User:Phol ende wodan/LevelsScratchpad

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Revision as of 13:50, 14 March 2019 by Phol ende wodan (talk | contribs) (The Shattered Bridge (Valkyrie locate level): tweak walls and make lava look more moat-y)
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College of Archeology (Arc home level)

  • Lord Carnarvon does not occupy a throne; instead the throne (an ancient collected artifact) sits in the hidden storeroom.
  • The storeroom also contains a chest, a random scroll, and a random weapon.
  • The other hidden storeroom in the upper left contains two random pieces of armor.
  • The hidden room with the sink contains a potion of acid.
  • There are three random spellbooks placed in buildings. (May want to randomize their positions in the future.)
  • The bottom right corner is a small cemetery, containing two headstones (not walls).

The Tomb of the Toltec Kings (Arc locate level)

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  • Undiggable walls, diggable floors, unmappable.
  • Every colored set of doors randomly chooses one of the locations to become a secret door; the others all become solid wall. Note that there are no non-secret doors on this level whatsoever.
  • Every colored set of walls randomly chooses one of its sets to become normal floor; the others all become solid wall.
  • All marked M are human mummies, and generate asleep.
  • The marked ( are chests.
  • Every square in the room marked "trap" has a 50% chance of being a trap.
  • 10 other traps are generated on normal floor spaces inside the tombs.
  • The marked ^ are special "mummy traps": they contain a very good item on them. The trap triggers (and disappears) when any item is removed from its square, creating an M on every available space around the square and frightening the player for a couple turns.
  • The marked ' are statues of stone golems and clay golems. Some might be statues of humans.
  • There are five marked altars. Three of these will be actual altars, one of each alignment. One of the other two will be the downstair, and the final one will be a mummy trap with corresponding high-value item.
  • One rolling boulder trap will be placed on a random space of each column in the middle of the large lower room, oriented vertically.
  • Besides the mummies, 6 snakes and 4 cave spiders are positioned randomly in the tomb, and 5 more snakes in the left half of the level.

The Caves of the Ancestors (Cav home level)

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  • Undiggable walls and floors, same as it is now.
  • Lit only in the outside area and the regions behind the boulder barricades.
  • There is some armor randomized from items Cavemen would likely have in the top left.
  • Several random food items generate in the chamber at bottom center.
  • The unconnected cave dwelling in the bottom right contains a random piece of armor, a random weapon, and a random piece of food.
  • The area to the right is not necessarily just empty ground. What it is filled with depends on what the upper fill level will be.
  • The water in the left is supposed to be a hot spring, but there isn't currently any more descriptive terrain than "water" right now.
  • The secret chamber in the deepest part of the cave is the resting place of the Ancestors. This should probably not have any loot. If possible, the epitaphs on the headstones should be changed either to Caveman-specific ones or just no epitaph at all.

The Monastery of the Earth-Lord (Monk locate level)

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  • Undiggable walls and floor (since these are rock faces, not caverns). No-teleport.
  • Fully lit, except inside the building.
  • Only one of the four doors and one of the secret doors on the perimeter of the building will actually be there; the others will be solid wall.
  • In addition to the xorns and earth elementals shown, there are three more random E randomly placed.
  • The chests in the corners of the map have ordinary random contents.
  • Ten other objects are placed randomly around the level.
  • Five boulders are placed randomly around the level.
  • One bear trap is placed randomly in the leftmost 7 columns of the level.
  • Seven other traps, selected from the set of (pit, spiked pit, rolling boulder trap, bear trap, land mine), are placed randomly around the level.

The Monastery of Chan-Sune (Monk home level)

  • Fully lit. Diggable walls, undiggable floor, teleportation permitted.
  • The altar at the bottom is unaligned but is not an abandoned temple.
  • There are four earth elementals randomly placed left of the outer wall.
  • There are two xorns at the marked points.
  • There are four random elementals (random E, so possibly stalkers) behind the inner wall but not inside the monastery itself.
  • Monks are not worldly people, so there is not much loot on this level: the two chests behind the Grand Master contain items that are found in a Monk's starting inventory (+2 gloves, +1 robe, random food, possibly a scroll and spellbook and a potion of healing).

Camelot Castle (Knight home level)

Unfinished, pending Knight quest monster overhauls, and needs more loot.

  • Undiggable walls and floor, teleportable, fully lit.
  • King Arthur occupies the throne. The two @ behind him and in the corner towers are knights; the other two in the throne room are pages, and three more pages are randomly placed within the castle walls.
  • Both drawbridges are generated open.
  • The trees on the left and right are not fixed parts of the map; they will have REPLACE_TERRAIN with frequencies of 2%.
  • The downstair may be placed on any space on the right edge of the map.
  • The labeled shops are a weapon and an armor shop.
  • May want to add some leader encouragement message like "Pick up some equipment from the castle forge before you go."
  • As a nod to the actual Castle, one of the four corner turrets on the walls will contain a chest with random contents. There are also two chests in the back of the throne room with random contents.

The Demon Pass (Priest locate level)

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Level is entirely dark. Non-diggable. Teleportable, but everything to the right of the right graveyard fence is blocked by a teleport region that also blocks falling or levelporting from above into it.

The map is not intended to be as empty as it looks:

  • Below the river, to about x = 40, replace the ground terrain with trees with frequency 10%.
  • In the upper left corner near the rock, replace the ground terrain with trees with frequency 80%, but ensure that there's a way through from the upstairs.
  • Across the entire left side of the level and the area at the right edge, replace the ground terrain with clouds with frequency 3%.
  • Replace one iron bar in each graveyard with a regular ground space, and then put an iron chain on it.
  • Five pits or spiked pits placed randomly, as well as two bear traps.
  • Three human mummies and six more random monsters placed randomly.
  • A vampire lord, asleep, on the marked point.

The fortress on the right is identical to the one on the current locate level. It contains:

  • An altar to Moloch at the marked location, which is a temple with attendant peaceful priest of Moloch.
  • One hostile priest of Moloch on the square above the altar.
  • Four random items in each room.
  • One random trap at a random location in each room.
  • Two other traps at random points inside the structure.

Thoth Amon's Lair (Barbarian goal level)


Whole level is dark. Diggable walls, undiggable floor, no-teleport. Nearly all of the right side of the level uses a teleport region to block levelportation or falling in from above.

  • Thoth Amon is standing on a crossaligned altar, with the Heart of Ahriman. The ring of * around him are small piles of rocks (because the game lacks a "fire ring" terrain).
  • Surrounding him are five orcish shamans. There are also two Olog-hai, three ogre kings, a kobold lord, and two kobold shamans placed randomly in the blocked-off area.
  • There are 20 squeaky boards randomly placed in the blocked-off section. There are 20 more placed in the area immediately outside, and there are also ten bear traps and ten spiked pits randomly placed.
  • The trees and boulders on the left side are not fixed. Trees will be given REPLACE_TERRAIN with a frequency of 2%, and 8 + 2d4 boulders will be randomly scattered in the area outside the blocked area. The boulders that block off the interior of the village are guaranteed there.
  • Using a radial gradient, grass will be added with zero probability in the village and increasing chance as distance from the village increases.
  • Around the midpoint of the level, outside the blocked area in a rough line, is Thoth Amon's horde: ten ogres, four random O, eight rock trolls, six random T, three random o, and four random k. Placed on the ground in this area are 3 + 1d5 lit candles.
  • Ten other random objects are randomly placed.

The Shrine of Destiny (Valkyrie home level)


Fully lit, undiggable floor, diggable walls. Teleportation permitted.

  • The randomly placed vents of water and lava still exist, but are not shown here.
  • The ice will have its terrain replaced with regular floor with frequency 10% so it doesn't appear to be a frozen lake.
  • Only one of the two marked fountains will actually be there; it will be randomly selected and the other spot will be empty.
  • The two Warriors in the north room are asleep.
  • The topmost weapon in the room is a +3 spear. The topmost armor piece is a +3 small shield. The other armor and weapons are random.
  • The ( is a chest containing a spellbook of cone of cold.
  • There are four fire giants placed randomly on the right half of the level. There are five fire ants placed randomly outside the shrine.

The Shattered Bridge (Valkyrie locate level)

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The theme of this level is the rainbow Bifröst bridge, which in Norse legend is prophecied to be broken when Muspellheim's forces ride over it at the start of Ragnarok. Conveniently, the Valkyrie quest is based on Surtur, the leader of Muspellheim, trying to begin Ragnarok, so this works very nicely.

The empty space on this level is air, not rock, terrain. Unlike on the Plane of Air, if you try to step out onto it, you will fall to your death. However, it can be levitated or flown over without any problems. Paradoxically, the clouds constitute walkable terrain as well, though anyone who actually goes out to them is perfectly capable of crossing the level.

The primary gimmick of this level is that once you reenter this level with Surtur dead, or if you kill him while on it, the gaps in the bridge are magically restored.

  • The rainbow itself is just made up of regular ROOM terrain, just recolored at the display level. Possibly there should be an option to disable this coloring.
  • Undiggable floor; diggable walls on the left side. The right side is undiggable.
  • There's a randline path of non-ice squares from the upstairs to the dry area by the bridge.
  • Past the right side of the bridge, there are two sleeping fire giants outside the wall and five inside. There are no enemies at all on the left side; the main challenge of this level is crossing the bridge and the lava moat, not fighting monsters.
  • There are also thirteen fire traps and four other random traps scattered in this area.
  • Some of the terrain behind the wall will be randomly replaced with lava with a 5% chance.