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An ogre is a large, carnivourous humanoid. Ogres often use long range projectile attacks, such as a boulder, so the wary player will either stay away from boulders while doing battle, or stay in close quarters where the ogre can only use its melee attacks.

More fearsome than the simple ogre is the O ogre king and O ogre lord.

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Encyclopedia entry

Anyone who has met a gluttonous, nude, angry ogre, will not
easily forget this encounter -- if he survives it at all.
Both male and female ogres can easily grow as tall as three
metres.  Build and facial expressions would remind one of a
Neanderthal.  Its small, pointy, keen teeth are striking.
Since ogres avoid direct sunlight, their ragged, unfurry
skin is as white as a sheet.  They enjoy coating their body
with lard and usually wear nothing but a loin-cloth.  An elf
would smell its rancid stench at ten metres distance.
Ogres are solitary creatures:  very rarely one may encounter
a female with two or three young.  They are the only real
carnivores among the humanoids, and its favourite meal is --
not surprisingly -- human flesh.  They sometimes ally with
orcs or goblins, but only when they anticipate a good meaty
        [ het Boek van de Regels; Het Oog des Meesters ]