Dwarf quest

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The Dwarf quest saw you fighting Smaug for the Arkenstone. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article.

Home level The Laketown
Locate level The Lonely Mountain
Goal level The Great Hall of Thrain
Leader Thorin
Guardians dwarf warriors
Nemesis Smaug
Quest Artifact The Arkenstone


Like the Yeoman quest, this quest had no random monsters.

The Laketown


The two-way magic portal back to the Dungeons of Doom is at the marked point at the top left. Thorin is on the throne, and there are five dwarf warriors and a chest in the same building. There is also a dwarf warrior in the upper-left building. There town is besieged by four orc-captains, a warg, a wolf, a random o, and a random t. There is also a randomly-placed trap. The entire level has an undiggable floor.

Upper filler level

This is an open level, with nine random o, four random T; sixteen boulders (fragments of the mountain), nine other random objects; and five random traps.

The Lonely Mountain


The stairs are located at the marked positions; the entrance to the walled-in area with the downstair is blocked by a boulder and contains eight orc-captains, a wolf, five wargs, and an Olog-hai; there is another Olog-hai in the exterior area. The level also contains fourteen random objects and four random traps. The entire level is no-teleport and has undiggable walls.

Lower filler level(s)

This is a cavernous level, with four orc-captains, two other random o, two Olog-hai, a random T; a jade stone, a fluorite stone, a jasper stone, an amethyst stone, a garnet, an opal, a topaz stone, an amber stone, a dwarvish mithril-coat, a dwarvish iron helm, a dwarvish mattock, a dwarvish cloak, a dwarvish roundshield, a random piece of armor, three other random objects, two falling rock traps, a rolling boulder trap, and three other random traps, all placed randomly.

The Great Hall of Thrain

        ....                        ......................|
        ....                        ..........***.........|
        >...                        ..........*...........|
        ....                        ......................|

The upstair is at the marked point. Smaug is at the point marked D with the Arkenstone and an emerald; he is also surrounded by his horde of gems, composed of (clockwise, starting northwest of Smaug) a dilithium crystal, a stack of a diamond and an amber stone, a jade stone, a sapphire, an aquamarine, and a turquoise stone. The entire level is no-teleport and has undiggable walls.



First time:

You find yourself on the familiar bank of the Long Lake, with the
buildings of Esgaroth visible nearby. The Laketown archers keep away
those monsters that manage to cross the water, but unfortunately the lands
outside are not so safe. Wolves howl on the wind! 
You steel yourself, and resolve to hurriedly cross the water and find out 
why you were summoned, and why Thorin is here, instead of in the Dwarven 
mines of Ered Luin?

Next time:

Once again you stand on the shores of the Long Lake.

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

Yet again you stand on the shores of the Long Lake. Occasionally, you
notice red flashes to the north.

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"Avenge our forefathers for us, <playername>!"
"The King under the Mountain shall return and the rivers run with gold!"
"If you can do this, <playername>...perhaps? The Mansions of Khazad-Dum await.."
"They say the wealth of the dragon is beyond counting."
"The Blue are rich in iron, but my heart yearns for gold.."

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

You instantly recognise Thorin from when you last saw him in the mines 
of Ered Luin. His descendancy from Durin the Deathless, and more recently 
Thror, King under the Mountain, is obvious. He bears himself with pride 
and hauteur, and his long, flowing beard is shock-white.
He stands, and visible at his side beneath the sky-blue hooded cloak is a 
sword, seemingly Elven in design, that looks to have a mighty lineage.
Pushing back his hood, he gives you a slow stare before speaking.
"The Wild can be a dangerous place to travel alone in these dark days, yet 
I see you have come far. But first I must ascertain how far..."

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"Ah, <playername>, you have returned.. Tell me of your more recent adventures.
What have you learnt? Have you grown more experienced in fighting?"

This message is not currently used:

"So, <playername>, again you stand before me. In the Wild the wargs and goblins
grow ever more restless, and Smaug stirs in the north. I know not how
much longer we can last. Are you yet ready?"

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"<playername>! You have failed? A thousand curses on you and yours! If you have
woken the Dragon but not killed him, we are surely doomed to perish in
dragon fire!
I would have you killed now, but you deserve not even that. Begone! And
if fortune looks kindly on you, know that no Dwarf will."

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"Ah, <playername>, it is foolish in the extreme to underestimate a dragon, and 
I cannot be sure you would succede. Go ye back into the Wild and hew ye 
some more orcs, and return when you are a Tunneler."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"Ah, alas, <playername>. The creatures of Morgoth have corrupted you in your
Dragons are cunning and intelligent, and any not pure of spirit will
surely be enslaved by their spells. I will heed the lesson of the Narn I
Hin Hurin, and send you not thither now.
Go back out, and return when you are better prepared."

When finally assigned the quest:

Yes, for better or ill, I deem you are ready. As you know, some 170 
years ago the accursed dragon Smaug descended on my grandfather's Kingdom 
in Erebor, killing many of my kin and driving us from our halls. I was 
there, although fortunately outside at the time..
This defeat weighs heavily on us, <playername>. I tell you there is no 
small store of gold in that mountain, and also the Arkenstone, Heart of 
the Mountain. A more wondrous gem has not been seen since the first Age, 
and never in this part of the world.
I long to take up arms myself and attempt to defeat the dragon, yet I am 
nearing my 200th year, and I fear my skills are not as they were. I ask 
you, <playername>, to take up this quest for me. Succede in this, and your 
reward shall be what of the treasure you can carry out yourself!
Go, <playername>, and return victorious!


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"Be wary of his eyes! Dragons are mighty in enchantment!"
"There is a secret door on the east side!"
"My forefathers were mighty in metalsmithing..you may find equipment to aid you."
"Beware the dragon's flame! You will need a defence against heat."
"A dragon's scales make excellent armour. You will need a mighty weapon!"
"Some dragons have soft undersides. But %n has an armour of gold and gems!"
"Dragons have excellent hearing and smell, and do not need to see you."
"Kill Smaug, and you avenge your murdered forefathers!"
"Erebor and Dale were famed throughout the north. It can be so again!"
"Beware not only the jaws and flame, but also the tail and claws."

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

You have followed the River Running to its source at the Front
Gate. Here is the entrance to the Lonely Mountain. To the east
you can just make out the ruins of Dale.
Steam drifts out the gateway, and in some places the water bubbles...The 
Dragon is obviously in.
The wind howls through the tree--wind? The Wargs are come! And orcs with 
them! The goblins from the mountains must have got wind of something..

When returning:

Once again you stand at the entrance to the Lonely Mountain.

When first entering the goal level:

As you near the Great Hall of Thrain, the dragon-stench increases to
almost unbearable levels. Only the reknowned stamina and willpower of the
dwarves allows you to continue. Occasionally, you hear a near-by rumble or
hissing sound as Smaug exhales.

When returning:

The mountain rumbles with the dragon's fury. Smaug was not pleased with 
your escape, and won't want to let you go this time..

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"Well, <playername>, good of you to come..I haven't tasted Dwarf in a while. 
Chomped a few when I moved in, though."

Upon further meetings:

"Watch those whiskers, stumpy, I might singe them off.."

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"Intelligence is a survival trait. It'll be a favour to weed you out.."

When you have the Arkenstone, but Smaug is still alive:

"I'll have the Arkenstone back before long. You're not leaving with it, I
guarantee that."


Smaug will occasionally utter maledictions:

"So they gave up on burglars? A pity, I liked the taste of hobbit."
"Go back to your mines, long-beard, before I roast you!"
"You fight well for a dwarf, but no mortal ever defeated a dragon!"
"Your best could not kill me when I came, and I am grown now far stronger!"
"That is a fine weapon you have - it shall look well in my collection!"
"Your prancing amuses me. I may even let you live.."
"You have courage, Dwarf. Fortunately, you will still taste good."
"You act as if you had a chance.. But 'tis true, only a fool would have come."
"A curse on the armour of Dwarves.. I fear I shall need a tin-opener."
"You show some small skill.. but can you stand the heat?"


When picking up your quest artifact:

The Arkenstone shines as you pick it up, it's white light red through your
skin. And you feel it could perhaps do more, if you knew how to unlock
its secrets..
It is clear now why Thorin valued the jewel so highly. You resolve to 
return it to him, even though it is rightfully yours as bounty.

When killing the nemesis:

As you deal a final blow to Smaug's battered body, the dragon rears its 
head up into the air on its last strength, and cries out:
"No! I cannot believe it!" He swings his head around to stare at you 
again - "YOU? It can't be!"
With that, the mighty dragon crashes to the floor. You make your way 
around to his head, carefully avoiding the blood already etching 
interesting patterns into the stone floor, and deliver a mighty blow to 
the neck. The whole body jerks and you leap backwards out of the way in 
time to hear a hiss of breath escape from between the teeth. Never trust a 
dragon, you smile to yourself. It must surely be dead now, with a large 
gash in its neck, but to be sure you deliver a few more blows and take 
the head off completely. Only then do you turn to examine the hoard.

When returning to your quest leader:

"<playername>! Rumours have been rife that the Smaug has fallen, and I see it 
must be so! We will reoccupy the Mountain forthwith..
You have the Arkenstone? Ah, but it does good to see this.. Yet last 
night Aule appeared to be in a dream - it seems the Arkenstone is to be 
taken by you on your quest. It will be a victory in itself when its light 
shines out in Moloch's lair! 
I would that you had 50 of our best to aid you, but we will need them all 
in days to come, I fear. So you must make do with my blessing.
May your beard grow longer and your axe never dull."


When talking to Thorin after the quest:

"Ah, <playername>! How goes your quest for the Amulet?"

When talking to Thorin after getting the Amulet:

"The Amulet of Yendor.." Thorin raises the profferred amulet and looks 
at it, before handing it back. "Yes, I can see why Moloch would want it, 
and why Aule would send you to retrieve it for us.. but your quest is not 
yet over, <playername>.
Hence must you journey to the dungeon entrance and out, and with the 
Amulet you will be sent by the Gods into the Elemental Planes, areas of 
great danger and strangeness. The Amulet itself may help you find your 
way through them.
Survive this and you will find yourself in the Astral Plane. You must go 
to the temple of <deity> and offer up the Amulet. Good luck."