Forum:Cursed two-handed weapon effects

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Revision as of 19:59, 25 June 2018 by Martyf (talk | contribs) (cursee two-handed weapon and keys and chests)
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OK, in level 1 or 2 I found Cleaver on the floor, picked it up, and stupidly wielded it.

Cursed. Darn. Not a mistake I've made in a very long time. My pet getting killed almost instantly by an arrow trap as the game started did help.

Now I find that I can use a key to open a chest but not loot it.

I can see not being able to use the key and loot, or not being able to do either, but am having trouble wrapping my mind around being able to do one but not the other. Are chests actually more complicated than just a box with a lid?

Martyf (talk) 19:59, 25 June 2018 (UTC)