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The mold, F, comes in several colors. Each mold causes something bad when you attack it. If you lack the correct resistance, it is best to let your pet attack the mold or attack it with a ranged weapon.

There are following molds with the following properties:

Mold color Brown, yellow, green, red Attacking it...
yellow causes stun
red makes you feel hot
brown makes you feel cold
green causes acid damage
black (Slash'EM only) releases poisonous spores

In both NetHack and SLASH'EM, the mold sometimes leaves a corpse. In SLASH'EM, the corpse might revive itself. "The yellow mold rises from the dead!" Also in Slash'EM, molds may grow on rotting corpses, taking the name of the corpse if it is named (which can result in some unexpected messages, especially in graveyards).