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Latest revision as of 01:42, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to topten.c from the source code of NetHack 1.4f. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 1.4f/topten.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

Screenshots and source code from Hack are used under the CWI license.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)topten.c	1.4	87/08/08
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* topten.c - version 1.0 */
5.    #include <stdio.h>
6.    #include "hack.h"
7.    #ifdef GENIX
8.    #define	void	int	/* jhn - mod to prevent compiler from bombing */
9.    #endif
11.   #define	Sprintf	(void) sprintf
12.   extern char plname[], pl_character[];
13.   extern char *itoa(), *ordin(), *eos();
14.   extern int done_hup, done_stopprint;
16.   #define newttentry() (struct toptenentry *) alloc(sizeof(struct toptenentry))
17.   #define	NAMSZ	10
18.   #define	DTHSZ	40
19.   #define	PERSMAX	 3
20.   #define	POINTSMIN	1	/* must be > 0 */
21.   #define	ENTRYMAX	100	/* must be >= 10 */
22.   #ifndef MSDOS
23.   #define	PERS_IS_UID		/* delete for PERSMAX per name; now per uid */
24.   #endif
25.   struct toptenentry {
26.   	struct toptenentry *tt_next;
27.   	long int points;
28.   	int level,maxlvl,hp,maxhp;
29.   	int uid;
30.   	char plchar;
31.   	char sex;
32.   	char name[NAMSZ+1];
33.   	char death[DTHSZ+1];
34.   	char date[7];		/* yymmdd */
35.   } *tt_head;
37.   topten(){
38.   	int uid = getuid();
39.   	int rank, rank0 = -1, rank1 = 0;
40.   	int occ_cnt = PERSMAX;
41.   	register struct toptenentry *t0, *t1, *tprev;
42.   	char *recfile = RECORD;
43.   #ifdef UNIX
44.   	char *reclock = "record_lock";
45.   #endif
46.   	int sleepct = 300;
47.   	FILE *rfile;
48.   	register flg = 0;
49.   	extern char *getdate();
50.   #ifndef DGK
51.   #define	HUP	if(!done_hup)
52.   #else
53.   #define HUP
54.   #endif
55.   #ifdef UNIX
56.   	while(link(recfile, reclock) == -1) {
57.   		HUP perror(reclock);
58.   		if(!sleepct--) {
59.   			HUP puts("I give up. Sorry.");
60.   			HUP puts("Perhaps there is an old record_lock around?");
61.   			return;
62.   		}
63.   		HUP printf("Waiting for access to record file. (%d)\n",
64.   			sleepct);
65.   		HUP (void) fflush(stdout);
66.   		sleep(1);
67.   	}
68.   #endif
69.   	if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"r"))){
70.   		HUP puts("Cannot open record file!");
71.   		goto unlock;
72.   	}
73.   	HUP (void) putchar('\n');
75.   	/* create a new 'topten' entry */
76.   	t0 = newttentry();
77.   	t0->level = dlevel;
78.   	t0->maxlvl = maxdlevel;
79.   	t0->hp = u.uhp;
80.   	t0->maxhp = u.uhpmax;
81.   	t0->points = u.urexp;
82.   	t0->plchar = pl_character[0];
83.   	t0->sex = (flags.female ? 'F' : 'M');
84.   	t0->uid = uid;
85.   	(void) strncpy(t0->name, plname, NAMSZ);
86.   	(t0->name)[NAMSZ] = 0;
87.   	(void) strncpy(t0->death, killer, DTHSZ);
88.   	(t0->death)[DTHSZ] = 0;
89.   	(void) strcpy(t0->date, getdate());
91.   	/* assure minimum number of points */
92.   	if(t0->points < POINTSMIN)
93.   		t0->points = 0;
95.   	t1 = tt_head = newttentry();
96.   	tprev = 0;
97.   	/* rank0: -1 undefined, 0 not_on_list, n n_th on list */
98.   	for(rank = 1; ; ) {
99.   	  if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %[^,],%[^\n]",
100.  		t1->date, &t1->uid,
101.  		&t1->level, &t1->maxlvl,
102.  		&t1->hp, &t1->maxhp, &t1->points,
103.  		&t1->plchar, &t1->sex, t1->name, t1->death) != 11
104.  	  || t1->points < POINTSMIN)
105.  			t1->points = 0;
106.  	  if(rank0 < 0 && t1->points < t0->points) {
107.  		rank0 = rank++;
108.  		if(tprev == 0)
109.  			tt_head = t0;
110.  		else
111.  			tprev->tt_next = t0;
112.  		t0->tt_next = t1;
113.  		occ_cnt--;
114.  		flg++;		/* ask for a rewrite */
115.  	  } else
116.  		tprev = t1;
117.  	  if(t1->points == 0) break;
118.  	  if(
119.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
120.  	     t1->uid == t0->uid &&
121.  #else
122.  	     strncmp(t1->name, t0->name, NAMSZ) == 0 &&
123.  #endif
124.  	     t1->plchar == t0->plchar && --occ_cnt <= 0){
125.  		if(rank0 < 0){
126.  			rank0 = 0;
127.  			rank1 = rank;
128.  	HUP printf("You didn't beat your previous score of %ld points.\n\n",
129.  				t1->points);
130.  		}
131.  		if(occ_cnt < 0){
132.  			flg++;
133.  			continue;
134.  		}
135.  	  }
136.  	  if(rank <= ENTRYMAX){
137.  		t1 = t1->tt_next = newttentry();
138.  		rank++;
139.  	  }
140.  	  if(rank > ENTRYMAX){
141.  		t1->points = 0;
142.  		break;
143.  	  }
144.  	}
145.  	if(flg) {	/* rewrite record file */
146.  		(void) fclose(rfile);
147.  		if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"w"))){
148.  			HUP puts("Cannot write record file\n");
149.  			goto unlock;
150.  		}
152.  		if(!done_stopprint) if(rank0 > 0){
153.  		    if(rank0 <= 10)
154.  			puts("You made the top ten list!\n");
155.  		    else
156.  		printf("You reached the %d%s place on the top %d list.\n\n",
157.  			rank0, ordin(rank0), ENTRYMAX);
158.  		}
159.  	}
160.  	if(rank0 == 0) rank0 = rank1;
161.  	if(rank0 <= 0) rank0 = rank;
162.  	if(!done_stopprint) outheader();
163.  	t1 = tt_head;
164.  	for(rank = 1; t1->points != 0; rank++, t1 = t1->tt_next) {
165.  	  if(flg) fprintf(rfile,"%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %s,%s\n",
166.  	    t1->date, t1->uid,
167.  	    t1->level, t1->maxlvl,
168.  	    t1->hp, t1->maxhp, t1->points,
169.  	    t1->plchar, t1->sex, t1->name, t1->death);
170.  	  if(done_stopprint) continue;
171.  	  if(rank > flags.end_top &&
172.  	    (rank < rank0-flags.end_around || rank > rank0+flags.end_around)
173.  	    && (!flags.end_own ||
174.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
175.  				  t1->uid != t0->uid ))
176.  #else
177.  				  strncmp(t1->name, t0->name, NAMSZ)))
178.  #endif
179.  		continue;
180.  	  if(rank == rank0-flags.end_around &&
181.  	     rank0 > flags.end_top+flags.end_around+1 &&
182.  	     !flags.end_own)
183.  		(void) putchar('\n');
184.  	  if(rank != rank0)
185.  		(void) outentry(rank, t1, 0);
186.  	  else if(!rank1)
187.  		(void) outentry(rank, t1, 1);
188.  	  else {
189.  		int t0lth = outentry(0, t0, -1);
190.  		int t1lth = outentry(rank, t1, t0lth);
191.  		if(t1lth > t0lth) t0lth = t1lth;
192.  		(void) outentry(0, t0, t0lth);
193.  	  }
194.  	}
195.  	if(rank0 >= rank) if(!done_stopprint)
196.  		(void) outentry(0, t0, 1);
197.  	(void) fclose(rfile);
198.  unlock:	;
199.  #ifdef UNIX
200.  	(void) unlink(reclock);
201.  #endif
202.  }
204.  outheader() {
205.  char linebuf[BUFSZ];
206.  register char *bp;
207.  	(void) strcpy(linebuf, "Number Points  Name");
208.  	bp = eos(linebuf);
209.  	while(bp < linebuf + COLNO - 9) *bp++ = ' ';
210.  	(void) strcpy(bp, "Hp [max]");
211.  	puts(linebuf);
212.  }
214.  /* so>0: standout line; so=0: ordinary line; so<0: no output, return lth */
215.  int
216.  outentry(rank,t1,so) register struct toptenentry *t1; {
217.  boolean quit = FALSE, killed = FALSE, starv = FALSE;
218.  char linebuf[BUFSZ];
219.  	linebuf[0] = 0;
220.  	if(rank) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "%3d", rank);
221.  		else Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "   ");
222.  #ifdef DGKMOD
223.  	Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " %6ld %10s", t1->points, t1->name);
224.  #else
225.  	Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " %6ld %8s", t1->points, t1->name);
226.  #endif
227.  	if(t1->plchar == 'X') Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " ");
228.  	else Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "-%c ", t1->plchar);
229.  	if(!strncmp("escaped", t1->death, 7)) {
230.  	  if(!strcmp(" (with amulet)", t1->death+7))
231.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "escaped the dungeon with amulet");
232.  	  else
233.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "escaped the dungeon [max level %d]",
234.  	      t1->maxlvl);
235.  	} else {
236.  	  if(!strncmp(t1->death,"quit",4)) {
237.  	    quit = TRUE;
238.  	    if(t1->maxhp < 3*t1->hp && t1->maxlvl < 4)
239.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "cravenly gave up");
240.  	    else
241.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "quit");
242.  	  }
243.  	  else if(!strcmp(t1->death,"choked"))
244.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "choked on %s food",
245.  		(t1->sex == 'F') ? "her" : "his");
246.  	  else if(!strncmp(t1->death,"starv",5))
247.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "starved to death"), starv = TRUE;
248.  	  else Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "was killed"), killed = TRUE;
249.  	  Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " on%s level %d",
250.  	    (killed || starv) ? "" : " dungeon", t1->level);
251.  	  if(t1->maxlvl != t1->level)
252.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " [max %d]", t1->maxlvl);
253.  	  if(quit && t1->death[4]) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), t1->death + 4);
254.  	}
255.  	if(killed) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " by %s%s",
256.  	  (!strncmp(t1->death, "trick", 5) || !strncmp(t1->death, "the ", 4))
257.  		? "" :
258.  	  index(vowels,*t1->death) ? "an " : "a ",
259.  	  t1->death);
260.  	Sprintf(eos(linebuf), ".");
261.  	if(t1->maxhp) {
262.  	  register char *bp = eos(linebuf);
263.  	  char hpbuf[10];
264.  	  int hppos;
265.  	  Sprintf(hpbuf, (t1->hp > 0) ? itoa(t1->hp) : "-");
266.  	  hppos = COLNO - 7 - strlen(hpbuf);
267.  	  if(bp <= linebuf + hppos) {
268.  	    while(bp < linebuf + hppos) *bp++ = ' ';
269.  	    (void) strcpy(bp, hpbuf);
270.  	    Sprintf(eos(bp), " [%d]", t1->maxhp);
271.  	  }
272.  	}
273.  	if(so == 0) puts(linebuf);
274.  	else if(so > 0) {
275.  	  register char *bp = eos(linebuf);
276.  	  if(so >= COLNO) so = COLNO-1;
277.  	  while(bp < linebuf + so) *bp++ = ' ';
278.  	  *bp = 0;
279.  	  standoutbeg();
280.  	  fputs(linebuf,stdout);
281.  	  standoutend();
282.  	  (void) putchar('\n');
283.  	}
284.  	return(strlen(linebuf));
285.  }
287.  char *
288.  itoa(a) int a; {
289.  static char buf[12];
290.  	Sprintf(buf,"%d",a);
291.  	return(buf);
292.  }
294.  char *
295.  ordin(n) int n; {
296.  register int d = n%10;
297.  	return((d==0 || d>3 || n/10==1) ? "th" : (d==1) ? "st" :
298.  		(d==2) ? "nd" : "rd");
299.  }
301.  char *
302.  eos(s)
303.  register char *s;
304.  {
305.  	while(*s) s++;
306.  	return(s);
307.  }
309.  /*
310.   * Called with args from main if argc >= 0. In this case, list scores as
311.   * requested. Otherwise, find scores for the current player (and list them
312.   * if argc == -1).
313.   */
314.  prscore(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; {
315.  	extern char *hname;
316.  	char **players;
317.  	int playerct;
318.  	int rank;
319.  	register struct toptenentry *t1, *t2;
320.  	char *recfile = RECORD;
321.  	FILE *rfile;
322.  	register flg = 0;
323.  	register int i;
324.  #ifdef nonsense
325.  	long total_score = 0L;
326.  	char totchars[10];
327.  	int totcharct = 0;
328.  #endif
329.  	int outflg = (argc >= -1);
330.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
331.  	int uid = -1;
332.  #else
333.  	char *player0;
334.  #endif
336.  	if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"r"))){
337.  		puts("Cannot open record file!");
338.  		return;
339.  	}
341.  	if(argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[1], "-s", 2)){
342.  		if(!argv[1][2]){
343.  			argc--;
344.  			argv++;
345.  		} else if(!argv[1][3] && index("CFKSTWX", argv[1][2])) {
346.  			argv[1]++;
347.  			argv[1][0] = '-';
348.  		} else	argv[1] += 2;
349.  	}
350.  	if(argc <= 1){
351.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
352.  		uid = getuid();
353.  		playerct = 0;
354.  #else
355.  		player0 = plname;
356.  		if(!*player0)
357.  			player0 = "hackplayer";
358.  		playerct = 1;
359.  		players = &player0;
360.  #endif
361.  	} else {
362.  		playerct = --argc;
363.  		players = ++argv;
364.  	}
365.  	if(outflg) putchar('\n');
367.  	t1 = tt_head = newttentry();
368.  	for(rank = 1; ; rank++) {
369.  	  if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %[^,],%[^\n]",
370.  		t1->date, &t1->uid,
371.  		&t1->level, &t1->maxlvl,
372.  		&t1->hp, &t1->maxhp, &t1->points,
373.  		&t1->plchar, &t1->sex, t1->name, t1->death) != 11)
374.  			t1->points = 0;
375.  	  if(t1->points == 0) break;
376.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
377.  	  if(!playerct && t1->uid == uid)
378.  		flg++;
379.  	  else
380.  #endif
381.  	  for(i = 0; i < playerct; i++){
382.  		if(strcmp(players[i], "all") == 0 ||
383.  		   strncmp(t1->name, players[i], NAMSZ) == 0 ||
384.  		  (players[i][0] == '-' &&
385.  		   players[i][1] == t1->plchar &&
386.  		   players[i][2] == 0) ||
387.  		  (digit(players[i][0]) && rank <= atoi(players[i])))
388.  			flg++;
389.  	  }
390.  	  t1 = t1->tt_next = newttentry();
391.  	}
392.  	(void) fclose(rfile);
393.  	if(!flg) {
394.  	    if(outflg) {
395.  		printf("Cannot find any entries for ");
396.  		if(playerct < 1) printf("you.\n");
397.  		else {
398.  		  if(playerct > 1) printf("any of ");
399.  		  for(i=0; i<playerct; i++)
400.  			printf("%s%s", players[i], (i<playerct-1)?", ":".\n");
401.  		  printf("Call is: %s -s [playernames]\n", hname);
402.  		}
403.  	    }
404.  	    return;
405.  	}
407.  	if(outflg) outheader();
408.  	t1 = tt_head;
409.  	for(rank = 1; t1->points != 0; rank++, t1 = t2) {
410.  		t2 = t1->tt_next;
411.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
412.  		if(!playerct && t1->uid == uid)
413.  			goto outwithit;
414.  		else
415.  #endif
416.  		for(i = 0; i < playerct; i++){
417.  			if(strcmp(players[i], "all") == 0 ||
418.  			   strncmp(t1->name, players[i], NAMSZ) == 0 ||
419.  			  (players[i][0] == '-' &&
420.  			   players[i][1] == t1->plchar &&
421.  			   players[i][2] == 0) ||
422.  			  (digit(players[i][0]) && rank <= atoi(players[i]))){
423.  			outwithit:
424.  				if(outflg)
425.  				    (void) outentry(rank, t1, 0);
426.  #ifdef nonsense
427.  				total_score += t1->points;
428.  				if(totcharct < sizeof(totchars)-1)
429.  				    totchars[totcharct++] = t1->plchar;
430.  #endif
431.  				break;
432.  			}
433.  		}
434.  		free((char *) t1);
435.  	}
436.  #ifdef nonsense
437.  	totchars[totcharct] = 0;
439.  	/* We would like to determine whether he is experienced. However,
440.  	   the information collected here only tells about the scores/roles
441.  	   that got into the topten (top 100?). We should maintain a
442.  	   .hacklog or something in his home directory. */
443.  	flags.beginner = (total_score < 6000);
444.  	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
445.  	    if(!index(totchars, "CFKSTWX"[i])) {
446.  		flags.beginner = 1;
447.  		if(!pl_character[0]) pl_character[0] = "CFKSTWX"[i];
448.  		break;
449.  	}
450.  #endif /* nonsense /**/
451.  }