Yendorian army

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The Yendorian army is comprised of

  • @, soldiers
  • @, sergeants
  • @, lieutenants
  • @, captains

They are generated with weaponry varying from short swords to silver sabers and armor varying from leather armor to crystal plate mail (depending on their experience and rank); most are also generated with gloves, boots, helmets, shields, and C- or K-rations (the only source of these food items in the game). Those ranked above soldier also have a chance of carrying a bugle, which they can use to awaken all soldiers and officers on the level.

Very large contingents of soldiers are guaranteed to appear in the castle and Fort Ludios (especially the latter); regular soldiers are therefore extremely likely to be extincted. Barracks are also populated by soldiers.

Because soldiers normally wear gloves, they can wield cockatrice corpses against you.

Soldiers can be bribed, turning them peaceful, by throwing a certain amount of gold at them. The amount of gold necessary for this is

X + ((gold left in inventory) + (1-5 times your experience level)) / charisma)

where X is 150 for soldiers, 250 for sergeants, 500 for lieutenants, and 750 for captains. Soldiers only have a two in three chance of accepting the offer.[1]


The soldiers of Yendor are well-trained in the art of war,
many trained by the Wizard himself.  Some say the soldiers
are explorers who were unfortunate enough to be captured,
and put under the Wizard's spell.  Those who have survived
encounters with soldiers say they travel together in platoons,
and are fierce fighters.  Because of the load of their combat
gear, however, one can usually run away from them, and doing
so is considered a wise thing.
