Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/pline.c

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Below is the full text to pline.c from the source code of SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/pline.c#line123]], for example.

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)pline.c	3.4	1999/11/28	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #define NEED_VARARGS /* Uses ... */	/* comment line for pre-compiled headers */
6.    #include "hack.h"
7.    #include "epri.h"
8.    #ifdef WIZARD
9.    #include "edog.h"
10.   #endif
12.   #ifdef OVLB
14.   static boolean no_repeat = FALSE;
16.   static char *FDECL(You_buf, (int));
18.   /*VARARGS1*/
19.   /* Note that these declarations rely on knowledge of the internals
20.    * of the variable argument handling stuff in "tradstdc.h"
21.    */
23.   #if defined(USE_STDARG) || defined(USE_VARARGS)
24.   static void FDECL(vpline, (const char *, va_list));
26.   void
27.   pline VA_DECL(const char *, line)
28.   	VA_START(line);
29.   	VA_INIT(line, char *);
30.   	vpline(line, VA_ARGS);
31.   	VA_END();
32.   }
34.   # ifdef USE_STDARG
35.   static void
36.   vpline(const char *line, va_list the_args) {
37.   # else
38.   static void
39.   vpline(line, the_args) const char *line; va_list the_args; {
40.   # endif
42.   #else	/* USE_STDARG | USE_VARARG */
44.   #define vpline pline
46.   void
47.   pline VA_DECL(const char *, line)
48.   #endif	/* USE_STDARG | USE_VARARG */
50.   	char pbuf[BUFSZ];
51.   /* Do NOT use VA_START and VA_END in here... see above */
53.   	if (!line || !*line) return;
54.   	if (index(line, '%')) {
55.   	    Vsprintf(pbuf,line,VA_ARGS);
56.   	    line = pbuf;
57.   	}
58.   	if (!iflags.window_inited) {
59.   	    raw_print(line);
60.   	    return;
61.   	}
62.   #ifndef MAC
63.   	if (no_repeat && !strcmp(line, toplines))
64.   	    return;
65.   #endif /* MAC */
66.   	if (vision_full_recalc) vision_recalc(0);
67.   	if (u.ux) flush_screen(1);		/* %% */
68.   	putstr(WIN_MESSAGE, 0, line);
69.   }
71.   /*VARARGS1*/
72.   void
73.   Norep VA_DECL(const char *, line)
74.   	VA_START(line);
75.   	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
76.   	no_repeat = TRUE;
77.   	vpline(line, VA_ARGS);
78.   	no_repeat = FALSE;
79.   	VA_END();
80.   	return;
81.   }
83.   /* work buffer for You(), &c and verbalize() */
84.   static char *you_buf = 0;
85.   static int you_buf_siz = 0;
87.   static char *
88.   You_buf(siz)
89.   int siz;
90.   {
91.   	if (siz > you_buf_siz) {
92.   		if (you_buf) free((genericptr_t) you_buf);
93.   		you_buf_siz = siz + 10;
94.   		you_buf = (char *) alloc((unsigned) you_buf_siz);
95.   	}
96.   	return you_buf;
97.   }
99.   void
100.  free_youbuf()
101.  {
102.  	if (you_buf) free((genericptr_t) you_buf),  you_buf = (char *)0;
103.  	you_buf_siz = 0;
104.  }
106.  /* `prefix' must be a string literal, not a pointer */
107.  #define YouPrefix(pointer,prefix,text) \
108.   Strcpy((pointer = You_buf((int)(strlen(text) + sizeof prefix))), prefix)
110.  #define YouMessage(pointer,prefix,text) \
111.   strcat((YouPrefix(pointer, prefix, text), pointer), text)
113.  /*VARARGS1*/
114.  void
115.  You VA_DECL(const char *, line)
116.  	char *tmp;
117.  	VA_START(line);
118.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
119.  	vpline(YouMessage(tmp, "You ", line), VA_ARGS);
120.  	VA_END();
121.  }
123.  /*VARARGS1*/
124.  void
125.  Your VA_DECL(const char *,line)
126.  	char *tmp;
127.  	VA_START(line);
128.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
129.  	vpline(YouMessage(tmp, "Your ", line), VA_ARGS);
130.  	VA_END();
131.  }
133.  /*VARARGS1*/
134.  void
135.  You_feel VA_DECL(const char *,line)
136.  	char *tmp;
137.  	VA_START(line);
138.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
139.  	vpline(YouMessage(tmp, "You feel ", line), VA_ARGS);
140.  	VA_END();
141.  }
144.  /*VARARGS1*/
145.  void
146.  You_cant VA_DECL(const char *,line)
147.  	char *tmp;
148.  	VA_START(line);
149.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
150.  	vpline(YouMessage(tmp, "You can't ", line), VA_ARGS);
151.  	VA_END();
152.  }
154.  /*VARARGS1*/
155.  void
156.  pline_The VA_DECL(const char *,line)
157.  	char *tmp;
158.  	VA_START(line);
159.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
160.  	vpline(YouMessage(tmp, "The ", line), VA_ARGS);
161.  	VA_END();
162.  }
164.  /*VARARGS1*/
165.  void
166.  There VA_DECL(const char *,line)
167.  	char *tmp;
168.  	VA_START(line);
169.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
170.  	vpline(YouMessage(tmp, "There ", line), VA_ARGS);
171.  	VA_END();
172.  }
174.  /*VARARGS1*/
175.  void
176.  You_hear VA_DECL(const char *,line)
177.  	char *tmp;
178.  	VA_START(line);
179.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
180.  	if (Underwater)
181.  		YouPrefix(tmp, "You barely hear ", line);
182.  	else if (u.usleep)
183.  		YouPrefix(tmp, "You dream that you hear ", line);
184.  	else
185.  		YouPrefix(tmp, "You hear ", line);
186.  	vpline(strcat(tmp, line), VA_ARGS);
187.  	VA_END();
188.  }
190.  /*VARARGS1*/
191.  void
192.  verbalize VA_DECL(const char *,line)
193.  	char *tmp;
194.  	if (!flags.soundok) return;
195.  	VA_START(line);
196.  	VA_INIT(line, const char *);
197.  	tmp = You_buf((int)strlen(line) + sizeof "\"\"");
198.  	Strcpy(tmp, "\"");
199.  	Strcat(tmp, line);
200.  	Strcat(tmp, "\"");
201.  	vpline(tmp, VA_ARGS);
202.  	VA_END();
203.  }
205.  /*VARARGS1*/
206.  /* Note that these declarations rely on knowledge of the internals
207.   * of the variable argument handling stuff in "tradstdc.h"
208.   */
210.  #if defined(USE_STDARG) || defined(USE_VARARGS)
211.  static void FDECL(vraw_printf,(const char *,va_list));
213.  void
214.  raw_printf VA_DECL(const char *, line)
215.  	VA_START(line);
216.  	VA_INIT(line, char *);
217.  	vraw_printf(line, VA_ARGS);
218.  	VA_END();
219.  }
221.  # ifdef USE_STDARG
222.  static void
223.  vraw_printf(const char *line, va_list the_args) {
224.  # else
225.  static void
226.  vraw_printf(line, the_args) const char *line; va_list the_args; {
227.  # endif
229.  #else  /* USE_STDARG | USE_VARARG */
231.  void
232.  raw_printf VA_DECL(const char *, line)
233.  #endif
234.  /* Do NOT use VA_START and VA_END in here... see above */
236.  	if(!index(line, '%'))
237.  	    raw_print(line);
238.  	else {
239.  	    char pbuf[BUFSZ];
240.  	    Vsprintf(pbuf,line,VA_ARGS);
241.  	    raw_print(pbuf);
242.  	}
243.  }
246.  /*VARARGS1*/
247.  void
248.  impossible VA_DECL(const char *, s)
249.  	VA_START(s);
250.  	VA_INIT(s, const char *);
251.  	if (program_state.in_impossible)
252.  		panic("impossible called impossible");
253.  	program_state.in_impossible = 1;
254.  	{
255.  	    char pbuf[BUFSZ];
256.  	    Vsprintf(pbuf,s,VA_ARGS);
257.  	    paniclog("impossible", pbuf);
258.  	}
259.  	vpline(s,VA_ARGS);
260.  	pline("Program in disorder - perhaps you'd better #quit.");
261.  	program_state.in_impossible = 0;
262.  	VA_END();
263.  }
265.  const char *
266.  align_str(alignment)
267.      aligntyp alignment;
268.  {
269.      switch ((int)alignment) {
270.  	case A_CHAOTIC: return "chaotic";
271.  	case A_NEUTRAL: return "neutral";
272.  	case A_LAWFUL:	return "lawful";
273.  	case A_NONE:	return "unaligned";
274.      }
275.      return "unknown";
276.  }
278.  void
279.  mstatusline(mtmp)
280.  register struct monst *mtmp;
281.  {
282.  	aligntyp alignment;
283.  	char info[BUFSZ], monnambuf[BUFSZ];
285.  	if (mtmp->ispriest || mtmp->data == &mons[PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST]
286.  				|| mtmp->data == &mons[PM_ANGEL])
287.  		alignment = EPRI(mtmp)->shralign;
288.  	else
289.  		alignment = mtmp->data->maligntyp;
290.  	alignment = (alignment > 0) ? A_LAWFUL :
291.  		(alignment < 0) ? A_CHAOTIC :
292.  		A_NEUTRAL;
294.  	info[0] = 0;
295.  	if (mtmp->mtame) {	  Strcat(info, ", tame");
296.  #ifdef WIZARD
297.  	    if (wizard) {
298.  		Sprintf(eos(info), " (%d", mtmp->mtame);
299.  		if (!mtmp->isminion)
300.  		    Sprintf(eos(info), "; hungry %ld; apport %d",
301.  			EDOG(mtmp)->hungrytime, EDOG(mtmp)->apport);
302.  		Strcat(info, ")");
303.  	    }
304.  #endif
305.  	}
306.  	else if (mtmp->mpeaceful) Strcat(info, ", peaceful");
307.  	else if (mtmp->mtraitor)  Strcat(info, ", traitor");
308.  	if (mtmp->meating)	  Strcat(info, ", eating");
309.  	if (mtmp->mcan)		  Strcat(info, ", cancelled");
310.  	if (mtmp->mconf)	  Strcat(info, ", confused");
311.  	if (mtmp->mblinded || !mtmp->mcansee)
312.  				  Strcat(info, ", blind");
313.  	if (mtmp->mstun)	  Strcat(info, ", stunned");
314.  	if (mtmp->msleeping)	  Strcat(info, ", asleep");
315.  #if 0	/* unfortunately mfrozen covers temporary sleep and being busy
316.  	   (donning armor, for instance) as well as paralysis */
317.  	else if (mtmp->mfrozen)	  Strcat(info, ", paralyzed");
318.  #else
319.  	else if (mtmp->mfrozen || !mtmp->mcanmove)
320.  				  Strcat(info, ", can't move");
321.  #endif
322.  				  /* [arbitrary reason why it isn't moving] */
323.  	else if (mtmp->mstrategy & STRAT_WAITMASK)
324.  				  Strcat(info, ", meditating");
325.  	else if (mtmp->mflee) {	  Strcat(info, ", scared");
326.  #ifdef WIZARD
327.  	    if (wizard)		  Sprintf(eos(info), " (%d)", mtmp->mfleetim);
328.  #endif
329.  	}
330.  	if (mtmp->mtrapped)	  Strcat(info, ", trapped");
331.  	if (mtmp->mspeed)	  Strcat(info,
332.  					mtmp->mspeed == MFAST ? ", fast" :
333.  					mtmp->mspeed == MSLOW ? ", slow" :
334.  					", ???? speed");
335.  	if (mtmp->mundetected)	  Strcat(info, ", concealed");
336.  	if (mtmp->minvis)	  Strcat(info, ", invisible");
337.  	if (mtmp == u.ustuck)	  Strcat(info,
338.  			(sticks( ? ", held by you" :
339.  				u.uswallow ? (is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ?
340.  				", swallowed you" :
341.  				", engulfed you") :
342.  				", holding you");
343.  #ifdef STEED
344.  	if (mtmp == u.usteed)	  Strcat(info, ", carrying you");
345.  #endif
347.  	/* avoid "Status of the invisible newt ..., invisible" */
348.  	/* and unlike a normal mon_nam, use "saddled" even if it has a name */
349.  	Strcpy(monnambuf, x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_THE, (char *)0,
352.  	pline("Status of %s (%s):  Level %d  HP %d(%d)  Pw %d(%d)  AC %d%s.",
353.  		monnambuf,
354.  		align_str(alignment),
355.  		mtmp->m_lev,
356.  		mtmp->mhp,
357.  		mtmp->mhpmax,
358.  		mtmp->m_en,
359.  		mtmp->m_enmax,
360.  		find_mac(mtmp),
361.  		info);
362.  }
364.  void
365.  ustatusline()
366.  {
367.  	char info[BUFSZ];
369.  	info[0] = '\0';
370.  	if (Sick) {
371.  		Strcat(info, ", dying from");
372.  		if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
373.  			Strcat(info, " food poisoning");
374.  		if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE) {
375.  			if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
376.  				Strcat(info, " and");
377.  			Strcat(info, " illness");
378.  		}
379.  	}
380.  	if (Stoned)		Strcat(info, ", solidifying");
381.  	if (Slimed)		Strcat(info, ", becoming slimy");
382.  	if (Strangled)		Strcat(info, ", being strangled");
383.  	if (Vomiting)		Strcat(info, ", nauseated"); /* !"nauseous" */
384.  	if (Confusion)		Strcat(info, ", confused");
385.  	if (Blind) {
386.  	    Strcat(info, ", blind");
387.  	    if (u.ucreamed) {
388.  		if ((long)u.ucreamed < Blinded || Blindfolded
389.  						|| !haseyes(
390.  		    Strcat(info, ", cover");
391.  		Strcat(info, "ed by sticky goop");
392.  	    }	/* note: "goop" == "glop"; variation is intentional */
393.  	}
394.  	if (Stunned)		Strcat(info, ", stunned");
395.  #ifdef STEED
396.  	if (!u.usteed)
397.  #endif
398.  	if (Wounded_legs) {
399.  	    const char *what = body_part(LEG);
400.  	    if ((Wounded_legs & BOTH_SIDES) == BOTH_SIDES)
401.  		what = makeplural(what);
402.  				Sprintf(eos(info), ", injured %s", what);
403.  	}
404.  	if (Glib)		Sprintf(eos(info), ", slippery %s",
405.  					makeplural(body_part(HAND)));
406.  	if (u.utrap)		Strcat(info, ", trapped");
407.  	if (Fast)		Strcat(info, Very_fast ?
408.  						", very fast" : ", fast");
409.  	if (u.uundetected)	Strcat(info, ", concealed");
410.  	if (Invis)		Strcat(info, ", invisible");
411.  	if (u.ustuck) {
412.  	    if (sticks(
413.  		Strcat(info, ", holding ");
414.  	    else
415.  		Strcat(info, ", held by ");
416.  	    Strcat(info, mon_nam(u.ustuck));
417.  	}
419.  	pline("Status of %s (%s%s):  Level %d  HP %d(%d)  Pw %d(%d)  AC %d%s.",
420.  		plname,
421.  		    (u.ualign.record >= 20) ? "piously " :
422.  		    (u.ualign.record > 13) ? "devoutly " :
423.  		    (u.ualign.record > 8) ? "fervently " :
424.  		    (u.ualign.record > 3) ? "stridently " :
425.  		    (u.ualign.record == 3) ? "" :
426.  		    (u.ualign.record >= 1) ? "haltingly " :
427.  		    (u.ualign.record == 0) ? "nominally " :
428.  					    "insufficiently ",
429.  		align_str(u.ualign.type),
430.  		Upolyd ? mons[u.umonnum].mlevel : u.ulevel,
431.  		Upolyd ? : u.uhp,
432.  		Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax,
433.  		u.uen,
434.  		u.uenmax,
435.  		u.uac,
436.  		info);
437.  }
439.  void
440.  self_invis_message()
441.  {
442.  	pline("%s %s.",
443.  	    Hallucination ? "Far out, man!  You" : "Gee!  All of a sudden, you",
444.  	    See_invisible ? "can see right through yourself" :
445.  		"can't see yourself");
446.  }
448.  #endif /* OVLB */
449.  /*pline.c*/