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Shopkeepers tend shops. They are relatively tough for low level characters and therefore excel at preventing shoplifting.

Shopkeepers are generated with (1000 + 30*d100) zorkmids[1], a skeleton key, and some or all of a wand of striking, a potion of healing, a potion of extra healing, and a wand of magic missile (a d4 is rolled and that many items are generated starting from the beginning of that list)[2].

Should a character die in the hands of a shopkeeper, or be killed while there's an angry shopkeeper around, any possible Bones files will be generated with the player's grave empty - the possessions are all inherited by the shopkeeper, who must be killed in order to search the loot.

For chaotic human players shopkeepers have a strategic value in that they are one of the only sources of a human corpse in the early levels, which can be used to automatically convert an altar for chaotic humans.


Messages will appear if you die or #quit while you are inside a shop, or while you are on the same level as an angry shopkeeper. Substitute the name of your shopkeeper for Shkname.

Message Reason
"Shkname gratefully inherits all your possessions." This happens when (quoting a comment in the source code) "you die in the shop, the shopkeeper is peaceful, nothing stolen, nothing owed."
"Shkname (wakes up and) (comes and) takes the number zorkmid(s) you owed {him,her}." You owed the shopkeeper money but you are outside of the shop (you robbed the shopkeeper), but your purse contains enough gold pieces to compensate the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper takes the amount of the payment, but not anything else.
"Shkname (wakes up and) (comes and) takes all your posessions." Either the shopkeeper was angry at you, or you owed the shopkeeper more money than you have in your purse, or you owed the shopkeeper money and ended your game inside of that shopkeeper's shop.
"Shkname (wakes up,), looks at your corpse, (shakes {his,her} head,) and {disappears,sighs}." Another shopkeeper wanted to inherit your stuff, but the first shopkeeper already took everything. There is a 50% chance that the shopkeeper shakes his or her head. A shopkeeper "disappears" back to his or her shop, or "sighs" if he or she is already inside his or her own shop.

The text "wakes up and" appears in the message in the case of a paralysed or sleeping shopkeeper. The text "comes and" appears in the message if the shopkeeper is more than two squares away from you.

References: shk.c#paybill, shk.c#inherits

Encyclopedia entry

See the encyclopedia entry for human.


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A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:

"More about the ESHK extended monster structure, which demonstrates the unique behavior of shopkeepers?"

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