Forum:What's your unluckiest death?

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Just had an elven lvl 15 Priest AC -25. Didn't have reflection when I got to Medusa so I wrapped a towel around my head and stormed in. She soon fled down the stairs and Perseus kindly provided a SoR, so I removed the towel. As soon as I went down after her a succubus jumps me and forces me to remove nothing but my new shield. The rest goes without saying. What's your unluckiest death?--Dtarnish (talk) 10:59, 14 October 2013 (UTC) master lich summoned a jabberwock next to me on Dlvl 8 --Rancalred (talk) 20:23, 18 October 2013 (UTC)

One time I actually got a gnome with a wand of death on level 1. I couldn't stop laughing. Most of my other deaths have been at least as much stupidity as bad luck. Brunhilde (talk) 04:57, 1 December 2013 (UTC)

The worst has to be having unexpectedly angered a shop keeper, I polymorphed him (surely he'll turn to an orc, gnome, acid blob, etc.) ... into a Titan. Dead in one turn. Then that bones file turned up weeks later, I recognized the level, but not the events. Sure enough, I round the corner and there he is barreling down on my level 4 character. And dead in a turn. The next worst has to be when I spent a couple hours in shops on levels 2,3, and 4 to painstakingly identify nearly everything in the game. Walked out of the shop on level 4, unlocked a door and got blasted by [something] with a wand of lightening. Needless to say, I spend much less time Id-ing everything in a shop until I've reached the oracle level and I'm heading to or have already been to minetown.Aheneve (talk) 05:50, 26 December 2013 (UTC)

"Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 zorkmids." Playing a knight, I got on my horse, fell off, got back on, fell off and died. Remember, even those who have spent their ENTIRE FREAKING LIVES TRAINING TO RETRIEVE A MAGIC AMULET FROM A PLACE CALLED "THE MAZES OF MENACE" can meet their dooms falling off a horse. Oh, and to the fellow who got the death gnome, holy crap. User:anonymous 22:05, 26 December 2013 (EST)

Wow, no comments on that. *Appreciates the wit in silence*--Detonator coil, suitable for a small nuclear device. (talk) 10:52, 17 January 2014 (UTC)

Not my death, but it's possible to die before you have a turn. Start with autopickup enabled, start on a cross-aligned artifact, get killed by artifact blast. See Kufat (talk) 13:05, 27 December 2013 (UTC)

That was my death, and it took me over three millions tries before it happened (I got my computer to spend several days playing NetHack games and then immediately quitting them, but it did legitimately happen in a game eventually). It felt pretty lucky, rather than unlucky, to me, though (even though I had a good idea it would happen eventually). Ais523 (talk) 11:53, 28 December 2013 (UTC)

Killed by falling rock trap on level one after taking about 4 steps.

Pet killed by falling rock trap on level one after taking about 4 steps, as a tourist. Quit.

Died by falling down the stairs while carrying too much. .-. --Detonator coil, suitable for a small nuclear device. (talk) 10:50, 17 January 2014 (UTC)