Enormous rat (dNetHack)

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An enormous rat, r, is a type of monster that appears as part of the Convict patch incorporated in dNetHack and notdNetHack. The enormous rat is a small carnivorous animal that is slightly larger than other early rodents, and can be seen via infravision. Like other rats, Convicts can pacify or tame them by chatting to one.

An enormous rat has a single bite attack.


Randomly generated enormous rats are always hostile, and may appear in small groups. A giant rat can grow up into an enormous rat, and an enormous rat can grow up into a rodent of unusual size.

The enormous rat makes up 96175 of the monsters randomly generated on the Madman quest as the first quest monster for Madmen that are above the locate level of the branch - enormous rats also appear among the random r that are part of the first quest monster class for those levels and make up 24175 of the monsters randomly generated there.

Enormous rats appear among the random r that are part of the first quest monster class and make up 24175 of the monsters randomly generated on the quests of the following roles:

Encyclopedia entry

To set certain popular misconceptions to rest once and for all:

1) He was not found wandering the sewers of London as a child during
the winter of 1864, unable to say anything more than "Powerful
big rats, gentlemen."

2) He was never exhibited in public houses to the curious; only
briefly in July, 1865, to selected gentlemen of standing from
the scientific and literary community.

3) He did not have a vestigial tail.

4) He did indeed have what most people would commonly understand
as "eyes."

5) He was not actually the pilot of the Zeppelin, although he did
disappear for good following the explosion.

6) There is obviously no "underground kingdom beneath London,
inhabited by huge, intelligent rodents." And even if there were,
and suggestion of Neil's involvement in the mazy territorial
negotiations between Londons Above and Below can be considered a
joke, and in poor taste at that.

7) He was afraid of neither mirrors nor street conjurers.

8) There were no tooth marks on the bones.
[ The Season of Mists, Neil Gaiman ]

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