Rolling boulder trap

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^ rolling boulder trap Rolling boulder trap.png
Generates level 2+
Effect Rolls boulder, causes damage

A rolling boulder trap is a trap that can cause a boulder to roll towards you and hit you.


The trap has two parts. The actual trap is a switch which, when activated by stepping on it, sets a nearby boulder rolling toward you. The path between the boulder and the trap must be clear,[1] though the boulder will pass through some dungeon features like fountains. When it hits another boulder, it stops, and the other boulder begins moving. [2]

Being hit with the boulder deals you d20 damage.


Destroy the boulder, move it beside the trap, or move it out of line with the trap, then activate the trap; a boulder trap only activates if there exists a boulder on one of the two designated launch squares, and activating the trap when there is no suitable boulder will destroy it.[3][4]


The existence of these traps can sometimes be inferred by an incongruously placed boulder in a room.


Click! You trigger a rolling boulder trap!
You triggered a rolling boulder trap.
Click! <monster> triggers something.
A monster triggered a rolling boulder trap.
Fortunately for you, no boulder was released.
There was no boulder in the launch spot for this trap, so the trap is destroyed.
You hear rumbling in the distance.
A boulder trap was activated but you could not see it.
You hear a loud crash as a boulder sets another in motion.
A boulder hit another boulder, causing the first boulder to stop and the second to move.



In UnNetHack, 10% of rolling boulder traps will also generate an archaeologist corpse, a bullwhip, and a 13 chance of a fedora.


In xNetHack, The player does not trigger rolling boulder traps unless actually standing on the ground (the same as monsters)


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  1. mkroll_launch in trap.c Boulder placement for boulder trap
  2. trap.c, line 1165 (Rolling boulder trap on you) and trap.c, line 2131 (On monsters)
  3. trap.c, line 1165 Player activating a boulder trap
  4. trap.c, line 2131 Monster activating a boulder trap