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Below is the full text to potion.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/potion.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)potion.c	3.0	88/11/11
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    static int nothing, unkn;
8.    #ifdef WORM
9.    boolean notonhead = FALSE;
10.   #endif
12.   static const char beverages[] = { POTION_SYM, 0 };
14.   void
15.   make_confused(xtime,talk)
16.   long xtime;
17.   boolean talk;
18.   {
19.   	long old = HConfusion;
21.   	if (!xtime && old) {
22.   		if (talk) {
23.   			if (Hallucination) You("feel less trippy now.");
24.   			else		   You("feel less confused now.");
25.   		}
26.   		flags.botl = 1;
27.   	}
28.   	if (xtime && !old)
29.   		flags.botl = 1;
30.   	HConfusion = xtime;
31.   }
33.   void
34.   make_stunned(xtime,talk)
35.   long xtime;
36.   boolean talk;
37.   {
38.   	long old = HStun;
40.   	if (!xtime && old) {
41.   		if (talk) {
42.   			if (Hallucination) You("feel less wobbly now.");
43.   			else		   You("feel a bit steadier now.");
44.   		}
45.   		flags.botl = 1;
46.   	}
47.   	if (xtime && !old) {
48.   		if (talk)
49.   			You("stagger...");
50.   		flags.botl = 1;
51.   	}
52.   	HStun = xtime;
53.   }
55.   void
56.   make_sick(xtime, talk)
57.   long xtime;
58.   boolean talk;
59.   {
60.   	long old = Sick;
62.   #ifdef POLYSELF
63.   	if (xtime && u.usym == S_FUNGUS) return;
64.   #endif
65.   	if (!xtime && old) {
66.   		if (talk) pline("What a relief!");
67.   		flags.botl = 1;
68.   	}
69.   	if (!old && xtime) {
70.   		You("feel deathly sick.");
71.   		flags.botl = 1;
72.   	}
73.   	Sick = xtime;
74.   }
76.   void
77.   make_blinded(xtime, talk)
78.   long xtime;
79.   boolean talk;
80.   {
81.   	long old = Blinded;
83.   	if (!xtime && old) {
84.   		if (talk) {
85.   			if (Hallucination) pline("Oh, like, wow!  What a rush.");
86.   			else		   You("can see again.");
87.   		}
88.   		flags.botl = 1;
89.   	}
90.   	if (xtime && !old && !Blindfolded) {
91.   		if (talk) {
92.   			if (Hallucination)
93.   				pline("Bummer!  Everything is dark!  Help!");
94.   			else
95.   				pline("A cloud of darkness falls upon you.");
96.   		}
97.   		seeoff(0);
98.   		flags.botl = 1;
99.   	}
100.  	Blinded = xtime;
101.  	if (!Blind)
102.  		setsee();
103.  }
105.  void
106.  make_hallucinated(xtime, talk)
107.  long xtime;
108.  boolean talk;
109.  {
110.  	long old = Hallucination;
111.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
113.  	if (!xtime && old ) {
114.  		if (!Blind && talk) pline("Everything looks SO boring now.");
115.  		for (mtmp=fmon; mtmp; mtmp=mtmp->nmon)
116.  		  if ((Blind && Telepat) || canseemon(mtmp))
117.  		    atl(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, (!mtmp->mappearance ||
118.  					     Protection_from_shape_changers)
119.  			? mtmp->data->mlet : mtmp->mappearance);
120.  		flags.botl = 1;
121.  	}
122.  	if (xtime && !old ) {
123.  		if (!Blind && talk) pline("Oh wow!  Everything looks so cosmic!");
124.  		flags.botl = 1;
125.  	}
126.  	Hallucination = xtime;
127.  	setsee();
128.  }
130.  static void
131.  ghost_from_bottle()
132.  {
133.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
135.  	if(!(mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_GHOST],u.ux,u.uy))){
136.  		pline("This bottle turns out to be empty.");
137.  		return;
138.  	}
139.  	mnexto(mtmp);
140.  	pline("As you open the bottle, an enormous ghost emerges!");
141.  	if(flags.verbose)
142.  	    You("are frightened to death, and unable to move.");
143.  	nomul(-3);
144.  	nomovemsg = "You regain your composure.";
145.  }
147.  int
148.  dodrink() {
149.  	register struct obj *otmp;
151.  #ifdef FOUNTAINS
153.        /* Is there something to drink here, i.e., a fountain? */
154.         if (IS_FOUNTAIN(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ)) {
155.  	   pline("Drink from the fountain? ");
156.  	   if(yn() == 'y') {
157.  	    (void) drinkfountain();
158.  	    return(1);
159.  	  }
160.         }
162.  #endif /* FOUNTAINS /**/
163.  #ifdef SINKS
164.  	/* Now, check for kitchen sinks... */
165.  	if (IS_SINK(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ)) {
166.  		pline("Drink from the sink? ");
167.  		if (yn() == 'y') {
168.  			(void) drinksink();
169.  			return 1;
170.  		}
171.  	}
172.  #endif
174.  	unkn = 0;
175.  	otmp = getobj(beverages, "drink");
176.  	if(!otmp) return(0);
177.  	if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_descr && !strcmp(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_descr, "smoky") && !rn2(13)) {
178.  		ghost_from_bottle();
179.  		useup(otmp);
180.  		return(1);
181.  	}
182.  	if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_descr && !strcmp(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_descr, "glowing") && !rn2(13)) {
183.  		djinni_from_bottle(otmp);
184.  		useup(otmp);
185.  		return(1);
186.  	}
187.  	return dopotion(otmp);
188.  }
190.  int
191.  dopotion(otmp)
192.  register struct obj *otmp;
193.  {
194.  	int retval;
196.  	nothing = 0;
197.  	if((retval = peffects(otmp)) >= 0) return(retval);
199.  	if(nothing) {
200.  	    unkn++;
201.  	    You("have a %s feeling for a moment, then it passes.",
202.  		  Hallucination ? "normal" : "peculiar");
203.  	}
204.  	if(otmp->dknown && !objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known) {
205.  		if(!unkn) {
206.  			makeknown(otmp->otyp);
207.  			more_experienced(0,10);
208.  		} else if(!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_uname)
209.  			docall(otmp);
210.  	}
211.  	useup(otmp);
212.  	return(1);
213.  }
215.  int
216.  peffects(otmp)
217.  	register struct obj	*otmp;
218.  {
219.  	register int i, ii, isdone;
221.  	switch(otmp->otyp){
223.  #ifdef SPELLS
225.  #endif
226.  		unkn++;
227.  		if(otmp->cursed) {
228.  		    pline("Ulch!  This makes you feel mediocre!");
229.  		    break;
230.  		} else {
231.  		    pline("Wow!  This makes you feel %s!",
232.  			  (otmp->blessed) ? "great" : "good");
233.  		    i = rn2(A_MAX);		/* start at a random point */
234.  		    for(isdone = ii = 0; !isdone && ii < A_MAX; ii++) {
235.  			if(ABASE(i) < AMAX(i)) {
236.  			    ABASE(i) = AMAX(i);
237.  			    /* only first found if not blessed */
238.  			    isdone = !(otmp->blessed);
239.  			    flags.botl = 1;
240.  			}
241.  			if(++i >= A_MAX) i = 0;
242.  		    }
243.  		}
244.  		break;
246.  		if (Hallucination) nothing++;
247.  		make_hallucinated(Hallucination +
248.  				  rn1(200, 600 - 300*bcsign(otmp)), TRUE);
249.  		break;
250.  	case POT_WATER:
251.  		if(!otmp->blessed && !otmp->cursed) {
252.  			pline("This tastes like %swater.",
253.  			      otmp->spe == -1 ? "impure " :
254.  			      !otmp->rustfree ? "" : "mineral "
255.  			     );
256.  			lesshungry(rnd(otmp->spe == -1 ? 3 : 10));
257.  			break;
258.  		}
259.  		unkn++;
260.  #ifdef POLYSELF
261.  		if(is_undead(uasmon) || is_demon(uasmon) || 
262.  				u.ualigntyp == U_CHAOTIC) {
263.  		    if(otmp->blessed) {
264.  			pline("This burns like acid!");
265.  			losehp(d(2,6), "potion of holy water");
266.  		    } else if(otmp->cursed) {
267.  			You("feel quite proud of yourself.");
268.  			healup(d(2,6),0,0,0);
269.  		    }
270.  		} else
271.  #endif
272.  		    if(otmp->blessed) {
273.  			You("feel full of awe.");
274.  			make_sick(0L,TRUE);
275.  #ifdef POLYSELF
276.  			if (u.ulycn != -1) {
277.  				You("feel purified.");
278.  				if(uasmon == &mons[u.ulycn] && !Polymorph_control)
279.  					rehumanize();
280.  				u.ulycn = -1;
281.  			}
282.  #endif
283.  			/* make_confused(0L,TRUE); */
284.  		    } else {
285.  			if(u.ualigntyp == U_LAWFUL) {
286.  			    pline("This burns like acid!");
287.  			    losehp(d(2,6), "potion of unholy water");
288.  			} else
289.  			    You("feel full of dread.");
290.  		    }
291.  		break;
292.  	case POT_BOOZE:
293.  		unkn++;
294.  		pline("Ooph!  This tastes like %s!",
295.  		      Hallucination ? "furniture polish" : "liquid fire");
296.  		if (!otmp->blessed) make_confused(HConfusion + d(3,8),FALSE);
297.  		/* the whiskey makes us feel better */
298.  		if(u.uhp < u.uhpmax) losehp(-1, "bottle of whiskey");
299.  		lesshungry(10 * (2 + bcsign(otmp)));
300.  		if(otmp->cursed) {
301.  			You("pass out.");
302.  			multi = -rnd(15);
303.  			nomovemsg = "You awake with a headache.";
304.  		}
305.  		break;
307.  		if(otmp->cursed) {
308.  			unkn++;
309.  			You("have an uneasy feeling...");
310.  		} else {
311.  			You("feel self-knowledgable...");
312.  			if (otmp->blessed) {
313.  				adjattrib(A_INT, 1, FALSE);
314.  				adjattrib(A_WIS, 1, FALSE);
315.  			}
316.  			more();
317.  			enlightenment();
318.  			pline("The feeling subsides.");
319.  		}
320.  		break;
322.  #ifdef SPELLS
324.  #endif
325.  		if(Invisible || See_invisible) nothing++;
326.  		else {
327.  		     newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
328.  		     if(!Blind)
329.  		       pline("Gee!  All of a sudden, you can't see yourself.");
330.  		     else
331.  		       You("feel rather airy."), unkn++;
332.  		}
333.  		if (otmp->blessed && !(HInvis & INTRINSIC)) {
334.  			pline("Do you want the invisibility to be permanent? ");
335.  			nothing = 0;
336.  			if (yn()=='n') HInvis += rn1(15,31);
337.  			else HInvis |= INTRINSIC;
338.  		} else HInvis += rn1(15,31);
339.  		if(otmp->cursed) {
340.  		    pline("For some reason, you feel your presence is known.");
341.  		    aggravate();
342.  		}
343.  		break;
344.  	case POT_SEE_INVISIBLE:
345.  	case POT_FRUIT_JUICE:
346.  		unkn++;
347.  		if(otmp->cursed)
348.  			pline("Yecch!  This tastes %s.",
349.  			  Hallucination ? "overripe" : "rotten"
350.  			 );
351.  		else pline (Hallucination ?
352.  		   "This tastes like 10%% real %s juice all-natural beverage." :
353.  		   "This tastes like %s juice.", pl_fruit);
354.  		if (otmp->otyp == POT_FRUIT_JUICE) {
355.  			lesshungry(10 * (2 + bcsign(otmp)));
356.  			break;
357.  		}
358.  		if (!otmp->cursed) {
359.  			/* Tell them they can see again immediately, which
360.  			 * will help them identify the potion...
361.  			 */
362.  			make_blinded(0L,TRUE);
363.  		}
364.  		if (otmp->blessed)
365.  			HSee_invisible |= INTRINSIC;
366.  		else
367.  			HSee_invisible += rn1(100,750);
368.  		break;
369.  	case POT_PARALYSIS:
370.  		if(Levitation)
371.  			You("are motionlessly suspended.");
372.  		else
373.  			Your("%s are frozen to the floor!",
374.  				makeplural(body_part(FOOT)));
375.  		nomul(-(rn1(10, 25 - 12*bcsign(otmp))));
376.  		break;
378.  #ifdef SPELLS
380.  #endif
381.  		if (monster_detect(otmp))
382.  			return(1);		/* nothing detected */
383.  		break;
385.  #ifdef SPELLS
387.  #endif
388.  		if (object_detect(otmp))
389.  			return(1);		/* nothing detected */
390.  		break;
391.  	case POT_SICKNESS:
392.  		pline("Yecch!  This stuff tastes like poison.");
393.  		if (otmp->blessed) {
394.  			pline("(But in fact it was mildly stale %s juice.)",
395.  								pl_fruit);
396.  			if (pl_character[0] != 'H')
397.  				losehp(1, "mildly contaminated potion");
398.  		} else {
399.  		    if(Poison_resistance)
400.      pline("(But in fact it was biologically contaminated %s juice.)",pl_fruit);
401.  		    if (pl_character[0] == 'H')
402.  			pline("Fortunately, you have been immunized.");
403.  		    else {
404.  			int typ = rn2(A_MAX);
405.  			poisontell(typ);
406.  			adjattrib(typ,Poison_resistance ? -1 : -rn1(4,3), TRUE);
407.  			if(!Poison_resistance)
408.  				losehp(rnd(10)+5*!!(otmp->cursed),
409.  				       "contaminated potion");
410.  		    }
411.  		}
412.  		if(Hallucination) {
413.  			You("are shocked back to your senses!");
414.  			make_hallucinated(0L,FALSE);
415.  		}
416.  		break;
417.  	case POT_CONFUSION:
418.  		if(!Confusion)
419.  		    if (Hallucination) {
420.  			pline("What a trippy feeling!");
421.  			unkn++;
422.  		    } else
423.  			pline("Huh, What?  Where am I?");
424.  		else	nothing++;
425.  		make_confused(HConfusion + rn1(7,16-8*bcsign(otmp)),FALSE);
426.  		break;
427.  	case POT_GAIN_ABILITY:
428.  		if(otmp->cursed) {
429.  		    pline("Ulch!  That potion tasted foul!");
430.  		    unkn++;
431.  		} else {
432.  		    i = rn2(A_MAX);		/* start at a random point */
433.  		    for(isdone = ii = 0; !isdone && ii < A_MAX; ii++) {
434.  			adjattrib(i, 1, FALSE);
435.  			/* only first found if not blessed */
436.  			isdone = !(otmp->blessed);
437.  			flags.botl = 1;
438.  			if(++i >= A_MAX) i = 0;
439.  		    }
440.  		}
441.  		break;
442.  	case POT_SPEED:
443.  		if(Wounded_legs && !otmp->cursed) {
444.  			heal_legs();
445.  			unkn++;
446.  			break;
447.  		}		/* and fall through */
448.  #ifdef SPELLS
449.  	case SPE_HASTE_SELF:
450.  #endif
451.  		if(!(Fast & TIMEOUT))
452.  			You("are suddenly moving much faster.");
453.  		else {
454.  			Your("%s get new energy.",
455.  				makeplural(body_part(LEG)));
456.  			unkn++;
457.  		}
458.  		Fast += rn1(10,100+60*bcsign(otmp));
459.  		break;
460.  	case POT_BLINDNESS:
461.  		if(Blind) nothing++;
462.  		make_blinded(Blinded + rn1(200, 250-125*bcsign(otmp)), TRUE);
463.  		break;
464.  	case POT_GAIN_LEVEL:
465.  		if (otmp->cursed) {
466.  			unkn++;
467.  			You("rise up, through the ceiling!");
468.  			/* they went up a level */
469.  			goto_level(dlevel-1, FALSE);
470.  			break;
471.  		}
472.  		pluslvl();
473.  		if (otmp->blessed)
474.  			/* blessed potions place you at a random spot in the
475.  			 * middle of the new level instead of the low point
476.  			 */
477.  			u.uexp = rndexp();
478.  		break;
479.  	case POT_HEALING:
480.  		You("begin to feel better.");
481.  		healup(d(5,2) + 5 * bcsign(otmp),
482.  		       1, !!(otmp->blessed), !(otmp->cursed));
483.  		break;
484.  	case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
485.  		You("feel much better.");
486.  		healup(d(5,4) + 5 * bcsign(otmp),
487.  		       2+3*!!(otmp->blessed), !(otmp->cursed), 1);
488.  		make_hallucinated(0L,TRUE);
489.  		break;
490.  	case POT_LEVITATION:
491.  #ifdef SPELLS
492.  	case SPE_LEVITATION:
493.  #endif
494.  		if(!Levitation) {
495.  			float_up();
496.  			if (otmp->cursed) {
497.  #ifdef STRONGHOLD
498.  	if((u.ux != xupstair || u.uy != yupstair) &&
499.  	   (!xupladder || u.ux != xupladder || u.uy != yupladder)) {
500.  #else
501.  	if(u.ux != xupstair || u.uy != yupstair) {
502.  #endif /* STRONGHOLD /**/
503.  					You("hit your %s on the ceiling.",
504.  						body_part(HEAD));
505.  					losehp(uarmh ? 1 : rnd(10),
506.  						"collision with the ceiling");
507.  				} else (void) doup();
508.  			}
509.  		} else
510.  			nothing++;
511.  		if (otmp->blessed) {
512.  			char buf[BUFSZ];
513.  			int lmoves = 0;
515.  			makeknown(POT_LEVITATION);
516.  			pline("How many moves do you wish to levitate for? [1-300] ");
517.  			do {
518.  				getlin(buf);
519.  			} while (buf[0]=='\033' || !buf[0] ||
520.  				(lmoves = atoi(buf)) < 1 || lmoves > 300);
521.  			HLevitation += lmoves;
522.  		} else HLevitation += rnd(150);
523.  		u.uprops[LEVITATION].p_tofn = float_down;
524.  		break;
525.  #ifdef SPELLS
526.  	case POT_GAIN_ENERGY:			/* M. Stephenson */
527.  		{	register int	 num;
528.  			if(otmp->cursed)
529.  			    You("feel lackluster.");
530.  			else
531.  			    pline("Magical energies course through your body.");
532.  			num = rnd(5) + 5 * otmp->blessed + 1;
533.  			u.uenmax += (otmp->cursed) ? -num : num;
534.  			u.uen += (otmp->cursed) ? -num : num;
535.  			if(u.uenmax <= 0) u.uen = u.uenmax = 0;
536.  			flags.botl = 1;
537.  		}
538.  		break;
539.  #endif
540.  	default:
541.  		impossible("What a funny potion! (%u)", otmp->otyp);
542.  		return(0);
543.  	}
544.  	return(-1);
545.  }
547.  void
548.  healup(nhp, nxtra, curesick, cureblind)
549.  	int	nhp, nxtra;
550.  	register boolean curesick, cureblind;
551.  {
552.  #ifdef POLYSELF
553.  	if (u.mtimedone && nhp) {
554.  		u.mh += nhp;
555.  		if (u.mh > u.mhmax) u.mh = (u.mhmax += nxtra);
556.  	}
557.  #endif
558.  	if(nhp)	{
559.  		u.uhp += nhp;
560.  		if(u.uhp > u.uhpmax)	u.uhp = (u.uhpmax += nxtra);
561.  	}
562.  	if(cureblind)	make_blinded(0L,TRUE);
563.  	if(curesick)	make_sick(0L,TRUE);
564.  	flags.botl = 1;
565.  	return;
566.  }
568.  void
569.  strange_feeling(obj,txt)
570.  register struct obj *obj;
571.  register char *txt;
572.  {
573.  	if(flags.beginner)
574.  		You("have a %s feeling for a moment, then it passes.",
575.  		Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange");
576.  	else
577.  		pline(txt);
579.  	if(!obj)	/* e.g., crystal ball finds no traps */
580.  		return;
582.  	if(obj->dknown && !objects[obj->otyp].oc_name_known &&
583.  						!objects[obj->otyp].oc_uname)
584.  		docall(obj);
585.  	useup(obj);
586.  }
588.  const char *bottlenames[] = {
589.  	"bottle", "phial", "flagon", "carafe", "flask", "jar", "vial"
590.  };
592.  void
593.  potionhit(mon, obj)
594.  register struct monst *mon;
595.  register struct obj *obj;
596.  {
597.  	register char *botlnam = bottlenames[rn2(SIZE(bottlenames))];
598.  	boolean uclose, isyou = (mon == &youmonst);
600.  	if(isyou) {
601.  		uclose = TRUE;
602.  		pline("The %s crashes on your %s and breaks into shivers.",
603.  			botlnam, body_part(HEAD));
604.  		losehp(rnd(2), "thrown potion");
605.  	} else {
606.  		uclose = (dist(mon->mx,mon->my) < 3);
607.  		if(Blind) pline("Crash!");
608.  		else pline("The %s crashes on %s%s and breaks into shivers.",
609.  			botlnam, mon_nam(mon), (haseyes(mon->data) &&
610.  			mon->data != &mons[PM_FLOATING_EYE]) ?
611.  #ifdef WORM
612.  			(notonhead ? "'s body" : "'s head")
613.  #else
614.  			"'s head"
615.  #endif
616.  			: "");
617.  		if(rn2(5) && mon->mhp > 1)
618.  			mon->mhp--;
619.  	}
620.  #ifdef WORM
621.  	notonhead = FALSE;
622.  #endif
623.  	pline("The %s evaporates.", xname(obj));
625.  	if(!isyou) switch (obj->otyp) {
628.  	case POT_GAIN_ABILITY:
629.  	case POT_HEALING:
630.  	case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
631.  		if(mon->mhp < mon->mhpmax) {
632.  			mon->mhp = mon->mhpmax;
633.  			if(!Blind)
634.  			pline("%s looks sound and hale again.", Monnam(mon));
635.  		}
636.  		break;
637.  	case POT_SICKNESS:
638.  		if((mon->mhpmax > 3) && !resist(mon, POTION_SYM, 0, NOTELL))
639.  			mon->mhpmax /= 2;
640.  		if((mon->mhp > 2) && !resist(mon, POTION_SYM, 0, NOTELL))
641.  			mon->mhp /= 2;
642.  		if(!Blind)
643.  		pline("%s looks rather ill.", Monnam(mon));
644.  		break;
645.  	case POT_CONFUSION:
646.  	case POT_BOOZE:
647.  		if(!resist(mon, POTION_SYM, 0, NOTELL))  mon->mconf = 1;
648.  		break;
650.  		unpmon(mon);
651.  		mon->minvis = 1;
652.  		pmon(mon);
653.  		break;
654.  	case POT_PARALYSIS:
655.  		mon->mfroz = 1;
656.  		break;
657.  	case POT_SPEED:
658.  		mon->mspeed = MFAST;
659.  		break;
660.  	case POT_BLINDNESS:
661.  		{
662.  		    register int btmp = 64 + rn2(32) +
663.  					rn2(32) * !resist(mon, POTION_SYM, 0, NOTELL);
664.  		    mon->mblinded |= btmp;
665.  		}
666.  		break;
667.  	case POT_WATER:
668.  		if (is_undead(mon->data) || is_demon(mon->data)) {
669.  			if (obj->blessed) {
670.  				kludge("%s shrieks in pain!", Monnam(mon));
671.  				mon->mhp -= d(2,6);
672.  				if (mon->mhp <1) killed(mon);
673.  			} else if (obj->cursed) {
674.  				if(!Blind)
675.  				pline("%s looks healthier.", Monnam(mon));
676.  				mon->mhp += d(2,6);
677.  			}
678.  		}
679.  		/* TO DO: Gremlins multiply when doused with water */
680.  		break;
681.  /*
682.  	case POT_GAIN_LEVEL:
683.  	case POT_LEVITATION:
684.  	case POT_FRUIT_JUICE:
687.  		break;
688.  */
689.  	}
690.  	if(uclose && rn2(5))
691.  		potionbreathe(obj);
692.  	obfree(obj, (struct obj *)0);
693.  }
695.  void
696.  potionbreathe(obj)
697.  register struct obj *obj;
698.  {
699.  	register int i, ii, isdone;
701.  	switch(obj->otyp) {
703.  	case POT_GAIN_ABILITY:
704.  		if(obj->cursed) {
705.  		    pline("Ulch!  That potion smells terrible!");
706.  		    break;
707.  		} else {
708.  		    i = rn2(A_MAX);		/* start at a random point */
709.  		    for(isdone = ii = 0; !isdone && ii < A_MAX; ii++) {
710.  			if(ABASE(i) < AMAX(i)) {
711.  			    ABASE(i)++;
712.  			    /* only first found if not blessed */
713.  			    isdone = !(obj->blessed);
714.  			    flags.botl = 1;
715.  			}
716.  			if(++i >= A_MAX) i = 0;
717.  		    }
718.  		}
719.  		break;
720.  	case POT_HEALING:
721.  	case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
722.  		if(u.uhp < u.uhpmax) u.uhp++, flags.botl = 1;
723.  		break;
724.  	case POT_SICKNESS:
725.  		if(u.uhp <= 5) u.uhp = 1; else u.uhp -= 5;
726.  		flags.botl = 1;
727.  		break;
729.  		You("have a vision for a moment.");
730.  		break;
731.  	case POT_CONFUSION:
732.  	case POT_BOOZE:
733.  		if(!Confusion)
734.  			You("feel somewhat dizzy.");
735.  		make_confused(HConfusion + rnd(5),FALSE);
736.  		break;
738.  		if (!See_invisible && !Invis)
739.  			pline("For an instant you could see through yourself!");
740.  		break;
741.  	case POT_PARALYSIS:
742.  		pline("Something seems to be holding you.");
743.  		nomul(-rnd(5));
744.  		break;
745.  	case POT_SPEED:
746.  		Fast += rnd(5);
747.  		Your("knees seem more flexible now.");
748.  		break;
749.  	case POT_BLINDNESS:
750.  		if(!Blind) pline("It suddenly gets dark.");
751.  		make_blinded(Blinded + rnd(5),FALSE);
752.  		seeoff(0);
753.  		break;
754.  /*
755.  	case POT_GAIN_LEVEL:
756.  	case POT_LEVITATION:
757.  	case POT_FRUIT_JUICE:
760.  		break;
761.  */
762.  	}
763.  	/* note: no obfree() */
764.  }
766.  static int
767.  neutralizes(o1, o2)
768.  register struct obj *o1, *o2;
769.  {
770.  	switch (o1->otyp) {
771.  		case POT_SICKNESS:
773.  		case POT_BLINDNESS:
774.  		case POT_CONFUSION:
775.  			if (o2->otyp == POT_HEALING ||
776.  			    o2->otyp == POT_EXTRA_HEALING)
777.  				return 1;
778.  		case POT_HEALING:
779.  		case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
780.  			if (o2->otyp == POT_SICKNESS ||
781.  			    o2->otyp == POT_HALLUCINATION ||
782.  			    o2->otyp == POT_BLINDNESS ||
783.  			    o2->otyp == POT_CONFUSION)
784.  				return 1;
785.  	}
787.  	return 0;
788.  }
790.  int
791.  dodip()
792.  {
793.  	register struct obj *potion, *obj;
794.  	char *tmp;
796.  	if(!(obj = getobj("#", "dip")))
797.  		return(0);
798.  #ifdef FOUNTAINS
799.  	/* Is there something to dip into here, i.e., a fountain? */
800.  	if (levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ == FOUNTAIN) {
801.  		pline("Dip it into the fountain? ");
802.  		if(yn() == 'y') {
803.  			dipfountain(obj);
804.  			return(1);
805.  		}
806.  	}
807.  #endif
808.  	if(!(potion = getobj(beverages, "dip into")))
809.  		return(0);
810.  	if (potion==obj && potion->quan==1) {
811.  		pline("That is a potion bottle, not a Klein bottle!");
812.  		return 0;
813.  	}
814.  	if(potion->otyp == POT_WATER) {
815.  		if (potion->blessed) {
816.  			if (obj->cursed) {
817.  				if (!Blind)
818.  				    Your("%s %s.",
819.  					  aobjnam(obj, "softly glow"),
820.  					  Hallucination ? hcolor() : amber);
821.  				obj->cursed=0;
822.  				obj->bknown=1;
823.  	poof:
824.  				if(!(objects[potion->otyp].oc_name_known) &&
825.  				   !(objects[potion->otyp].oc_uname))
826.  					docall(potion);
827.  				useup(potion);
828.  				return(1);
829.  			} else if(!obj->blessed) {
830.  				if (!Blind) {
831.  				    tmp = Hallucination ? hcolor() : light_blue;
832.  				    Your("%s with a%s %s aura.",
833.  					  aobjnam(obj, "softly glow"),
834.  					  index(vowels, *tmp) ? "n" : "", tmp);
835.  				}
836.  				obj->blessed=1;
837.  				obj->bknown=1;
838.  				goto poof;
839.  			}
840.  		} else if (potion->cursed) {
841.  			if (obj->blessed) {
842.  				if (!Blind)
843.  				    Your("%s %s.", aobjnam(obj, "glow"),
844.  					  Hallucination ? hcolor() : "brown");
845.  				obj->blessed=0;
846.  				obj->bknown=1;
847.  				goto poof;
848.  			} else if(!obj->cursed) {
849.  				if (!Blind) {
850.  				    tmp = Hallucination ? hcolor() : black;
851.  				    Your("%s with a%s %s aura.",
852.  					  aobjnam(obj, "glow"),
853.  					  index(vowels, *tmp) ? "n" : "", tmp);
854.  				}
855.  				obj->cursed=1;
856.  				obj->bknown=1;
857.  				goto poof;
858.  			}
859.  		} else if (obj->otyp != POT_WATER) {
860.  			if (obj->olet == WEAPON_SYM && !obj->rustfree &&
861.  			    objects[obj->otyp].oc_material == METAL &&
862.  			    obj->spe > -6 && !rn2(10)) {
863.  				Your("%s somewhat.", aobjnam(obj,"rust"));
864.  				obj->spe--;
865.  			} else if (obj->olet == POTION_SYM) {
866.  				Your("%s.", aobjnam(obj,"dilute"));
867.  				if (obj->spe == -1) {
868.  					obj->spe = 0;
869.  					obj->blessed = obj->cursed = 0;
870.  					obj->otyp = POT_WATER;
871.  				} else obj->spe--;
872.  			} else if (obj->olet == SCROLL_SYM &&
873.  				   obj->otyp != SCR_BLANK_PAPER) {
874.  				if (!Blind) pline("The scroll fades.");
875.  				obj->otyp = SCR_BLANK_PAPER;
876.  			} else
877.  				Your("%s wet.", aobjnam(obj,"get"));
878.  		}
879.  	}
880.  	else if(obj->olet == POTION_SYM && obj->otyp != potion->otyp) {
881.  		/* Mixing potions is dangerous... */
882.  		pline("The potions mix...");
883.  		if (obj->cursed || !rn2(10)) {
884.  			pline("BOOM!  They explode!");
885.  			u.uhp -= rnd(10);
886.  			flags.botl = 1;
887.  			potionbreathe(obj);
888.  			useup(obj);
889.  			useup(potion);
890.  			return(1);
891.  		}
893.  		obj->blessed = obj->cursed = obj->bknown = 0;
894.  		if (Blind) obj->dknown = 0;
896.  		switch (neutralizes(obj, potion) || obj->spe == -1 ?
897.  			1 : rnd(8)) {
898.  			case 1:
899.  				obj->otyp = POT_WATER;
900.  				obj->blessed = obj->cursed = 0;
901.  				break;
902.  			case 2:
903.  			case 3:
904.  				obj->otyp = POT_SICKNESS;
905.  				break;
906.  			case 4:
907.  				{
908.  				  struct obj *otmp;
909.  				  otmp = mkobj(POTION_SYM,FALSE);
910.  				  obj->otyp = otmp->otyp;
911.  				  obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
912.  				}
913.  				break;
914.  			default:
915.  				if (!Blind)
916.  			    pline("The mixture glows brightly and evaporates.");
917.  				useup(obj);
918.  				useup(potion);
919.  				return(1);
920.  		}
922.  		obj->spe--; /* diluted */
923.  		if (obj->otyp == POT_WATER)
924.  			pline("The mixture bubbles violently, then clears.");
925.  		else {
926.  			if (!Blind) {
927.  				pline("The mixture looks %s.", objects[obj->otyp].oc_descr);
928.  				obj->dknown = 1;
929.  			}
930.  		}
932.  		useup(potion);
933.  		return(1);
934.  	}
936.  	if(obj->olet == WEAPON_SYM && obj->otyp <= SHURIKEN) {
937.  	    if(potion->otyp == POT_SICKNESS && !obj->opoisoned) {
938.  		char buf[BUFSZ];
939.  		Strcpy(buf, xname(potion));
940.  		pline("The %s form%s a coating on the %s.",
941.  			buf, (potion->quan==1) ? "s" : "", xname(obj));
942.  		obj->opoisoned = 1;
943.  		goto poof;
944.  	    } else if(obj->opoisoned && 
945.  		      (potion->otyp == POT_HEALING ||
946.  		       potion->otyp == POT_EXTRA_HEALING)) {
947.  		pline("A coating wears off the %s.", xname(obj));
948.  		obj->opoisoned = 0;
949.  		goto poof;
950.  	    }
951.  	}
952.  	pline("Interesting...");
953.  	return(1);
954.  }
957.  void
958.  djinni_from_bottle(obj)
959.  register struct obj *obj;
960.  {
961.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
963.  	if(!(mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_DJINNI], u.ux, u.uy))){
964.  		pline("It turns out to be empty.");
965.  		return;
966.  	}
968.  	mnexto(mtmp);
969.  	if (!Blind)
970.  		pline("In a cloud of smoke, a djinni emerges!");
971.  	else	You("smell acrid fumes.");
972.  	if (!Blind)
973.  		pline("%s speaks.", Monnam(mtmp));
974.  	else	pline("Something speaks.");
976.  	switch (obj->blessed ? 0 : obj->cursed ? 4 : rn2(5)) {
977.  	case 0 : pline("\"I am in your debt.  I will grant one wish!\"");
978.  		makewish();
979.  		mongone(mtmp);
980.  		break;
981.  	case 1 : pline("\"Thank you for freeing me!\"");
982.  		(void) tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *)0);
983.  		break;
984.  	case 2 : pline("\"You freed me!\"");
985.  		mtmp->mpeaceful = 1;
986.  		break;
987.  	case 3 : pline("\"It is about time!\"");
988.  		pline("The djinni vanishes.");
989.  		mongone(mtmp);
990.  		break;
991.  	default: pline("\"You disturbed me, fool!\"");
992.  		break;
993.  	}
994.  }
996.  /* monster_detect is also used in the crystal ball routine */
997.  /* returns 1 if nothing was detected		*/
998.  /* returns 0 if something was detected		*/
999.  int
1000. monster_detect(otmp)
1001. register struct obj	*otmp;
1002. {
1003. 	register struct monst	*mtmp;
1005. 	if(!fmon) {
1006. 		if (otmp)
1007. 			strange_feeling(otmp, Hallucination ?
1008. 					      "You get the heebie jeebies." :
1009. 					      "You feel threatened.");
1010. 		return(1);
1011. 	} else {
1012. 		int woken = FALSE;
1014. 		cls();
1015. 		for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
1016. 			if(mtmp->mx > 0)
1017. 		    at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my,
1018. 		       (uchar)(Hallucination ? rndmonsym() : mtmp->data->mlet),
1019. 		       AT_MON);
1020. 			if (otmp && otmp->cursed && (mtmp->msleep || mtmp->mfroz)) {
1021. 				mtmp->msleep = mtmp->mfroz = 0;
1022. 				woken = TRUE;
1023. 			}
1024. 		}
1025. 		prme();
1026. 		You("sense the presence of monsters.");
1027. 		if (woken)
1028. 			pline("Monsters sense the presence of you.");
1029. 		more();
1030. 		docrt();
1031. 	}
1032. 	return(0);
1033. }
1035. /* object_detect is also used in the crystal ball routine */
1036. /* returns 1 if nothing was detected		*/
1037. /* returns 0 if something was detected		*/
1038. int
1039. object_detect(otmp)
1040. register struct obj	*otmp;
1041. {
1042. 	register struct obj	*objs;
1043. 	register struct monst	*mtmp;
1045. 	if(!fobj) {
1046. 		if (otmp)
1047. 			strange_feeling(otmp, "You feel a pull downward.");
1048. 		return(1);
1049. 	} else {
1050. 		int mfound=FALSE;
1052. 		for(objs = fobj; objs; objs = objs->nobj)
1053. 			if(objs->ox != u.ux || objs->oy != u.uy)
1054. 				goto outobjmap;
1055. 		You("sense the presence of objects nearby.");
1056. 		return(0);
1057. 	outobjmap:
1058. 		cls();
1059. 		for(objs = fobj; objs; objs = objs->nobj)
1060. at(objs->ox, objs->oy, (uchar)(Hallucination ? rndobjsym() : objs->olet), AT_OBJ);
1061. 		/* monster possessions added by GAN 12/16/86 */
1062. 		for(mtmp = fmon ; mtmp ; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
1063. 			if(mtmp->minvent)
1064. 				for(objs = mtmp->minvent;objs;objs = objs->nobj)
1065. 				    at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, (uchar)objs->olet, AT_OBJ);
1066. 		if (otmp && otmp->cursed) {
1067. 			for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
1068. 				if (mtmp->mimic) {
1069. 					mnexto(mtmp);
1070. 					mfound = TRUE;
1071. 				}
1072. 			}
1073. 		}
1074. 		prme();
1075. 		You("sense the presence of objects.");
1076. 		if (mfound) pline("Objects sense the presence of you.");
1077. 		more();
1078. 		docrt();
1079. 	}
1080. 	return(0);
1081. }