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Archons are the most powerful of the angelic beings and, indeed, possess the second highest difficulty level of all randomly generated monsters (next to the arch-lich). They are exceedingly popular as pets due to their power (and as pets cannot cast attack spells, the arch-lich is next to useless as a pet due to its weaker physical attacks).

If Demonbane or Sunsword have not yet been created, Archons will be generated with one of them; they are also guaranteed a shield of reflection.

Archons have such high difficulty that even for a level 30 character they cannot appear before dungeon level 22. Since the Dungeons of Doom end at or before level 29 and Archons cannot be generated in Gehennom, most characters will not see one before finding the Amulet of Yendor (and level 22 or lower characters definitely won't). Once you have the Amulet, your effective dungeon level is at least 45, so Archons may be randomly generated from the Castle up. There are no guaranteed Archons in the game.


Archons will always be peaceful for lawful characters of sufficiently high alignment. Some players consider this a significant advantage of being lawful.

Archons will reflect a death ray (or any other ray, for that matter), but Vorpal Blade can decapitate them. They are too large to be bisected.

Pacifists may use an early wish for a blessed figurine of an Archon.

The best way to fight Archons is to use a cockatrice/chickatrice corpse and be blinded to protect yourself from the stunning gaze. Or you could just try avoiding them and keep moving. If you are a high level player when you reach the planes, you are almost guaranteed to see one to several Archons.

Archons as pets

As mentioned above, Archons make outstanding pets. They are fast, use their confusing (monsters don't get stunned) gaze, hit hard and wear armor. If you want to have an incredibly powerful pet, either level up a tame angel or wish for a figurine of an Archon. To make your pet wear armor, it helps first enchanting it, dropping it on the floor and waiting for your pet to come by and put it on. Same technique works with weapons, however, chance are that your Archon is already generated with a decent one.

Archons *can* be tamed. In fact, even easier that a ki-rin. Use Elbereth and keep casting "charm monster" when the it's is around.