Source:NetHack 3.6.1/src/vision.c

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Below is the full text to vision.c from the source code of NetHack 3.6.1. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.1/src/vision.c#line123]], for example.

Top of file

 /* NetHack 3.6	vision.c	$NHDT-Date: 1448013598 2015/11/20 09:59:58 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.27 $ */
 /* Copyright (c) Dean Luick, with acknowledgements to Dave Cohrs, 1990. */
 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details.       */

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

 #include "hack.h"
 /* Circles
  * ==================================================================*/
  * These numbers are limit offsets for one quadrant of a circle of a given
  * radius (the first number of each line) from the source.  The number in
  * the comment is the element number (so pointers can be set up).  Each
  * "circle" has as many elements as its radius+1.  The radius is the number
  * of points away from the source that the limit exists.  The radius of the
  * offset on the same row as the source *is* included so we don't have to
  * make an extra check.  For example, a circle of radius 4 has offsets:
  *              XXX     +2
  *              ...X    +3
  *              ....X   +4
  *              ....X   +4
  *              @...X   +4
 char circle_data[] = {
     /*  0*/ 1,  1,
     /*  2*/ 2,  2,  1,
     /*  5*/ 3,  3,  2,  1,
     /*  9*/ 4,  4,  4,  3,  2,
     /* 14*/ 5,  5,  5,  4,  3,  2,
     /* 20*/ 6,  6,  6,  5,  5,  4,  2,
     /* 27*/ 7,  7,  7,  6,  6,  5,  4,  2,
     /* 35*/ 8,  8,  8,  7,  7,  6,  6,  4,  2,
     /* 44*/ 9,  9,  9,  9,  8,  8,  7,  6,  5,  3,
     /* 54*/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 9,  9,  8,  7,  6,  5,  3,
     /* 65*/ 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9,  9,  8,  7,  5,  3,
     /* 77*/ 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9,  8,  7,  5,  3,
     /* 90*/ 13, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10, 9,  7,  6, 3,
     /*104*/ 14, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 9,  8, 6, 3,
     /*119*/ 15, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 6, 3,
     /*135*/ 16 /* MAX_RADIUS+1; used to terminate range loops -dlc */
  * These are the starting indexes into the circle_data[] array for a
  * circle of a given radius.
 char circle_start[] = {
     /*  */ 0, /* circles of radius zero are not used */
     /* 1*/ 0,
     /* 2*/ 2,
     /* 3*/ 5,
     /* 4*/ 9,
     /* 5*/ 14,
     /* 6*/ 20,
     /* 7*/ 27,
     /* 8*/ 35,
     /* 9*/ 44,
     /*10*/ 54,
     /*11*/ 65,
     /*12*/ 77,
     /*13*/ 90,
     /*14*/ 104,
     /*15*/ 119,
 /* Vision (arbitrary line of sight)
  * =========================================*/
 /*------ global variables ------*/
 #if 0 /* (moved to decl.c) */
 /* True if we need to run a full vision recalculation. */
 boolean vision_full_recalc = 0;
 /* Pointers to the current vision array. */
 char    **viz_array;
 char *viz_rmin, *viz_rmax; /* current vision cs bounds */
 /*------ local variables ------*/
 static char could_see[2][ROWNO][COLNO]; /* vision work space */
 static char *cs_rows0[ROWNO], *cs_rows1[ROWNO];
 static char cs_rmin0[ROWNO], cs_rmax0[ROWNO];
 static char cs_rmin1[ROWNO], cs_rmax1[ROWNO];
 static char viz_clear[ROWNO][COLNO]; /* vision clear/blocked map */
 static char *viz_clear_rows[ROWNO];
 static char left_ptrs[ROWNO][COLNO]; /* LOS algorithm helpers */
 static char right_ptrs[ROWNO][COLNO];
 /* Forward declarations. */
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(fill_point, (int, int));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(dig_point, (int, int));
 STATIC_DCL void NDECL(view_init);
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(view_from, (int, int, char **, char *, char *, int,
                                   void (*)(int, int, genericptr_t),
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(get_unused_cs, (char ***, char **, char **));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(rogue_vision, (char **, char *, char *));
 /* Macro definitions that I can't find anywhere. */
 #define sign(z) ((z) < 0 ? -1 : ((z) ? 1 : 0))
 #define v_abs(z) ((z) < 0 ? -(z) : (z)) /* don't use abs -- it may exist */


  * vision_init()
  * The one-time vision initialization routine.
  * This must be called before mklev() is called in newgame() [allmain.c],
  * or before a game restore.   Else we die a horrible death.
     int i;
     /* Set up the pointers. */
     for (i = 0; i < ROWNO; i++) {
         cs_rows0[i] = could_see[0][i];
         cs_rows1[i] = could_see[1][i];
         viz_clear_rows[i] = viz_clear[i];
     /* Start out with cs0 as our current array */
     viz_array = cs_rows0;
     viz_rmin = cs_rmin0;
     viz_rmax = cs_rmax0;
     vision_full_recalc = 0;
     (void) memset((genericptr_t) could_see, 0, sizeof(could_see));
     /* Initialize the vision algorithm (currently C or D). */
     /* Note:  this initializer doesn't do anything except guarantee that
      *        we're linked properly.


  * does_block()
  * Returns true if the level feature, object, or monster at (x,y) blocks
  * sight.
 does_block(x, y, lev)
 int x, y;
 register struct rm *lev;
     struct obj *obj;
     struct monst *mon;
     /* Features that block . . */
     if (IS_ROCK(lev->typ) || lev->typ == TREE
         || (IS_DOOR(lev->typ)
             && (lev->doormask & (D_CLOSED | D_LOCKED | D_TRAPPED))))
         return 1;
     if (lev->typ == CLOUD || lev->typ == WATER
         || (lev->typ == MOAT && Underwater))
         return 1;
     /* Boulders block light. */
     for (obj = level.objects[x][y]; obj; obj = obj->nexthere)
         if (obj->otyp == BOULDER)
             return 1;
     /* Mimics mimicing a door or boulder or ... block light. */
     if ((mon = m_at(x, y)) && (!mon->minvis || See_invisible)
         && is_lightblocker_mappear(mon))
         return 1;
     return 0;


  * vision_reset()
  * This must be called *after* the levl[][] structure is set with the new
  * level and the level monsters and objects are in place.
     int y;
     register int x, i, dig_left, block;
     register struct rm *lev;
     /* Start out with cs0 as our current array */
     viz_array = cs_rows0;
     viz_rmin = cs_rmin0;
     viz_rmax = cs_rmax0;
     (void) memset((genericptr_t) could_see, 0, sizeof(could_see));
     /* Reset the pointers and clear so that we have a "full" dungeon. */
     (void) memset((genericptr_t) viz_clear, 0, sizeof(viz_clear));
     /* Dig the level */
     for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++) {
         dig_left = 0;
         block = TRUE; /* location (0,y) is always stone; it's !isok() */
         lev = &levl[1][y];
         for (x = 1; x < COLNO; x++, lev += ROWNO)
             if (block != (IS_ROCK(lev->typ) || does_block(x, y, lev))) {
                 if (block) {
                     for (i = dig_left; i < x; i++) {
                         left_ptrs[y][i] = dig_left;
                         right_ptrs[y][i] = x - 1;
                 } else {
                     i = dig_left;
                     if (dig_left)
                         dig_left--; /* point at first blocked point */
                     for (; i < x; i++) {
                         left_ptrs[y][i] = dig_left;
                         right_ptrs[y][i] = x;
                         viz_clear[y][i] = 1;
                 dig_left = x;
                 block = !block;
         /* handle right boundary; almost identical for blocked/unblocked */
         i = dig_left;
         if (!block && dig_left)
             dig_left--; /* point at first blocked point */
         for (; i < COLNO; i++) {
             left_ptrs[y][i] = dig_left;
             right_ptrs[y][i] = (COLNO - 1);
             viz_clear[y][i] = !block;
     iflags.vision_inited = 1; /* vision is ready */
     vision_full_recalc = 1;   /* we want to run vision_recalc() */


  * get_unused_cs()
  * Called from vision_recalc() and at least one light routine.  Get pointers
  * to the unused vision work area.
 get_unused_cs(rows, rmin, rmax)
 char ***rows;
 char **rmin, **rmax;
     register int row;
     register char *nrmin, *nrmax;
     if (viz_array == cs_rows0) {
         *rows = cs_rows1;
         *rmin = cs_rmin1;
         *rmax = cs_rmax1;
     } else {
         *rows = cs_rows0;
         *rmin = cs_rmin0;
         *rmax = cs_rmax0;
     /* return an initialized, unused work area */
     nrmin = *rmin;
     nrmax = *rmax;
     (void) memset((genericptr_t) * *rows, 0,
                   ROWNO * COLNO);       /* we see nothing */
     for (row = 0; row < ROWNO; row++) { /* set row min & max */
         *nrmin++ = COLNO - 1;
         *nrmax++ = 0;


  * rogue_vision()
  * Set the "could see" and in sight bits so vision acts just like the old
  * rogue game:
  *      + If in a room, the hero can see to the room boundaries.
  *      + The hero can always see adjacent squares.
  * We set the in_sight bit here as well to escape a bug that shows up
  * due to the one-sided lit wall hack.
 rogue_vision(next, rmin, rmax)
 char **next; /* could_see array pointers */
 char *rmin, *rmax;
     int rnum = levl[u.ux][].roomno - ROOMOFFSET; /* no SHARED... */
     int start, stop, in_door, xhi, xlo, yhi, ylo;
     register int zx, zy;
     /* If in a lit room, we are able to see to its boundaries. */
     /* If dark, set COULD_SEE so various spells work -dlc */
     if (rnum >= 0) {
         for (zy = rooms[rnum].ly - 1; zy <= rooms[rnum].hy + 1; zy++) {
             rmin[zy] = start = rooms[rnum].lx - 1;
             rmax[zy] = stop = rooms[rnum].hx + 1;
             for (zx = start; zx <= stop; zx++) {
                 if (rooms[rnum].rlit) {
                     next[zy][zx] = COULD_SEE | IN_SIGHT;
                     levl[zx][zy].seenv = SVALL; /* see the walls */
                 } else
                     next[zy][zx] = COULD_SEE;
     in_door = levl[u.ux][].typ == DOOR;
     /* Can always see adjacent. */
     ylo = max( - 1, 0);
     yhi = min( + 1, ROWNO - 1);
     xlo = max(u.ux - 1, 1);
     xhi = min(u.ux + 1, COLNO - 1);
     for (zy = ylo; zy <= yhi; zy++) {
         if (xlo < rmin[zy])
             rmin[zy] = xlo;
         if (xhi > rmax[zy])
             rmax[zy] = xhi;
         for (zx = xlo; zx <= xhi; zx++) {
             next[zy][zx] = COULD_SEE | IN_SIGHT;
              * Yuck, update adjacent non-diagonal positions when in a doorway.
              * We need to do this to catch the case when we first step into
              * a room.  The room's walls were not seen from the outside, but
              * now are seen (the seen bits are set just above).  However, the
              * positions are not updated because they were already in sight.
              * So, we have to do it here.
             if (in_door && (zx == u.ux || zy ==
                 newsym(zx, zy);
 /*#define EXTEND_SPINE*/ /* possibly better looking wall-angle */
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(new_angle, (struct rm *, unsigned char *, int, int));


  * new_angle()
  * Return the new angle seen by the hero for this location.  The angle
  * bit is given in the value pointed at by sv.
  * For T walls and crosswall, just setting the angle bit, even though
  * it is technically correct, doesn't look good.  If we can see the
  * next position beyond the current one and it is a wall that we can
  * see, then we want to extend a spine of the T to connect with the wall
  * that is beyond.  Example:
  *       Correct, but ugly                         Extend T spine
  *              | ...                                   | ...
  *              | ...   <-- wall beyond & floor -->     | ...
  *              | ...                                   | ...
  * Unseen   -->   ...                                   | ...
  * spine        +-...   <-- trwall & doorway    -->     +-...
  *              | ...                                   | ...
  *                 @    <-- hero                -->        @
  * We fake the above check by only checking if the horizontal &
  * vertical positions adjacent to the crosswall and T wall are
  * unblocked.  Then, _in general_ we can see beyond.  Generally,
  * this is good enough.
  *      + When this function is called we don't have all of the seen
  *        information (we're doing a top down scan in vision_recalc).
  *        We would need to scan once to set all IN_SIGHT and COULD_SEE
  *        bits, then again to correctly set the seenv bits.
  *      + I'm trying to make this as cheap as possible.  The display &
  *        vision eat up too much CPU time.
  * Note:  Even as I write this, I'm still not convinced.  There are too
  *        many exceptions.  I may have to bite the bullet and do more
  *        checks.       - Dean 2/11/93
 new_angle(lev, sv, row, col)
 struct rm *lev;
 unsigned char *sv;
 int row, col;
     register int res = *sv;
      * Do extra checks for crosswalls and T walls if we see them from
      * an angle.
     if (lev->typ >= CROSSWALL && lev->typ <= TRWALL) {
         switch (res) {
         case SV0:
             if (col > 0 && viz_clear[row][col - 1])
                 res |= SV7;
             if (row > 0 && viz_clear[row - 1][col])
                 res |= SV1;
         case SV2:
             if (row > 0 && viz_clear[row - 1][col])
                 res |= SV1;
             if (col < COLNO - 1 && viz_clear[row][col + 1])
                 res |= SV3;
         case SV4:
             if (col < COLNO - 1 && viz_clear[row][col + 1])
                 res |= SV3;
             if (row < ROWNO - 1 && viz_clear[row + 1][col])
                 res |= SV5;
         case SV6:
             if (row < ROWNO - 1 && viz_clear[row + 1][col])
                 res |= SV5;
             if (col > 0 && viz_clear[row][col - 1])
                 res |= SV7;
     return res;
  * new_angle()
  * Return the new angle seen by the hero for this location.  The angle
  * bit is given in the value pointed at by sv.
  * The other parameters are not used.
 #define new_angle(lev, sv, row, col) (*sv)


  * vision_recalc()
  * Do all of the heavy vision work.  Recalculate all locations that could
  * possibly be seen by the hero --- if the location were lit, etc.  Note
  * which locations are actually seen because of lighting.  Then add to
  * this all locations that be seen by hero due to night vision and x-ray
  * vision.  Finally, compare with what the hero was able to see previously.
  * Update the difference.
  * This function is usually called only when the variable 'vision_full_recalc'
  * is set.  The following is a list of places where this function is called,
  * with three valid values for the control flag parameter:
  * Control flag = 0.  A complete vision recalculation.  Generate the vision
  * tables from scratch.  This is necessary to correctly set what the hero
  * can see.  (1) and (2) call this routine for synchronization purposes, (3)
  * calls this routine so it can operate correctly.
  *      + After the monster move, before input from the player. [moveloop()]
  *      + At end of moveloop. [moveloop() ??? not sure why this is here]
  *      + Right before something is printed. [pline()]
  *      + Right before we do a vision based operation. [do_clear_area()]
  *      + screen redraw, so we can renew all positions in sight. [docrt()]
  *      + When toggling temporary blindness, in case additional events
  *        impacted by vision occur during the same move [make_blinded()]
  * Control flag = 1.  An adjacent vision recalculation.  The hero has moved
  * one square.  Knowing this, it might be possible to optimize the vision
  * recalculation using the current knowledge.  This is presently unimplemented
  * and is treated as a control = 0 call.
  *      + Right after the hero moves. [domove()]
  * Control flag = 2.  Turn off the vision system.  Nothing new will be
  * displayed, since nothing is seen.  This is usually done when you need
  * a newsym() run on all locations in sight, or on some locations but you
  * don't know which ones.
  *      + Before a screen redraw, so all positions are renewed. [docrt()]
  *      + Right before the hero arrives on a new level. [goto_level()]
  *      + Right after a scroll of light is read. [litroom()]
  *      + After an option has changed that affects vision [parseoptions()]
  *      + Right after the hero is swallowed. [gulpmu()]
  *      + Just before bubbles are moved. [movebubbles()]
 int control;
     char **temp_array; /* points to the old vision array */
     char **next_array; /* points to the new vision array */
     char *next_row;    /* row pointer for the new array */
     char *old_row;     /* row pointer for the old array */
     char *next_rmin;   /* min pointer for the new array */
     char *next_rmax;   /* max pointer for the new array */
     char *ranges;      /* circle ranges -- used for xray & night vision */
     int row = 0;       /* row counter (outer loop)  */
     int start, stop;   /* inner loop starting/stopping index */
     int dx, dy;        /* one step from a lit door or lit wall (see below) */
     register int col;  /* inner loop counter */
     register struct rm *lev; /* pointer to current pos */
     struct rm *flev; /* pointer to position in "front" of current pos */
     extern unsigned char seenv_matrix[3][3]; /* from display.c */
     static unsigned char colbump[COLNO + 1]; /* cols to bump sv */
     unsigned char *sv;                       /* ptr to seen angle bits */
     int oldseenv;                            /* previous seenv value */
     vision_full_recalc = 0; /* reset flag */
     if (in_mklev || !iflags.vision_inited)
      * Either the light sources have been taken care of, or we must
      * recalculate them here.
     /* Get the unused could see, row min, and row max arrays. */
     get_unused_cs(&next_array, &next_rmin, &next_rmax);
     /* You see nothing, nothing can see you --- if swallowed or refreshing. */
     if (u.uswallow || control == 2) {
         /* do nothing -- get_unused_cs() nulls out the new work area */
     } else if (Blind) {
          * Calculate the could_see array even when blind so that monsters
          * can see you, even if you can't see them.  Note that the current
          * setup allows:
          *      + Monsters to see with the "new" vision, even on the rogue
          *        level.
          *      + Monsters can see you even when you're in a pit.
         view_from(, u.ux, next_array, next_rmin, next_rmax, 0,
                   (void FDECL((*), (int, int, genericptr_t))) 0,
                   (genericptr_t) 0);
          * Our own version of the update loop below.  We know we can't see
          * anything, so we only need update positions we used to be able
          * to see.
         temp_array = viz_array; /* set viz_array so newsym() will work */
         viz_array = next_array;
         for (row = 0; row < ROWNO; row++) {
             old_row = temp_array[row];
             /* Find the min and max positions on the row. */
             start = min(viz_rmin[row], next_rmin[row]);
             stop = max(viz_rmax[row], next_rmax[row]);
             for (col = start; col <= stop; col++)
                 if (old_row[col] & IN_SIGHT)
                     newsym(col, row);
         /* skip the normal update loop */
         goto skip;
     } else if (Is_rogue_level(& {
         rogue_vision(next_array, next_rmin, next_rmax);
     } else {
         int has_night_vision = 1; /* hero has night vision */
         if (Underwater && !Is_waterlevel(& {
              * The hero is under water.  Only see surrounding locations if
              * they are also underwater.  This overrides night vision but
              * does not override x-ray vision.
             has_night_vision = 0;
             for (row = - 1; row <= + 1; row++)
                 for (col = u.ux - 1; col <= u.ux + 1; col++) {
                     if (!isok(col, row) || !is_pool(col, row))
                     next_rmin[row] = min(next_rmin[row], col);
                     next_rmax[row] = max(next_rmax[row], col);
                     next_array[row][col] = IN_SIGHT | COULD_SEE;
         /* if in a pit, just update for immediate locations */
         } else if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
             for (row = - 1; row <= + 1; row++) {
                 if (row < 0)
                 if (row >= ROWNO)
                 next_rmin[row] = max(0, u.ux - 1);
                 next_rmax[row] = min(COLNO - 1, u.ux + 1);
                 next_row = next_array[row];
                 for (col = next_rmin[row]; col <= next_rmax[row]; col++)
                     next_row[col] = IN_SIGHT | COULD_SEE;
         } else
             view_from(, u.ux, next_array, next_rmin, next_rmax, 0,
                       (void FDECL((*), (int, int, genericptr_t))) 0,
                       (genericptr_t) 0);
          * Set the IN_SIGHT bit for xray and night vision.
         if (u.xray_range >= 0) {
             if (u.xray_range) {
                 ranges = circle_ptr(u.xray_range);
                 for (row = - u.xray_range; row <= + u.xray_range;
                      row++) {
                     if (row < 0)
                     if (row >= ROWNO)
                     dy = v_abs( - row);
                     next_row = next_array[row];
                     start = max(0, u.ux - ranges[dy]);
                     stop = min(COLNO - 1, u.ux + ranges[dy]);
                     for (col = start; col <= stop; col++) {
                         char old_row_val = next_row[col];
                         next_row[col] |= IN_SIGHT;
                         oldseenv = levl[col][row].seenv;
                         levl[col][row].seenv = SVALL; /* see all! */
                         /* Update if previously not in sight or new angle. */
                         if (!(old_row_val & IN_SIGHT) || oldseenv != SVALL)
                             newsym(col, row);
                     next_rmin[row] = min(start, next_rmin[row]);
                     next_rmax[row] = max(stop, next_rmax[row]);
             } else { /* range is 0 */
                 next_array[][u.ux] |= IN_SIGHT;
                 levl[u.ux][].seenv = SVALL;
                 next_rmin[] = min(u.ux, next_rmin[]);
                 next_rmax[] = max(u.ux, next_rmax[]);
         if (has_night_vision && u.xray_range < u.nv_range) {
             if (!u.nv_range) { /* range is 0 */
                 next_array[][u.ux] |= IN_SIGHT;
                 levl[u.ux][].seenv = SVALL;
                 next_rmin[] = min(u.ux, next_rmin[]);
                 next_rmax[] = max(u.ux, next_rmax[]);
             } else if (u.nv_range > 0) {
                 ranges = circle_ptr(u.nv_range);
                 for (row = - u.nv_range; row <= + u.nv_range;
                      row++) {
                     if (row < 0)
                     if (row >= ROWNO)
                     dy = v_abs( - row);
                     next_row = next_array[row];
                     start = max(0, u.ux - ranges[dy]);
                     stop = min(COLNO - 1, u.ux + ranges[dy]);
                     for (col = start; col <= stop; col++)
                         if (next_row[col])
                             next_row[col] |= IN_SIGHT;
                     next_rmin[row] = min(start, next_rmin[row]);
                     next_rmax[row] = max(stop, next_rmax[row]);
     /* Set the correct bits for all light sources. */
      * Make the viz_array the new array so that cansee() will work correctly.
     temp_array = viz_array;
     viz_array = next_array;
      * The main update loop.  Here we do two things:
      *      + Set the IN_SIGHT bit for places that we could see and are lit.
      *      + Reset changed places.
      * There is one thing that make deciding what the hero can see
      * difficult:
      *  1.  Directional lighting.  Items that block light create problems.
      *      The worst offenders are doors.  Suppose a door to a lit room
      *      is closed.  It is lit on one side, but not on the other.  How
      *      do you know?  You have to check the closest adjacent position.
      *      Even so, that is not entirely correct.  But it seems close
      *      enough for now.
     colbump[u.ux] = colbump[u.ux + 1] = 1;
     for (row = 0; row < ROWNO; row++) {
         dy = - row;
         dy = sign(dy);
         next_row = next_array[row];
         old_row = temp_array[row];
         /* Find the min and max positions on the row. */
         start = min(viz_rmin[row], next_rmin[row]);
         stop = max(viz_rmax[row], next_rmax[row]);
         lev = &levl[start][row];
         sv = &seenv_matrix[dy + 1][start < u.ux ? 0 : (start > u.ux ? 2 : 1)];
         for (col = start; col <= stop;
              lev += ROWNO, sv += (int) colbump[++col]) {
             if (next_row[col] & IN_SIGHT) {
                  * We see this position because of night- or xray-vision.
                 oldseenv = lev->seenv;
                 lev->seenv |=
                     new_angle(lev, sv, row, col); /* update seen angle */
                 /* Update pos if previously not in sight or new angle. */
                 if (!(old_row[col] & IN_SIGHT) || oldseenv != lev->seenv)
                     newsym(col, row);
             } else if ((next_row[col] & COULD_SEE)
                      && (lev->lit || (next_row[col] & TEMP_LIT))) {
                  * We see this position because it is lit.
                 if ((IS_DOOR(lev->typ) || lev->typ == SDOOR
                      || IS_WALL(lev->typ)) && !viz_clear[row][col]) {
                      * Make sure doors, walls, boulders or mimics don't show
                      * up
                      * at the end of dark hallways.  We do this by checking
                      * the adjacent position.  If it is lit, then we can see
                      * the door or wall, otherwise we can't.
                     dx = u.ux - col;
                     dx = sign(dx);
                     flev = &(levl[col + dx][row + dy]);
                     if (flev->lit
                         || next_array[row + dy][col + dx] & TEMP_LIT) {
                         next_row[col] |= IN_SIGHT; /* we see it */
                         oldseenv = lev->seenv;
                         lev->seenv |= new_angle(lev, sv, row, col);
                         /* Update pos if previously not in sight or new
                          * angle.*/
                         if (!(old_row[col] & IN_SIGHT)
                             || oldseenv != lev->seenv)
                             newsym(col, row);
                     } else
                         goto not_in_sight; /* we don't see it */
                 } else {
                     next_row[col] |= IN_SIGHT; /* we see it */
                     oldseenv = lev->seenv;
                     lev->seenv |= new_angle(lev, sv, row, col);
                     /* Update pos if previously not in sight or new angle. */
                     if (!(old_row[col] & IN_SIGHT) || oldseenv != lev->seenv)
                         newsym(col, row);
             } else if ((next_row[col] & COULD_SEE) && lev->waslit) {
                  * If we make it here, the hero _could see_ the location,
                  * but doesn't see it (location is not lit).
                  * However, the hero _remembers_ it as lit (waslit is true).
                  * The hero can now see that it is not lit, so change waslit
                  * and update the location.
                 lev->waslit = 0; /* remember lit condition */
                 newsym(col, row);
              * At this point we know that the row position is *not* in normal
              * sight.  That is, the position is could be seen, but is dark
              * or LOS is just plain blocked.
              * Update the position if:
              * o If the old one *was* in sight.  We may need to clean up
              *   the glyph -- E.g. darken room spot, etc.
              * o If we now could see the location (yet the location is not
              *   lit), but previously we couldn't see the location, or vice
              *   versa.  Update the spot because there there may be an
              *   infrared monster there.
             } else {
                 if ((old_row[col] & IN_SIGHT)
                     || ((next_row[col] & COULD_SEE)
                         ^ (old_row[col] & COULD_SEE)))
                     newsym(col, row);
         } /* end for col . . */
     }     /* end for row . .  */
     colbump[u.ux] = colbump[u.ux + 1] = 0;
     /* This newsym() caused a crash delivering msg about failure to open
      * dungeon file init_dungeons() -> panic() -> done(11) ->
      * vision_recalc(2) -> newsym() -> crash!  u.ux and are 0 and
      * program_state.panicking == 1 under those circumstances
     if (!program_state.panicking)
         newsym(u.ux,; /* Make sure the hero shows up! */
     /* Set the new min and max pointers. */
     viz_rmin = next_rmin;
     viz_rmax = next_rmax;


  * block_point()
  * Make the location opaque to light.
 block_point(x, y)
 int x, y;
     fill_point(y, x);
     /* recalc light sources here? */
      * We have to do a full vision recalculation if we "could see" the
      * location.  Why? Suppose some monster opened a way so that the
      * hero could see a lit room.  However, the position of the opening
      * was out of night-vision range of the hero.  Suddenly the hero should
      * see the lit room.
     if (viz_array[y][x])
         vision_full_recalc = 1;


  * unblock_point()
  * Make the location transparent to light.
 unblock_point(x, y)
 int x, y;
     dig_point(y, x);
     /* recalc light sources here? */
     if (viz_array[y][x])
         vision_full_recalc = 1;
  |                                                                          |
  |      Everything below this line uses (y,x) instead of (x,y) --- the      |
  |      algorithms are faster if they are less recursive and can scan       |
  |      on a row longer.                                                    |
  |                                                                          |
 /* ======================================================================= *\
                         Left and Right Pointer Updates
 \* ======================================================================= */
  *              LEFT and RIGHT pointer rules
  * **NOTE**  The rules changed on 4/4/90.  This comment reflects the
  * new rules.  The change was so that the stone-wall optimization
  * would work.
  * OK, now the tough stuff.  We must maintain our left and right
  * row pointers.  The rules are as follows:
  * Left Pointers:
  * ______________
  * + If you are a clear spot, your left will point to the first
  *   stone to your left.  If there is none, then point the first
  *   legal position in the row (0).
  * + If you are a blocked spot, then your left will point to the
  *   left-most blocked spot to your left that is connected to you.
  *   This means that a left-edge (a blocked spot that has an open
  *   spot on its left) will point to itself.
  * Right Pointers:
  * ---------------
  * + If you are a clear spot, your right will point to the first
  *   stone to your right.  If there is none, then point the last
  *   legal position in the row (COLNO-1).
  * + If you are a blocked spot, then your right will point to the
  *   right-most blocked spot to your right that is connected to you.
  *   This means that a right-edge (a blocked spot that has an open
  *    spot on its right) will point to itself.


 dig_point(row, col)
 int row, col;
     int i;
     if (viz_clear[row][col])
         return; /* already done */
     viz_clear[row][col] = 1;
      * Boundary cases first.
     if (col == 0) { /* left edge */
         if (viz_clear[row][1]) {
             right_ptrs[row][0] = right_ptrs[row][1];
         } else {
             right_ptrs[row][0] = 1;
             for (i = 1; i <= right_ptrs[row][1]; i++)
                 left_ptrs[row][i] = 1;
     } else if (col == (COLNO - 1)) { /* right edge */
         if (viz_clear[row][COLNO - 2]) {
             left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 1] = left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 2];
         } else {
             left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 1] = COLNO - 2;
             for (i = left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 2]; i < COLNO - 1; i++)
                 right_ptrs[row][i] = COLNO - 2;
      * At this point, we know we aren't on the boundaries.
     } else if (viz_clear[row][col - 1] && viz_clear[row][col + 1]) {
         /* Both sides clear */
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1]; i <= col; i++) {
             if (!viz_clear[row][i])
                 continue; /* catch non-end case */
             right_ptrs[row][i] = right_ptrs[row][col + 1];
         for (i = col; i <= right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++) {
             if (!viz_clear[row][i])
                 continue; /* catch non-end case */
             left_ptrs[row][i] = left_ptrs[row][col - 1];
     } else if (viz_clear[row][col - 1]) {
         /* Left side clear, right side blocked. */
         for (i = col + 1; i <= right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++)
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col + 1;
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1]; i <= col; i++) {
             if (!viz_clear[row][i])
                 continue; /* catch non-end case */
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col + 1;
         left_ptrs[row][col] = left_ptrs[row][col - 1];
     } else if (viz_clear[row][col + 1]) {
         /* Right side clear, left side blocked. */
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1]; i < col; i++)
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col - 1;
         for (i = col; i <= right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++) {
             if (!viz_clear[row][i])
                 continue; /* catch non-end case */
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col - 1;
         right_ptrs[row][col] = right_ptrs[row][col + 1];
     } else {
         /* Both sides blocked */
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1]; i < col; i++)
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col - 1;
         for (i = col + 1; i <= right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++)
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col + 1;
         left_ptrs[row][col] = col - 1;
         right_ptrs[row][col] = col + 1;


 fill_point(row, col)
 int row, col;
     int i;
     if (!viz_clear[row][col])
     viz_clear[row][col] = 0;
     if (col == 0) {
         if (viz_clear[row][1]) { /* adjacent is clear */
             right_ptrs[row][0] = 0;
         } else {
             right_ptrs[row][0] = right_ptrs[row][1];
             for (i = 1; i <= right_ptrs[row][1]; i++)
                 left_ptrs[row][i] = 0;
     } else if (col == COLNO - 1) {
         if (viz_clear[row][COLNO - 2]) { /* adjacent is clear */
             left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 1] = COLNO - 1;
         } else {
             left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 1] = left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 2];
             for (i = left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 2]; i < COLNO - 1; i++)
                 right_ptrs[row][i] = COLNO - 1;
      * Else we know that we are not on an edge.
     } else if (viz_clear[row][col - 1] && viz_clear[row][col + 1]) {
         /* Both sides clear */
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1] + 1; i <= col; i++)
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         if (!left_ptrs[row][col - 1]) /* catch the end case */
             right_ptrs[row][0] = col;
         for (i = col; i < right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++)
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         if (right_ptrs[row][col + 1] == COLNO - 1) /* catch the end case */
             left_ptrs[row][COLNO - 1] = col;
     } else if (viz_clear[row][col - 1]) {
         /* Left side clear, right side blocked. */
         for (i = col; i <= right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++)
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1] + 1; i < col; i++)
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         if (!left_ptrs[row][col - 1]) /* catch the end case */
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         right_ptrs[row][col] = right_ptrs[row][col + 1];
     } else if (viz_clear[row][col + 1]) {
         /* Right side clear, left side blocked. */
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1]; i <= col; i++)
             right_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         for (i = col + 1; i < right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++)
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         if (right_ptrs[row][col + 1] == COLNO - 1) /* catch the end case */
             left_ptrs[row][i] = col;
         left_ptrs[row][col] = left_ptrs[row][col - 1];
     } else {
         /* Both sides blocked */
         for (i = left_ptrs[row][col - 1]; i <= col; i++)
             right_ptrs[row][i] = right_ptrs[row][col + 1];
         for (i = col; i <= right_ptrs[row][col + 1]; i++)
             left_ptrs[row][i] = left_ptrs[row][col - 1];
 /* Use either algorithm C or D.  See the config.h for more details.
  * =========*/
  * Variables local to both Algorithms C and D.
 static int start_row;
 static int start_col;
 static int step;
 static char **cs_rows;
 static char *cs_left;
 static char *cs_right;
 static void FDECL((*vis_func), (int, int, genericptr_t));
 static genericptr_t varg;
  * Both Algorithms C and D use the following macros.
  *      good_row(z)       - Return TRUE if the argument is a legal row.
  *      set_cs(rowp,col)  - Set the local could see array.
  *      set_min(z)        - Save the min value of the argument and the current
  *                            row minimum.
  *      set_max(z)        - Save the max value of the argument and the current
  *                            row maximum.
  * The last three macros depend on having local pointers row_min, row_max,
  * and rowp being set correctly.
 #define set_cs(rowp, col) (rowp[col] = COULD_SEE)
 #define good_row(z) ((z) >= 0 && (z) < ROWNO)
 #define set_min(z)      \
     if (*row_min > (z)) \
         *row_min = (z)
 #define set_max(z)      \
     if (*row_max < (z)) \
         *row_max = (z)
 #define is_clear(row, col) viz_clear_rows[row][col]
  * clear_path()         expanded into 4 macros/functions:
  *      q1_path()
  *      q2_path()
  *      q3_path()
  *      q4_path()
  * "Draw" a line from the start to the given location.  Stop if we hit
  * something that blocks light.  The start and finish points themselves are
  * not checked, just the points between them.  These routines do _not_
  * expect to be called with the same starting and stopping point.
  * These routines use the generalized integer Bresenham's algorithm (fast
  * line drawing) for all quadrants.  The algorithm was taken from _Procedural
  * Elements for Computer Graphics_, by David F. Rogers.  McGraw-Hill, 1985.
 #ifdef MACRO_CPATH /* quadrant calls are macros */
  * When called, the result is in "result".
  * The first two arguments (srow,scol) are one end of the path.  The next
  * two arguments (row,col) are the destination.  The last argument is
  * used as a C language label.  This means that it must be different
  * in each pair of calls.


  *  Quadrant I (step < 0).
 #define q1_path(srow, scol, y2, x2, label)           \
     {                                                \
         int dx, dy;                                  \
         register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;         \
         x = (scol);                                  \
         y = (srow);                                  \
         dx = (x2) -x;                                \
         dy = y - (y2);                               \
         result = 0; /* default to a blocked path */  \
         dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */ \
         dys = dy << 1;                               \
         if (dy > dx) {                               \
             err = dxs - dy;                          \
             for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     x++;                             \
                     err -= dys;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 y--;                                 \
                 err += dxs;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         } else {                                     \
             err = dys - dx;                          \
             for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     y--;                             \
                     err -= dxs;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 x++;                                 \
                 err += dys;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         }                                            \
         result = 1;                                  \


  * Quadrant IV (step > 0).
 #define q4_path(srow, scol, y2, x2, label)           \
     {                                                \
         int dx, dy;                                  \
         register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;         \
         x = (scol);                                  \
         y = (srow);                                  \
         dx = (x2) -x;                                \
         dy = (y2) -y;                                \
         result = 0; /* default to a blocked path */  \
         dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */ \
         dys = dy << 1;                               \
         if (dy > dx) {                               \
             err = dxs - dy;                          \
             for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     x++;                             \
                     err -= dys;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 y++;                                 \
                 err += dxs;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         } else {                                     \
             err = dys - dx;                          \
             for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     y++;                             \
                     err -= dxs;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 x++;                                 \
                 err += dys;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         }                                            \
         result = 1;                                  \


  * Quadrant II (step < 0).
 #define q2_path(srow, scol, y2, x2, label)           \
     {                                                \
         int dx, dy;                                  \
         register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;         \
         x = (scol);                                  \
         y = (srow);                                  \
         dx = x - (x2);                               \
         dy = y - (y2);                               \
         result = 0; /* default to a blocked path */  \
         dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */ \
         dys = dy << 1;                               \
         if (dy > dx) {                               \
             err = dxs - dy;                          \
             for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     x--;                             \
                     err -= dys;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 y--;                                 \
                 err += dxs;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         } else {                                     \
             err = dys - dx;                          \
             for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     y--;                             \
                     err -= dxs;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 x--;                                 \
                 err += dys;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         }                                            \
         result = 1;                                  \


  * Quadrant III (step > 0).
 #define q3_path(srow, scol, y2, x2, label)           \
     {                                                \
         int dx, dy;                                  \
         register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;         \
         x = (scol);                                  \
         y = (srow);                                  \
         dx = x - (x2);                               \
         dy = (y2) -y;                                \
         result = 0; /* default to a blocked path */  \
         dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */ \
         dys = dy << 1;                               \
         if (dy > dx) {                               \
             err = dxs - dy;                          \
             for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     x--;                             \
                     err -= dys;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 y++;                                 \
                 err += dxs;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         } else {                                     \
             err = dys - dx;                          \
             for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {               \
                 if (err >= 0) {                      \
                     y++;                             \
                     err -= dxs;                      \
                 }                                    \
                 x--;                                 \
                 err += dys;                          \
                 if (!is_clear(y, x))                 \
                     goto label; /* blocked */        \
             }                                        \
         }                                            \
         result = 1;                                  \
 #else /* !MACRO_CPATH -- quadrants are really functions */
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(_q1_path, (int, int, int, int));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(_q2_path, (int, int, int, int));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(_q3_path, (int, int, int, int));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(_q4_path, (int, int, int, int));
 #define q1_path(sy, sx, y, x, dummy) result = _q1_path(sy, sx, y, x)
 #define q2_path(sy, sx, y, x, dummy) result = _q2_path(sy, sx, y, x)
 #define q3_path(sy, sx, y, x, dummy) result = _q3_path(sy, sx, y, x)
 #define q4_path(sy, sx, y, x, dummy) result = _q4_path(sy, sx, y, x)


  * Quadrant I (step < 0).
 _q1_path(srow, scol, y2, x2)
 int scol, srow, y2, x2;
     int dx, dy;
     register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;
     x = scol;
     y = srow;
     dx = x2 - x;
     dy = y - y2;
     dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */
     dys = dy << 1;
     if (dy > dx) {
         err = dxs - dy;
         for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dys;
             err += dxs;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     } else {
         err = dys - dx;
         for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dxs;
             err += dys;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     return 1;


  * Quadrant IV (step > 0).
 _q4_path(srow, scol, y2, x2)
 int scol, srow, y2, x2;
     int dx, dy;
     register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;
     x = scol;
     y = srow;
     dx = x2 - x;
     dy = y2 - y;
     dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */
     dys = dy << 1;
     if (dy > dx) {
         err = dxs - dy;
         for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dys;
             err += dxs;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     } else {
         err = dys - dx;
         for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dxs;
             err += dys;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     return 1;


  * Quadrant II (step < 0).
 _q2_path(srow, scol, y2, x2)
 int scol, srow, y2, x2;
     int dx, dy;
     register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;
     x = scol;
     y = srow;
     dx = x - x2;
     dy = y - y2;
     dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */
     dys = dy << 1;
     if (dy > dx) {
         err = dxs - dy;
         for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dys;
             err += dxs;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     } else {
         err = dys - dx;
         for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dxs;
             err += dys;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     return 1;


  * Quadrant III (step > 0).
 _q3_path(srow, scol, y2, x2)
 int scol, srow, y2, x2;
     int dx, dy;
     register int k, err, x, y, dxs, dys;
     x = scol;
     y = srow;
     dx = x - x2;
     dy = y2 - y;
     dxs = dx << 1; /* save the shifted values */
     dys = dy << 1;
     if (dy > dx) {
         err = dxs - dy;
         for (k = dy - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dys;
             err += dxs;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     } else {
         err = dys - dx;
         for (k = dx - 1; k; k--) {
             if (err >= 0) {
                 err -= dxs;
             err += dys;
             if (!is_clear(y, x))
                 return 0; /* blocked */
     return 1;
 #endif /* ?MACRO_CPATH */


  * Use vision tables to determine if there is a clear path from
  * (col1,row1) to (col2,row2).  This is used by:
  *      m_cansee()
  *      m_canseeu()
  *      do_light_sources()
 clear_path(col1, row1, col2, row2)
 int col1, row1, col2, row2;
     int result;
     if (col1 < col2) {
         if (row1 > row2) {
             q1_path(row1, col1, row2, col2, cleardone);
         } else {
             q4_path(row1, col1, row2, col2, cleardone);
     } else {
         if (row1 > row2) {
             q2_path(row1, col1, row2, col2, cleardone);
         } else if (row1 == row2 && col1 == col2) {
             result = 1;
         } else {
             q3_path(row1, col1, row2, col2, cleardone);
     return (boolean) result;
                             GENERAL LINE OF SIGHT
                                 Algorithm D
  * Indicate caller for the shadow routines.
 #define FROM_RIGHT 0
 #define FROM_LEFT 1
  * Include the table definitions.
 #include "vis_tab.h"
 /* 3D table pointers. */
 static close2d *close_dy[CLOSE_MAX_BC_DY];
 static far2d *far_dy[FAR_MAX_BC_DY];
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(right_side,  (int, int, int, int, int,
                                     int, int, char *));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(left_side, (int, int, int, int, int, int, int, char *));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(close_shadow, (int, int, int, int));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(far_shadow, (int, int, int, int));


  * Initialize algorithm D's table pointers.  If we don't have these,
  * then we do 3D table lookups.  Verrrry slow.
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < CLOSE_MAX_BC_DY; i++)
         close_dy[i] = &close_table[i];
     for (i = 0; i < FAR_MAX_BC_DY; i++)
         far_dy[i] = &far_table[i];


  * If the far table has an entry of OFF_TABLE, then the far block prevents
  * us from seeing the location just above/below it.  I.e. the first visible
  * location is one *before* the block.
 #define OFF_TABLE 0xff
 close_shadow(side, this_row, block_row, block_col)
 int side, this_row, block_row, block_col;
     register int sdy, sdx, pdy, offset;
      * If on the same column (block_row = -1), then we can see it.
     if (block_row < 0)
         return block_col;
     /* Take explicit absolute values.  Adjust. */
     if ((sdy = (start_row - block_row)) < 0)
         sdy = -sdy;
     --sdy; /* src   dy */
     if ((sdx = (start_col - block_col)) < 0)
         sdx = -sdx; /* src   dx */
     if ((pdy = (block_row - this_row)) < 0)
         pdy = -pdy; /* point dy */
     if (sdy < 0 || sdy >= CLOSE_MAX_SB_DY || sdx >= CLOSE_MAX_SB_DX
         || pdy >= CLOSE_MAX_BC_DY) {
         impossible("close_shadow:  bad value");
         return block_col;
     offset = close_dy[sdy]->close[sdx][pdy];
     if (side == FROM_RIGHT)
         return block_col + offset;
     return block_col - offset;


 far_shadow(side, this_row, block_row, block_col)
 int side, this_row, block_row, block_col;
     register int sdy, sdx, pdy, offset;
      * Take care of a bug that shows up only on the borders.
      * If the block is beyond the border, then the row is negative.  Return
      * the block's column number (should be 0 or COLNO-1).
      * Could easily have the column be -1, but then wouldn't know if it was
      * the left or right border.
     if (block_row < 0)
         return block_col;
     /* Take explicit absolute values.  Adjust. */
     if ((sdy = (start_row - block_row)) < 0)
         sdy = -sdy; /* src   dy */
     if ((sdx = (start_col - block_col)) < 0)
         sdx = -sdx;
     --sdx; /* src   dx */
     if ((pdy = (block_row - this_row)) < 0)
         pdy = -pdy;
     --pdy; /* point dy */
     if (sdy >= FAR_MAX_SB_DY || sdx < 0 || sdx >= FAR_MAX_SB_DX || pdy < 0
         || pdy >= FAR_MAX_BC_DY) {
         impossible("far_shadow:  bad value");
         return block_col;
     if ((offset = far_dy[sdy]->far_q[sdx][pdy]) == OFF_TABLE)
         offset = -1;
     if (side == FROM_RIGHT)
         return block_col + offset;
     return block_col - offset;


  * right_side()
  * Figure out what could be seen on the right side of the source.
 right_side(row, cb_row, cb_col, fb_row, fb_col, left, right_mark, limits)
 int row;            /* current row */
 int cb_row, cb_col; /* close block row and col */
 int fb_row, fb_col; /* far block row and col */
 int left;           /* left mark of the previous row */
 int right_mark;     /* right mark of previous row */
 char *limits;       /* points at range limit for current row, or NULL */
     register int i;
     register char *rowp = NULL;
     int hit_stone = 0;
     int left_shadow, right_shadow, loc_right;
     int lblock_col; /* local block column (current row) */
     int nrow, deeper;
     char *row_min = NULL; /* left most */
     char *row_max = NULL; /* right most */
     int lim_max;          /* right most limit of circle */
     nrow = row + step;
     deeper = good_row(nrow) && (!limits || (*limits >= *(limits + 1)));
     if (!vis_func) {
         rowp = cs_rows[row];
         row_min = &cs_left[row];
         row_max = &cs_right[row];
     if (limits) {
         lim_max = start_col + *limits;
         if (lim_max > COLNO - 1)
             lim_max = COLNO - 1;
         if (right_mark > lim_max)
             right_mark = lim_max;
         limits++; /* prepare for next row */
     } else
         lim_max = COLNO - 1;
      * Get the left shadow from the close block.  This value could be
      * illegal.
     left_shadow = close_shadow(FROM_RIGHT, row, cb_row, cb_col);
      * Mark all stone walls as seen before the left shadow.  All this work
      * for a special case.
      * NOTE.  With the addition of this code in here, it is now *required*
      * for the algorithm to work correctly.  If this is commented out,
      * change the above assignment so that left and not left_shadow is the
      * variable that gets the shadow.
     while (left <= right_mark) {
         loc_right = right_ptrs[row][left];
         if (loc_right > lim_max)
             loc_right = lim_max;
         if (viz_clear_rows[row][left]) {
             if (loc_right >= left_shadow) {
                 left = left_shadow; /* opening ends beyond shadow */
             left = loc_right;
             loc_right = right_ptrs[row][left];
             if (loc_right > lim_max)
                 loc_right = lim_max;
             if (left == loc_right)
                 return; /* boundary */
             /* Shadow covers opening, beyond right mark */
             if (left == right_mark && left_shadow > right_mark)
         if (loc_right > right_mark) /* can't see stone beyond the mark */
             loc_right = right_mark;
         if (vis_func) {
             for (i = left; i <= loc_right; i++)
                 (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
         } else {
             for (i = left; i <= loc_right; i++)
                 set_cs(rowp, i);
         if (loc_right == right_mark)
             return; /* all stone */
         if (loc_right >= left_shadow)
             hit_stone = 1;
         left = loc_right + 1;
      * At this point we are at the first visible clear spot on or beyond
      * the left shadow, unless the left shadow is an illegal value.  If we
      * have "hit stone" then we have a stone wall just to our left.
      * Get the right shadow.  Make sure that it is a legal value.
     if ((right_shadow = far_shadow(FROM_RIGHT, row, fb_row, fb_col)) >= COLNO)
         right_shadow = COLNO - 1;
      * Make vertical walls work the way we want them.  In this case, we
      * note when the close block blocks the column just above/beneath
      * it (right_shadow < fb_col [actually right_shadow == fb_col-1]).  If
      * the location is filled, then we want to see it, so we put the
      * right shadow back (same as fb_col).
     if (right_shadow < fb_col && !viz_clear_rows[row][fb_col])
         right_shadow = fb_col;
     if (right_shadow > lim_max)
         right_shadow = lim_max;
      * Main loop.  Within the range of sight of the previous row, mark all
      * stone walls as seen.  Follow open areas recursively.
     while (left <= right_mark) {
         /* Get the far right of the opening or wall */
         loc_right = right_ptrs[row][left];
         if (loc_right > lim_max)
             loc_right = lim_max;
         if (!viz_clear_rows[row][left]) {
             hit_stone = 1; /* use stone on this row as close block */
              * We can see all of the wall until the next open spot or the
              * start of the shadow caused by the far block (right).
              * Can't see stone beyond the right mark.
             if (loc_right > right_mark)
                 loc_right = right_mark;
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left; i <= loc_right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left; i <= loc_right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             if (loc_right == right_mark)
                 return; /* hit the end */
             left = loc_right + 1;
             loc_right = right_ptrs[row][left];
             if (loc_right > lim_max)
                 loc_right = lim_max;
             /* fall through... we know at least one position is visible */
          * We are in an opening.
          * If this is the first open spot since the could see area  (this is
          * true if we have hit stone), get the shadow generated by the wall
          * just to our left.
         if (hit_stone) {
             lblock_col = left - 1; /* local block column */
             left = close_shadow(FROM_RIGHT, row, row, lblock_col);
             if (left > lim_max)
                 break; /* off the end */
          * Check if the shadow covers the opening.  If it does, then
          * move to end of the opening.  A shadow generated on from a
          * wall on this row does *not* cover the wall on the right
          * of the opening.
         if (left >= loc_right) {
             if (loc_right == lim_max) { /* boundary */
                 if (left == lim_max) {
                     if (vis_func)
                         (*vis_func)(lim_max, row, varg);
                     else {
                         set_cs(rowp, lim_max); /* last pos */
                 return; /* done */
             left = loc_right;
          * If the far wall of the opening (loc_right) is closer than the
          * shadow limit imposed by the far block (right) then use the far
          * wall as our new far block when we recurse.
          * If the limits are the the same, and the far block really exists
          * (fb_row >= 0) then do the same as above.
          * Normally, the check would be for the far wall being closer OR EQUAL
          * to the shadow limit.  However, there is a bug that arises from the
          * fact that the clear area pointers end in an open space (if it
          * exists) on a boundary.  This then makes a far block exist where it
          * shouldn't --- on a boundary.  To get around that, I had to
          * introduce the concept of a non-existent far block (when the
          * row < 0).  Next I have to check for it.  Here is where that check
          * exists.
         if ((loc_right < right_shadow)
             || (fb_row >= 0 && loc_right == right_shadow)) {
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left; i <= loc_right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left; i <= loc_right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             if (deeper) {
                 if (hit_stone)
                     right_side(nrow, row, lblock_col, row, loc_right, left,
                                loc_right, limits);
                     right_side(nrow, cb_row, cb_col, row, loc_right, left,
                                loc_right, limits);
              * The following line, setting hit_stone, is needed for those
              * walls that are only 1 wide.  If hit stone is *not* set and
              * the stone is only one wide, then the close block is the old
              * one instead one on the current row.  A way around having to
              * set it here is to make left = loc_right (not loc_right+1) and
              * let the outer loop take care of it.  However, if we do that
              * then we then have to check for boundary conditions here as
              * well.
             hit_stone = 1;
             left = loc_right + 1;
          * The opening extends beyond the right mark.  This means that
          * the next far block is the current far block.
         } else {
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left; i <= right_shadow; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left; i <= right_shadow; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             if (deeper) {
                 if (hit_stone)
                     right_side(nrow, row, lblock_col, fb_row, fb_col, left,
                                right_shadow, limits);
                     right_side(nrow, cb_row, cb_col, fb_row, fb_col, left,
                                right_shadow, limits);
             return; /* we're outta here */


  * left_side()
  * This routine is the mirror image of right_side().  Please see right_side()
  * for blow by blow comments.
 left_side(row, cb_row, cb_col, fb_row, fb_col, left_mark, right, limits)
 int row;            /* the current row */
 int cb_row, cb_col; /* close block row and col */
 int fb_row, fb_col; /* far block row and col */
 int left_mark;      /* left mark of previous row */
 int right;          /* right mark of the previous row */
 char *limits;
     register int i;
     register char *rowp = NULL;
     int hit_stone = 0;
     int left_shadow, right_shadow, loc_left;
     int lblock_col; /* local block column (current row) */
     int nrow, deeper;
     char *row_min = NULL; /* left most */
     char *row_max = NULL; /* right most */
     int lim_min;
     nrow = row + step;
     deeper = good_row(nrow) && (!limits || (*limits >= *(limits + 1)));
     if (!vis_func) {
         rowp = cs_rows[row];
         row_min = &cs_left[row];
         row_max = &cs_right[row];
     if (limits) {
         lim_min = start_col - *limits;
         if (lim_min < 0)
             lim_min = 0;
         if (left_mark < lim_min)
             left_mark = lim_min;
         limits++; /* prepare for next row */
     } else
         lim_min = 0;
     /* This value could be illegal. */
     right_shadow = close_shadow(FROM_LEFT, row, cb_row, cb_col);
     while (right >= left_mark) {
         loc_left = left_ptrs[row][right];
         if (loc_left < lim_min)
             loc_left = lim_min;
         if (viz_clear_rows[row][right]) {
             if (loc_left <= right_shadow) {
                 right = right_shadow; /* opening ends beyond shadow */
             right = loc_left;
             loc_left = left_ptrs[row][right];
             if (loc_left < lim_min)
                 loc_left = lim_min;
             if (right == loc_left)
                 return; /* boundary */
         if (loc_left < left_mark) /* can't see beyond the left mark */
             loc_left = left_mark;
         if (vis_func) {
             for (i = loc_left; i <= right; i++)
                 (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
         } else {
             for (i = loc_left; i <= right; i++)
                 set_cs(rowp, i);
         if (loc_left == left_mark)
             return; /* all stone */
         if (loc_left <= right_shadow)
             hit_stone = 1;
         right = loc_left - 1;
     /* At first visible clear spot on or beyond the right shadow. */
     if ((left_shadow = far_shadow(FROM_LEFT, row, fb_row, fb_col)) < 0)
         left_shadow = 0;
     /* Do vertical walls as we want. */
     if (left_shadow > fb_col && !viz_clear_rows[row][fb_col])
         left_shadow = fb_col;
     if (left_shadow < lim_min)
         left_shadow = lim_min;
     while (right >= left_mark) {
         loc_left = left_ptrs[row][right];
         if (!viz_clear_rows[row][right]) {
             hit_stone = 1; /* use stone on this row as close block */
             /* We can only see walls until the left mark */
             if (loc_left < left_mark)
                 loc_left = left_mark;
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = loc_left; i <= right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = loc_left; i <= right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             if (loc_left == left_mark)
                 return; /* hit end */
             right = loc_left - 1;
             loc_left = left_ptrs[row][right];
             if (loc_left < lim_min)
                 loc_left = lim_min;
             /* fall through...*/
         /* We are in an opening. */
         if (hit_stone) {
             lblock_col = right + 1; /* stone block (local) */
             right = close_shadow(FROM_LEFT, row, row, lblock_col);
             if (right < lim_min)
                 return; /* off the end */
         /*  Check if the shadow covers the opening. */
         if (right <= loc_left) {
             /*  Make a boundary condition work. */
             if (loc_left == lim_min) { /* at boundary */
                 if (right == lim_min) {
                     if (vis_func)
                         (*vis_func)(lim_min, row, varg);
                     else {
                         set_cs(rowp, lim_min); /* caught the last pos */
                 return; /* and break out the loop */
             right = loc_left;
         /* If the far wall of the opening is closer than the shadow limit. */
         if ((loc_left > left_shadow)
             || (fb_row >= 0 && loc_left == left_shadow)) {
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = loc_left; i <= right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = loc_left; i <= right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             if (deeper) {
                 if (hit_stone)
                     left_side(nrow, row, lblock_col, row, loc_left, loc_left,
                               right, limits);
                     left_side(nrow, cb_row, cb_col, row, loc_left, loc_left,
                               right, limits);
             hit_stone = 1; /* needed for walls of width 1 */
             right = loc_left - 1;
         /*  The opening extends beyond the left mark. */
         } else {
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left_shadow; i <= right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left_shadow; i <= right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             if (deeper) {
                 if (hit_stone)
                     left_side(nrow, row, lblock_col, fb_row, fb_col,
                               left_shadow, right, limits);
                     left_side(nrow, cb_row, cb_col, fb_row, fb_col,
                               left_shadow, right, limits);
             return; /* we're outta here */


  * view_from
  * Calculate a view from the given location.  Initialize and fill a
  * ROWNOxCOLNO array (could_see) with all the locations that could be
  * seen from the source location.  Initialize and fill the left most
  * and right most boundaries of what could be seen.
 view_from(srow, scol, loc_cs_rows, left_most, right_most, range, func, arg)
 int srow, scol;               /* source row and column */
 char **loc_cs_rows;           /* could_see array (row pointers) */
 char *left_most, *right_most; /* limits of what could be seen */
 int range;                    /* 0 if unlimited */
 void FDECL((*func), (int, int, genericptr_t));
 genericptr_t arg;
     register int i;
     char *rowp;
     int nrow, left, right, left_row, right_row;
     char *limits;
     /* Set globals for near_shadow(), far_shadow(), etc. to use. */
     start_col = scol;
     start_row = srow;
     cs_rows = loc_cs_rows;
     cs_left = left_most;
     cs_right = right_most;
     vis_func = func;
     varg = arg;
     /*  Find the left and right limits of sight on the starting row. */
     if (viz_clear_rows[srow][scol]) {
         left = left_ptrs[srow][scol];
         right = right_ptrs[srow][scol];
     } else {
         left = (!scol) ? 0 : (viz_clear_rows[srow][scol - 1]
                                   ? left_ptrs[srow][scol - 1]
                                   : scol - 1);
         right = (scol == COLNO - 1) ? COLNO - 1
                                     : (viz_clear_rows[srow][scol + 1]
                                            ? right_ptrs[srow][scol + 1]
                                            : scol + 1);
     if (range) {
         if (range > MAX_RADIUS || range < 1)
             panic("view_from called with range %d", range);
         limits = circle_ptr(range) + 1; /* start at next row */
         if (left < scol - range)
             left = scol - range;
         if (right > scol + range)
             right = scol + range;
     } else
         limits = (char *) 0;
     if (func) {
         for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
             (*func)(i, srow, arg);
     } else {
         /* Row optimization */
         rowp = cs_rows[srow];
         /* We know that we can see our row. */
         for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
             set_cs(rowp, i);
         cs_left[srow] = left;
         cs_right[srow] = right;
     /* The far block has a row number of -1 if we are on an edge. */
     right_row = (right == COLNO - 1) ? -1 : srow;
     left_row = (!left) ? -1 : srow;
      *  Check what could be seen in quadrants.
     if ((nrow = srow + 1) < ROWNO) {
         step = 1; /* move down */
         if (scol < COLNO - 1)
             right_side(nrow, -1, scol, right_row, right, scol, right, limits);
         if (scol)
             left_side(nrow, -1, scol, left_row, left, left, scol, limits);
     if ((nrow = srow - 1) >= 0) {
         step = -1; /* move up */
         if (scol < COLNO - 1)
             right_side(nrow, -1, scol, right_row, right, scol, right, limits);
         if (scol)
             left_side(nrow, -1, scol, left_row, left, left, scol, limits);
 #else /*===== End of algorithm D =====*/
                             GENERAL LINE OF SIGHT
                                 Algorithm C
  * Defines local to Algorithm C.
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(right_side, (int, int, int, char *));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(left_side, (int, int, int, char *));


 /* Initialize algorithm C (nothing). */


  * Mark positions as visible on one quadrant of the right side.  The
  * quadrant is determined by the value of the global variable step.
 right_side(row, left, right_mark, limits)
 int row;        /* current row */
 int left;       /* first (left side) visible spot on prev row */
 int right_mark; /* last (right side) visible spot on prev row */
 char *limits;   /* points at range limit for current row, or NULL */
     int right;                  /* right limit of "could see" */
     int right_edge;             /* right edge of an opening */
     int nrow;                   /* new row (calculate once) */
     int deeper;                 /* if TRUE, call self as needed */
     int result;                 /* set by q?_path() */
     register int i;             /* loop counter */
     register char *rowp = NULL; /* row optimization */
     char *row_min = NULL;       /* left most  [used by macro set_min()] */
     char *row_max = NULL;       /* right most [used by macro set_max()] */
     int lim_max;                /* right most limit of circle */
     nrow = row + step;
      * Can go deeper if the row is in bounds and the next row is within
      * the circle's limit.  We tell the latter by checking to see if the next
      * limit value is the start of a new circle radius (meaning we depend
      * on the structure of circle_data[]).
     deeper = good_row(nrow) && (!limits || (*limits >= *(limits + 1)));
     if (!vis_func) {
         rowp = cs_rows[row]; /* optimization */
         row_min = &cs_left[row];
         row_max = &cs_right[row];
     if (limits) {
         lim_max = start_col + *limits;
         if (lim_max > COLNO - 1)
             lim_max = COLNO - 1;
         if (right_mark > lim_max)
             right_mark = lim_max;
         limits++; /* prepare for next row */
     } else
         lim_max = COLNO - 1;
     while (left <= right_mark) {
         right_edge = right_ptrs[row][left];
         if (right_edge > lim_max)
             right_edge = lim_max;
         if (!is_clear(row, left)) {
              * Jump to the far side of a stone wall.  We can set all
              * the points in between as seen.
              * If the right edge goes beyond the right mark, check to see
              * how much we can see.
             if (right_edge > right_mark) {
                  * If the mark on the previous row was a clear position,
                  * the odds are that we can actually see part of the wall
                  * beyond the mark on this row.  If so, then see one beyond
                  * the mark.  Otherwise don't.  This is a kludge so corners
                  * with an adjacent doorway show up in nethack.
                 right_edge = is_clear(row - step, right_mark) ? right_mark + 1
                                                               : right_mark;
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left; i <= right_edge; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left; i <= right_edge; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             left = right_edge + 1; /* no limit check necessary */
         /* No checking needed if our left side is the start column. */
         if (left != start_col) {
              * Find the left side.  Move right until we can see it or we run
              * into a wall.
             for (; left <= right_edge; left++) {
                 if (step < 0) {
                     q1_path(start_row, start_col, row, left, rside1);
                 } else {
                     q4_path(start_row, start_col, row, left, rside1);
             rside1: /* used if q?_path() is a macro */
                 if (result)
              * Check for boundary conditions.  We *need* check (2) to break
              * an infinite loop where:
              *           left == right_edge == right_mark == lim_max.
             if (left > lim_max)
                 return;            /* check (1) */
             if (left == lim_max) { /* check (2) */
                 if (vis_func) {
                     (*vis_func)(lim_max, row, varg);
                 } else {
                     set_cs(rowp, lim_max);
              * Check if we can see any spots in the opening.  We might
              * (left == right_edge) or might not (left == right_edge+1) have
              * been able to see the far wall.  Make sure we *can* see the
              * wall (remember, we can see the spot above/below this one)
              * by backing up.
             if (left >= right_edge) {
                 left = right_edge; /* for the case left == right_edge+1 */
          * Find the right side.  If the marker from the previous row is
          * closer than the edge on this row, then we have to check
          * how far we can see around the corner (under the overhang).  Stop
          * at the first non-visible spot or we actually hit the far wall.
          * Otherwise, we know we can see the right edge of the current row.
          * This must be a strict less than so that we can always see a
          * horizontal wall, even if it is adjacent to us.
         if (right_mark < right_edge) {
             for (right = right_mark; right <= right_edge; right++) {
                 if (step < 0) {
                     q1_path(start_row, start_col, row, right, rside2);
                 } else {
                     q4_path(start_row, start_col, row, right, rside2);
             rside2: /* used if q?_path() is a macro */
                 if (!result)
             --right; /* get rid of the last increment */
         } else
             right = right_edge;
          * We have the range that we want.  Set the bits.  Note that
          * there is no else --- we no longer handle splinters.
         if (left <= right) {
              * An ugly special case.  If you are adjacent to a vertical wall
              * and it has a break in it, then the right mark is set to be
              * start_col.  We *want* to be able to see adjacent vertical
              * walls, so we have to set it back.
             if (left == right && left == start_col && start_col < (COLNO - 1)
                 && !is_clear(row, start_col + 1))
                 right = start_col + 1;
             if (right > lim_max)
                 right = lim_max;
             /* set the bits */
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             /* recursive call for next finger of light */
             if (deeper)
                 right_side(nrow, left, right, limits);
             left = right + 1; /* no limit check necessary */


  * This routine is the mirror image of right_side().  See right_side() for
  * extensive comments.
 left_side(row, left_mark, right, limits)
 int row, left_mark, right;
 char *limits;
     int left, left_edge, nrow, deeper, result;
     register int i;
     register char *rowp = NULL;
     char *row_min = NULL;
     char *row_max = NULL;
     int lim_min;
 #ifdef GCC_WARN
     rowp = row_min = row_max = 0;
     nrow = row + step;
     deeper = good_row(nrow) && (!limits || (*limits >= *(limits + 1)));
     if (!vis_func) {
         rowp = cs_rows[row];
         row_min = &cs_left[row];
         row_max = &cs_right[row];
     if (limits) {
         lim_min = start_col - *limits;
         if (lim_min < 0)
             lim_min = 0;
         if (left_mark < lim_min)
             left_mark = lim_min;
         limits++; /* prepare for next row */
     } else
         lim_min = 0;
     while (right >= left_mark) {
         left_edge = left_ptrs[row][right];
         if (left_edge < lim_min)
             left_edge = lim_min;
         if (!is_clear(row, right)) {
             /* Jump to the far side of a stone wall. */
             if (left_edge < left_mark) {
                 /* Maybe see more (kludge). */
                 left_edge = is_clear(row - step, left_mark) ? left_mark - 1
                                                             : left_mark;
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left_edge; i <= right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left_edge; i <= right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             right = left_edge - 1; /* no limit check necessary */
         if (right != start_col) {
             /* Find the right side. */
             for (; right >= left_edge; right--) {
                 if (step < 0) {
                     q2_path(start_row, start_col, row, right, lside1);
                 } else {
                     q3_path(start_row, start_col, row, right, lside1);
             lside1: /* used if q?_path() is a macro */
                 if (result)
             /* Check for boundary conditions. */
             if (right < lim_min)
             if (right == lim_min) {
                 if (vis_func) {
                     (*vis_func)(lim_min, row, varg);
                 } else {
                     set_cs(rowp, lim_min);
             /* Check if we can see any spots in the opening. */
             if (right <= left_edge) {
                 right = left_edge;
         /* Find the left side. */
         if (left_mark > left_edge) {
             for (left = left_mark; left >= left_edge; --left) {
                 if (step < 0) {
                     q2_path(start_row, start_col, row, left, lside2);
                 } else {
                     q3_path(start_row, start_col, row, left, lside2);
             lside2: /* used if q?_path() is a macro */
                 if (!result)
             left++; /* get rid of the last decrement */
         } else
             left = left_edge;
         if (left <= right) {
             /* An ugly special case. */
             if (left == right && right == start_col && start_col > 0
                 && !is_clear(row, start_col - 1))
                 left = start_col - 1;
             if (left < lim_min)
                 left = lim_min;
             if (vis_func) {
                 for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
                     (*vis_func)(i, row, varg);
             } else {
                 for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
                     set_cs(rowp, i);
             /* Recurse */
             if (deeper)
                 left_side(nrow, left, right, limits);
             right = left - 1; /* no limit check necessary */


  * Calculate all possible visible locations from the given location
  * (srow,scol).  NOTE this is (y,x)!  Mark the visible locations in the
  * array provided.
 view_from(srow, scol, loc_cs_rows, left_most, right_most, range, func, arg)
 int srow, scol;     /* starting row and column */
 char **loc_cs_rows; /* pointers to the rows of the could_see array */
 char *left_most;    /* min mark on each row */
 char *right_most;   /* max mark on each row */
 int range;          /* 0 if unlimited */
 void FDECL((*func), (int, int, genericptr_t));
 genericptr_t arg;
     register int i; /* loop counter */
     char *rowp;     /* optimization for setting could_see */
     int nrow;       /* the next row */
     int left;       /* the left-most visible column */
     int right;      /* the right-most visible column */
     char *limits;   /* range limit for next row */
     /* Set globals for q?_path(), left_side(), and right_side() to use. */
     start_col = scol;
     start_row = srow;
     cs_rows = loc_cs_rows; /* 'could see' rows */
     cs_left = left_most;
     cs_right = right_most;
     vis_func = func;
     varg = arg;
      * Determine extent of sight on the starting row.
     if (is_clear(srow, scol)) {
         left = left_ptrs[srow][scol];
         right = right_ptrs[srow][scol];
     } else {
          * When in stone, you can only see your adjacent squares, unless
          * you are on an array boundary or a stone/clear boundary.
         left = (!scol) ? 0
                        : (is_clear(srow, scol - 1) ? left_ptrs[srow][scol - 1]
                                                    : scol - 1);
         right = (scol == COLNO - 1)
                     ? COLNO - 1
                     : (is_clear(srow, scol + 1) ? right_ptrs[srow][scol + 1]
                                                 : scol + 1);
     if (range) {
         if (range > MAX_RADIUS || range < 1)
             panic("view_from called with range %d", range);
         limits = circle_ptr(range) + 1; /* start at next row */
         if (left < scol - range)
             left = scol - range;
         if (right > scol + range)
             right = scol + range;
     } else
         limits = (char *) 0;
     if (func) {
         for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
             (*func)(i, srow, arg);
     } else {
         /* Row pointer optimization. */
         rowp = cs_rows[srow];
         /* We know that we can see our row. */
         for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
             set_cs(rowp, i);
         cs_left[srow] = left;
         cs_right[srow] = right;
      * Check what could be seen in quadrants.  We need to check for valid
      * rows here, since we don't do it in the routines right_side() and
      * left_side() [ugliness to remove extra routine calls].
     if ((nrow = srow + 1) < ROWNO) { /* move down */
         step = 1;
         if (scol < COLNO - 1)
             right_side(nrow, scol, right, limits);
         if (scol)
             left_side(nrow, left, scol, limits);
     if ((nrow = srow - 1) >= 0) { /* move up */
         step = -1;
         if (scol < COLNO - 1)
             right_side(nrow, scol, right, limits);
         if (scol)
             left_side(nrow, left, scol, limits);
 #endif /*===== End of algorithm C =====*/
  * Calculate all possible visible locations as viewed from the given location
  * (srow,scol) within the range specified. Perform "func" with (x, y) args and
  * additional argument "arg" for each square.
  * If not centered on the hero, just forward arguments to view_from(); it
  * will call "func" when necessary.  If the hero is the center, use the
  * vision matrix and reduce extra work.


 do_clear_area(scol, srow, range, func, arg)
 int scol, srow, range;
 void FDECL((*func), (int, int, genericptr_t));
 genericptr_t arg;
     /* If not centered on hero, do the hard work of figuring the area */
     if (scol != u.ux || srow != {
         view_from(srow, scol, (char **) 0, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, range,
                   func, arg);
     } else {
         register int x;
         int y, min_x, max_x, max_y, offset;
         char *limits;
         boolean override_vision;
         /* vision doesn't pass through water or clouds, detection should
            [this probably ought to be an arg supplied by our caller...] */
         override_vision =
             (Is_waterlevel(& || Is_airlevel(& && detecting(func);
         if (range > MAX_RADIUS || range < 1)
             panic("do_clear_area:  illegal range %d", range);
         if (vision_full_recalc)
             vision_recalc(0); /* recalc vision if dirty */
         limits = circle_ptr(range);
         if ((max_y = (srow + range)) >= ROWNO)
             max_y = ROWNO - 1;
         if ((y = (srow - range)) < 0)
             y = 0;
         for (; y <= max_y; y++) {
             offset = limits[v_abs(y - srow)];
             if ((min_x = (scol - offset)) < 0)
                 min_x = 0;
             if ((max_x = (scol + offset)) >= COLNO)
                 max_x = COLNO - 1;
             for (x = min_x; x <= max_x; x++)
                 if (couldsee(x, y) || override_vision)
                     (*func)(x, y, arg);


 /* bitmask indicating ways mon is seen; extracted from lookat(pager.c) */
 struct monst *mon;
     boolean useemon = (boolean) canseemon(mon);
     int xraydist = (u.xray_range < 0) ? -1 : (u.xray_range * u.xray_range);
     unsigned how_seen = 0; /* result */
     /* normal vision;
        cansee is true for both normal and astral vision,
        but couldsee it not true for astral vision */
     if ((mon->wormno ? worm_known(mon) : (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)
                                           && couldsee(mon->mx, mon->my)))
         && mon_visible(mon) && !mon->minvis)
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_NORMAL;
     /* see invisible */
     if (useemon && mon->minvis)
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_SEEINVIS;
     /* infravision */
     if ((!mon->minvis || See_invisible) && see_with_infrared(mon))
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_INFRAVIS;
     /* telepathy */
     if (tp_sensemon(mon))
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_TELEPAT;
     /* xray */
     if (useemon && xraydist > 0 && distu(mon->mx, mon->my) <= xraydist)
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_XRAYVIS;
     /* extended detection */
     if (Detect_monsters)
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_DETECT;
     /* class-/type-specific warning */
     if (MATCH_WARN_OF_MON(mon))
         how_seen |= MONSEEN_WARNMON;
     return how_seen;