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Latest revision as of 06:38, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to mail.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/mail.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mail.c	3.1	92/11/14	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    #ifdef MAIL
8.    #include "mail.h"
9.    /*
10.    * Notify user when new mail has arrived.  Idea by Merlyn Leroy.
11.    *
12.    * The mail daemon can move with less than usual restraint.  It can:
13.    *	- move diagonally from a door
14.    *	- use secret and closed doors
15.    *	- run through a monster ("Gangway!", etc.)
16.    *	- run over pools & traps
17.    *
18.    * Possible extensions:
19.    *	- Open the file MAIL and do fstat instead of stat for efficiency.
20.    *	  (But sh uses stat, so this cannot be too bad.)
21.    *	- Examine the mail and produce a scroll of mail named "From somebody".
22.    *	- Invoke MAILREADER in such a way that only this single letter is read.
23.    *	- Do something to the text when the scroll is enchanted or cancelled.
24.    *	- Make the daemon always appear at a stairwell, and have it find a
25.    *	  path to the hero.
26.    *
27.    * Note by Olaf Seibert: On the Amiga, we usually don't get mail.  So we go
28.    *			 through most of the effects at 'random' moments.
29.    */
31.   static boolean FDECL(md_start,(coord *));
32.   static boolean FDECL(md_stop,(coord *, coord *));
33.   static boolean FDECL(md_rush,(struct monst *,int,int));
34.   static void FDECL(newmail, (struct mail_info *));
36.   extern char *viz_rmin, *viz_rmax;	/* line-of-sight limits (vision.c) */
38.   #ifdef OVL0
40.   # if !defined(UNIX) && !defined(VMS)
41.   int mustgetmail = -1;
42.   # endif
44.   #endif /* OVL0 */
45.   #ifdef OVLB
47.   # ifdef UNIX
48.   #  include <sys/stat.h>
49.   #  include <pwd.h>
50.   /* DON'T trust all Unices to declare getpwuid() in <pwd.h> */
51.   #  if !defined(_BULL_SOURCE) && !defined(sgi)
52.   /* DO trust all SVR4 to typedef uid_t in <sys/types.h> (probably to a long) */
53.   #   if defined(POSIX_TYPES) || defined(SVR4)
54.   extern struct passwd *FDECL(getpwuid,(uid_t));
55.   #   else 
56.   extern struct passwd *FDECL(getpwuid,(int));
57.   #   endif
58.   #  endif
59.   static struct stat omstat,nmstat;
60.   static char *mailbox = NULL;
61.   static long laststattime;
63.   # ifdef AMS				/* Just a placeholder for AMS */
64.   #   define MAILPATH "/dev/null"
65.   # else
66.   #  if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
67.   #   define MAILPATH "/usr/spool/mail/"
68.   #  endif
69.   #  if defined(SYSV) || defined(HPUX)
70.   #   define MAILPATH "/usr/mail/"
71.   #  endif
72.   # endif /* AMS */
74.   void
75.   getmailstatus()
76.   {
77.   	if(!mailbox && !(mailbox = getenv("MAIL"))) {
78.   #  ifdef MAILPATH
79.   #   ifdef AMS
80.   	        struct passwd ppasswd;
82.   		(void) memcpy(&ppasswd, getpwuid(getuid()), sizeof(struct passwd));
83.   		if (ppasswd.pw_dir) {
84.   		     mailbox = (char *) alloc((unsigned) strlen(ppasswd.pw_dir)+sizeof(AMS_MAILBOX));
85.   		     Strcpy(mailbox, ppasswd.pw_dir);
86.   		     Strcat(mailbox, AMS_MAILBOX);
87.   		} else
88.   		  return;
89.   #   else
90.   		mailbox = (char *) alloc(sizeof(MAILPATH)+8);
91.   		Strcpy(mailbox, MAILPATH);
92.   		Strcat(mailbox, getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name);
93.   #  endif /* AMS */
94.   #  else
95.   		return;
96.   #  endif
97.   	}
98.   	if(stat(mailbox, &omstat)){
99.   #  ifdef PERMANENT_MAILBOX
100.  		pline("Cannot get status of MAIL=\"%s\".", mailbox);
101.  		mailbox = 0;
102.  #  else
103.  		omstat.st_mtime = 0;
104.  #  endif
105.  	}
106.  }
107.  # endif /* UNIX */
109.  /*
110.   * Pick coordinates for a starting position for the mail daemon.  Called
111.   * from newmail() and newphone().
112.   */
113.  static boolean
114.  md_start(startp)
115.      coord *startp;
116.  {
117.      coord testcc;	/* scratch coordinates */
118.      int row;		/* current row we are checking */
119.      int lax;		/* if TRUE, pick a position in sight. */
120.      int dd;		/* distance to current point */
121.      int max_distance;	/* max distance found so far */
123.      /*
124.       * If blind and not telepathic, then it doesn't matter what we pick ---
125.       * the hero is not going to see it anyway.  So pick a nearby position.
126.       */
127.      if (Blind && !Telepat) {
128.  	if (!enexto(startp, u.ux, u.uy, (struct permonst *) 0))
129.  	    return FALSE;	/* no good posiitons */
130.  	return TRUE;
131.      }
133.      /*
134.       * Arrive at an up or down stairwell if it is in line of sight from the
135.       * hero.
136.       */
137.      if (couldsee(upstair.sx, upstair.sy)) {
138.  	startp->x = upstair.sx;
139.  	startp->y = upstair.sy;
140.  	return TRUE;
141.      }
142.      if (couldsee(dnstair.sx, dnstair.sy)) {
143.  	startp->x = dnstair.sx;
144.  	startp->y = dnstair.sy;
145.  	return TRUE;
146.      }
148.      /*
149.       * Try to pick a location out of sight next to the farthest position away
150.       * from the hero.  If this fails, try again, just picking the farthest
151.       * position that could be seen.  What we really ought to be doing is
152.       * finding a path from a stairwell...
153.       *
154.       * The arrays viz_rmin[] and viz_rmax[] are set even when blind.  These
155.       * are the LOS limits for each row.
156.       */
157.      lax = 0;	/* be picky */
158.      max_distance = -1;
159.  retry:
160.      for (row = 0; row < ROWNO; row++) {
161.  	if (viz_rmin[row] < viz_rmax[row]) {
162.  	    /* There are valid positions on this row. */
163.  	    dd = distu(viz_rmin[row],row);
164.  	    if (dd > max_distance) {
165.  		if (lax) {
166.  		    max_distance = dd;
167.  		    startp->y = row;
168.  		    startp->x = viz_rmin[row];
170.  		} else if (enexto(&testcc, (xchar)viz_rmin[row], row,
171.  						(struct permonst *) 0) &&
172.  			   !cansee(testcc.x, testcc.y) &&
173.  			   couldsee(testcc.x, testcc.y)) {
174.  		    max_distance = dd;
175.  		    *startp = testcc;
176.  		}
177.  	    }
178.  	    dd = distu(viz_rmax[row],row);
179.  	    if (dd > max_distance) {
180.  		if (lax) {
181.  		    max_distance = dd;
182.  		    startp->y = row;
183.  		    startp->x = viz_rmax[row];
185.  		} else if (enexto(&testcc, (xchar)viz_rmax[row], row,
186.  						(struct permonst *) 0) &&
187.  			   !cansee(testcc.x,testcc.y) &&
188.  			   couldsee(testcc.x, testcc.y)) {
190.  		    max_distance = dd;
191.  		    *startp = testcc;
192.  		}
193.  	    }
194.  	}
195.      }
197.      if (max_distance < 0) {
198.  	if (!lax) {
199.  	    lax = 1;		/* just find a position */
200.  	    goto retry;
201.  	}
202.  	return FALSE;
203.      }
205.      return TRUE;
206.  }
208.  /*
209.   * Try to choose a stopping point as near as possible to the starting
210.   * position while still adjacent to the hero.  If all else fails, try
211.   * enexto().  Use enexto() as a last resort because enexto() chooses
212.   * its point randomly, which is not what we want.
213.   */
214.  static boolean
215.  md_stop(stopp, startp)
216.      coord *stopp;	/* stopping position (we fill it in) */
217.      coord *startp;	/* starting positon (read only) */
218.  {
219.      int x, y, distance, min_distance = -1;
221.      for (x = u.ux-1; x <= u.ux+1; x++)
222.  	for (y = u.uy-1; y <= u.uy+1; y++) {
223.  	    if (!isok(x, y) || (x == u.ux && y == u.uy)) continue;
225.  	    if (ACCESSIBLE(levl[x][y].typ) && !MON_AT(x,y)) {
226.  		distance = dist2(x,y,startp->x,startp->y);
227.  		if (min_distance < 0 || distance < min_distance ||
228.  			(distance == min_distance && rn2(2))) {
229.  		    stopp->x = x;
230.  		    stopp->y = y;
231.  		    min_distance = distance;
232.  		}
233.  	    }
234.  	}
236.      /* If we didn't find a good spot, try enexto(). */
237.      if (min_distance < 0 &&
238.  		!enexto(stopp, u.ux, u.uy, &mons[PM_MAIL_DAEMON]))
239.  	return FALSE;
241.      return TRUE;
242.  }
244.  /* Let the mail daemon have a larger vocabulary. */
245.  static const char NEARDATA *mail_text[] = {
246.      "Gangway!",
247.      "Look out!",
248.      "Pardon me!"
249.  };
250.  #define md_exclamations()	(mail_text[rn2(3)])
252.  /*
253.   * Make the mail daemon run through the dungeon.  The daemon will run over
254.   * any monsters that are in its path, but will replace them later.  Return
255.   * FALSE if the md gets stuck in a position where there is a monster.  Return
256.   * TRUE otherwise.
257.   */
258.  static boolean
259.  md_rush(md,tx,ty)
260.      struct monst *md;
261.      register int tx, ty;		/* destination of mail daemon */
262.  {
263.      struct monst *mon;			/* displaced monster */
264.      register int dx, dy;		/* direction counters */
265.      int fx = md->mx, fy = md->my;	/* current location */
266.      int nfx = fx, nfy = fy,		/* new location */ 
267.  	d1, d2;				/* shortest distances */
269.      /*
270.       * It is possible that the monster at (fx,fy) is not the md when:
271.       * the md rushed the hero and failed, and is now starting back.
272.       */
273.      if (m_at(fx, fy) == md) {
274.  	remove_monster(fx, fy);		/* pick up from orig position */
275.  	newsym(fx, fy);
276.      }
278.      /*
279.       * At the beginning and exit of this loop, md is not placed in the
280.       * dungeon.
281.       */
282.      while (1) {
283.  	/* Find a good location next to (fx,fy) closest to (tx,ty). */
284.  	d1 = dist2(fx,fy,tx,ty);
285.  	for (dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) for(dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
286.  	    if ((dx || dy) && isok(fx+dx,fy+dy) && 
287.  				       !IS_STWALL(levl[fx+dx][fy+dy].typ)) {
288.  		d2 = dist2(fx+dx,fy+dy,tx,ty);
289.  		if (d2 < d1) {
290.  		    d1 = d2;
291.  		    nfx = fx+dx;
292.  		    nfy = fy+dy;
293.  		}
294.  	    }
296.  	/* Break if the md couldn't find a new position. */
297.  	if (nfx == fx && nfy == fy) break;
299.  	fx = nfx;			/* this is our new position */
300.  	fy = nfy;
302.  	/* Break if the md reaches its destination. */
303.  	if (fx == tx && fy == ty) break;
305.  	if ((mon = m_at(fx,fy)) != 0)	/* save monster at this position */
306.  	    verbalize(md_exclamations());
307.  	else if (fx == u.ux && fy == u.uy)
308.  	    verbalize("Excuse me.");
310.  	place_monster(md,fx,fy);	/* put md down */
311.  	newsym(fx,fy);			/* see it */
312.  	flush_screen(0);		/* make sure md shows up */
313.  	delay_output();			/* wait a little bit */
315.  	/* Remove md from the dungeon.  Restore original mon, if necessary. */
316.  	if (mon) {
317.  	    if ((mon->mx != fx) || (mon->my != fy))
318.  		place_worm_seg(mon, fx, fy);
319.  	    else
320.  		place_monster(mon, fx, fy);
321.  	} else
322.  	    remove_monster(fx, fy);
323.  	newsym(fx,fy);
324.      }
326.      /*
327.       * Check for a monster at our stopping position (this is possible, but
328.       * very unlikely).  If one exists, then have the md leave in disgust.
329.       */
330.      if ((mon = m_at(fx, fy)) != 0) {
331.  	place_monster(md, fx, fy);	/* display md with text below */
332.  	newsym(fx, fy);
333.  	verbalize("This place's too crowded.  I'm outta here.");
335.  	if ((mon->mx != fx) || (mon->my != fy))	/* put mon back */
336.  	    place_worm_seg(mon, fx, fy);
337.  	else
338.  	    place_monster(mon, fx, fy);
340.  	newsym(fx, fy);
341.  	return FALSE;
342.      }
344.      place_monster(md, fx, fy);	/* place at final spot */
345.      newsym(fx, fy);
346.      flush_screen(0);
347.      delay_output();			/* wait a little bit */
349.      return TRUE;
350.  }
352.  /* Deliver a scroll of mail. */
353.  /*ARGSUSED*/
354.  static void
355.  newmail(info)
356.  struct mail_info *info;
357.  {
358.      struct monst *md;
359.      coord start, stop;
360.      boolean message_seen = FALSE;
362.      /* Try to find good starting and stopping places. */
363.      if (!md_start(&start) || !md_stop(&stop,&start)) goto give_up;
365.      /* Make the daemon.  Have it rush towards the hero. */
366.      if (!(md = makemon(&mons[PM_MAIL_DAEMON], start.x, start.y))) goto give_up;
367.      if (!md_rush(md, stop.x, stop.y)) goto go_back;
369.      message_seen = TRUE;
370.  # ifdef NO_MAILREADER
371.      verbalize("Hello, %s!  You have some mail in the outside world.", plname);
372.  # else
373.      verbalize("Hello, %s!  %s.", plname, info->display_txt);
375.      if (info->message_typ) {
376.  	struct obj *obj = mksobj(SCR_MAIL, FALSE, FALSE);
377.  	if (distu(md->mx,md->my) > 2)
378.  	    verbalize("Catch!");
379.  	display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
380.  	if (info->object_nam) {
381.  	    obj = oname(obj, info->object_nam, FALSE);
382.  	    if (info->response_cmd) {	/*(hide extension of the obj name)*/
383.  		int namelth = info->response_cmd - info->object_nam - 1;
384.  		if ( namelth <= 0 || namelth >= (int) obj->onamelth )
385.  		    impossible("mail delivery screwed up");
386.  		else
387.  		    *(ONAME(obj) + namelth) = '\0';
388.  		/* Note: renaming object will discard the hidden command. */
389.  	    }
390.  	}
391.  	obj = hold_another_object(obj, "Oops!",
392.  				  (const char *)0, (const char *)0);
393.      }
394.  # endif /* NO_MAILREADER */
396.      /* zip back to starting location */
397.  go_back:
398.      (void) md_rush(md, start.x, start.y);
399.      mongone(md);
400.      /* deliver some classes of messages even if no daemon ever shows up */
401.  give_up:
402.      if (!message_seen && info->message_typ == MSG_OTHER)
403.  	pline("Hark!  \"%s.\"", info->display_txt);
404.  }
406.  #endif /* OVLB */
408.  # if !defined(UNIX) && !defined(VMS)
410.  #ifdef OVL0
412.  void
413.  ckmailstatus()
414.  {
415.  	if (u.uswallow) return;
416.  	if (mustgetmail < 0) {
417.  #ifdef AMIGA
418.  	    mustgetmail=(moves<2000)?(100+rn2(2000)):(2000+rn2(3000));
419.  #endif
420.  	    return;
421.  	}
422.  	if (--mustgetmail <= 0) {
423.  		static struct mail_info
424.  			deliver = {MSG_MAIL,"I have some mail for you",0,0};
425.  		newmail(&deliver);
426.  		mustgetmail = -1;
427.  	}
428.  }
430.  #endif /* OVL0 */
431.  #ifdef OVLB
433.  /*ARGSUSED*/
434.  void
435.  readmail(otmp)
436.  struct obj *otmp;
437.  {
438.  #ifdef AMIGA
439.  	char *junk[]={
440.  	"It reads:  \"Please disregard previous letter.\"",
441.  	"It reads:  \"Welcome to NetHack 3.1!\"",
442.  	"It reads:  \"Only Amiga makes it possible.\"",
443.  	"It reads:  \"CATS have all the answers.\"",
444.  	"It reads:  \"Report bugs to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu\""
445.  	};
447.  	pline(junk[rn2(SIZE(junk))]);
448.  #else
449.  	pline("It reads:  \"Please disregard previous letter.\"");
450.  #endif
451.  }
453.  #endif /* OVLB */
455.  # endif /* !UNIX && !VMS */
457.  # ifdef UNIX
459.  #ifdef OVL0
461.  void
462.  ckmailstatus()
463.  {
464.  	if(!mailbox || u.uswallow
465.  #  ifdef MAILCKFREQ
466.  		    || moves < laststattime + MAILCKFREQ
467.  #  endif
468.  							)
469.  		return;
471.  	laststattime = moves;
472.  	if(stat(mailbox, &nmstat)){
473.  #  ifdef PERMANENT_MAILBOX
474.  		pline("Cannot get status of MAIL=\"%s\" anymore.", mailbox);
475.  		mailbox = 0;
476.  #  else
477.  		nmstat.st_mtime = 0;
478.  #  endif
479.  	} else if(nmstat.st_mtime > omstat.st_mtime) {
480.  		if(nmstat.st_size) {
481.  			static struct mail_info
482.  			    deliver = {MSG_MAIL,"I have some mail for you",0,0};
483.  			newmail(&deliver);
484.  		}
485.  		getmailstatus();	/* might be too late ... */
486.  	}
487.  }
489.  #endif /* OVL0 */
491.  #ifdef OVLB
493.  /*ARGSUSED*/
494.  void
495.  readmail(otmp)
496.  struct obj *otmp;
497.  {
498.  #  ifdef DEF_MAILREADER			/* This implies that UNIX is defined */
499.  	register const char *mr = 0;
501.  	display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
502.  	if(!(mr = getenv("MAILREADER")))
503.  		mr = DEF_MAILREADER;
505.  	if(child(1)){
506.  		(void) execl(mr, mr, NULL);
507.  		terminate(1);
508.  	}
509.  #  else
510.  #   ifndef AMS  			/* AMS mailboxes are directories */
511.  	display_file(mailbox, TRUE);
512.  #   endif /* AMS */
513.  #  endif /* DEF_MAILREADER */
515.  	/* get new stat; not entirely correct: there is a small time
516.  	   window where we do not see new mail */
517.  	getmailstatus();
518.  }
520.  #endif /* OVLB */
522.  # endif /* UNIX */
524.  # ifdef VMS
526.  #ifdef OVL0
528.  volatile int broadcasts = 0;
530.  void
531.  ckmailstatus()
532.  {
533.      struct mail_info *brdcst, *parse_next_broadcast();
535.      if(u.uswallow) return;
537.      while (broadcasts > 0) {	/* process all trapped broadcasts [until] */
538.  	broadcasts--;
539.  	if ((brdcst = parse_next_broadcast()) != 0) {
540.  	    newmail(brdcst);
541.  	    break;		/* only handle one real message at a time */
542.  	}
543.      }
544.  }
546.  #endif /* OVL0 */
548.  #ifdef OVLB
550.  void
551.  readmail(otmp)
552.  struct obj *otmp;
553.  {
554.  #  ifdef SHELL	/* can't access mail reader without spawning subprocess */
555.      char *p, *cmd, buf[BUFSZ], qbuf[BUFSZ];
557.      /* there should be a command hidden beyond the object name */
558.      p = otmp->onamelth ? ONAME(otmp) : "";
559.      cmd = (strlen(p) + 1 < otmp->onamelth) ? eos(p) + 1 : (char *) 0;
560.      if (!cmd || !*cmd) cmd = "SPAWN";
562.      Sprintf(qbuf, "System command (%s)", cmd);
563.      getlin(qbuf, buf);
564.      clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
565.      if (*buf != '\033') {
566.  	for (p = eos(buf); p > buf; *p = '\0')
567.  	    if (*--p != ' ') break;	/* strip trailing spaces */
568.  	if (*buf) cmd = buf;		/* use user entered command */
569.  	if (!strcmpi(cmd, "SPAWN") || !strcmp(cmd, "!"))
570.  	    cmd = (char *) 0;		/* interactive escape */
572.  	vms_doshell(cmd, TRUE);
573.  	(void) sleep(1);
574.      }
575.  #  endif /* SHELL */
576.  }
578.  #endif /* OVLB */
580.  # endif /* VMS */
582.  #endif /* MAIL */
584.  /*mail.c*/