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Revision as of 05:07, 25 April 2015 by Elronnd (talk | contribs) (Compiling in FreeBSD: : Official port is a patch)
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SLASHTHEM (github page) is a variant of Slash'EM Extended version 75 currently maintained and deved by Soviet5lo. It's name is short for “Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack—The Heavily Extended Mod”. SLASHTHEM is much easier to play then Slash'EM Extended, and one of its goals, is to be as easy as Slash'EM.

Primary changes

Warning! The content of this section is a result of talking with the dev, and does not represent actual experience playing the game.

According to Soviet5lo, the primary changes are “At the moment more artifacts, toning down roles/races, and restoring the balance back to around Slash'EM levels.”


It is currently playable at the server, simply type ssh or use putty if on windows.

Apparently, it's not as hard to compile on *nix as Slash'EM Extended, so compiling at home is more feasible.

Here is an unofficial sloppy deb package for 64 bit debian variants. You can attempt to convert it to other type of 64bit linux packages(like rpm) with the "alien" utility.

Here is an unofficial FreeBSD binary, compiled on 10.1 Prerelease 64-bit.

Compiling in Ubuntu variants

Here how to compile it on Ubuntu variants, and probably other UNIX systems. The final result is available above for download.

  • Install what you'll need:
   $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev bison flex checkinstall make
  • Create the slashthem directory and move in it:
   $ mkdir slashthem ; cd slashthem
  • Download the source files from the server:
   $ git clone
  • Run the setup script
   $ chmod +r+w+x ./sys/unix/ ; ./sys/unix/
  • A minor edit in the makefile
   $ gedit ./src/Makefile

Comment out line 340. This "WINTTYLIB = -ltermlib", should become this "#WINTTYLIB = -ltermlib".

uncomment line 339. This"#WINTTYLIB = -lncurses", should become this "WINTTYLIB = -lncurses". And don't forget to save.

  • Now compile and install. The command will also create a sloppy package( Warning, it will take a while!):
   $ make ; sudo checkinstall
  • Easy uninstall with your regular package manager.

Compiling in FreeBSD

There is an official FreeBSD port available as a patch, here, maintained by Elronnd.


NetHack 3.2 NetHack-- SLASH Slash'EM Slash'EM Extended
0.01–0.75 →
Slash'EM Extended
NetHack Plus
Wizard Patch SlashTHEM
NetHack 3.33.4 NetHack

External links