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Revision as of 14:53, 25 May 2009 by Tjr (talk | contribs) (Game enjoyment)
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My contributions. Summarized.

Statement of bias

I specialize in (mostly elven) wizards. Edits will reflect this.


  • describe altar work (monster source: create monster, puddings, blocked ki-rin); steps: 1) prepare light, locks, 8xElbereth, boulders, luckstone, Eye, =oShapeChangers 2)preload protection as below, 3) artiwish if at all, 4)artifacts, including HelmoOA ones, 5) prayer cycle for books, HP, uncursing (->polypile fodder, ?oRC), blessing unihorns/weapons, 6) get crowned to unlock some weapon, 7)save and continue another day to avoid YASD because you are nauseated from boredom, 8) never do this again; go atheist but dream of a bot
  • figure out how to do the protection racket safely. Is it feasible to get level-drained in the Valley of the Dead? Better: get wraith to Mine Town. The wizard quest, mine's end or reverse genocide seem to be reasonable sources. Note this is the only "fast" way to gain back protection (HoOA) after you have been crowned or to pre-load altar work.

Slashem should be a namespace, but I don't intend to do the necessary politics.

Page views

Are there statistics available on page views? All I have found on the wikia statistics pages regards entire wikis lumped together. I would appreciate some input on that.

Game enjoyment

I think Nethack is like gambling. Most gamblers don't experience bliss, but continue for other reasons.

Ways to make Nethack more fun

Devteam, please unburden me from micromanagement. For example, I would like to press a button "eat", and have the game engrave Elbereth, check the engraving, eat a corpse if I know it is fresh, tin it if I would choke, and give back control. I long for an automation that performs sacrifests for me. My current solution is to consider a wizard ascended if he has the Eye and could pull it off unless atheist. Managing a large stash also belongs into this non-fun category. Polypile conduct is more about keeping the game enjoyable than about challenge.

Bots and farming

Business 101: Users want an upgrade path, though they rarely use it. Pudding or altar farming offers that in Nethack. Though I wish I had a bot to do it for me ... [[1]]


[Another thing to watch]

Where I disagree with the wiki

Wishing for the Eye of the Overworld is a bad idea for a spellcaster. I prefer the three divination spells.

Everybody says a tourist is hard. In my experience, an early-game wizard is hardly easier. Most of the survival techniques apply to both cases (daggers, top priority armor, Elbereth,...).