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Revision as of 13:41, 22 June 2007 by Ray Chason (talk | contribs) (Sacrificing is good advice, but it's already on the list; here are some more ideas)
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Trolls are a class of monster in NetHack. They are notable because the corpses of dead trolls will revive (as do the endgame Riders). For that reason, trolls are one of the more annoying monsters.

The troll, T, is also the least powerful monster of this class. Other types of troll include ice trolls, rock trolls, water trolls and Olog-hai.

There are a large number of ways to kill a troll permanently, many of which fall into the general category of putting the corpse inside something:

  • Eat the corpse (but the troll may revive while you are eating it).
  • Let a pet eat the corpse (has the advantage that it will disappear as soon as the pet starts to eat).
  • Tin the corpse.
  • Lock the corpse in a container.
  • Polymorph the corpse.
  • Sacrifice the corpse.
  • Throw the corpse into lava or water (if it isn't a water troll) and it will drown as soon as it revives.
  • Just keep killing the troll, and eventually it will fail to revive (approximately a 25% chance each time you kill it).
  • Kill the troll with a level-draining weapon; it will still revive, but will be easy to kill again when it does.
  • Completely fill the level with monsters so that the troll has nowhere to revive.
  • Find or dig a pit, place the corpse in, and push in a boulder to bury it.
  • Stone the live troll with a cockatrice corpse.
  • Lure the troll to the Rogue level, where monsters don't leave corpses, and kill it there.
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