
1139. {
1140. 	register xchar mx,my;
1141. 	register int tryct = 0;
1143. 	do {
1144. 	    if(++tryct > 200) return;
1145. 	    if(mazeflag) {
1146. 		 coord mm;
1147. 		 mazexy(&mm);
1148. 		 mx = mm.x;
1149. 		 my = mm.y;
1150. 	    } else {
1151. 		 mx = somex(croom);
1152. 		 my = somey(croom);
1153. 	    }
1154. 	} while(occupied(mx, my) || bydoor(mx, my));
1156. 	/* Put a fountain at mx, my */
1157. 	levl[mx][my].typ = FOUNTAIN;
1158. 	levl[mx][my].scrsym = FOUNTAIN_SYM;
1160. 	fountsound++;
1161. }
1162. #endif /* FOUNTAINS /**/
1164. #ifdef SINKS
1165. static void
1166. mksink(croom)
1167. register struct mkroom *croom;
1168. {
1169. 	register xchar mx,my;
1170. 	register int tryct = 0;
1172. 	do {
1173. 	    if(++tryct > 200) return;
1174. 	    mx = somex(croom);
1175. 	    my = somey(croom);
1176. 	} while(occupied(mx, my) || bydoor(mx, my));
1178. 	/* Put a sink at mx, my */
1179. 	levl[mx][my].typ = SINK;
1180. 	levl[mx][my].scrsym = SINK_SYM;
1182. 	sinksound++;
1183. }
1184. #endif /* SINKS /**/
1187. #ifdef ALTARS
1188. static void
1189. mkaltar(croom)
1190. register struct mkroom *croom;
1191. {
1192. 	register xchar mx,my;
1193. 	register int tryct = 0;
1195. 	if(croom->rtype != OROOM) return;
1197. 	do {
1198. 	    if(++tryct > 200) return;
1199. 	    mx = somex(croom);
1200. 	    my = somey(croom);
1201. 	} while(occupied(mx, my) || bydoor(mx, my));
1203. 	/* Put an altar at mx, my */
1204. 	levl[mx][my].typ = ALTAR;
1205. 	levl[mx][my].scrsym = ALTAR_SYM;
1206. 	/* 0 - A_CHAOS, 1 - A_NEUTRAL, 2 - A_LAW */
1207. 	levl[mx][my].altarmask = rn2((int)A_LAW+1);
1208. }
1209. #endif /* ALTARS /**/