User:Furey/TNNT Strategy for All You Ever Wanted

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All You Ever Wanted is a TNNT Achievement.

The hero must obtain a wish from each of the five wish sources: throne, fountain, magic lamp, smoky potion, and wand of wishing. Thrones are not farmable, and neither are fountains. Thus, AYEW is a very difficult achievement.


First make sure your natural luck is zero or positive. This should usually be the case unless you are playing on Friday the 13th or you have deliberately decreased your luck to hunt certain other achievements.

Throne First

Sit on all the thrones you encounter, including any quest thrones and the throne in the DevTeam Office. As of November 2023, the Devteam members do not react to the hero sitting on their throne.

A typical game has 3 to 5 thrones in fixed places: DevTeam Office, Fort Ludios, Castle, Vlad's Tower, and, depending on role, one throne in the Quest. There are also throne rooms in the main dungeon before the Castle.

If you drop a ring of polymorph into a sink, the sink will polymorp into an altar, or a grave, or a fountain, or a throne, with a 25% chance of each.

If you obtain a throne wish, you may want to wish for 2 or 3 blessed smoky potions, depending on how common smoky potions are in your game.

Fountain Second

If you obtain a throne wish, then scour the dungeon for fountains. The chances of obtaining a fountain wish are (20-dlvl)%, so only fountains above dlvl 20 are eligible. Therefore, fountains in the Gnomish Mines and the Quest are eligible; fountains in the Castle and in Juiblex's swamp are not eligible.

You can also transform a sink into a fountain by applying a pick-axe to it. This action has a 100% chance of producing a fountain, so it is much better than dropping a ring of polymorph into a sink, which has only a 25% chance of producing a fountain.

If you obtain both a throne wish and a fountain wish, you should definitely wish for smoky potions and not anything else.

Repurpose Your Game

Getting AYEW is harder than getting an ascension. So at this point, you are no longer in the ascension business. You are now in the AYEW business. (Don't worry, you will probably ascend anyways.)

Alert your clan members that you are going for AYEW. You may went to set up swap chest transfers of smoky potions.

Set up a farming operation on a safe level. You can farm both smoky potions and magic lamps. Magic lamps are harder, of course.

Rubbing a magic lamp decreases the chances of getting a djinni from a blessed smoky potion, whereas getting a djinni from a blessed smoky potion does not affect the chances of getting a djinni from a magic lamp. So when you do get a magic lamp, either save it until after you have gotten a wish from a potion, or use the magic lamp wish to wish for smoky potions.

You can use the castle wand to wish for a lot of smoky potions.

When Not to Bother

If you have not gotten a throne wish, then do not spend time and resources on AYEW. Usually.

In particular, if you get a magic lamp before you get a throne wish, you may want to use the magic lamp wish as you normally would, improving your survival chances considerably, rather than using the magic lamp strategically to increase your chances of a potion wish later. In other words: don't leave the magic lamp in your bones.

If you happen to get a fountain wish, a magic lamp wish, and have good prospects of a smoky potion wish, you may want to try for AYEW anyways. You can increase the number of thrones in your game by dropping a ring of polymorph into a sink; this action has a 25% chance of creating a thone.


2018 - (AYEW did not exist)
2019 mosen
2020 Jes, rancat
2021 shadowrider38
2022 Furey, hothraxxa, jt, qt
2023 hothraxxa, karafruit

In November 2022, Furey spent 25000 turns farming a magic lamp, only to get a peaceful djinni. Undeterred, he explored the dungeon some more and found another magic lamp eventually.

In November 2023, karafruit spent the entire castle wand of wishing on smoky potions (which were potions of acid). She got the achievement.