User:Phol ende wodan/LevelsScratchpad

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Revision as of 01:19, 28 October 2017 by Phol ende wodan (talk | contribs) (The Caves of the Ancestors (Cav home level): forgot note about crypt)
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College of Archeology (Arc home level)

  • Lord Carnarvon does not occupy a throne; instead the throne (an ancient collected artifact) sits in the hidden storeroom.
  • The storeroom also contains a chest, a random scroll, and a random weapon.
  • The other hidden storeroom in the upper left contains two random pieces of armor.
  • The hidden room with the sink contains a potion of acid.
  • There are three random spellbooks placed in buildings. (May want to randomize their positions in the future.)
  • The bottom right corner is a small cemetery, containing two headstones (not walls).

The Tomb of the Toltec Kings (Arc locate level)

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  • Undiggable walls, diggable floors, unmappable.
  • Every colored set of doors randomly chooses one of the locations to become a secret door; the others all become solid wall. Note that there are no non-secret doors on this level whatsoever.
  • Every colored set of walls randomly chooses one of its sets to become normal floor; the others all become solid wall.
  • All marked M are human mummies, and generate asleep.
  • The marked ( are chests.
  • Every square in the room marked "trap" has a 50% chance of being a trap.
  • 10 other traps are generated on normal floor spaces inside the tombs.
  • The marked ^ are special "mummy traps": they contain a very good item on them. The trap triggers (and disappears) when any item is removed from its square, creating an M on every available space around the square and frightening the player for a couple turns.
  • The marked ' are statues of stone golems and clay golems. Some might be statues of humans.
  • There are five marked altars. Three of these will be actual altars, one of each alignment. One of the other two will be the downstair, and the final one will be a mummy trap with corresponding high-value item.
  • One rolling boulder trap will be placed on a random space of each column in the middle of the large lower room, oriented vertically.
  • Besides the mummies, 6 snakes and 4 cave spiders are positioned randomly in the tomb, and 5 more snakes in the left half of the level.

The Caves of the Ancestors (Cav home level)

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  • Undiggable walls and floors, same as it is now.
  • There is some armor randomized from items Cavemen would likely have in the top left.
  • Several random food items generate in the chamber at bottom center.
  • The unconnected cave dwelling in the bottom right contains a random piece of armor, a random weapon, and a random piece of food.
  • The area to the right is not necessarily just empty ground. What it is filled with depends on what the upper fill level will be.
  • The water in the left is supposed to be a hot spring, but there isn't currently any more descriptive terrain than "water" right now.
  • The secret chamber in the deepest part of the cave is the resting place of the Ancestors. This should probably not have any loot. If possible, the epitaphs on the headstones should be changed either to Caveman-specific ones or just no epitaph at all.