Potion of holy water

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! Clear potion.png
Name holy water
Appearance blessed clear potion
Base price 100 zm
Weight 20
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

The potion of holy water is a blessed potion of water, and appears as a "blessed clear potion" when unidentified.


In addition to random generation, Priest(esse)s start the game with 4 potions of holy water, and Wizards have a chance to start the game with a potion of holy water as one of their random potions.

A horn of plenty may occasionally produce a potion of water with the same beatitude when applied, and will thus produce holy water if it is blessed.


Quaffing a potion of holy water cures lycanthropy and, for non-chaotics, cures all illnesses; chaotics will take damage instead of having illnesses cured. Holy water can be thrown at or wielded against demons, undead, and lycanthropes to cause 2d6 damage.

Using the #dip command to dip an object (or stack of objects) into holy water can uncurse or bless them, using up one potion of holy water; objects dipped into holy water do not become wet. A cursed object will be uncursed, while an uncursed object will be blessed; dipping a blessed object into holy water will simply produce an "Interesting..." message, and the potion is not consumed.


Holy water is one of the many methods of curse removal and one of the few means of blessing objects, so it is considered essential for almost any player. In shops, holy water can be easily spotted by the fact that uncursed potions of water have a base price of 0 and will sell for at most 10zm; blessed or cursed potions of water have a base price of 100, and a pet can easily reveal the beatitude of a 100zm clear potion.

From the mid-game on—especially if you are frequently using two-handed weapons—consider keeping holy water and other forms of curse removal in small caches on the current level, or other levels, that you can easily access. If wielding a cursed two-handed weapon, you can retreat to a cache in order to get it uncursed. You can also dedicate a separate container, such as a sack, to holding holy water and other curse-removing items; as of 3.6.0, you can #tip containers, allowing you to get holy water in order to uncurse the two-handed weapon.

Dip-testing to informally identify unidentified holy water is best done after pet testing for any unholy water. Use a blessed, non-iron item to do so - holy water will only produce a message without consuming the potion, while uncursed water will wet the item without consuming it (which also rusts iron objects). In theory, this can also be used to dip-test for blessed potions before quaffing them, but this risks diluting the potion and using up the water in the process.

Obtaining water

There are multiple other ways to obtain or produce holy water, each of which require other potions of water on hand, and all are discussed in the sections below. Potions of water can be created by some of the following methods:

  • #Dipping another potion(s) into a fountain or body of water twice will first dilute it, and then convert it to an uncursed bottle of water regardless of its original BUC.
    • Dropping potions in your inventory into a pool of water or walking into one with potions in your inventory works the same way, though both actions are much riskier. You will need a way to retrieve the potions afterward or a way to prevent water damage to the rest of your inventory.
  • Cancelling will turn many potions into uncursed water; some other potions, such as potions of sickness and booze, will instead become fruit juice. See that article for more details.
  • Dipping a unicorn horn into a potion of blindness, confusion, or hallucination will turn them into potions of water.

Note that while many of these methods can also work with unholy water, you may wish to preserve them instead for intentionally cursing items to make use of their altered effects.

Prayer and altars

By placing nonblessed potions of water on a co-aligned altar and #praying while it is safe to do so, all of those potions will be blessed in addition to the regular results of a successful prayer. Doing this at a cross-aligned altar will create unholy water instead and anger your god.

Dipping into holy water

If you have at least one potion of holy water, you can #adjust them into a single stack, then dip them the holy water to bless the entire stack. This can be used to produce holy water more quickly and reliably than prayer at the slight cost of using up one of the potions.

Confused scrolls of remove curse

Reading a blessed scroll of remove curse while confused has a chance of either blessing or cursing each uncursed item or stack of items in your main inventory. Each has an independently calculated chance of either being blessed (25%), cursed (25%), or left alone (50%); additionally, all uncursed items will lose formal BUC identification. For example, if you are carrying 10 non-stacked uncursed potions of water, reading a blessed scroll of remove curse while confused gives you a 94.3% chance of holy water.

This method is often used to create both holy and unholy water, and requires the player to drop and/or stash their uncursed inventory, including any armor, weapons, jewelry or leashes. Once done, you can use the #adjust command to stack each of the potions and re-identify their beatitude by using an altar, pet testing them and/or dip-testing using a blessed non-iron object as mentioned above. For atheists, this is one of the most reliable ways to obtain holy water; using an altar to identify BUC status will break that conduct.

Conserving holy water

Which items deserve blessing the most depends heavily on the player, but there are certain items that are great targets for blessing because of the advantage it confers:

  • A blessed bag of holding will cause items within to weigh a quarter as much, as opposed to half as much in an uncursed bag; this confers a great advantage in how much you can carry, lifting off upwards of 200 units of weight off your back.
  • A blessed potion of gain level advances your level and puts you part way to the next level, while an uncursed one only advances you to the bottom of the next level. Early on, this can be quite useful. Later, the XP requirements for advancing a level become so steep it doesn't help much, as advancing a level naturally would still require considerable farming.
  • A blessed scroll of genocide will wipe out an entire monster class as opposed to only one species. The more monsters in the class, and the more dangerous they are, the better; Liches are an especially common target.
  • A blessed scroll of charging always gives a recharged item its maximum number of uses. This is most useful for saving a "2 blessed scrolls of charging" wish from a wand of wishing, allowing you to use it on something more useful.
  • If you use ranged weapons, which have a chance of disappearing, blessing them drastically lowers the chances they will do so.
  • A blessed horn of plenty will produce blessed food and potions, useful for foodless conduct.
  • A blessed scroll of identify will usually identify more than one item, sometimes even your entire inventory.

Any number of stackable items can be dipped into one potion of holy water. So, if you have, say, 12 scrolls of identify that you want to bless, but they are scattered across various inventory slots because some are cursed, some are uncursed, some are of unknown status, and so forth, you will save holy water by first B/U/C testing them all at an altar, which will cut your number of stacks down to two. Then, dip all the cursed items in one potion, and you will have a single stack of uncursed items. Dip all of them in a second potion, and they will all be blessed.

When you are manipulating items in this fashion, you may need to un-#name items or use the #adjust command to force NetHack to merge identical items into a single inventory slot, or drop the items and pick them up again.

Conduct considerations

Violates Method
Atheist Water prayer
Pacifist Death drop, e. g. pudding farming
Illiterate Confused scroll of remove curse technique
Polypile Polymorph blessed potions (e. g. from throne farming) (to accomplish this without breaking any other conducts, identify blessed potions by comparing the sizes of your potion stacks and making use of the fact that uncursed potions are 6 times as likely as blessed ones.)
Wishless Wish for it directly (or for a blessed horn of plenty)
"Scumming" Find it, e.g. in starting inventory (wizard 3.6% chance, priest 100%), in shops, or in bones files.

This is an exhaustive list of ways to make holy water. 53% of all games randomly generate holy water in the mines or the main dungeons down to Medusa's Island. Randomly generated horns of plenty are always generated uncursed, too.


SLASH'EM offers three additional ways to obtain holy water.

  • The Potion of amnesia can be dipped into any water source, diluting it into a potion of water immediately. Unlike normal dipping, this does not change the beautitude, and can be used to create (un)holy water. Potions of amnesia can have some other useful uses however.
  • Some shops offer an "uncursing service", at 150 zorkmids (+various modifiers). If you are hallucinating, there is a 1/4 chance the shopkeeper will be distracted and accidentally bless the item.
  • Occasionally upon sacrificing at an altar, your god will bless your primary or secondary weapon (even if it is not actually a weapon). Wield potions of water, press x to swap them, and sacrifice until they become holy.

If you want to create holy water with a shops service, you should first get a good deal of credit with the shopkeeper. Then engrave or burn Elbereth, to avoid accidents. And of course, having a unicorn horn to cure the hallucination in the end.

To induce hallucination on demand, a potion of hallucination is the most convenient way. Otherwise, you can eat a yellow mold or a violet fungus, you can farm them near by with rotting corpses.

Don't forget that hallucination in SLASH'EM also messes up your inventory. So don't forget the inventory letter for your potion of water.

Encyclopedia entry

"We want a word with you," said Ligur (in a tone of voice
intended to imply that "word" was synonymous with "horrifically
painful eternity"), and the squat demon pushed open the office
The bucket teetered, then fell neatly on Ligur's head.
Drop a lump of sodium in water. Watch it flame and burn and
spin around crazily, flaring and sputtering. This was like
that, just nastier.
The demon peeled and flared and flickered. Oily brown smoke
oozed from it, and it screamed and it screamed and it screamed.
Then it crumpled, folded in on itself, and what was left lay
glistening on the burnt and blackened circle of carpet, looking
like a handful of mashed slugs.
"Hi," said Crowley to Hastur, who had been walking behind Ligur,
and had unfortunately not been so much as splashed.
There are some things that are unthinkable; there are some
depths that not even demons would believe other demons would
stoop to.
". . . Holy water. You bastard," said Hastur. "You complete
_bastard_. He hadn't never done nothing to _you_."
"Yet," corrected Crowley.

[ Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett ]

See also

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