Source:NetHack 1.4f/monmove.c

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Below is the full text to monmove.c from the source code of NetHack 1.4f. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 1.4f/monmove.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)monmove.c	1.3	87/07/14
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* monmove.c - version 1.0 */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "mfndpos.h"
7.    #define	NULL	(char *) 0
9.    extern int warnlevel;	/* defined in mon.c */
11.   dochugw(mtmp) register struct monst *mtmp; {
12.   register x = mtmp->mx;
13.   register y = mtmp->my;
14.   register d = dochug(mtmp);
15.   register dd;
16.   	if(!d)		/* monster still alive */
17.   	if(Warning)
18.   	if(!mtmp->mpeaceful)
19.   	if(mtmp->data->mlevel > warnlevel)
20.   	if((dd = dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) < dist(x,y))
21.   	if(dd < 100)
22.   	if(!canseemon(mtmp))
23.   		warnlevel = mtmp->data->mlevel;
24.   	return(d);
25.   }
27.   /* returns 1 if monster died moving, 0 otherwise */
28.   dochug(mtmp)
29.   register struct monst *mtmp;
30.   {
31.   	register struct permonst *mdat;
32.   	register tmp, nearby, scared, onscary;
34.   	if(mtmp->cham && !rn2(6))
35.   		(void) newcham(mtmp, &mons[dlevel+14+rn2(CMNUM-14-dlevel)]);
36.   	mdat = mtmp->data;
37.   	if(mdat->mlevel < 0)
38.   		panic("bad monster %c (%d)",mdat->mlet,mdat->mlevel);
40.   	/* regenerate monsters */
41.   	if((!(moves%20) || index(MREGEN, mdat->mlet)) &&
42.   	    mtmp->mhp < mtmp->mhpmax)
43.   		mtmp->mhp++;
45.   	if(mtmp->mfroz) {
46.   		if (Hallucination) pmon(mtmp);
47.   		return(0);	/* frozen monsters don't do anything */
48.   	}
50.   	if(mtmp->msleep)	/* there is a chance we will wake it */
51.   		if(!disturb(mtmp)) return(0);
53.   	/* not frozen or sleeping: wipe out texts written in the dust */
54.   	wipe_engr_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 1);
56.   	/* confused monsters get unconfused with small probability */
57.   	if(mtmp->mconf && !rn2(50)) mtmp->mconf = 0;
59.   	/* some monsters teleport */
60.   	if(mtmp->mflee && index("tNL", mdat->mlet) && !rn2(40)){
61.   		rloc(mtmp);
62.   		return(0);
63.   	}
64.   	if(mdat->mmove < rnd(6)) return(0);
66.   	/* fleeing monsters might regain courage */
67.   	if(mtmp->mflee && !mtmp->mfleetim
68.   	    && mtmp->mhp == mtmp->mhpmax && !rn2(25))
69.   		mtmp->mflee = 0;
71.   	nearby = (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < 3);
72.   	onscary = (sengr_at("Elbereth", u.ux, ||
73.   			sobj_at(SCR_SCARE_MONSTER, u.ux,;
74.   	scared = (nearby && onscary && !mtmp->mtame && mtmp->mcansee);
75.   	if(scared && !mtmp->mflee) {
76.   		mtmp->mflee = 1;
77.   		mtmp->mfleetim = (rn2(7) ? rnd(10) : rnd(100));
78.   	}
80.   	if(!nearby ||
81.   		mtmp->mflee || scared ||
82.   		mtmp->mconf ||
83.   		(mtmp->minvis && !rn2(3)) ||
84.   #ifndef KOPS
85.   		(index("BIuy", mdat->mlet) && !rn2(4)) ||
86.   #else
87.   		(index("KBIuy", mdat->mlet) && !rn2(4)) ||
88.   #endif
89.   		(mdat->mlet == 'L' && !u.ugold && (mtmp->mgold || rn2(2))) ||
90.   		(!mtmp->mcansee && !rn2(4)) ||
91.   		mtmp->mpeaceful
92.   	   ) {
93.   		tmp = m_move(mtmp,0);	/* 2: monster died moving */
94.   		if(tmp == 2 || (tmp && mdat->mmove <= 12))
95.   			return(tmp == 2);
97.   		if(Hallucination && tmp==0) pmon(mtmp);
98.   /* If 0, this means the monster didn't move.  During hallucination, its
99.      appearance should still change. */
101.  #ifdef HARD
102.  		/* Without this line, fast monsters don't hit you when they've
103.  		 * caught up to you. -dgk
104.  		 */
105.  		nearby = (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < 3);
106.  		scared = (nearby && onscary);
107.  		if(scared && !mtmp->mflee) {
108.  			mtmp->mflee = 1;
109.  			mtmp->mfleetim = (rn2(7) ? rnd(10) : rnd(100));
110.  		}
111.  #endif
112.  	}
113.  #ifdef HARD	/* Demonic Blackmail!!! */
114.  	if(mdat->mlet == '&' && mtmp->mpeaceful && !mtmp->mtame)
115.  		if(demon_talk(mtmp))
116.  			 return(1);	/* you paid it off */
117.  #endif
118.  	if(!index("Ea", mdat->mlet) && nearby &&
119.  	 !mtmp->mpeaceful && u.uhp > 0 && !scared) {
120.  		if(mhitu(mtmp))
121.  			return(1);	/* monster died (e.g. 'y' or 'F') */
122.  	}
123.  	/* extra movement for fast monsters */
124.  	if(mdat->mmove-12 > rnd(12)) tmp = m_move(mtmp,1);
125.  	return(tmp == 2);
126.  }
128.  m_move(mtmp,after)
129.  register struct monst *mtmp;
130.  {
131.  #ifndef REGBUG
132.  	register
133.  #endif
134.  		 struct monst *mtmp2;
135.  #ifndef REGBUG
136.  	register
137.  #endif
138.  		int nx,ny,omx,omy,appr,nearer,cnt,i,j;
139.  	xchar gx,gy,nix,niy,chcnt;
140.  	schar chi;
141.  	boolean likegold, likegems, likeobjs;
142.  #ifdef KAA
143.  	boolean likerock;
144.  #endif
145.  	char msym = mtmp->data->mlet;
146.  	schar mmoved = 0;	/* not strictly nec.: chi >= 0 will do */
147.  	coord poss[9];
148.  	long info[9];
150.  	if(mtmp->mfroz || mtmp->msleep)
151.  		return(0);
152.  	if(mtmp->mtrapped) {
153.  		i = mintrap(mtmp);
154.  		if(i == 2) return(2);	/* he died */
155.  		if(i == 1) return(0);	/* still in trap, so didnt move */
156.  	}
157.  	if(mtmp->mhide && o_at(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) && rn2(10))
158.  		return(0);		/* do not leave hiding place */
160.  #ifndef NOWORM
161.  	if(mtmp->wormno)
162.  		goto not_special;
163.  #endif
165.  	/* my dog gets a special treatment */
166.  	if(mtmp->mtame) {
167.  		return( dog_move(mtmp, after) );
168.  	}
170.  	/* likewise for shopkeeper */
171.  	if(mtmp->isshk) {
172.  		mmoved = shk_move(mtmp);
173.  		if(mmoved >= 0)
174.  			goto postmov;
175.  		mmoved = 0;		/* follow player outside shop */
176.  	}
178.  	/* and for the guard */
179.  	if(mtmp->isgd) {
180.  		mmoved = gd_move();
181.  		goto postmov;
182.  	}
184.  /* teleport if that lies in our nature ('t') or when badly wounded ('1') */
185.  	if((msym == 't' && !rn2(5))
186.  	|| (msym == '1' && (mtmp->mhp < 7 || (!xdnstair && !rn2(5))
187.  		|| levl[u.ux][].typ == STAIRS))) {
188.  		if(mtmp->mhp < 7 || (msym == 't' && rn2(2)))
189.  			rloc(mtmp);
190.  		else
191.  			mnexto(mtmp);
192.  		mmoved = 1;
193.  		goto postmov;
194.  	}
196.  	/* spit fire ('D') or use a wand ('1') when appropriate */
197.  #ifdef DGKMOD
198.  	/* Add arrow and bolt throwing monsters */
199.  	if (index(
200.  # ifdef KAA
201.  #  ifdef KOPS
202.  		"D1OKC9",
203.  #  else
204.  		"D1KC9",
205.  #  endif
206.  # else
207.  #  ifdef KOPS
208.  		"D1OKC",
209.  #  else
210.  		"D1KC",
211.  #  endif
212.  # endif
213.  			  msym))	
215.  		if (!inrange(mtmp))	/* inrange returns 1 if OK for mon */
216.  			return(0);	/* to move after it zaps or throws */
217.  #else
218.  	if(index("D1", msym))
219.  		inrange(mtmp);
220.  #endif
222.  	if(msym == 'U' && !mtmp->mcan && canseemon(mtmp) &&
223.  	    mtmp->mcansee && rn2(5)) {
224.  		if(!Confusion)
225.  			pline("%s's gaze has confused you!", Monnam(mtmp));
226.  		else
227.  			pline("You are getting more and more confused.");
228.  		if(rn2(3)) mtmp->mcan = 1;
229.  		HConfusion += d(3,4);		/* timeout */
230.  	}
231.  not_special:
232.  	if(!mtmp->mflee && u.uswallow && u.ustuck != mtmp) return(1);
233.  	appr = 1;
234.  	if(mtmp->mflee) appr = -1;
235.  	if(mtmp->mconf || Invis ||  !mtmp->mcansee ||
236.  		(index("BIy", msym) && !rn2(3)))
237.  		appr = 0;
238.  	omx = mtmp->mx;
239.  	omy = mtmp->my;
240.  	gx = u.ux;
241.  	gy =;
242.  	if(msym == 'L' && appr == 1 && mtmp->mgold > u.ugold)
243.  		appr = -1;
245.  	/* random criterion for 'smell' or track finding ability
246.  	   should use mtmp->msmell or sth
247.  	 */
248.  	if(msym == '@' ||
249.  	  ('a' <= msym && msym <= 'z')) {
250.  	extern coord *gettrack();
251.  	register coord *cp;
252.  	schar mroom;
253.  		mroom = inroom(omx,omy);
254.  		if(mroom < 0 || mroom != inroom(u.ux,{
255.  		    cp = gettrack(omx,omy);
256.  		    if(cp){
257.  			gx = cp->x;
258.  			gy = cp->y;
259.  		    }
260.  		}
261.  	}
263.  	/* look for gold or jewels nearby */
264.  #ifdef ROCKMOLE
265.  	likegold = (index("LODr", msym) != NULL);
266.  	likegems = (index("ODu", msym) != NULL);
267.  	likeobjs = (mtmp->mhide || msym == 'r');
268.  #else
269.  	likegold = (index("LOD", msym) != NULL);
270.  	likegems = (index("ODu", msym) != NULL);
271.  	likeobjs = mtmp->mhide;
272.  #endif
273.  #ifdef KAA
274.  	likerock = (msym == '9');
275.  #endif
276.  #define	SRCHRADIUS	25
277.  	{ xchar mind = SRCHRADIUS;		/* not too far away */
278.  	  register int dd;
279.  	  if(likegold){
280.  		register struct gold *gold;
281.  		for(gold = fgold; gold; gold = gold->ngold)
282.  		  if((dd = DIST(omx,omy,gold->gx,gold->gy)) < mind){
283.  		    mind = dd;
284.  		    gx = gold->gx;
285.  		    gy = gold->gy;
286.  		}
287.  	  }
288.  	  if(likegems || likeobjs
289.  #ifdef KAA
290.  				  || likerock
291.  #endif
292.  	    )  {
293.  		register struct obj *otmp;
294.  		for(otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
295.  		if(likeobjs
296.  		   || (likegems && otmp->olet == GEM_SYM)
297.  #ifdef KAA
298.  		   || (likerock && otmp->olet == ROCK_SYM)
299.  #endif
300.  			)  {
301.  			if(msym != 'u' || objects[otmp->otyp].g_val != 0)
302.  			    if((dd = DIST(omx,omy,otmp->ox,otmp->oy)) < mind){
303.  				mind = dd;
304.  				gx = otmp->ox;
305.  				gy = otmp->oy;
306.  			    }
307.  			}
308.  	    }
309.  	  if(mind < SRCHRADIUS && appr == -1) {
310.  		if(dist(omx,omy) < 10) {
311.  		    gx = u.ux;
312.  		    gy =;
313.  		} else
314.  		    appr = 1;
315.  	  }
316.  	}
317.  	nix = omx;
318.  	niy = omy;
319.  	cnt = mfndpos(mtmp,poss,info,
320.  		msym == 'u' ? NOTONL :
321.  #ifdef ROCKMOLE
322.  		msym == 'r' ? ALLOW_WALL :
323.  #endif
324.  		(msym == '@' || msym == '1') ? (ALLOW_SSM | ALLOW_TRAPS) :
325.  		index(UNDEAD, msym) ? NOGARLIC :
326.  #ifdef KAA
327.  		    (msym == '9') ? (ALLOW_ROCK | ALLOW_TRAPS) : ALLOW_TRAPS);
328.  #else
329.  		     ALLOW_TRAPS);
330.  #endif
331.  	chcnt = 0;
332.  	chi = -1;
333.  	for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
334.  		nx = poss[i].x;
335.  		ny = poss[i].y;
336.  		for(j=0; j<MTSZ && j<cnt-1; j++)
337.  			if(nx == mtmp->mtrack[j].x && ny == mtmp->mtrack[j].y)
338.  				if(rn2(4*(cnt-j))) goto nxti;
339.  #ifdef STUPID
340.  		/* some stupid compilers think that this is too complicated */
341.  		{ int d1 = DIST(nx,ny,gx,gy);
342.  		  int d2 = DIST(nix,niy,gx,gy);
343.  		  nearer = (d1 < d2);
344.  		}
345.  #else
346.  		nearer = (DIST(nx,ny,gx,gy) < DIST(nix,niy,gx,gy));
347.  #endif
348.  		if((appr == 1 && nearer) || (appr == -1 && !nearer) ||
349.  			!mmoved ||
350.  			(!appr && !rn2(++chcnt))){
351.  			nix = nx;
352.  			niy = ny;
353.  			chi = i;
354.  			mmoved = 1;
355.  		}
356.  	nxti:	;
357.  	}
358.  	if(mmoved){
359.  		if(info[chi] & ALLOW_M){
360.  			mtmp2 = m_at(nix,niy);
361.  			if(hitmm(mtmp,mtmp2) == 1 && rn2(4) &&
362.  			  hitmm(mtmp2,mtmp) == 2) return(2);
363.  			return(0);
364.  		}
365.  		if(info[chi] & ALLOW_U){
366.  		  (void) hitu(mtmp, d(mtmp->data->damn, mtmp->data->damd)+1);
367.  		  return(0);
368.  		}
369.  		mtmp->mx = nix;
370.  		mtmp->my = niy;
371.  		for(j=MTSZ-1; j>0; j--) mtmp->mtrack[j] = mtmp->mtrack[j-1];
372.  		mtmp->mtrack[0].x = omx;
373.  		mtmp->mtrack[0].y = omy;
374.  #ifndef NOWORM
375.  		if(mtmp->wormno) worm_move(mtmp);
376.  #endif
377.  	} else {
378.  		if(msym == 'u' && rn2(2)){
379.  			rloc(mtmp);
380.  			return(0);
381.  		}
382.  #ifndef NOWORM
383.  		if(mtmp->wormno) worm_nomove(mtmp);
384.  #endif
385.  	}
386.  postmov:
387.  	if(mmoved == 1) {
388.  		if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2)	/* he died */
389.  			return(2);
390.  #ifdef ROCKMOLE
391.  	       /* Maybe a rock mole just ate something? */
392.  	       if(msym == 'r' && IS_ROCK(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ) &&
393.  		  levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ != POOL){
394.  		   register int pile = rnd(25);
395.  		   /* Just ate something. */
396.  		   if(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ == 0)
397.  		     levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ = CORR;
398.  		   else if(IS_WALL(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ))
399.  		     levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ = DOOR;
400.  		   mnewsym(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
401.  		   /* Left behind a pile? */
402.  		   if(pile < 5) {
403.  		       if(pile == 1)
404.  			mksobj_at(ENORMOUS_ROCK, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
405.  		      else
406.  			mksobj_at(ROCK, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
407.  		   }
408.  		  if(cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
409.  		    atl(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my,fobj->olet);
410.  	       }
411.  	       /* Maybe a rock mole just ate some gold or armor? */
412.  	       if(msym == 'r') meatgold(mtmp);
413.  #endif /* ROCKMOLE /**/
414.  		if(likegold) mpickgold(mtmp);
415.  #ifdef KAA
416.  		if(likerock || likegems) mpickgems(mtmp);
417.  #else
418.  		if(likegems) mpickgems(mtmp);
419.  #endif
420.  		if(mtmp->mhide) mtmp->mundetected = 1;
421.  	}
422.  	pmon(mtmp);
423.  	return(mmoved);
424.  }