Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/dlb.c

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Below is the full text to dlb.c from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/dlb.c#line123]], for example.

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/* NetHack 3.6	dlb.c	$NHDT-Date: 1446975464 2015/11/08 09:37:44 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.15 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Kenneth Lorber, Bethesda, Maryland, 1993. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */

#include "config.h"
#include "dlb.h"

#ifdef __DJGPP__
#include <string.h>

#define DATAPREFIX 4

#if defined(OVERLAY)
#define STATIC_DCL extern
#define STATIC_OVL
#else /* !OVERLAY */
#define STATIC_DCL static
#define STATIC_OVL static
#endif /* OVERLAY */

#ifdef DLB
* Data librarian.  Present a STDIO-like interface to NetHack while
* multiplexing on one or more "data libraries".  If a file is not found
* in a given library, look for it outside the libraries.

typedef struct dlb_procs {
boolean NDECL((*dlb_init_proc));
void NDECL((*dlb_cleanup_proc));
boolean FDECL((*dlb_fopen_proc), (DLB_P, const char *, const char *));
int FDECL((*dlb_fclose_proc), (DLB_P));
int FDECL((*dlb_fread_proc), (char *, int, int, DLB_P));
int FDECL((*dlb_fseek_proc), (DLB_P, long, int));
char *FDECL((*dlb_fgets_proc), (char *, int, DLB_P));
int FDECL((*dlb_fgetc_proc), (DLB_P));
long FDECL((*dlb_ftell_proc), (DLB_P));
} dlb_procs_t;

/* without extern.h via hack.h, these haven't been declared for us */
extern FILE *FDECL(fopen_datafile, (const char *, const char *, int));

#ifdef DLBLIB
* Library Implementation:
* When initialized, we open all library files and read in their tables
* of contents.  The library files stay open all the time.  When
* a open is requested, the libraries' directories are searched.  If
* successful, we return a descriptor that contains the library, file
* size, and current file mark.  This descriptor is used for all
* successive calls.
* The ability to open more than one library is supported but used
* only in the Amiga port (the second library holds the sound files).
* For Unix, the idea would be to split the NetHack library
* into text and binary parts, where the text version could be shared.

#define MAX_LIBS 4
static library dlb_libs[MAX_LIBS];

STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(readlibdir, (library * lp));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(find_file, (const char *name, library **lib,
long *startp, long *sizep));
STATIC_DCL boolean NDECL(lib_dlb_init);
STATIC_DCL void NDECL(lib_dlb_cleanup);
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(lib_dlb_fopen, (dlb *, const char *, const char *));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(lib_dlb_fclose, (dlb *));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(lib_dlb_fread, (char *, int, int, dlb *));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(lib_dlb_fseek, (dlb *, long, int));
STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(lib_dlb_fgets, (char *, int, dlb *));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(lib_dlb_fgetc, (dlb *));
STATIC_DCL long FDECL(lib_dlb_ftell, (dlb *));

/* not static because shared with dlb_main.c */
boolean FDECL(open_library, (const char *lib_name, library *lp));
void FDECL(close_library, (library * lp));

/* without extern.h via hack.h, these haven't been declared for us */
extern char *FDECL(eos, (char *));

* Read the directory out of the library.  Return 1 if successful,
* 0 if it failed.
* NOTE: An improvement of the file structure should be the file
* size as part of the directory entry or perhaps in place of the
* offset -- the offset can be calculated by a running tally of
* the sizes.
* Library file structure:
* %3ld library FORMAT revision (currently rev 1)
* %1c  space
* %8ld # of files in archive (includes 1 for directory)
* %1c  space
* %8ld size of allocation for string space for directory names
* %1c  space
* %8ld library offset - sanity check - lseek target for start of first file
* %1c  space
* %8ld size - sanity check - byte size of complete archive file
* followed by one DIRECTORY entry for each file in the archive, including
*  the directory itself:
* %1c  handling information (compression, etc.)  Always ' ' in rev 1.
* %s   file name
* %1c  space
* %8ld offset in archive file of start of this file
* %c   newline
* followed by the contents of the files
#define DLB_MIN_VERS 1 /* min library version readable by this code */
#define DLB_MAX_VERS 1 /* max library version readable by this code */

* Read the directory from the library file.   This will allocate and
* fill in our globals.  The file pointer is reset back to position
* zero.  If any part fails, leave nothing that needs to be deallocated.
* Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
STATIC_OVL boolean
library *lp; /* library pointer to fill in */
int i;
char *sp;
long liboffset, totalsize;

if (fscanf(lp->fdata, "%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &lp->rev, &lp->nentries,
&lp->strsize, &liboffset, &totalsize) != 5)
return FALSE;
if (lp->rev > DLB_MAX_VERS || lp->rev < DLB_MIN_VERS)
return FALSE;

lp->dir = (libdir *) alloc(lp->nentries * sizeof(libdir));
lp->sspace = (char *) alloc(lp->strsize);

/* read in each directory entry */
for (i = 0, sp = lp->sspace; i < lp->nentries; i++) {
lp->dir[i].fname = sp;
if (fscanf(lp->fdata, "%c%s %ld\n", &lp->dir[i].handling, sp,
&lp->dir[i].foffset) != 3) {
free((genericptr_t) lp->dir);
free((genericptr_t) lp->sspace);
lp->dir = (libdir *) 0;
lp->sspace = (char *) 0;
return FALSE;
sp = eos(sp) + 1;

/* calculate file sizes using offset information */
for (i = 0; i < lp->nentries; i++) {
if (i == lp->nentries - 1)
lp->dir[i].fsize = totalsize - lp->dir[i].foffset;
lp->dir[i].fsize = lp->dir[i + 1].foffset - lp->dir[i].foffset;

(void) fseek(lp->fdata, 0L, SEEK_SET); /* reset back to zero */
lp->fmark = 0;

return TRUE;

* Look for the file in our directory structure.  Return 1 if successful,
* 0 if not found.  Fill in the size and starting position.
STATIC_OVL boolean
find_file(name, lib, startp, sizep)
const char *name;
library **lib;
long *startp, *sizep;
int i, j;
library *lp;

for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIBS && dlb_libs[i].fdata; i++) {
lp = &dlb_libs[i];
for (j = 0; j < lp->nentries; j++) {
if (FILENAME_CMP(name, lp->dir[j].fname) == 0) {
*lib = lp;
*startp = lp->dir[j].foffset;
*sizep = lp->dir[j].fsize;
return TRUE;
*lib = (library *) 0;
*startp = *sizep = 0;
return FALSE;

* Open the library of the given name and fill in the given library
* structure.  Return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
open_library(lib_name, lp)
const char *lib_name;
library *lp;
boolean status = FALSE;

lp->fdata = fopen_datafile(lib_name, RDBMODE, DATAPREFIX);
if (lp->fdata) {
if (readlibdir(lp)) {
status = TRUE;
} else {
(void) fclose(lp->fdata);
lp->fdata = (FILE *) 0;
return status;

library *lp;
(void) fclose(lp->fdata);
free((genericptr_t) lp->dir);
free((genericptr_t) lp->sspace);

(void) memset((char *) lp, 0, sizeof(library));

* Open the library file once using stdio.  Keep it open, but
* keep track of the file position.
STATIC_OVL boolean
/* zero out array */
(void) memset((char *) &dlb_libs[0], 0, sizeof(dlb_libs));

/* To open more than one library, add open library calls here. */
if (!open_library(DLBFILE, &dlb_libs[0]))
return FALSE;
#ifdef DLBFILE2
if (!open_library(DLBFILE2, &dlb_libs[1])) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

int i;

/* close the data file(s) */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIBS && dlb_libs[i].fdata; i++)

STATIC_OVL boolean
lib_dlb_fopen(dp, name, mode)
dlb *dp;
const char *name;
const char *mode UNUSED;
long start, size;
library *lp;

/* look up file in directory */
if (find_file(name, &lp, &start, &size)) {
dp->lib = lp;
dp->start = start;
dp->size = size;
dp->mark = 0;
return TRUE;

return FALSE; /* failed */

dlb *dp UNUSED;
/* nothing needs to be done */
return 0;

lib_dlb_fread(buf, size, quan, dp)
char *buf;
int size, quan;
dlb *dp;
long pos, nread, nbytes;

/* make sure we don't read into the next file */
if ((dp->size - dp->mark) < (size * quan))
quan = (dp->size - dp->mark) / size;
if (quan == 0)
return 0;

pos = dp->start + dp->mark;
if (dp->lib->fmark != pos) {
fseek(dp->lib->fdata, pos, SEEK_SET); /* check for error??? */
dp->lib->fmark = pos;

nread = fread(buf, size, quan, dp->lib->fdata);
nbytes = nread * size;
dp->mark += nbytes;
dp->lib->fmark += nbytes;

return nread;

lib_dlb_fseek(dp, pos, whence)
dlb *dp;
long pos;
int whence;
long curpos;

switch (whence) {
case SEEK_CUR:
curpos = dp->mark + pos;
case SEEK_END:
curpos = dp->size - pos;
default: /* set */
curpos = pos;
if (curpos < 0)
curpos = 0;
if (curpos > dp->size)
curpos = dp->size;

dp->mark = curpos;
return 0;

lib_dlb_fgets(buf, len, dp)
char *buf;
int len;
dlb *dp;
int i;
char *bp, c = 0;

if (len <= 0)
return buf; /* sanity check */

/* return NULL on EOF */
if (dp->mark >= dp->size)
return (char *) 0;

len--; /* save room for null */
for (i = 0, bp = buf; i < len && dp->mark < dp->size && c != '\n';
i++, bp++) {
if (dlb_fread(bp, 1, 1, dp) <= 0)
break; /* EOF or error */
c = *bp;
*bp = '\0';

#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN32)
if ((bp = index(buf, '\r')) != 0) {
*bp++ = '\n';
*bp = '\0';

return buf;

dlb *dp;
char c;

if (lib_dlb_fread(&c, 1, 1, dp) != 1)
return EOF;
return (int) c;

dlb *dp;
return dp->mark;

const dlb_procs_t lib_dlb_procs = { lib_dlb_init,  lib_dlb_cleanup,
lib_dlb_fopen, lib_dlb_fclose,
lib_dlb_fread, lib_dlb_fseek,
lib_dlb_fgets, lib_dlb_fgetc,
lib_dlb_ftell };

#endif /* DLBLIB */

#ifdef DLBRSRC
const dlb_procs_t rsrc_dlb_procs = { rsrc_dlb_init,  rsrc_dlb_cleanup,
rsrc_dlb_fopen, rsrc_dlb_fclose,
rsrc_dlb_fread, rsrc_dlb_fseek,
rsrc_dlb_fgets, rsrc_dlb_fgetc,
rsrc_dlb_ftell };

/* Global wrapper functions ------------------------------------------------

#define do_dlb_init (*dlb_procs->dlb_init_proc)
#define do_dlb_cleanup (*dlb_procs->dlb_cleanup_proc)
#define do_dlb_fopen (*dlb_procs->dlb_fopen_proc)
#define do_dlb_fclose (*dlb_procs->dlb_fclose_proc)
#define do_dlb_fread (*dlb_procs->dlb_fread_proc)
#define do_dlb_fseek (*dlb_procs->dlb_fseek_proc)
#define do_dlb_fgets (*dlb_procs->dlb_fgets_proc)
#define do_dlb_fgetc (*dlb_procs->dlb_fgetc_proc)
#define do_dlb_ftell (*dlb_procs->dlb_ftell_proc)

static const dlb_procs_t *dlb_procs;
static boolean dlb_initialized = FALSE;

if (!dlb_initialized) {
#ifdef DLBLIB
dlb_procs = &lib_dlb_procs;
#ifdef DLBRSRC
dlb_procs = &rsrc_dlb_procs;

if (dlb_procs)
dlb_initialized = do_dlb_init();

return dlb_initialized;

if (dlb_initialized) {
dlb_initialized = FALSE;

dlb *
dlb_fopen(name, mode)
const char *name, *mode;
FILE *fp;
dlb *dp;

if (!dlb_initialized)
return (dlb *) 0;

/* only support reading; ignore possible binary flag */
if (!mode || mode[0] != 'r')
return (dlb *) 0;

dp = (dlb *) alloc(sizeof(dlb));
if (do_dlb_fopen(dp, name, mode))
dp->fp = (FILE *) 0;
else if ((fp = fopen_datafile(name, mode, DATAPREFIX)) != 0)
dp->fp = fp;
else {
/* can't find anything */
free((genericptr_t) dp);
dp = (dlb *) 0;

return dp;

dlb *dp;
int ret = 0;

if (dlb_initialized) {
if (dp->fp)
ret = fclose(dp->fp);
ret = do_dlb_fclose(dp);

free((genericptr_t) dp);
return ret;

dlb_fread(buf, size, quan, dp)
char *buf;
int size, quan;
dlb *dp;
if (!dlb_initialized || size <= 0 || quan <= 0)
return 0;
if (dp->fp)
return (int) fread(buf, size, quan, dp->fp);
return do_dlb_fread(buf, size, quan, dp);

dlb_fseek(dp, pos, whence)
dlb *dp;
long pos;
int whence;
if (!dlb_initialized)
return EOF;
if (dp->fp)
return fseek(dp->fp, pos, whence);
return do_dlb_fseek(dp, pos, whence);

char *
dlb_fgets(buf, len, dp)
char *buf;
int len;
dlb *dp;
if (!dlb_initialized)
return (char *) 0;
if (dp->fp)
return fgets(buf, len, dp->fp);
return do_dlb_fgets(buf, len, dp);

dlb *dp;
if (!dlb_initialized)
return EOF;
if (dp->fp)
return fgetc(dp->fp);
return do_dlb_fgetc(dp);

dlb *dp;
if (!dlb_initialized)
return 0;
if (dp->fp)
return ftell(dp->fp);
return do_dlb_ftell(dp);

#endif /* DLB */
