Source:NetHack 3.0.0/you.h

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Below is the full text to you.h from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/you.h#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)you.h	3.0	88/04/25
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #ifndef YOU_H
6.    #define YOU_H
8.    #ifndef ATTRIB_H
9.    #include "attrib.h"
10.   #endif
11.   #ifndef MONST_H
12.   #include "monst.h"
13.   #endif
14.   #ifndef YOUPROP_H
15.   #include "youprop.h"
16.   #endif
18.   struct prop {
20.   #define	TIMEOUT		007777	/* mask */
22.   #define	LEFT_RING	W_RINGL	/* 010000L */
23.   #define	RIGHT_RING	W_RINGR	/* 020000L */
24.   #define	LEFT_SIDE	LEFT_RING
28.   #define WORN_ARMOR	W_ARM	/* 040000L */
29.   #define WORN_CLOAK	W_ARMC	/* 0100000L */
30.   #define WORN_HELMET	W_ARMH	/* 0200000L */
31.   #define WORN_SHIELD	W_ARMS	/* 0400000L */
32.   #define WORN_GLOVES	W_ARMG	/* 01000000L */
33.   #define WORN_BOOTS	W_ARMF	/* 02000000L */
34.   #define	WORN_AMUL	W_AMUL	/* 04000000L */
35.   #define	WORN_BLINDF	W_TOOL	/* 010000000L */
36.   #ifdef SHIRT
37.   #define	WORN_SHIRT	W_ARMU	/* 020000000L */
38.   #endif
39.   #define	INTRINSIC	040000000L
42.   	long p_flgs;
43.   	int (*p_tofn)();	/* called after timeout */
44.   };
46.   struct you {
47.   	xchar ux, uy;
48.   	schar dx, dy, dz;	/* direction of move (or zap or ... ) */
49.   	schar di;		/* direction of FF */
50.   	xchar ux0, uy0;		/* initial position FF */
51.   	xchar udisx, udisy;	/* last display pos */
52.   	uchar usym;		/* usually '@' */
53.   	int last_str_turn;	/* 0: none, 1: half turn, 2: full turn */
54.   				/* +: turn right, -: turn left */
55.   	boolean umoved;		/* changed map location (post-move) */
56.   	unsigned udispl;	/* @ on display */
57.   	unsigned ulevel;	/* 1 - MAXULEV */
58.   	unsigned utrap;		/* trap timeout */
59.   	unsigned utraptype;	/* defined if utrap nonzero */
60.   #define	TT_BEARTRAP	0
61.   #define	TT_PIT		1
62.   #define	TT_WEB		2
63.   	unsigned uinshop;	/* used only in shk.c - (roomno+1) of shop */
64.   	int	 uhunger;	/* refd only in eat.c and shk.c */
65.   	unsigned uhs;		/* hunger state - see eat.c */
67.   	struct prop uprops[LAST_PROP+1];
69.   	unsigned umconf;
70.   	char *usick_cause;
71.   /* For messages referring to hands, eyes, feet, etc... when polymorphed */
72.   #define ARM 0
73.   #define EYE 1
74.   #define FACE 2
75.   #define FINGER 3
76.   #define FINGERTIP 4
77.   #define FOOT 5
78.   #define HAND 6
79.   #define HANDED 7
80.   #define HEAD 8
81.   #define LEG 9
82.   #define LIGHT_HEADED 10
83.   #define NECK 11
84.   #define TOE 12
85.   #ifdef POLYSELF
86.   	int mh, mhmax, mtimedone, umonnum;	/* for polymorph-self */
87.   	struct attribs	macurr,			/* for monster attribs */
88.   			mamax;			/* for monster attribs */
89.   	int ulycn;				/* lycanthrope type */
90.   #endif
91.   	unsigned ucreamed;
92.   	unsigned uswallow;		/* set if swallowed by a monster */
93.   	unsigned uswldtim;		/* time you have been swallowed */
94.   #ifdef POLYSELF
95.   	Bitfield(uundetected,1);	/* if you're a hiding monster/piercer */
96.   #endif
97.   #if defined(THEOLOGY) && defined(ELBERETH)
98.   	Bitfield(uhand_of_elbereth,1);	/* if you become Hand of Elbereth */
99.   #endif
100.  #ifdef MEDUSA
101.  	Bitfield(ukilled_medusa,1);	/* if you kill the medusa */
102.  #endif
103.  	Bitfield(uhave_amulet,1);	/* you're carrying the Amulet */
104.  #ifdef HARD
105.  	Bitfield(udemigod,1);		/* once you kill the wiz */
106.  	unsigned udg_cnt;		/* how long you have been demigod */
107.  #endif
108.  	struct	attribs	acurr,		/* your current attributes (eg. str) */
109.  			abon,		/* your bonus attributes (eg. str) */
110.  			amax,		/* your max attributes (eg. str) */
111.  			atemp,		/* used for temporary loss/gain */
112.  			atime;		/* used for loss/gain countdown */
113.  #define U_CHAOTIC      -1		/* the value range of ualigntyp */
114.  #define U_NEUTRAL	0
115.  #define U_LAWFUL	1
116.  	int 	ualign;			/* running alignment score */
117.  	schar 	ualigntyp;		/* basic character alignment */
118.  #ifdef THEOLOGY
119.  #define CONVERT 	2
120.  	schar   ualignbase[CONVERT];	/* for ualigntyp conversion record */
121.  #endif
122.  	schar uluck, moreluck;		/* luck and luck bonus */
123.  #define	LUCKADD		3	/* added value when carrying luck stone */
124.  #define Luck	(u.uluck + u.moreluck)
125.  #define	LUCKMAX		10	/* on moonlit nights 11 */
126.  #define	LUCKMIN		(-10)
127.  	schar	udaminc;
128.  	schar	uac;
129.  	int	uhp,uhpmax;
130.  #ifdef SPELLS
131.  	int	uen, uenmax;		/* magical energy - M. Stephenson */
132.  #endif
133.  #ifdef THEOLOGY
134.  	int ugangr;			/* if the gods are angry at you */
135.  	int ublessed, ublesscnt;	/* blessing/duration from #pray */
136.  #endif
137.  	long	ugold, ugold0;
138.  	long	uexp, urexp;
139.  #ifdef ALTARS
140.  	long 	ucleansed;	/* to record moves when player was cleansed */
141.  #endif
142.  	int uinvault;
143.  	struct monst *ustuck;
144.  	int ugrave_arise; /* you die and become something aside from a ghost */
145.  	int nr_killed[NUMMONS]; 	/* used for experience bookkeeping */
146.  };
148.  #endif /* YOU_H /**/