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The banes are a group of artifact weapons that each deal double damage to a specific group of monsters:

They are generally considered to be worthless for most purposes, since they reduce the probability of receiving a more useful artifact. Sunsword is useful as a light source.

False banes

In some cases, NetHack uses the phrase "bane" for items that aren't in the above group.

There are also terms common in the community that are mockeries of the banes.

Fire and Frost Brand are not considered banes, as their range of specialty is very large.


Because the banes are often considered underpowered, it is very common for them to be buffed in variants.

In UnNetHack and dNetHack, all the above artifact weapons except Sunsword also give you warning of those monster types they do double damage against. For example, wielding Dragonbane will show you all dragons on the current level.

In SLASH'EM, Giantslayer is replaced by Giantkiller.


In addition to buffing the above weapons, dNetHack adds more banes, ranging from moderately useful to highly useless.

  • Nodensfork: an unaligned silver trident that grants slotless warning and extra damage against primordials (elementals and similar), aliens (mind flayers, U (unknown abominations), and a couple drow) and telepathic monsters.
  • Gaia's Fate: an unaligned sickle that grants slotless warning and extra damage against plants, insects, arachnids, avians, reptilians, animals, fey, elves, and elementals. Because of its long warning list, it's absolutely worth keeping around in open inventory.
  • Vampire Killer: a lawful bullwhip that grants extra damage to all, grants drain resistance while wielded, and slotless warning against undead, demons, and werecreatures. You can also #invoke it to blessed, fix and erodeproof, and set enchantment to +3 if +2 or lower.
  • Kingslayer: a chaotic stilleto that is permanently poisoned, grants slotless warning against monster lords or princes (including the late-game demon and devil lords), and can be held second to other artifacts with no penalty or restrictions.
  • Peace Keeper: a lawful athame which grants extra damage and warning vs always hostile creatures. It can be held second to other artifacts with no penalty or restrictions.

In addition, more nameable banes exist:

  • Claideamh: unaligned long sword which warns and grants extra damage against elves, fey, giants, elementals, and primordials.
  • Carnwennan: lawful dagger that grants +1d5 to hit, +1d10 damage, and warning vs magic-hording monsters. Can only be named by knights.
  • Grimtooth: chaotic orcish dagger (as in vanilla), now grants +1d5 to hit, double damage, and warning against elves, humans, and minions.

Lastly, there is another bane for werecreatures, but it's very useless. Werebuster is an unaligned long sword with +1d10 to hit and +1d20 to damage against all werebeasts. It is guaranteed at the Chaos quest, but likely isn't even worth picking up.

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