Dilapidated armory

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A dilapidated armory is a special room originally added in the Dilapidated Armouries patch and present in UnNetHack.

Each square in an armory has a random piece of armor or a random weapon, both of which are equally likely.

All items generated with an armory are unenchanted; additionally, if an item is rustable or rottable, its rustiness/rottenness will be set to a random level. This may also leave the item uneroded.

Each square in the armory has a 50% chance of a monster being generated on it; this will either be a random ​R (2/3) or a brown pudding (1/3).

Dilapidated armories are not generated above dungeon level 8 or if rust monsters are extinct/genocided.


While dilapidated armories may have useful weapons and armor, a method of repairing erosion or enchanting them will be necessary to use most items usefully.

Rust monsters in the armory may eat rustprone items in the armory before you can pick them up.

As an armory has random ​R in it, out-of-depth monsters may be generated; this includes disenchanters, both of which can easily kill most characters at the shallowest possible depth of an armory.


You enter a dilapidated armory.
Message when entering the armory