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Rumors are a way to learn about the game without reading spoilers. Rumors come in two forms: true and false.

Getting rumors

  • The Oracle always tells you a true rumor when you pay for a minor consultation.

The following items give you a true rumor if blessed, a false rumor if cursed and either if uncursed:


True rumors

Rumor #330: Throwing food at a wild dog might tame him.

This encourages the player to throw tripe at dogs to tame them.

Rumor #47: Eating a freezing sphere is like eating a yeti.

This suggests that by eating a freezing sphere or a yeti you may get the cold resistance.

False rumors

Rumor #7: A cockatrice corpse is guaranteed to be untainted!

This encourages the player to eat a cockatrice corpse, which is a fatal mistake.

Rumor #157: Sorry, no fortune this time. Better luck next cookie!

This is just plain useless.

See also

  • rumors.tru is the data file that contains all the true rumors
  • rumors.fal is the data file that contains all the false rumors