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Why prefer level 7?

The article says: "provided you are –– level 5 at least, and level 7 for preference"

What difference does it make whether you are level 5, 6, 7, 14 or 28? --ZeroOne 22:37, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

No difference at all to your chances of getting Excalibur, but the original article author might have been thinking about your chances of surviving a potential summoned water demon. I removed the reference anyway. --Jayt 22:33, 13 June 2006 (UTC)


I can't remeber where I read it, but someone said get Excalibur, and stand near the altar fo your choice and wait for the sacrafices to come to you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 31 October 2006

I cannot see how standing near an altar and waiting for monsters to appear would be a different experience when wielding the Excalibur versus wielding something else. Although it does say "Even eyeless monsters will be able to locate you" in the NetHack artifacts spoiler, but it is not the same as aggravate monster. --ZeroOne 23:26, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Monster paparazzi

Since wielding Excalibur makes monsters attracted to you, isn't that effectively canceling out stealth? --Xercess 20:02, 8 December 2006 (UTC)

I've played a lot of dwarven valkyries, so I know that it won't wake sleeping monsters. --anonymous


The article should mention that rust effects are removed when a longsword becomes excalibur, and that it is rustproof

Picking up a found Excalibur = YASD?

I found "A Sword Called Excalibur" lying in a room. As I picked it up I got something like "You are blasted by the power of Excalibur" and I died. I believe I was a level 2, neutral gnome wizard. Is this a well known effect? Was it related to My alignment, level, race... or something else?