Source:NetHack 3.4.0/hack.c

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Below is the full text to hack.c from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/hack.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)hack.c	3.4	2002/03/09	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    #ifdef OVL1
8.    STATIC_DCL void NDECL(maybe_wail);
9.    #endif /*OVL1*/
10.   STATIC_DCL int NDECL(moverock);
11.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(still_chewing,(XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P));
12.   #ifdef SINKS
13.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(dosinkfall);
14.   #endif
15.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(findtravelpath);
16.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(monstinroom, (struct permonst *,int));
18.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(move_update, (BOOLEAN_P));
20.   #define IS_SHOP(x)	(rooms[x].rtype >= SHOPBASE)
22.   #ifdef OVL2
24.   boolean
25.   revive_nasty(x, y, msg)
26.   int x,y;
27.   const char *msg;
28.   {
29.       register struct obj *otmp, *otmp2;
30.       struct monst *mtmp;
31.       coord cc;
32.       boolean revived = FALSE;
34.       for(otmp = level.objects[x][y]; otmp; otmp = otmp2) {
35.   	otmp2 = otmp->nexthere;
36.   	if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE &&
37.   	    (is_rider(&mons[otmp->corpsenm]) ||
38.   	     otmp->corpsenm == PM_WIZARD_OF_YENDOR)) {
39.   	    /* move any living monster already at that location */
40.   	    if((mtmp = m_at(x,y)) && enexto(&cc, x, y, mtmp->data))
41.   		rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
42.   	    if(msg) Norep("%s", msg);
43.   	    revived = revive_corpse(otmp);
44.   	}
45.       }
47.       /* this location might not be safe, if not, move revived monster */
48.       if (revived) {
49.   	mtmp = m_at(x,y);
50.   	if (mtmp && !goodpos(x, y, mtmp) &&
51.   	    enexto(&cc, x, y, mtmp->data)) {
52.   	    rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
53.   	}
54.   	/* else impossible? */
55.       }
57.       return (revived);
58.   }
60.   STATIC_OVL int
61.   moverock()
62.   {
63.       register xchar rx, ry, sx, sy;
64.       register struct obj *otmp;
65.       register struct trap *ttmp;
66.       register struct monst *mtmp;
68.       sx = u.ux + u.dx,  sy = + u.dy;	/* boulder starting position */
69.       while ((otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, sx, sy)) != 0) {
70.   	/* make sure that this boulder is visible as the top object */
71.   	if (otmp != level.objects[sx][sy]) movobj(otmp, sx, sy);
73.   	rx = u.ux + 2 * u.dx;	/* boulder destination position */
74.   	ry = + 2 * u.dy;
75.   	nomul(0);
76.   	if (Levitation || Is_airlevel(& {
77.   	    if (Blind) feel_location(sx, sy);
78.   	    You("don't have enough leverage to push %s.", the(xname(otmp)));
79.   	    /* Give them a chance to climb over it? */
80.   	    return -1;
81.   	}
82.   	if (verysmall(
83.   #ifdef STEED
84.   		 && !u.usteed
85.   #endif
86.   				    ) {
87.   	    if (Blind) feel_location(sx, sy);
88.   	    pline("You're too small to push that %s.", xname(otmp));
89.   	    goto cannot_push;
90.   	}
91.   	if (isok(rx,ry) && !IS_ROCK(levl[rx][ry].typ) &&
92.   	    (!IS_DOOR(levl[rx][ry].typ) || !(u.dx && u.dy) || (
93.   #ifdef REINCARNATION
94.   		!Is_rogue_level(& &&
95.   #endif
96.   		(levl[rx][ry].doormask & ~D_BROKEN) == D_NODOOR)) &&
97.   	    !sobj_at(BOULDER, rx, ry)) {
98.   	    ttmp = t_at(rx, ry);
99.   	    mtmp = m_at(rx, ry);
101.  		/* KMH -- Sokoban doesn't let you push boulders diagonally */
102.  	    if (In_sokoban(& && u.dx && u.dy) {
103.  	    	if (Blind) feel_location(sx,sy);
104.  	    	pline("%s won't roll diagonally on this %s.",
105.  	        		The(xname(otmp)), surface(sx, sy));
106.  	    	goto cannot_push;
107.  	    }
109.  	    if (revive_nasty(rx, ry, "You sense movement on the other side."))
110.  		return (-1);
112.  	    if (mtmp && !noncorporeal(mtmp->data) &&
113.  		    (!mtmp->mtrapped ||
114.  			 !(ttmp && ((ttmp->ttyp == PIT) ||
115.  				    (ttmp->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT))))) {
116.  		if (canspotmon(mtmp))
117.  		    pline("There's %s on the other side.", mon_nam(mtmp));
118.  		else {
119.  		    if (Blind) feel_location(sx, sy);
120.  		    You_hear("a monster behind %s.", the(xname(otmp)));
121.  		    map_invisible(rx, ry);
122.  		}
123.  		if (flags.verbose)
124.  		    pline("Perhaps that's why %s cannot move it.",
125.  #ifdef STEED
126.  				u.usteed ? mon_nam(u.usteed) :
127.  #endif
128.  				"you");
129.  		goto cannot_push;
130.  	    }
132.  	    if (ttmp)
133.  		switch(ttmp->ttyp) {
134.  		case LANDMINE:
135.  		    if (rn2(10)) {
136.  			pline("KAABLAMM!!!  %s %s land mine.",
137.  				Tobjnam(otmp, "trigger"),
138.  				ttmp->madeby_u ? "your" : "a");
139.  			obj_extract_self(otmp);
140.  			place_object(otmp, rx, ry);
141.  			blow_up_landmine(ttmp);
142.  			/* if the boulder remains, it should fill the pit */
143.  			fill_pit(u.ux,;
144.  			if (cansee(rx,ry)) newsym(rx,ry);
145.  			continue;
146.  		    }
147.  		    break;
148.  		case SPIKED_PIT:
149.  		case PIT:
150.  		    obj_extract_self(otmp);
151.  		    /* vision kludge to get messages right;
152.  		       the pit will temporarily be seen even
153.  		       if this is one among multiple boulders */
154.  		    if (!Blind) viz_array[ry][rx] |= IN_SIGHT;
155.  		    if (!flooreffects(otmp, rx, ry, "fall")) {
156.  			place_object(otmp, rx, ry);
157.  		    }
158.  		    if (mtmp && !Blind) newsym(rx, ry);
159.  		    continue;
160.  		case HOLE:
161.  		case TRAPDOOR:
162.  		    if (Blind)
163.  			pline("Kerplunk!  You no longer feel %s.",
164.  				the(xname(otmp)));
165.  		    else
166.  			pline("%s%s and %s a %s in the %s!",
167.  			  Tobjnam(otmp,
168.  			   (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? "trigger" : "fall"),
169.  			  (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? nul : " into",
170.  			  otense(otmp, "plug"),
171.  			  (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? "trap door" : "hole",
172.  			  surface(rx, ry));
173.  		    deltrap(ttmp);
174.  		    delobj(otmp);
175.  		    bury_objs(rx, ry);
176.  		    if (cansee(rx,ry)) newsym(rx,ry);
177.  		    continue;
178.  		case LEVEL_TELEP:
179.  		case TELEP_TRAP:
180.  #ifdef STEED
181.  		    if (u.usteed)
182.  			pline("%s pushes %s and suddenly it disappears!",
183.  				Monnam(u.usteed), the(xname(otmp)));
184.  		    else
185.  #endif
186.  		    You("push %s and suddenly it disappears!",
187.  			the(xname(otmp)));
188.  		    if (ttmp->ttyp == TELEP_TRAP)
189.  			rloco(otmp);
190.  		    else {
191.  			int newlev = random_teleport_level();
192.  			d_level dest;
194.  			if (newlev == depth(& || In_endgame(&
195.  			    continue;
196.  			obj_extract_self(otmp);
197.  			add_to_migration(otmp);
198.  			get_level(&dest, newlev);
199.  			otmp->ox = dest.dnum;
200.  			otmp->oy = dest.dlevel;
201.  			otmp->owornmask = (long)MIGR_RANDOM;
202.  		    }
203.  		    seetrap(ttmp);
204.  		    continue;
205.  		}
206.  	    if (closed_door(rx, ry))
207.  		goto nopushmsg;
208.  	    if (boulder_hits_pool(otmp, rx, ry, TRUE))
209.  		continue;
210.  	    /*
211.  	     * Re-link at top of fobj chain so that pile order is preserved
212.  	     * when level is restored.
213.  	     */
214.  	    if (otmp != fobj) {
215.  		remove_object(otmp);
216.  		place_object(otmp, otmp->ox, otmp->oy);
217.  	    }
219.  	    {
220.  #ifdef LINT /* static long lastmovetime; */
221.  		long lastmovetime;
222.  		lastmovetime = 0;
223.  #else
224.  		static NEARDATA long lastmovetime;
225.  #endif
226.  		/* note: this var contains garbage initially and
227.  		   after a restore */
228.  #ifdef STEED
229.  		if (!u.usteed) {
230.  #endif
231.  		  if (moves > lastmovetime+2 || moves < lastmovetime)
232.  		    pline("With %s effort you move %s.",
233.  			  throws_rocks( ? "little" : "great",
234.  			  the(xname(otmp)));
235.  		  exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
236.  #ifdef STEED
237.  		} else 
238.  		    pline("%s moves %s.", Monnam(u.usteed), the(xname(otmp)));
239.  #endif
240.  		lastmovetime = moves;
241.  	    }
243.  	    /* Move the boulder *after* the message. */
244.  	    if (glyph_is_invisible(levl[rx][ry].glyph))
245.  		unmap_object(rx, ry);
246.  	    movobj(otmp, rx, ry);	/* does newsym(rx,ry) */
247.  	    if (Blind) {
248.  		feel_location(rx,ry);
249.  		feel_location(sx, sy);
250.  	    } else {
251.  		newsym(sx, sy);
252.  	    }
253.  	} else {
254.  	nopushmsg:
255.  #ifdef STEED
256.  	  if (u.usteed)
257.  	    pline("%s tries to move %s, but cannot.",
258.  		  	Monnam(u.usteed), the(xname(otmp)));
259.  	  else
260.  #endif
261.  	    You("try to move %s, but in vain.", the(xname(otmp)));
262.  	    if (Blind) feel_location(sx, sy);
263.  	cannot_push:
264.  	    if (throws_rocks( {
265.  #ifdef STEED
266.  		if (u.usteed && P_SKILL(P_RIDING) < P_BASIC) {
267.  		    You("aren't skilled enough to %s %s from %s.",
268.  			(flags.pickup && !In_sokoban(&
269.  			    ? "pick up" : "push aside",
270.  			the(xname(otmp)), mon_nam(u.usteed));
271.  		} else
272.  #endif
273.  		{
274.  		    pline("However, you can easily %s.",
275.  			(flags.pickup && !In_sokoban(&
276.  			    ? "pick it up" : "push it aside");
277.  		    if (In_sokoban(&
278.  			change_luck(-1);	/* Sokoban guilt */
279.  		    break;
280.  		}
281.  		break;
282.  	    }
284.  	    if (
285.  #ifdef STEED
286.  		!u.usteed &&
287.  #endif	    
288.  		(((!invent || inv_weight() <= -850) &&
289.  		 (!u.dx || !u.dy || (IS_ROCK(levl[u.ux][sy].typ)
290.  				     && IS_ROCK(levl[sx][].typ))))
291.  		|| verysmall( {
292.  		pline("However, you can squeeze yourself into a small opening.");
293.  		if (In_sokoban(&
294.  		    change_luck(-1);	/* Sokoban guilt */
295.  		break;
296.  	    } else
297.  		return (-1);
298.  	}
299.      }
300.      return (0);
301.  }
303.  /*
304.   *  still_chewing()
305.   *
306.   *  Chew on a wall, door, or boulder.  Returns TRUE if still eating, FALSE
307.   *  when done.
308.   */
309.  STATIC_OVL int
310.  still_chewing(x,y)
311.      xchar x, y;
312.  {
313.      struct rm *lev = &levl[x][y];
314.      struct obj *boulder = sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y);
315.      const char *digtxt = (char *)0, *dmgtxt = (char *)0;
317.      if (digging.down)		/* not continuing previous dig (w/ pick-axe) */
318.  	(void) memset((genericptr_t)&digging, 0, sizeof digging);
320.      if (!boulder && IS_ROCK(lev->typ) && !may_dig(x,y)) {
321.  	You("hurt your teeth on the %s.",
322.  	    IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? "tree" : "hard stone");
323.  	nomul(0);
324.  	return 1;
325.      } else if (digging.pos.x != x || digging.pos.y != y ||
326.  		!on_level(&digging.level, & {
327.  	digging.down = FALSE;
328.  	digging.chew = TRUE;
329.  	digging.warned = FALSE;
330.  	digging.pos.x = x;
331.  	digging.pos.y = y;
332.  	assign_level(&digging.level, &;
333.  	/* solid rock takes more work & time to dig through */
334.  	digging.effort =
335.  	    (IS_ROCK(lev->typ) && !IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? 30 : 60) + u.udaminc;
336.  	You("start chewing %s %s.",
337.  	    (boulder || IS_TREE(lev->typ)) ? "on a" : "a hole in the",
338.  	    boulder ? "boulder" :
339.  	    IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? "tree" : IS_ROCK(lev->typ) ? "rock" : "door");
340.  	watch_dig((struct monst *)0, x, y, FALSE);
341.  	return 1;
342.      } else if ((digging.effort += (30 + u.udaminc)) <= 100)  {
343.  	if (flags.verbose)
344.  	    You("%s chewing on the %s.",
345.  		digging.chew ? "continue" : "begin",
346.  		boulder ? "boulder" :
347.  		IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? "tree" :
348.  		IS_ROCK(lev->typ) ? "rock" : "door");
349.  	digging.chew = TRUE;
350.  	watch_dig((struct monst *)0, x, y, FALSE);
351.  	return 1;
352.      }
354.      /* Okay, you've chewed through something */
356.      u.uhunger += rnd(20);
358.      if (boulder) {
359.  	delobj(boulder);		/* boulder goes bye-bye */
360.  	You("eat the boulder.");	/* yum */
362.  	/*
363.  	 *  The location could still block because of
364.  	 *	1. More than one boulder
365.  	 *	2. Boulder stuck in a wall/stone/door.
366.  	 *
367.  	 *  [perhaps use does_block() below (from vision.c)]
368.  	 */
369.  	if (IS_ROCK(lev->typ) || closed_door(x,y) || sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y)) {
370.  	    block_point(x,y);	/* delobj will unblock the point */
371.  	    /* reset dig state */
372.  	    (void) memset((genericptr_t)&digging, 0, sizeof digging);
373.  	    return 1;
374.  	}
376.      } else if (IS_WALL(lev->typ)) {
377.  	if (*in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE)) {
378.  	    add_damage(x, y, 10L * ACURRSTR);
379.  	    dmgtxt = "damage";
380.  	}
381.  	digtxt = "chew a hole in the wall.";
382.  	if (level.flags.is_maze_lev) {
383.  	    lev->typ = ROOM;
384.  	} else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev) {
385.  	    lev->typ = CORR;
386.  	} else {
387.  	    lev->typ = DOOR;
388.  	    lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
389.  	}
390.      } else if (lev->typ == SDOOR) {
391.  	if (lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
392.  	    lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
393.  	    b_trapped("secret door", 0);
394.  	} else {
395.  	    digtxt = "chew through the secret door.";
396.  	    lev->doormask = D_BROKEN;
397.  	}
398.  	lev->typ = DOOR;
400.      } else if (IS_DOOR(lev->typ)) {
401.  	if (*in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE)) {
402.  	    add_damage(x, y, 400L);
403.  	    dmgtxt = "break";
404.  	}
405.  	if (lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
406.  	    lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
407.  	    b_trapped("door", 0);
408.  	} else {
409.  	    digtxt = "chew through the door.";
410.  	    lev->doormask = D_BROKEN;
411.  	}
413.      } else { /* STONE or SCORR */
414.  	digtxt = "chew a passage through the rock.";
415.  	lev->typ = CORR;
416.      }
418.      unblock_point(x, y);	/* vision */
419.      newsym(x, y);
420.      if (digtxt) You(digtxt);	/* after newsym */
421.      if (dmgtxt) pay_for_damage(dmgtxt);
422.      (void) memset((genericptr_t)&digging, 0, sizeof digging);
423.      return 0;
424.  }
426.  #endif /* OVL2 */
427.  #ifdef OVLB
429.  void
430.  movobj(obj, ox, oy)
431.  register struct obj *obj;
432.  register xchar ox, oy;
433.  {
434.  	/* optimize by leaving on the fobj chain? */
435.  	remove_object(obj);
436.  	newsym(obj->ox, obj->oy);
437.  	place_object(obj, ox, oy);
438.  	newsym(ox, oy);
439.  }
441.  #ifdef SINKS
442.  static NEARDATA const char fell_on_sink[] = "fell onto a sink";
444.  STATIC_OVL void
445.  dosinkfall()
446.  {
447.  	register struct obj *obj;
449.  	if (is_floater( || (HLevitation & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
450.  	    You("wobble unsteadily for a moment.");
451.  	} else {
452.  	    You("crash to the floor!");
453.  	    losehp(rn1(8, 25 - (int)ACURR(A_CON)),
454.  		   fell_on_sink, NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
455.  	    exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
456.  	    selftouch("Falling, you");
457.  	    for (obj = level.objects[u.ux][]; obj; obj = obj->nexthere)
458.  		if (obj->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || is_weptool(obj)) {
459.  		    You("fell on %s.", doname(obj));
460.  		    losehp(rnd(3), fell_on_sink, NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
461.  		    exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
462.  		}
463.  	}
465.  	ELevitation &= ~W_ARTI;
466.  	HLevitation &= ~(I_SPECIAL|TIMEOUT);
467.  	HLevitation++;
468.  	if(uleft && uleft->otyp == RIN_LEVITATION) {
469.  	    obj = uleft;
470.  	    Ring_off(obj);
471.  	    off_msg(obj);
472.  	}
473.  	if(uright && uright->otyp == RIN_LEVITATION) {
474.  	    obj = uright;
475.  	    Ring_off(obj);
476.  	    off_msg(obj);
477.  	}
478.  	if(uarmf && uarmf->otyp == LEVITATION_BOOTS) {
479.  	    obj = uarmf;
480.  	    (void)Boots_off();
481.  	    off_msg(obj);
482.  	}
483.  	HLevitation--;
484.  }
485.  #endif
487.  boolean
488.  may_dig(x,y)
489.  register xchar x,y;
490.  /* intended to be called only on ROCKs */
491.  {
492.      return (boolean)(!(IS_STWALL(levl[x][y].typ) &&
493.  			(levl[x][y].wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE)));
494.  }
496.  boolean
497.  may_passwall(x,y)
498.  register xchar x,y;
499.  {
500.     return (boolean)(!(IS_STWALL(levl[x][y].typ) &&
501.  			(levl[x][y].wall_info & W_NONPASSWALL)));
502.  }
504.  #endif /* OVLB */
505.  #ifdef OVL1
507.  boolean
508.  bad_rock(mdat,x,y)
509.  struct permonst *mdat;
510.  register xchar x,y;
511.  {
512.  	return((boolean) ((In_sokoban(& && sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y)) ||
513.  	       (IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ)
514.  		    && (!tunnels(mdat) || needspick(mdat) || !may_dig(x,y))
515.  		    && !(passes_walls(mdat) && may_passwall(x,y)))));
516.  }
518.  boolean
519.  invocation_pos(x, y)
520.  xchar x, y;
521.  {
522.  	return((boolean)(Invocation_lev(& && x == inv_pos.x && y == inv_pos.y));
523.  }
525.  #endif /* OVL1 */
526.  #ifdef OVL3
528.  /* return TRUE if (dx,dy) is an OK place to move */
529.  boolean 
530.  test_move(ux, uy, dx, dy, test_only)
531.  int ux, uy, dx, dy;
532.  boolean test_only;
533.  {
534.      int x = ux+dx;
535.      int y = uy+dy;
536.      register struct rm *tmpr = &levl[x][y];
537.      register struct rm *ust;
539.      /*
540.       *  Check for physical obstacles.  First, the place we are going.
541.       */
542.      if (IS_ROCK(tmpr->typ) || tmpr->typ == IRONBARS) {
543.  	if (Blind && !test_only) feel_location(x,y);
544.  	if (Passes_walls && may_passwall(x,y)) {
545.  	    ;	/* do nothing */
546.  	} else if (tunnels( && !needspick( {
547.  	    /* Eat the rock. */
548.  	    if (!test_only && still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
549.  	} else if (flags.autodig && ! && !flags.nopick &&
550.  		   uwep && is_pick(uwep)) {
551.  	/* MRKR: Automatic digging when wielding the appropriate tool */
552.  	    if (!test_only)
553.  		(void) use_pick_axe2(uwep);
554.  	    return FALSE;
555.  	} else {
556.  	    if ( !test_only ) {
557.  		if (Is_stronghold(& && is_db_wall(x,y))
558.  		    pline_The("drawbridge is up!");
559.  		if (Passes_walls && !may_passwall(x,y) && In_sokoban(&
560.  	    		pline_The("Sokoban walls resist your ability.");
561.  	    }
562.  	    return FALSE;
563.  	}
564.      } else if (IS_DOOR(tmpr->typ)) {
565.  	if (closed_door(x,y)) {
566.  	    if (Blind && !test_only) feel_location(x,y);
567.  	    if (Passes_walls)
568.  		;	/* do nothing */
569.  	    else if (can_ooze(&youmonst)) {
570.  		if ( !test_only ) You("ooze under the door.");
571.  	    } else if (tunnels( && !needspick( {
572.  		/* Eat the door. */
573.  		if (!test_only && still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
574.  	    } else {
575.  		if ( !test_only ) {
576.  		    if (amorphous(
577.  			You("try to ooze under the door, but can't squeeze your possessions through.");
578.  		    else if (x == ux || y == uy) {
579.  			if (Blind || Stunned || ACURR(A_DEX) < 10 || Fumbling) {
580.  #ifdef STEED
581.  			    if (u.usteed)
582.  				You_cant("lead %s through that closed door.",
583.  				      x_monnam(u.usteed,
584.  					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
585.  				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE));
586.  		 	    else {
587.  #else
588.  			        pline("Ouch!  You bump into a door.");
589.  			        exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
590.  #endif
591.  #ifdef STEED
592.  			    }
593.  #endif
594.  			} else pline("That door is closed.");
595.  		    }
596.  		}
597.  		return FALSE;
598.  	    }
599.  	} else if (dx && dy && !Passes_walls
600.  		    && ((tmpr->doormask & ~D_BROKEN)
601.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
602.  				    || Is_rogue_level(&
603.  #endif
604.  				    || block_door(x,y))) {
605.  	    /* Diagonal moves into a door are not allowed. */
606.  	    if ( Blind && !test_only )
607.  		feel_location(x,y);
608.  	    return FALSE;
609.  	}
610.      }
611.      if (dx && dy
612.  	    && bad_rock(,ux,y) && bad_rock(,x,uy)) {
613.  	/* Move at a diagonal. */
614.  	if (In_sokoban(& {
615.  	    if ( !test_only )
616.  		You("cannot pass that way.");
617.  	    return FALSE;
618.  	}
619.  	if (bigmonst( {
620.  	    if ( !test_only )
621.  		Your("body is too large to fit through.");
622.  	    return FALSE;
623.  	}
624.  	if (invent && (inv_weight() + weight_cap() > 600)) {
625.  	    if ( !test_only )
626.  		You("are carrying too much to get through.");
627.  	    return FALSE;
628.  	}
629.      }
631.      ust = &levl[ux][uy];
633.      /* Now see if other things block our way . . */
634.      if (dx && dy && !Passes_walls
635.  		     && (IS_DOOR(ust->typ) && ((ust->doormask & ~D_BROKEN)
636.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
637.  			     || Is_rogue_level(&
638.  #endif
639.  			     || block_entry(x, y))
640.  			 )) {
641.  	/* Can't move at a diagonal out of a doorway with door. */
642.  	return FALSE;
643.      }
645.      if (sobj_at(BOULDER,x,y) && (In_sokoban(& || !Passes_walls)) {
646.  	if (!(Blind || Hallucination) && ( >= 2))
647.  	    return FALSE;
648.  	if (!test_only) {
649.  	    /* tunneling monsters will chew before pushing */
650.  	    if (tunnels( && !needspick( &&
651.  		!In_sokoban(& {
652.  		if (still_chewing(x,y)) return FALSE;
653.  	    } else
654.  		if (moverock() < 0) return FALSE;
655.  	}
656.  	/* test_only will assume you'll be able to push it when you get there... */
657.      }
659.      /* OK, it is a legal place to move. */
660.      return TRUE;
661.  }
663.  static void findtravelpath()
664.  {
665.      if ( u.tx != u.ux || u.ty != ) {
666.  	xchar travel[COLNO][ROWNO];
667.  	xchar travelstepx[2][COLNO*ROWNO];
668.  	xchar travelstepy[2][COLNO*ROWNO];
669.  	int n=1;
670.  	int set=0;
671.  	int dia=1;
673.  	(void) memset((genericptr_t)travel,0,sizeof(travel));
675.  	travelstepx[0][0] = u.tx;
676.  	travelstepy[0][0] = u.ty;
677.  	while ( n ) {
678.  	    int i;
679.  	    int nn=0;
680.  	    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
681.  		int dir;
682.  		int x = travelstepx[set][i];
683.  		int y = travelstepy[set][i];
684.  		static int ordered[] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 };
685.  		for (dir=0; dir<8; dir++) {
686.  		    int nx = x+xdir[ordered[dir]];
687.  		    int ny = y+ydir[ordered[dir]];
688.      /*printf("try %d,%d\n",nx,ny);*/
689.  		    if ( isok(nx,ny) && test_move( x, y, nx-x, ny-y, 1 ) ) {
690.  			if ( nx == u.ux && ny == ) {
691.  			    u.dx = x-u.ux;
692.  			    u.dy =;
693.  	/*printf("found\n");*/
694.  	/*printf("findtravelpath %d,%d -> %d,%d by %d,%d\n",u.ux,,u.tx,u.ty,u.dx,u.dy);
695.  	*/
696.  			    return;
697.  			} else {
698.  	/*printf("%d %d %d",isok(nx,ny), !travel[nx][ny], ACCESSIBLE(levl[nx][ny].typ));*/
699.  			    if ( !travel[nx][ny] ) {
700.  				travelstepx[1-set][nn]=nx;
701.  				travelstepy[1-set][nn]=ny;
702.  				travel[nx][ny]=dia;
703.  				nn++;
704.  			    }
705.  			}
706.  		    }
707.  		}
708.  	    }
709.  	    n = nn;
710.  	    set = 1-set;
711.  	    dia++;
712.  	}
714.  	/* give up */
715.      }
717.      u.dx = 0;
718.      u.dy = 0;
719.      nomul(0);
720.  }
722.  void
723.  domove()
724.  {
725.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
726.  	register struct rm *tmpr;
727.  	register xchar x,y;
728.  	struct trap *trap;
729.  	int wtcap;
730.  	boolean on_ice;
731.  	xchar chainx, chainy, ballx, bally;	/* ball&chain new positions */
732.  	int bc_control;				/* control for ball&chain */
733.  	boolean cause_delay = FALSE;	/* dragging ball will skip a move */
735.  	u_wipe_engr(rnd(5));
737.  	if ( )
738.  	    findtravelpath();
740.  	if(((wtcap = near_capacity()) >= OVERLOADED
741.  	    || (wtcap > SLT_ENCUMBER &&
742.  		(Upolyd ? ( < 5 && != u.mhmax)
743.  			: (u.uhp < 10 && u.uhp != u.uhpmax))))
744.  	   && !Is_airlevel(& {
745.  	    if(wtcap < OVERLOADED) {
746.  		You("don't have enough stamina to move.");
747.  		exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
748.  	    } else
749.  		You("collapse under your load.");
750.  	    nomul(0);
751.  	    return;
752.  	}
753.  	if(u.uswallow) {
754.  		u.dx = u.dy = 0;
755.  		u.ux = x = u.ustuck->mx;
756. = y = u.ustuck->my;
757.  		mtmp = u.ustuck;
758.  	} else {
759.  		if (Is_airlevel(& && rn2(4) &&
760.  			!Levitation && !Flying) {
761.  		    switch(rn2(3)) {
762.  		    case 0:
763.  			You("tumble in place.");
764.  			exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
765.  			break;
766.  		    case 1:
767.  			You_cant("control your movements very well."); break;
768.  		    case 2:
769.  			pline("It's hard to walk in thin air.");
770.  			exercise(A_DEX, TRUE);
771.  			break;
772.  		    }
773.  		    return;
774.  		}
776.  		/* check slippery ice */
777.  		on_ice = !Levitation && is_ice(u.ux,;
778.  		if (on_ice) {
779.  		    static int skates = 0;
780.  		    if (!skates) skates = find_skates();
781.  		    if ((uarmf && uarmf->otyp == skates)
782.  			    || resists_cold(&youmonst) || Flying
783.  			    || is_floater( || is_clinger(
784.  			    || is_whirly(
785.  			on_ice = FALSE;
786.  		    else if (!rn2(Cold_resistance ? 3 : 2)) {
787.  			HFumbling |= FROMOUTSIDE;
788.  			HFumbling &= ~TIMEOUT;
789.  			HFumbling += 1;  /* slip on next move */
790.  		    }
791.  		}
792.  		if (!on_ice && (HFumbling & FROMOUTSIDE))
793.  		    HFumbling &= ~FROMOUTSIDE;
795.  		x = u.ux + u.dx;
796.  		y = + u.dy;
797.  		if(Stunned || (Confusion && !rn2(5))) {
798.  			register int tries = 0;
800.  			do {
801.  				if(tries++ > 50) {
802.  					nomul(0);
803.  					return;
804.  				}
805.  				confdir();
806.  				x = u.ux + u.dx;
807.  				y = + u.dy;
808.  			} while(!isok(x, y) || bad_rock(, x, y));
809.  		}
810.  		/* turbulence might alter your actual destination */
811.  		if (u.uinwater) {
812.  			water_friction();
813.  			if (!u.dx && !u.dy) {
814.  				nomul(0);
815.  				return;
816.  			}
817.  			x = u.ux + u.dx;
818.  			y = + u.dy;
819.  		}
820.  		if(!isok(x, y)) {
821.  			nomul(0);
822.  			return;
823.  		}
824.  		if((trap = t_at(x, y)) && trap->tseen) {
825.  			if( >= 2) {
826.  				nomul(0);
827.  				flags.move = 0;
828.  				return;
829.  			} else
830.  				nomul(0);
831.  		}
833.  		if (u.ustuck && (x != u.ustuck->mx || y != u.ustuck->my)) {
834.  		    if (distu(u.ustuck->mx, u.ustuck->my) > 2) {
835.  			/* perhaps it fled (or was teleported or ... ) */
836.  			u.ustuck = 0;
837.  		    } else if (sticks( {
838.  			/* When polymorphed into a sticking monster,
839.  			 * u.ustuck means it's stuck to you, not you to it.
840.  			 */
841.  			You("release %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
842.  			u.ustuck = 0;
843.  		    } else {
844.  			/* If holder is asleep or paralyzed:
845.  			 *	37.5% chance of getting away,
846.  			 *	12.5% chance of waking/releasing it;
847.  			 * otherwise:
848.  			 *	 7.5% chance of getting away.
849.  			 * [strength ought to be a factor]
850.  			 * If holder is tame and there is no conflict,
851.  			 * guaranteed escape.
852.  			 */
853.  			switch (rn2(!u.ustuck->mcanmove ? 8 : 40)) {
854.  			case 0: case 1: case 2:
855.  			pull_free:
856.  			    You("pull free from %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
857.  			    u.ustuck = 0;
858.  			    break;
859.  			case 3:
860.  			    if (!u.ustuck->mcanmove) {
861.  				/* it's free to move on next turn */
862.  				u.ustuck->mfrozen = 1;
863.  				u.ustuck->msleeping = 0;
864.  			    }
865.  			    /*FALLTHRU*/
866.  			default:
867.  			    if (u.ustuck->mtame &&
868.  				!Conflict && !u.ustuck->mconf)
869.  				goto pull_free;
870.  			    You("cannot escape from %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
871.  			    nomul(0);
872.  			    return;
873.  			}
874.  		    }
875.  		}
877.  		mtmp = m_at(x,y);
878.  		if (mtmp) {
879.  			/* Don't attack if you're running, and can see it */
880.  			/* We should never get here if forcefight */
881.  			if ( &&
882.  			    ((!Blind && mon_visible(mtmp) &&
883.  			      ((mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_FURNITURE &&
884.  				mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_OBJECT) ||
885.  			       Protection_from_shape_changers)) ||
886.  			     sensemon(mtmp))) {
887.  				nomul(0);
888.  				flags.move = 0;
889.  				return;
890.  			}
891.  		}
892.  	}
894.  	u.ux0 = u.ux;
895.  	u.uy0 =;
896.  	bhitpos.x = x;
897.  	bhitpos.y = y;
898.  	tmpr = &levl[x][y];
900.  	/* attack monster */
901.  	if(mtmp) {
902.  	    nomul(0);
903.  	    /* only attack if we know it's there */
904.  	    /* or if we used the 'F' command to fight blindly */
905.  	    /* or if it hides_under, in which case we call attack() to print
906.  	     * the Wait! message.
907.  	     * This is different from ceiling hiders, who aren't handled in
908.  	     * attack().
909.  	     */
911.  	    /* If they used a 'm' command, trying to move onto a monster
912.  	     * prints the below message and wastes a turn.  The exception is
913.  	     * if the monster is unseen and the player doesn't remember an
914.  	     * invisible monster--then, we fall through to attack() and
915.  	     * attack_check(), which still wastes a turn, but prints a
916.  	     * different message and makes the player remember the monster.		     */
917.  	    if(flags.nopick &&
918.  		  (canspotmon(mtmp) || glyph_is_invisible(levl[x][y].glyph))){
919.  		if(mtmp->m_ap_type && !Protection_from_shape_changers
920.  						    && !sensemon(mtmp))
921.  		    stumble_onto_mimic(mtmp);
922.  		else if (mtmp->mpeaceful && !Hallucination)
923.  		    pline("Pardon me, %s.", m_monnam(mtmp));
924.  		else
925.  		    You("move right into %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
926.  		return;
927.  	    }
928.  	    if(flags.forcefight || !mtmp->mundetected || sensemon(mtmp) ||
929.  		    ((hides_under(mtmp->data) || mtmp->data->mlet == S_EEL) &&
930.  			!is_safepet(mtmp))){
931.  		gethungry();
932.  		if(wtcap >= HVY_ENCUMBER && moves%3) {
933.  		    if (Upolyd && > 1) {
935.  		    } else if (!Upolyd && u.uhp > 1) {
936.  			u.uhp--;
937.  		    } else {
938.  			You("pass out from exertion!");
939.  			exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
940.  			fall_asleep(-10, FALSE);
941.  		    }
942.  		}
943.  		if(multi < 0) return;	/* we just fainted */
945.  		/* try to attack; note that it might evade */
946.  		/* also, we don't attack tame when _safepet_ */
947.  		if(attack(mtmp)) return;
948.  	    }
949.  	}
951.  	/* specifying 'F' with no monster wastes a turn */
952.  	if (flags.forcefight ||
953.  	    /* remembered an 'I' && didn't use a move command */
954.  	    (glyph_is_invisible(levl[x][y].glyph) && !flags.nopick)) {
955.  	    	char buf[BUFSZ];
956.  		Sprintf(buf,"a vacant spot on the %s", surface(x,y));
957.  		You("attack %s.",
958.  		    !Underwater ? "thin air" : is_pool(x,y) ? "empty water" : buf);
959.  		unmap_object(x, y); /* known empty -- remove 'I' if present */
960.  		newsym(x, y);
961.  		nomul(0);
962.  		return;
963.  	}
964.  	if (glyph_is_invisible(levl[x][y].glyph)) {
965.  	    unmap_object(x, y);
966.  	    newsym(x, y);
967.  	}
968.  	/* not attacking an animal, so we try to move */
969.  #ifdef STEED
970.  	if (u.usteed && !u.usteed->mcanmove && (u.dx || u.dy)) {
971.  		pline("%s won't move!",
972.  			upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
973.  					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
974.  				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)));
975.  		nomul(0);
976.  		return;
977.  	} else
978.  #endif
979.  	if(!>mmove) {
980.  		You("are rooted %s.",
981.  		    Levitation || Is_airlevel(& || Is_waterlevel(& ?
982.  		    "in place" : "to the ground");
983.  		nomul(0);
984.  		return;
985.  	}
986.  	if(u.utrap) {
987.  		if(u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
988.  		    if (!rn2(2) && sobj_at(BOULDER, u.ux, {
989.  			Your("%s gets stuck in a crevice.", body_part(LEG));
990.  			display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
991.  			clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
992.  			You("free your %s.", body_part(LEG));
993.  		    } else if (!(--u.utrap)) {
994.  			You("%s to the edge of the pit.",
995.  				(In_sokoban(& && Levitation) ?
996.  				"struggle against the air currents and float" :
997.  #ifdef STEED
998.  				u.usteed ? "ride" :
999.  #endif
1000. 				"crawl");
1001. 			fill_pit(u.ux,;
1002. 			vision_full_recalc = 1;	/* vision limits change */
1003. 		    } else if (flags.verbose) {
1004. #ifdef STEED
1005. 			if (u.usteed)
1006. 			    	Norep("%s is still in a pit.",
1007. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1008. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1009. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)));
1010. 			else
1011. #endif
1012. 			Norep( (Hallucination && !rn2(5)) ?
1013. 				"You've fallen, and you can't get up." :
1014. 				"You are still in a pit." );
1015. 		    }
1016. 		} else if (u.utraptype == TT_LAVA) {
1017. 		    if(flags.verbose) {
1018. 			char *predicament = "stuck in the lava";
1019. #ifdef STEED
1020. 			if (u.usteed)
1021. 			    	Norep("%s is %s.",
1022. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1023. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1024. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)),
1025. 					 predicament);
1026. 			else
1027. #endif
1028. 			Norep("You are %s.", predicament);
1029. 		    }
1030. 		    if(!is_lava(x,y)) {
1031. 			u.utrap--;
1032. 			if((u.utrap & 0xff) == 0) {
1033. #ifdef STEED
1034. 			    if (u.usteed)
1035. 				You("lead %s to the edge of the lava.",
1036. 				      x_monnam(u.usteed,
1037. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1038. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE));
1039. 			    else
1040. #endif
1041. 			     You("pull yourself to the edge of the lava.");
1042. 			    u.utrap = 0;
1043. 			}
1044. 		    }
1045. 		    u.umoved = TRUE;
1046. 		} else if (u.utraptype == TT_WEB) {
1047. 		    if(uwep && uwep->oartifact == ART_STING) {
1048. 			u.utrap = 0;
1049. 			pline("Sting cuts through the web!");
1050. 			return;
1051. 		    }
1052. 		    if(--u.utrap) {
1053. 			if(flags.verbose) {
1054. 			    char *predicament = "stuck to the web";
1055. #ifdef STEED
1056. 			    if (u.usteed)
1057. 			    	Norep("%s is %s.",
1058. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1059. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1060. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)),
1061. 					 predicament);
1062. 			    else
1063. #endif
1064. 			    Norep("You are %s.", predicament);
1065. 			}
1066. 		    } else {
1067. #ifdef STEED
1068. 			if (u.usteed)
1069. 				pline("%s breaks out of the web.",
1070. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1071. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1072. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)));
1073. 			else
1074. #endif
1075. 			You("disentangle yourself.");
1076. 		    }
1077. 		} else if (u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR) {
1078. 		    if(--u.utrap) {
1079. 			if(flags.verbose) {
1080. 			    char *predicament = "stuck in the";
1081. #ifdef STEED
1082. 			    if (u.usteed)
1083. 			    	Norep("%s is %s %s.",
1084. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1085. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1086. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)),
1087. 					 predicament, surface(u.ux,;
1088. 			    else
1089. #endif
1090. 			    Norep("You are %s %s.", predicament, surface(u.ux,;
1091. 			}
1092. 		    } else {
1093. #ifdef STEED
1094. 			if (u.usteed)
1095. 				pline("%s finally wiggles free.",
1096. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1097. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1098. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)));
1099. 			else
1100. #endif
1101. 			You("finally wiggle free.");
1102. 		    }
1103. 		} else {
1104. 		    if(flags.verbose) {
1105. 			char *predicament = "caught in a bear trap";
1106. #ifdef STEED
1107. 			if (u.usteed)
1108. 			    	Norep("%s is %s.",
1109. 				      upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
1110. 					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
1111. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)),
1112. 					 predicament);
1113. 			else
1114. #endif
1115. 			Norep("You are %s.", predicament);
1116. 		    }
1117. 		    if((u.dx && u.dy) || !rn2(5)) u.utrap--;
1118. 		}
1119. 		return;
1120. 	}
1122. 	if ( !test_move( u.ux,, x-u.ux,, 0 ) ) {
1123. 	    flags.move = 0;
1124. 	    nomul(0);
1125. 	    return;
1126. 	}
1128. 	/* Move ball and chain.  */
1129. 	if (Punished)
1130. 	    if (!drag_ball(x,y, &bc_control, &ballx, &bally, &chainx, &chainy,
1131. 			&cause_delay))
1132. 		return;
1134. 	/* Check regions entering/leaving */
1135. 	if (!in_out_region(x,y))
1136. 	    return;
1138.  	/* now move the hero */
1139. 	mtmp = m_at(x, y);
1140. 	u.ux += u.dx;
1141. += u.dy;
1142. #ifdef STEED
1143. 	/* Move your steed, too */
1144. 	if (u.usteed) {
1145. 		u.usteed->mx = u.ux;
1146. 		u.usteed->my =;
1147. 		exercise_steed();
1148. 	}
1149. #endif
1151. 	/*
1152. 	 * If safepet at destination then move the pet to the hero's
1153. 	 * previous location using the same conditions as in attack().
1154. 	 * there are special extenuating circumstances:
1155. 	 * (1) if the pet dies then your god angers,
1156. 	 * (2) if the pet gets trapped then your god may disapprove,
1157. 	 * (3) if the pet was already trapped and you attempt to free it
1158. 	 * not only do you encounter the trap but you may frighten your
1159. 	 * pet causing it to go wild!  moral: don't abuse this privilege.
1160. 	 *
1161. 	 * Ceiling-hiding pets are skipped by this section of code, to
1162. 	 * be caught by the normal falling-monster code.
1163. 	 */
1164. 	if (is_safepet(mtmp) && !(is_hider(mtmp->data) && mtmp->mundetected)) {
1165. 	    /* if trapped, there's a chance the pet goes wild */
1166. 	    if (mtmp->mtrapped) {
1167. 		if (!rn2(mtmp->mtame)) {
1168. 		    mtmp->mtame = mtmp->mpeaceful = mtmp->msleeping = 0;
1169. 		    if (mtmp->mleashed) m_unleash(mtmp, TRUE);
1170. 		    growl(mtmp);
1171. 		} else {
1172. 		    yelp(mtmp);
1173. 		}
1174. 	    }
1175. 	    mtmp->mundetected = 0;
1176. 	    if (mtmp->m_ap_type) seemimic(mtmp);
1177. 	    else if (!mtmp->mtame) newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1179. 	    if (mtmp->mtrapped &&
1180. 		    (trap = t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) != 0 &&
1181. 		    (trap->ttyp == PIT || trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT) &&
1182. 		    sobj_at(BOULDER, trap->tx, trap->ty)) {
1183. 		/* can't swap places with pet pinned in a pit by a boulder */
1184. 		u.ux = u.ux0, = u.uy0;	/* didn't move after all */
1185. 	    } else {
1186. 		char pnambuf[BUFSZ];
1188. 		/* save its current description in case of polymorph */
1189. 		Strcpy(pnambuf, y_monnam(mtmp));
1190. 		mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
1191. 		remove_monster(x, y);
1192. 		place_monster(mtmp, u.ux0, u.uy0);
1194. 		/* check for displacing it into pools and traps */
1195. 		switch (minliquid(mtmp) ? 2 : mintrap(mtmp)) {
1196. 		case 0:
1197. 		    You("%s %s.", mtmp->mtame ? "displaced" : "frightened",
1198. 			pnambuf);
1199. 		    break;
1200. 		case 1:		/* trapped */
1201. 		case 3:		/* changed levels */
1202. 		    /* there's already been a trap message, reinforce it */
1203. 		    abuse_dog(mtmp);
1204. 		    adjalign(-3);
1205. 		    break;
1206. 		case 2:
1207. 		    /* it may have drowned or died.  that's no way to
1208. 		     * treat a pet!  your god gets angry.
1209. 		     */
1210. 		    if (rn2(4)) {
1211. 			You_feel("guilty about losing your pet like this.");
1212. 			u.ugangr++;
1213. 			adjalign(-15);
1214. 		    }
1216. 		    /* you killed your pet by direct action.
1217. 		     * minliquid and mintrap don't know to do this
1218. 		     */
1219. 		    u.uconduct.killer++;
1220. 		    break;
1221. 		default:
1222. 		    pline("that's strange, unknown mintrap result!");
1223. 		    break;
1224. 		}
1225. 	    }
1226. 	}
1228. 	reset_occupations();
1229. 	if ( {
1230. 	    if ( < 8 )
1231. 		if (IS_DOOR(tmpr->typ) || IS_ROCK(tmpr->typ) ||
1232. 			IS_FURNITURE(tmpr->typ))
1233. 		    nomul(0);
1234. 	}
1236. 	if (hides_under(
1237. 	    u.uundetected = OBJ_AT(u.ux,;
1238. 	else if (>mlet == S_EEL)
1239. 	    u.uundetected = is_pool(u.ux, && !Is_waterlevel(&;
1240. 	else if (u.dx || u.dy)
1241. 	    u.uundetected = 0;
1243. 	/*
1244. 	 * Mimics (or whatever) become noticeable if they move and are
1245. 	 * imitating something that doesn't move.  We could extend this
1246. 	 * to non-moving monsters...
1247. 	 */
1248. 	if ((u.dx || u.dy) && (youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT
1249. 				|| youmonst.m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE))
1250. 	    youmonst.m_ap_type = M_AP_NOTHING;
1252. 	check_leash(u.ux0,u.uy0);
1254. 	if(u.ux0 != u.ux || u.uy0 != {
1255. 	    u.umoved = TRUE;
1256. 	    /* Clean old position -- vision_recalc() will print our new one. */
1257. 	    newsym(u.ux0,u.uy0);
1258. 	    /* Since the hero has moved, adjust what can be seen/unseen. */
1259. 	    vision_recalc(1);	/* Do the work now in the recover time. */
1260. 	    invocation_message();
1261. 	}
1263. 	if (Punished)				/* put back ball and chain */
1264. 	    move_bc(0,bc_control,ballx,bally,chainx,chainy);
1266. 	spoteffects(TRUE);
1268. 	/* delay next move because of ball dragging */
1269. 	/* must come after we finished picking up, in spoteffects() */
1270. 	if (cause_delay) {
1271. 	    nomul(-2);
1272. 	    nomovemsg = "";
1273. 	}
1274. }
1276. void
1277. invocation_message()
1278. {
1279. 	/* a special clue-msg when on the Invocation position */
1280. 	if(invocation_pos(u.ux, && !On_stairs(u.ux, {
1281. 	    struct obj *otmp = carrying(CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION);
1283. 	    You_feel("a strange vibration under your %s.",
1284. 		    makeplural(body_part(FOOT)));
1285. 	    if (otmp && otmp->spe == 7 && otmp->lamplit)
1286. 		pline("%s %s!", The(xname(otmp)),
1287. 		    Blind ? "throbs palpably" : "glows with a strange light");
1288. 	}
1289. }
1291. #endif /* OVL3 */
1292. #ifdef OVL2
1294. void
1295. spoteffects(pick)
1296. boolean pick;
1297. {
1298. 	register struct trap *trap;
1299. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1301. 	if(u.uinwater) {
1302. 		int was_underwater;
1304. 		if (!is_pool(u.ux, {
1305. 			if (Is_waterlevel(&
1306. 				You("pop into an air bubble.");
1307. 			else if (is_lava(u.ux,
1308. 				You("leave the water...");	/* oops! */
1309. 			else
1310. 				You("are on solid %s again.",
1311. 				    is_ice(u.ux, ? "ice" : "land");
1312. 		}
1313. 		else if (Is_waterlevel(&
1314. 			goto stillinwater;
1315. 		else if (Levitation)
1316. 			You("pop out of the water like a cork!");
1317. 		else if (Flying)
1318. 			You("fly out of the water.");
1319. 		else if (Wwalking)
1320. 			You("slowly rise above the surface.");
1321. 		else
1322. 			goto stillinwater;
1323. 		was_underwater = Underwater && !Is_waterlevel(&;
1324. 		u.uinwater = 0;		/* leave the water */
1325. 		if (was_underwater) {	/* restore vision */
1326. 			docrt();
1327. 			vision_full_recalc = 1;
1328. 		}
1329. 	}
1330. stillinwater:;
1331. 	if (!Levitation && !u.ustuck && !Flying) {
1332. 	    /* limit recursive calls through teleds() */
1333. 	    if (is_pool(u.ux, || is_lava(u.ux, {
1334. #ifdef STEED
1335. 		if (u.usteed && !is_flyer(u.usteed->data) &&
1336. 			!is_floater(u.usteed->data) &&
1337. 			!is_clinger(u.usteed->data)) {
1338. 		    dismount_steed(Underwater ?
1340. 		    /* dismount_steed() -> float_down() -> pickup() */
1341. 		    if (!Is_airlevel(& && !Is_waterlevel(&
1342. 			pick = FALSE;
1343. 		} else
1344. #endif
1345. 		if (is_lava(u.ux, {
1346. 		    if (lava_effects()) return;
1347. 		} else if (!Wwalking && drown())
1348. 		    return;
1349. 	    }
1350. 	}
1351. 	check_special_room(FALSE);
1352. #ifdef SINKS
1353. 	if(IS_SINK(levl[u.ux][].typ) && Levitation)
1354. 		dosinkfall();
1355. #endif
1356. 	if (pick && !in_steed_dismounting)
1357. 		(void) pickup(1);
1358. 	/* if dismounting, we'll check again later */
1359. 	if ((trap = t_at(u.ux, != 0 && !in_steed_dismounting)
1360. 		dotrap(trap, 0);	/* fall into pit, arrow trap, etc. */
1361. 	if((mtmp = m_at(u.ux, && !u.uswallow) {
1362. 		mtmp->mundetected = mtmp->msleeping = 0;
1363. 		switch(mtmp->data->mlet) {
1364. 		    case S_PIERCER:
1365. 			pline("%s suddenly drops from the %s!",
1366. 			      Amonnam(mtmp), ceiling(u.ux,;
1367. 			if(mtmp->mtame) /* jumps to greet you, not attack */
1368. 			    ;
1369. 			else if(uarmh)
1370. 			    pline("Its blow glances off your helmet.");
1371. 			else if (u.uac + 3 <= rnd(20))
1372. 			    You("are almost hit by %s!",
1373. 				x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, "falling", 0, TRUE));
1374. 			else {
1375. 			    int dmg;
1376. 			    You("are hit by %s!",
1377. 				x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, "falling", 0, TRUE));
1378. 			    dmg = d(4,6);
1379. 			    if(Half_physical_damage) dmg = (dmg+1) / 2;
1380. 			    mdamageu(mtmp, dmg);
1381. 			}
1382. 			break;
1383. 		    default:	/* monster surprises you. */
1384. 			if(mtmp->mtame)
1385. 			    pline("%s jumps near you from the %s.",
1386. 					Amonnam(mtmp), ceiling(u.ux,;
1387. 			else if(mtmp->mpeaceful) {
1388. 				You("surprise %s!",
1389. 				    Blind && !sensemon(mtmp) ?
1390. 				    something : a_monnam(mtmp));
1391. 				mtmp->mpeaceful = 0;
1392. 			} else
1393. 			    pline("%s attacks you by surprise!",
1394. 					Amonnam(mtmp));
1395. 			break;
1396. 		}
1397. 		mnexto(mtmp); /* have to move the monster */
1398. 	}
1399. }
1401. STATIC_OVL boolean
1402. monstinroom(mdat,roomno)
1403. struct permonst *mdat;
1404. int roomno;
1405. {
1406. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1408. 	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
1409. 		if(!DEADMONSTER(mtmp) && mtmp->data == mdat &&
1410. 		   index(in_rooms(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 0), roomno + ROOMOFFSET))
1411. 			return(TRUE);
1412. 	return(FALSE);
1413. }
1415. char *
1416. in_rooms(x, y, typewanted)
1417. register xchar x, y;
1418. register int typewanted;
1419. {
1420. 	static char buf[5];
1421. 	char rno, *ptr = &buf[4];
1422. 	int typefound, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y_offset, step;
1423. 	register struct rm *lev;
1425. #define goodtype(rno) (!typewanted || \
1426. 	     ((typefound = rooms[rno - ROOMOFFSET].rtype) == typewanted) || \
1427. 	     ((typewanted == SHOPBASE) && (typefound > SHOPBASE))) \
1429. 	switch (rno = levl[x][y].roomno) {
1430. 		case NO_ROOM:
1431. 			return(ptr);
1432. 		case SHARED:
1433. 			step = 2;
1434. 			break;
1435. 		case SHARED_PLUS:
1436. 			step = 1;
1437. 			break;
1438. 		default:			/* i.e. a regular room # */
1439. 			if (goodtype(rno))
1440. 				*(--ptr) = rno;
1441. 			return(ptr);
1442. 	}
1444. 	min_x = x - 1;
1445. 	max_x = x + 1;
1446. 	if (x < 1)
1447. 		min_x += step;
1448. 	else
1449. 	if (x >= COLNO)
1450. 		max_x -= step;
1452. 	min_y = y - 1;
1453. 	max_y_offset = 2;
1454. 	if (min_y < 0) {
1455. 		min_y += step;
1456. 		max_y_offset -= step;
1457. 	} else
1458. 	if ((min_y + max_y_offset) >= ROWNO)
1459. 		max_y_offset -= step;
1461. 	for (x = min_x; x <= max_x; x += step) {
1462. 		lev = &levl[x][min_y];
1463. 		y = 0;
1464. 		if (((rno = lev[y].roomno) >= ROOMOFFSET) &&
1465. 		    !index(ptr, rno) && goodtype(rno))
1466. 			*(--ptr) = rno;
1467. 		y += step;
1468. 		if (y > max_y_offset)
1469. 			continue;
1470. 		if (((rno = lev[y].roomno) >= ROOMOFFSET) &&
1471. 		    !index(ptr, rno) && goodtype(rno))
1472. 			*(--ptr) = rno;
1473. 		y += step;
1474. 		if (y > max_y_offset)
1475. 			continue;
1476. 		if (((rno = lev[y].roomno) >= ROOMOFFSET) &&
1477. 		    !index(ptr, rno) && goodtype(rno))
1478. 			*(--ptr) = rno;
1479. 	}
1480. 	return(ptr);
1481. }
1483. STATIC_OVL void
1484. move_update(newlev)
1485. register boolean newlev;
1486. {
1487. 	char *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3, *ptr4;
1489. 	Strcpy(u.urooms0, u.urooms);
1490. 	Strcpy(u.ushops0, u.ushops);
1491. 	if (newlev) {
1492. 		u.urooms[0] = '\0';
1493. 		u.uentered[0] = '\0';
1494. 		u.ushops[0] = '\0';
1495. 		u.ushops_entered[0] = '\0';
1496. 		Strcpy(u.ushops_left, u.ushops0);
1497. 		return;
1498. 	}
1499. 	Strcpy(u.urooms, in_rooms(u.ux,, 0));
1501. 	for (ptr1 = &u.urooms[0],
1502. 	     ptr2 = &u.uentered[0],
1503. 	     ptr3 = &u.ushops[0],
1504. 	     ptr4 = &u.ushops_entered[0];
1505. 	     *ptr1; ptr1++) {
1506. 		if (!index(u.urooms0, *ptr1))
1507. 			*(ptr2++) = *ptr1;
1508. 		if (IS_SHOP(*ptr1 - ROOMOFFSET)) {
1509. 			*(ptr3++) = *ptr1;
1510. 			if (!index(u.ushops0, *ptr1))
1511. 				*(ptr4++) = *ptr1;
1512. 		}
1513. 	}
1514. 	*ptr2 = '\0';
1515. 	*ptr3 = '\0';
1516. 	*ptr4 = '\0';
1518. 	/* filter u.ushops0 -> u.ushops_left */
1519. 	for (ptr1 = &u.ushops0[0], ptr2 = &u.ushops_left[0]; *ptr1; ptr1++)
1520. 		if (!index(u.ushops, *ptr1))
1521. 			*(ptr2++) = *ptr1;
1522. 	*ptr2 = '\0';
1523. }
1525. void
1526. check_special_room(newlev)
1527. register boolean newlev;
1528. {
1529. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1530. 	char *ptr;
1532. 	move_update(newlev);
1534. 	if (*u.ushops0)
1535. 	    u_left_shop(u.ushops_left, newlev);
1537. 	if (!*u.uentered && !*u.ushops_entered)		/* implied by newlev */
1538. 	    return;		/* no entrance messages necessary */
1540. 	/* Did we just enter a shop? */
1541. 	if (*u.ushops_entered)
1542. 	    u_entered_shop(u.ushops_entered);
1544. 	for (ptr = &u.uentered[0]; *ptr; ptr++) {
1545. 	    register int roomno = *ptr - ROOMOFFSET, rt = rooms[roomno].rtype;
1547. 	    /* Did we just enter some other special room? */
1548. 	    /* vault.c insists that a vault remain a VAULT,
1549. 	     * and temples should remain TEMPLEs,
1550. 	     * but everything else gives a message only the first time */
1551. 	    switch (rt) {
1552. 		case ZOO:
1553. 		    pline("Welcome to David's treasure zoo!");
1554. 		    break;
1555. 		case SWAMP:
1556. 		    pline("It %s rather %s down here.",
1557. 			  Blind ? "feels" : "looks",
1558. 			  Blind ? "humid" : "muddy");
1559. 		    break;
1560. 		case COURT:
1561. 		    You("enter an opulent throne room!");
1562. 		    break;
1563. 		case LEPREHALL:
1564. 		    You("enter a leprechaun hall!");
1565. 		    break;
1566. 		case MORGUE:
1567. 		    if(midnight()) {
1568. 			const char *run = locomotion(, "Run");
1569. 			pline("%s away!  %s away!", run, run);
1570. 		    } else
1571. 			You("have an uncanny feeling...");
1572. 		    break;
1573. 		case BEEHIVE:
1574. 		    You("enter a giant beehive!");
1575. 		    break;
1576. 		case COCKNEST:
1577. 		    You("enter a disgusting nest!");
1578. 		    break;
1579. 		case ANTHOLE:
1580. 		    You("enter an anthole!");
1581. 		    break;
1582. 		case BARRACKS:
1583. 		    if(monstinroom(&mons[PM_SOLDIER], roomno) ||
1584. 			monstinroom(&mons[PM_SERGEANT], roomno) ||
1585. 			monstinroom(&mons[PM_LIEUTENANT], roomno) ||
1586. 			monstinroom(&mons[PM_CAPTAIN], roomno))
1587. 			You("enter a military barracks!");
1588. 		    else
1589. 			You("enter an abandoned barracks.");
1590. 		    break;
1591. 		case DELPHI:
1592. 		    if(monstinroom(&mons[PM_ORACLE], roomno))
1593. 			verbalize("%s, %s, welcome to Delphi!",
1594. 					Hello((struct monst *) 0), plname);
1595. 		    break;
1596. 		case TEMPLE:
1597. 		    intemple(roomno + ROOMOFFSET);
1598. 		    /* fall through */
1599. 		default:
1600. 		    rt = 0;
1601. 	    }
1603. 	    if (rt != 0) {
1604. 		rooms[roomno].rtype = OROOM;
1605. 		if (!search_special(rt)) {
1606. 			/* No more room of that type */
1607. 			switch(rt) {
1608. 			    case COURT:
1609. 				level.flags.has_court = 0;
1610. 				break;
1611. 			    case SWAMP:
1612. 				level.flags.has_swamp = 0;
1613. 				break;
1614. 			    case MORGUE:
1615. 				level.flags.has_morgue = 0;
1616. 				break;
1617. 			    case ZOO:
1618. 				level.flags.has_zoo = 0;
1619. 				break;
1620. 			    case BARRACKS:
1621. 				level.flags.has_barracks = 0;
1622. 				break;
1623. 			    case TEMPLE:
1624. 				level.flags.has_temple = 0;
1625. 				break;
1626. 			    case BEEHIVE:
1627. 				level.flags.has_beehive = 0;
1628. 				break;
1629. 			}
1630. 		}
1631. 		if (rt == COURT || rt == SWAMP || rt == MORGUE || rt == ZOO)
1632. 		    for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
1633. 			if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp) && !Stealth && !rn2(3)) mtmp->msleeping = 0;
1634. 	    }
1635. 	}
1637. 	return;
1638. }
1640. #endif /* OVL2 */
1641. #ifdef OVLB
1643. int
1644. dopickup()
1645. {
1646. 	int count;
1647. 	/* awful kludge to work around parse()'s pre-decrement */
1648. 	count = (multi || (save_cm && *save_cm == ',')) ? multi + 1 : 0;
1649. 	multi = 0;	/* always reset */
1650. 	/* uswallow case added by GAN 01/29/87 */
1651. 	if(u.uswallow) {
1652. 	    if (!u.ustuck->minvent) {
1653. 		if (is_animal(u.ustuck->data)) {
1654. 		    You("pick up %s tongue.", s_suffix(mon_nam(u.ustuck)));
1655. 		    pline("But it's kind of slimy, so you drop it.");
1656. 		} else
1657. 		    You("don't %s anything in here to pick up.",
1658. 			  Blind ? "feel" : "see");
1659. 		return(1);
1660. 	    } else {
1661. 	    	int tmpcount = -count;
1662. 		return loot_mon(u.ustuck, &tmpcount, (boolean *)0);
1663. 	    }
1664. 	}
1665. 	if(is_pool(u.ux, {
1666. 	    if (Wwalking || is_floater( || is_clinger(
1667. 			|| (Flying && !Breathless)) {
1668. 		You("cannot dive into the water to pick things up.");
1669. 		return(0);
1670. 	    } else if (!Underwater) {
1671. 		You_cant("even see the bottom, let alone pick up %s.",
1672. 				something);
1673. 		return(0);
1674. 	    }
1675. 	}
1676. 	if (is_lava(u.ux, {
1677. 	    if (Wwalking || is_floater( || is_clinger(
1678. 			|| (Flying && !Breathless)) {
1679. 		You_cant("reach the bottom to pick things up.");
1680. 		return(0);
1681. 	    } else if (!likes_lava( {
1682. 		You("would burn to a crisp trying to pick things up.");
1683. 		return(0);
1684. 	    }
1685. 	}
1686. 	if(!OBJ_AT(u.ux, {
1687. 		There("is nothing here to pick up.");
1688. 		return(0);
1689. 	}
1690. 	if (!can_reach_floor()) {
1691. #ifdef STEED
1692. 		if (u.usteed && P_SKILL(P_RIDING) < P_BASIC)
1693. 			You("aren't skilled enough to reach from %s.",
1694. 					mon_nam(u.usteed));
1695. 		else
1696. #endif
1697. 		You("cannot reach the %s.", surface(u.ux,;
1698. 		return(0);
1699. 	}
1700. 	return (pickup(-count));
1701. }
1703. #endif /* OVLB */
1704. #ifdef OVL2
1706. /* stop running if we see something interesting */
1707. /* turn around a corner if that is the only way we can proceed */
1708. /* do not turn left or right twice */
1709. void
1710. lookaround()
1711. {
1712.     register int x, y, i, x0 = 0, y0 = 0, m0 = 1, i0 = 9;
1713.     register int corrct = 0, noturn = 0;
1714.     register struct monst *mtmp;
1715.     register struct trap *trap;
1717.     /* Grid bugs stop if trying to move diagonal, even if blind.  Maybe */
1718.     /* they polymorphed while in the middle of a long move. */
1719.     if (u.umonnum == PM_GRID_BUG && u.dx && u.dy) {
1720. 	nomul(0);
1721. 	return;
1722.     }
1724.     if(Blind || == 0) return;
1725.     for(x = u.ux-1; x <= u.ux+1; x++) for(y =; y <=; y++) {
1726. 	if(!isok(x,y)) continue;
1728. 	if(u.umonnum == PM_GRID_BUG && x != u.ux && y != continue;
1730. 	if(x == u.ux && y == continue;
1732. 	if((mtmp = m_at(x,y)) &&
1733. 		    mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_FURNITURE &&
1734. 		    mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_OBJECT &&
1735. 		    (!mtmp->minvis || See_invisible) && !mtmp->mundetected) {
1736. 	    if(( != 1 && !mtmp->mtame)
1737. 					|| (x == u.ux+u.dx && y ==
1738. 		goto stop;
1739. 	}
1741. 	if (levl[x][y].typ == STONE) continue;
1742. 	if (x == u.ux-u.dx && y == continue;
1744. 	if (IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ) || (levl[x][y].typ == ROOM) ||
1745. 	    IS_AIR(levl[x][y].typ))
1746. 	    continue;
1747. 	else if (closed_door(x,y)) {
1748. 	    if(x != u.ux && y != continue;
1749. 	    if( != 1) goto stop;
1750. 	    goto bcorr;
1751. 	} else if (levl[x][y].typ == CORR) {
1752. bcorr:
1753. 	    if(levl[u.ux][].typ != ROOM) {
1754. 		if( == 1 || == 3 || == 8) {
1755. 		    i = dist2(x,y,u.ux+u.dx,;
1756. 		    if(i > 2) continue;
1757. 		    if(corrct == 1 && dist2(x,y,x0,y0) != 1)
1758. 			noturn = 1;
1759. 		    if(i < i0) {
1760. 			i0 = i;
1761. 			x0 = x;
1762. 			y0 = y;
1763. 			m0 = mtmp ? 1 : 0;
1764. 		    }
1765. 		}
1766. 		corrct++;
1767. 	    }
1768. 	    continue;
1769. 	} else if ((trap = t_at(x,y)) && trap->tseen) {
1770. 	    if( == 1) goto bcorr;	/* if you must */
1771. 	    if(x == u.ux+u.dx && y == goto stop;
1772. 	    continue;
1773. 	} else if (is_pool(x,y) || is_lava(x,y)) {
1774. 	    /* water and lava only stop you if directly in front, and stop
1775. 	     * you even if you are running
1776. 	     */
1777. 	    if(!Levitation && !Flying && !is_clinger( &&
1778. 				x == u.ux+u.dx && y ==
1779. 			/* No Wwalking check; otherwise they'd be able
1780. 			 * to test boots by trying to SHIFT-direction
1781. 			 * into a pool and seeing if the game allowed it
1782. 			 */
1783. 			goto stop;
1784. 	    continue;
1785. 	} else {		/* e.g. objects or trap or stairs */
1786. 	    if( == 1) goto bcorr;
1787. 	    if( == 8) continue;
1788. 	    if(mtmp) continue;		/* d */
1789. 	    if(((x == u.ux - u.dx) && (y != + u.dy)) ||
1790. 	       ((y == - u.dy) && (x != u.ux + u.dx)))
1791. 	       continue;
1792. 	}
1793. stop:
1794. 	nomul(0);
1795. 	return;
1796.     } /* end for loops */
1798.     if(corrct > 1 && == 2) goto stop;
1799.     if(( == 1 || == 3 || == 8) &&
1800. 	!noturn && !m0 && i0 && (corrct == 1 || (corrct == 2 && i0 == 1)))
1801.     {
1802. 	/* make sure that we do not turn too far */
1803. 	if(i0 == 2) {
1804. 	    if(u.dx == && u.dy == u.ux-x0)
1805. 		i = 2;		/* straight turn right */
1806. 	    else
1807. 		i = -2;		/* straight turn left */
1808. 	} else if(u.dx && u.dy) {
1809. 	    if((u.dx == u.dy && y0 == || (u.dx != u.dy && y0 !=
1810. 		i = -1;		/* half turn left */
1811. 	    else
1812. 		i = 1;		/* half turn right */
1813. 	} else {
1814. 	    if((x0-u.ux == && !u.dy) || (x0-u.ux != && u.dy))
1815. 		i = 1;		/* half turn right */
1816. 	    else
1817. 		i = -1;		/* half turn left */
1818. 	}
1820. 	i += u.last_str_turn;
1821. 	if(i <= 2 && i >= -2) {
1822. 	    u.last_str_turn = i;
1823. 	    u.dx = x0-u.ux;
1824. 	    u.dy =;
1825. 	}
1826.     }
1827. }
1829. /* something like lookaround, but we are not running */
1830. /* react only to monsters that might hit us */
1831. int
1832. monster_nearby()
1833. {
1834. 	register int x,y;
1835. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1837. 	/* Also see the similar check in dochugw() in monmove.c */
1838. 	for(x = u.ux-1; x <= u.ux+1; x++)
1839. 	    for(y =; y <=; y++) {
1840. 		if(!isok(x,y)) continue;
1841. 		if(x == u.ux && y == continue;
1842. 		if((mtmp = m_at(x,y)) &&
1843. 		   mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_FURNITURE &&
1844. 		   mtmp->m_ap_type != M_AP_OBJECT &&
1845. 		   (!mtmp->mpeaceful || Hallucination) &&
1846. 		   (!is_hider(mtmp->data) || !mtmp->mundetected) &&
1847. 		   !noattacks(mtmp->data) &&
1848. 		   mtmp->mcanmove && !mtmp->msleeping &&  /* aplvax!jcn */
1849. 		   !onscary(u.ux,, mtmp) &&
1850. 		   canspotmon(mtmp))
1851. 			return(1);
1852. 	}
1853. 	return(0);
1854. }
1856. void
1857. nomul(nval)
1858. 	register int nval;
1859. {
1860. 	if(multi < nval) return;	/* This is a bug fix by ab@unido */
1861. 	u.uinvulnerable = FALSE;	/* Kludge to avoid ctrl-C bug -dlc */
1862. 	u.usleep = 0;
1863. 	multi = nval;
1864. = = = 0;
1865. }
1867. /* called when a non-movement, multi-turn action has completed */
1868. void unmul(msg_override)
1869. const char *msg_override;
1870. {
1871. 	multi = 0;	/* caller will usually have done this already */
1872. 	if (msg_override) nomovemsg = msg_override;
1873. 	else if (!nomovemsg) nomovemsg = You_can_move_again;
1874. 	if (*nomovemsg) pline(nomovemsg);
1875. 	nomovemsg = 0;
1876. 	u.usleep = 0;
1877. 	if (afternmv) (*afternmv)();
1878. 	afternmv = 0;
1879. }
1881. #endif /* OVL2 */
1882. #ifdef OVL1
1884. STATIC_OVL void
1885. maybe_wail()
1886. {
1887.     static short powers[] = { TELEPORT, SEE_INVIS, POISON_RES, COLD_RES,
1891.     if (moves <= wailmsg + 50) return;
1893.     wailmsg = moves;
1894.     if (Role_if(PM_WIZARD) || Race_if(PM_ELF) || Role_if(PM_VALKYRIE)) {
1895. 	const char *who;
1896. 	int i, powercnt;
1898. 	who = (Role_if(PM_WIZARD) || Role_if(PM_VALKYRIE)) ?
1899. : "Elf";
1900. 	if (u.uhp == 1) {
1901. 	    pline("%s is about to die.", who);
1902. 	} else {
1903. 	    for (i = 0, powercnt = 0; i < SIZE(powers); ++i)
1904. 		if (u.uprops[powers[i]].intrinsic & INTRINSIC) ++powercnt;
1906. 	    pline(powercnt >= 4 ? "%s, all your powers will be lost..."
1907. 				: "%s, your life force is running out.", who);
1908. 	}
1909.     } else {
1910. 	You_hear(u.uhp == 1 ? "the wailing of the Banshee..."
1911. 			    : "the howling of the CwnAnnwn...");
1912.     }
1913. }
1915. void
1916. losehp(n, knam, k_format)
1917. register int n;
1918. register const char *knam;
1919. boolean k_format;
1920. {
1921. 	if (Upolyd) {
1922. -= n;
1923. 		if (u.mhmax < u.mhmax =;
1924. 		flags.botl = 1;
1925. 		if ( < 1)
1926. 		    rehumanize();
1927. 		else if (n > 0 &&*10 < u.mhmax && Unchanging)
1928. 		    maybe_wail();
1929. 		return;
1930. 	}
1932. 	u.uhp -= n;
1933. 	if(u.uhp > u.uhpmax)
1934. 		u.uhpmax = u.uhp;	/* perhaps n was negative */
1935. 	flags.botl = 1;
1936. 	if(u.uhp < 1) {
1937. 		killer_format = k_format;
1938. 		killer = knam;		/* the thing that killed you */
1939. 		You("die...");
1940. 		done(DIED);
1941. 	} else if (n > 0 && u.uhp*10 < u.uhpmax) {
1942. 		maybe_wail();
1943. 	}
1944. }
1946. int
1947. weight_cap()
1948. {
1949. 	register long carrcap;
1951. 	carrcap = (((ACURRSTR + ACURR(A_CON))/2)+1)*50;
1952. 	if (Upolyd) {
1953. 		/* consistent with can_carry() in mon.c */
1954. 		if (>mlet == S_NYMPH)
1955. 			carrcap = MAX_CARR_CAP;
1956. 		else if (!>cwt)
1957. 			carrcap = (carrcap * (long)>msize) / MZ_HUMAN;
1958. 		else if (!strongmonst(
1959. 			|| (strongmonst( && (>cwt > WT_HUMAN)))
1960. 			carrcap = (carrcap * (long)>cwt / WT_HUMAN);
1961. 	}
1963. 	if (Levitation || Is_airlevel(&    /* pugh@cornell */
1964. #ifdef STEED
1965. 			|| (u.usteed && strongmonst(u.usteed->data))
1966. #endif
1967. 	)
1968. 		carrcap = MAX_CARR_CAP;
1969. 	else {
1970. 		if(carrcap > MAX_CARR_CAP) carrcap = MAX_CARR_CAP;
1971. 		if (!Flying) {
1972. 			if(EWounded_legs & LEFT_SIDE) carrcap -= 100;
1973. 			if(EWounded_legs & RIGHT_SIDE) carrcap -= 100;
1974. 		}
1975. 		if (carrcap < 0) carrcap = 0;
1976. 	}
1977. 	return((int) carrcap);
1978. }
1980. static int wc;	/* current weight_cap(); valid after call to inv_weight() */
1982. /* returns how far beyond the normal capacity the player is currently. */
1983. /* inv_weight() is negative if the player is below normal capacity. */
1984. int
1985. inv_weight()
1986. {
1987. 	register struct obj *otmp = invent;
1988. 	register int wt = 0;
1990. #ifndef GOLDOBJ
1991. 	/* when putting stuff into containers, gold is inserted at the head
1992. 	   of invent for easier manipulation by askchain & co, but it's also
1993. 	   retained in u.ugold in order to keep the status line accurate; we
1994. 	   mustn't add its weight in twice under that circumstance */
1995. 	wt = (otmp && otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) ? 0 :
1996. 		(int)((u.ugold + 50L) / 100L);
1997. #endif
1998. 	while (otmp) {
1999. #ifndef GOLDOBJ
2000. 		if (otmp->otyp != BOULDER || !throws_rocks(
2001. #else
2002. 		if (otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS)
2003. 			wt += (int)(((long)otmp->quan + 50L) / 100L);
2004. 		else if (otmp->otyp != BOULDER || !throws_rocks(
2005. #endif
2006. 			wt += otmp->owt;
2007. 		otmp = otmp->nobj;
2008. 	}
2009. 	wc = weight_cap();
2010. 	return (wt - wc);
2011. }
2013. /*
2014.  * Returns 0 if below normal capacity, or the number of "capacity units"
2015.  * over the normal capacity the player is loaded.  Max is 5.
2016.  */
2017. int
2018. calc_capacity(xtra_wt)
2019. int xtra_wt;
2020. {
2021.     int cap, wt = inv_weight() + xtra_wt;
2023.     if (wt <= 0) return UNENCUMBERED;
2024.     if (wc <= 1) return OVERLOADED;
2025.     cap = (wt*2 / wc) + 1;
2026.     return min(cap, OVERLOADED);
2027. }
2029. int
2030. near_capacity()
2031. {
2032.     return calc_capacity(0);
2033. }
2035. int
2036. max_capacity()
2037. {
2038.     int wt = inv_weight();
2040.     return (wt - (2 * wc));
2041. }
2043. boolean
2044. check_capacity(str)
2045. const char *str;
2046. {
2047.     if(near_capacity() >= EXT_ENCUMBER) {
2048. 	if(str)
2049. 	    pline(str);
2050. 	else
2051. 	    You_cant("do that while carrying so much stuff.");
2052. 	return 1;
2053.     }
2054.     return 0;
2055. }
2057. #endif /* OVL1 */
2058. #ifdef OVLB
2060. int
2061. inv_cnt()
2062. {
2063. 	register struct obj *otmp = invent;
2064. 	register int ct = 0;
2066. 	while(otmp){
2067. 		ct++;
2068. 		otmp = otmp->nobj;
2069. 	}
2070. 	return(ct);
2071. }
2073. #ifdef GOLDOBJ
2074. /* Counts the money in an object chain. */
2075. /* Intended use is for your or some monsters inventory, */
2076. /* now that is gone.*/
2077. /* Counting money in a container might be possible too. */
2078. long money_cnt(otmp)
2079. struct obj *otmp;
2080. {
2081.         while(otmp) {
2082. 	        /* Must change when silver & copper is implemented: */
2083.  	        if (otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) return otmp->quan;
2084.   	        otmp = otmp->nobj;
2085. 	}
2086. 	return 0;
2087. }
2088. #endif
2089. #endif /* OVLB */
2091. /*hack.c*/