Source:NetHack 3.0.0/worn.c

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Below is the full text to worn.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For newer releases, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)worn.c	3.0	88/12/23
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    static const char crispy[] = "The flames of Hell burn you to a crisp.";
8.    static void set_armor_intrinsic P((struct obj *,boolean));
10.   const struct worn {
11.   	long w_mask;
12.   	struct obj **w_obj;
13.   } worn[] = {
14.   	{ W_ARM, &uarm },
15.   	{ W_ARMC, &uarmc },
16.   	{ W_ARMH, &uarmh },
17.   	{ W_ARMS, &uarms },
18.   	{ W_ARMG, &uarmg },
19.   	{ W_ARMF, &uarmf },
20.   #ifdef SHIRT
21.   	{ W_ARMU, &uarmu },
22.   #endif
23.   	{ W_RINGL, &uleft },
24.   	{ W_RINGR, &uright },
25.   	{ W_WEP, &uwep },
26.   	{ W_AMUL, &uamul },
27.   	{ W_TOOL, &ublindf },
28.   	{ W_BALL, &uball },
29.   	{ W_CHAIN, &uchain },
30.   	{ 0, 0 }
31.   };
33.   void
34.   setworn(obj, mask)
35.   register struct obj *obj;
36.   long mask;
37.   {
38.   	register struct worn *wp;
39.   	register struct obj *oobj;
41.   	for(wp = worn; wp->w_mask; wp++) if(wp->w_mask & mask) {
42.   		oobj = *(wp->w_obj);
43.   		if(oobj && !(oobj->owornmask & wp->w_mask))
44.   			impossible("Setworn: mask = %ld.", wp->w_mask);
45.   		if(oobj) {
46.   		    oobj->owornmask &= ~wp->w_mask;
47.   		    /* leave as "x = x <op> y", here and below, for broken
48.   		     * compilers */
49.   		    u.uprops[objects[oobj->otyp].oc_oprop].p_flgs = 
50.   			    u.uprops[objects[oobj->otyp].oc_oprop].p_flgs & 
51.   				~wp->w_mask;
52.   		    set_armor_intrinsic(oobj, 0);
53.   		}
54.   		*(wp->w_obj) = obj;
55.   		if(obj) {
56.   		    obj->owornmask |= wp->w_mask;
57.   		    u.uprops[objects[obj->otyp].oc_oprop].p_flgs = 
58.   			    u.uprops[objects[obj->otyp].oc_oprop].p_flgs | 
59.   				wp->w_mask;
60.   		    set_armor_intrinsic(obj, 1);
61.   		}
62.   	}
63.   	/* A kludge to solve the problem of someone gaining fire resistance
64.   	 * only from an item, then entering Hell and removing/unwielding it.
65.   	 * Checking this every time setworn gets called is a bit of an
66.   	 * overkill. --KAA
67.   	 */
68.   	if (Inhell && !Fire_resistance) {
69.   		pline(crispy);
70.   		killer = "loss of fire protection";
71.   		done("burned");
72.   		/* If we're here they survived with life saving, so put the
73.   		 * weapon they just unwielded back in their hands...
74.   		 */
75.   		if (oobj->otyp != DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL
76.   				&& oobj->otyp != RIN_FIRE_RESISTANCE
77.   #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
78.   				&& !defends(AD_FIRE, oobj)
79.   #endif
80.   				&& oobj->corpsenm != PM_RED_DRAGON)
81.   			impossible("lost FR from a non-FR item?");
82.   		setworn(oobj, mask);
83.   	}
84.   }
86.   /* called e.g. when obj is destroyed */
87.   void
88.   setnotworn(obj)
89.   register struct obj *obj;
90.   {
91.   	register struct worn *wp;
93.   	if (!obj) return;
94.   	for(wp = worn; wp->w_mask; wp++)
95.   		if(obj == *(wp->w_obj)) {
96.   			*(wp->w_obj) = 0;
97.   			u.uprops[objects[obj->otyp].oc_oprop].p_flgs = 
98.   				u.uprops[objects[obj->otyp].oc_oprop].p_flgs & 
99.   					~wp->w_mask;
100.  			obj->owornmask &= ~wp->w_mask;
101.  			set_armor_intrinsic(obj, 0);
102.  		}
103.  	/* See comments above in setworn().  The major difference is the
104.  	 * need to check AMULET_SYM so if someone goes to Hell without
105.  	 * being fire resistant, then dies, when their amulet saves them
106.  	 * and disintegrates this code will not be triggered. --KAA
107.  	 */
108.  	if (Inhell && !Fire_resistance && obj->olet != AMULET_SYM) {
109.  		pline(crispy);
110.  		killer = "loss of fire protection";
111.  		done("burned");
112.  		/* Survived with lifesaving, etc...; there's no general way
113.  		 * to undo the setnotworn()--we can't re-wear/wield the
114.  		 * item since it might have been stolen, disintegrated, etc....
115.  		 */
116.  #if defined(WIZARD) || defined(EXPLORE_MODE)
117.  		while(1) {
118.  			/* keep doing it until they finally decide they really
119.  			 * _do_ want to die, since we can't possibly continue
120.  			 * the game from this point...
121.  			 */
122.  #endif
123.  			You("are still burning and die again...");
124.  			done("burned");
125.  #if defined(WIZARD) || defined(EXPLORE_MODE)
126.  		}
127.  #endif
128.  	}
129.  }
131.  static void
132.  set_armor_intrinsic(obj,on)
133.  register struct obj *obj;
134.  boolean on;
135.  {
136.  	long *mask;
138.  	if (obj->otyp != DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL) return;
139.  	switch(obj->corpsenm) {
140.  		case PM_GREY_DRAGON:
141.  			mask = &Antimagic;
142.  			break;
143.  		case PM_RED_DRAGON:
144.  			mask = &HFire_resistance;
145.  			break;
146.  		case PM_WHITE_DRAGON:
147.  			mask = &HCold_resistance;
148.  			break;
149.  		case PM_BLUE_DRAGON:
150.  			mask = &HShock_resistance;
151.  			break;
152.  		case PM_GREEN_DRAGON:
153.  			mask = &HPoison_resistance;
154.  			break;
155.  		case PM_ORANGE_DRAGON:
156.  			mask = &HSleep_resistance;
157.  			break;
158.  		case PM_BLACK_DRAGON:
159.  			mask = &HDisint_resistance;
160.  			break;
161.  		case PM_YELLOW_DRAGON:
162.  		default:
163.  			return;
164.  	}
165.  	if (on) *mask |= WORN_ARMOR;
166.  	else *mask &= ~WORN_ARMOR;
167.  }