Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/steal.c

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Below is the full text to steal.c from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/steal.c#line123]], for example.

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/* NetHack 3.6	steal.c	$NHDT-Date: 1446713643 2015/11/05 08:54:03 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.65 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */

#include "hack.h"

STATIC_PTR int NDECL(stealarm);

STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(equipname, (struct obj *));

STATIC_OVL const char *
register struct obj *otmp;
return ((otmp == uarmu)
? "shirt"
: (otmp == uarmf)
? "boots"
: (otmp == uarms)
? "shield"
: (otmp == uarmg)
? "gloves"
: (otmp == uarmc)
? cloak_simple_name(otmp)
: (otmp == uarmh)
? helm_simple_name(otmp)
: suit_simple_name(otmp));

/* proportional subset of gold; return value actually fits in an int */
long lmoney;
#ifdef LINT /* long conv. ok */
int igold = 0;
int igold = (lmoney >= (long) LARGEST_INT) ? LARGEST_INT : (int) lmoney;

if (igold < 50)
; /* all gold */
else if (igold < 100)
igold = rn1(igold - 25 + 1, 25);
else if (igold < 500)
igold = rn1(igold - 50 + 1, 50);
else if (igold < 1000)
igold = rn1(igold - 100 + 1, 100);
else if (igold < 5000)
igold = rn1(igold - 500 + 1, 500);
else if (igold < 10000)
igold = rn1(igold - 1000 + 1, 1000);
igold = rn1(igold - 5000 + 1, 5000);

return (long) igold;

* Find the first (and hopefully only) gold object in a chain.
* Used when leprechaun (or you as leprechaun) looks for
* someone else's gold.  Returns a pointer so the gold may
* be seized without further searching.
* May search containers too.
* Deals in gold only, as leprechauns don't care for lesser coins.
struct obj *
register struct obj *chain;
while (chain && chain->otyp != GOLD_PIECE)
chain = chain->nobj;
return chain;

* Steal gold coins only.  Leprechauns don't care for lesser coins.
register struct monst *mtmp;
register struct obj *fgold = g_at(u.ux,;
register struct obj *ygold;
register long tmp;
struct monst *who;
const char *whose, *what;

/* skip lesser coins on the floor */
while (fgold && fgold->otyp != GOLD_PIECE)
fgold = fgold->nexthere;

/* Do you have real gold? */
ygold = findgold(invent);

if (fgold && (!ygold || fgold->quan > ygold->quan || !rn2(5))) {
add_to_minv(mtmp, fgold);
if (u.usteed) {
who = u.usteed;
whose = s_suffix(y_monnam(who));
what = makeplural(mbodypart(who, FOOT));
} else {
who = &youmonst;
whose = "your";
what = makeplural(body_part(FOOT));
/* [ avoid "between your rear regions" :-] */
if (slithy(who->data))
what = "coils";
/* reduce "rear hooves/claws" to "hooves/claws" */
if (!strncmp(what, "rear ", 5))
what += 5;
pline("%s quickly snatches some gold from %s %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp),
(Levitation || Flying) ? "beneath" : "between", whose, what);
if (!ygold || !rn2(5)) {
if (!tele_restrict(mtmp))
(void) rloc(mtmp, TRUE);
monflee(mtmp, 0, FALSE, FALSE);
} else if (ygold) {
const int gold_price = objects[GOLD_PIECE].oc_cost;

tmp = (somegold(money_cnt(invent)) + gold_price - 1) / gold_price;
tmp = min(tmp, ygold->quan);
if (tmp < ygold->quan)
ygold = splitobj(ygold, tmp);
add_to_minv(mtmp, ygold);
Your("purse feels lighter.");
if (!tele_restrict(mtmp))
(void) rloc(mtmp, TRUE);
monflee(mtmp, 0, FALSE, FALSE);
context.botl = 1;

/* steal armor after you finish taking it off */
unsigned int stealoid; /* object to be stolen */
unsigned int stealmid; /* monster doing the stealing */

register struct monst *mtmp;
register struct obj *otmp;

for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
if (otmp->o_id == stealoid) {
for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
if (mtmp->m_id == stealmid) {
if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
impossible("stealarm(): dead monster stealing");
if (!dmgtype(mtmp->data, AD_SITM)) /* polymorphed */
goto botm;
if (otmp->unpaid)
subfrombill(otmp, shop_keeper(*u.ushops));
pline("%s steals %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp));
(void) mpickobj(mtmp, otmp); /* may free otmp */
/* Implies seduction, "you gladly hand over ..."
so we don't set mavenge bit here. */
monflee(mtmp, 0, FALSE, FALSE);
if (!tele_restrict(mtmp))
(void) rloc(mtmp, TRUE);
stealoid = 0;
return 0;

/* An object you're wearing has been taken off by a monster (theft or
seduction).  Also used if a worn item gets transformed (stone to flesh). */
remove_worn_item(obj, unchain_ball)
struct obj *obj;
boolean unchain_ball; /* whether to unpunish or just unwield */
if (donning(obj))
if (!obj->owornmask)

if (obj->owornmask & W_ARMOR) {
if (obj == uskin) {
impossible("Removing embedded scales?");
skinback(TRUE); /* uarm = uskin; uskin = 0; */
if (obj == uarm)
(void) Armor_off();
else if (obj == uarmc)
(void) Cloak_off();
else if (obj == uarmf)
(void) Boots_off();
else if (obj == uarmg)
(void) Gloves_off();
else if (obj == uarmh)
(void) Helmet_off();
else if (obj == uarms)
(void) Shield_off();
else if (obj == uarmu)
(void) Shirt_off();
/* catchall -- should never happen */
setworn((struct obj *) 0, obj->owornmask & W_ARMOR);
} else if (obj->owornmask & W_AMUL) {
} else if (obj->owornmask & W_RING) {
} else if (obj->owornmask & W_TOOL) {
} else if (obj->owornmask & W_WEAPON) {
if (obj == uwep)
if (obj == uswapwep)
if (obj == uquiver)

if (obj->owornmask & (W_BALL | W_CHAIN)) {
if (unchain_ball)
} else if (obj->owornmask) {
/* catchall */

/* Returns 1 when something was stolen (or at least, when N should flee now)
* Returns -1 if the monster died in the attempt
* Avoid stealing the object stealoid
* Nymphs and monkeys won't steal coins
steal(mtmp, objnambuf)
struct monst *mtmp;
char *objnambuf;
struct obj *otmp;
int tmp, could_petrify, armordelay, olddelay, named = 0, retrycnt = 0;
boolean monkey_business, /* true iff an animal is doing the thievery */

if (objnambuf)
*objnambuf = '\0';
/* the following is true if successful on first of two attacks. */
if (!monnear(mtmp, u.ux,
return 0;

/* food being eaten might already be used up but will not have
been removed from inventory yet; we don't want to steal that,
so this will cause it to be removed now */
if (occupation)
(void) maybe_finished_meal(FALSE);

if (!invent || (inv_cnt(FALSE) == 1 && uskin)) {
/* Not even a thousand men in armor can strip a naked man. */
if (Blind)
pline("Somebody tries to rob you, but finds nothing to steal.");
pline("%s tries to rob you, but there is nothing to steal!",
return 1; /* let her flee */

monkey_business = is_animal(mtmp->data);
if (monkey_business || uarmg) {
; /* skip ring special cases */
} else if (Adornment & LEFT_RING) {
otmp = uleft;
goto gotobj;
} else if (Adornment & RIGHT_RING) {
otmp = uright;
goto gotobj;

tmp = 0;
for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
if ((!uarm || otmp != uarmc) && otmp != uskin
&& otmp->oclass != COIN_CLASS)
tmp += (otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_ACCESSORY)) ? 5 : 1;
if (!tmp)
goto nothing_to_steal;
tmp = rn2(tmp);
for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
if ((!uarm || otmp != uarmc) && otmp != uskin
&& otmp->oclass != COIN_CLASS) {
tmp -= (otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_ACCESSORY)) ? 5 : 1;
if (tmp < 0)
if (!otmp) {
impossible("Steal fails!");
return 0;
/* can't steal ring(s) while wearing gloves */
if ((otmp == uleft || otmp == uright) && uarmg)
otmp = uarmg;
/* can't steal gloves while wielding - so steal the wielded item. */
if (otmp == uarmg && uwep)
otmp = uwep;
/* can't steal armor while wearing cloak - so steal the cloak. */
else if (otmp == uarm && uarmc)
otmp = uarmc;
/* can't steal shirt while wearing cloak or suit */
else if (otmp == uarmu && uarmc)
otmp = uarmc;
else if (otmp == uarmu && uarm)
otmp = uarm;

if (otmp->o_id == stealoid)
return 0;

if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER && !throws_rocks(mtmp->data)) {
if (!retrycnt++)
goto retry;
goto cant_take;
/* animals can't overcome curse stickiness nor unlock chains */
if (monkey_business) {
boolean ostuck;
/* is the player prevented from voluntarily giving up this item?
(ignores loadstones; the !can_carry() check will catch those) */
if (otmp == uball)
ostuck = TRUE; /* effectively worn; curse is implicit */
else if (otmp == uquiver || (otmp == uswapwep && !u.twoweap))
ostuck = FALSE; /* not really worn; curse doesn't matter */
ostuck = ((otmp->cursed && otmp->owornmask)
/* nymphs can steal rings from under
cursed weapon but animals can't */
|| (otmp == uright && welded(uwep))
|| (otmp == uleft && welded(uwep) && bimanual(uwep)));

if (ostuck || can_carry(mtmp, otmp) == 0) {
static const char *const how[] = { "steal", "snatch", "grab",
"take" };
pline("%s tries to %s %s%s but gives up.", Monnam(mtmp),
(otmp->owornmask & W_ARMOR) ? "your " : "",
(otmp->owornmask & W_ARMOR) ? equipname(otmp)
: yname(otmp));
/* the fewer items you have, the less likely the thief
is going to stick around to try again (0) instead of
running away (1) */
return !rn2(inv_cnt(FALSE) / 5 + 2);

if (otmp->otyp == LEASH && otmp->leashmon) {
if (monkey_business && otmp->cursed)
goto cant_take;

was_doffing = doffing(otmp);
/* stop donning/doffing now so that afternmv won't be clobbered
below; stop_occupation doesn't handle donning/doffing */
olddelay = stop_donning(otmp);
/* you're going to notice the theft... */

if (otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_ACCESSORY)) {
switch (otmp->oclass) {
case FOOD_CLASS: /* meat ring */
remove_worn_item(otmp, TRUE);
armordelay = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay;
if (olddelay > 0 && olddelay < armordelay)
armordelay = olddelay;
if (monkey_business) {
/* animals usually don't have enough patience
to take off items which require extra time */
if (armordelay >= 1 && !olddelay && rn2(10))
goto cant_take;
remove_worn_item(otmp, TRUE);
} else {
int curssv = otmp->cursed;
int slowly;
boolean seen = canspotmon(mtmp);

otmp->cursed = 0;
/* can't charm you without first waking you */
if (Unaware)
unmul((char *) 0);
slowly = (armordelay >= 1 || multi < 0);
if (flags.female)
pline("%s charms you.  You gladly %s your %s.",
!seen ? "She" : Monnam(mtmp),
curssv ? "let her take"
: !slowly ? "hand over"
: was_doffing ? "continue removing"
: "start removing",
pline("%s seduces you and %s off your %s.",
!seen ? "She" : Adjmonnam(mtmp, "beautiful"),
? "helps you to take"
: !slowly ? "you take"
: was_doffing ? "you continue taking"
: "you start taking",
/* the following is to set multi for later on */
multi_reason = "taking off clothes";
nomovemsg = 0;
remove_worn_item(otmp, TRUE);
otmp->cursed = curssv;
if (multi < 0) {
multi = 0;
afternmv = 0;
stealoid = otmp->o_id;
stealmid = mtmp->m_id;
afternmv = stealarm;
return 0;
impossible("Tried to steal a strange worn thing. [%d]",
} else if (otmp->owornmask)
remove_worn_item(otmp, TRUE);

/* do this before removing it from inventory */
if (objnambuf)
Strcpy(objnambuf, yname(otmp));
/* set mavenge bit so knights won't suffer an
* alignment penalty during retaliation;
mtmp->mavenge = 1;

if (otmp->unpaid)
subfrombill(otmp, shop_keeper(*u.ushops));
pline("%s stole %s.", named ? "She" : Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp));
could_petrify =
(otmp->otyp == CORPSE && touch_petrifies(&mons[otmp->corpsenm]));
(void) mpickobj(mtmp, otmp); /* may free otmp */
if (could_petrify && !(mtmp->misc_worn_check & W_ARMG)) {
minstapetrify(mtmp, TRUE);
return -1;
return (multi < 0) ? 0 : 1;

/* Returns 1 if otmp is free'd, 0 otherwise. */
mpickobj(mtmp, otmp)
register struct monst *mtmp;
register struct obj *otmp;
int freed_otmp;
boolean snuff_otmp = FALSE;

/* if monster is acquiring a thrown or kicked object, the throwing
or kicking code shouldn't continue to track and place it */
if (otmp == thrownobj)
thrownobj = 0;
else if (otmp == kickedobj)
kickedobj = 0;
/* don't want hidden light source inside the monster; assumes that
engulfers won't have external inventories; whirly monsters cause
the light to be extinguished rather than letting it shine thru */
if (obj_sheds_light(otmp) && attacktype(mtmp->data, AT_ENGL)) {
/* this is probably a burning object that you dropped or threw */
if (u.uswallow && mtmp == u.ustuck && !Blind)
pline("%s out.", Tobjnam(otmp, "go"));
snuff_otmp = TRUE;
/* for hero owned object on shop floor, mtmp is taking possession
and if it's eventually dropped in a shop, shk will claim it */
if (!mtmp->mtame)
otmp->no_charge = 0;
/* Must do carrying effects on object prior to add_to_minv() */
/* add_to_minv() might free otmp [if merged with something else],
so we have to call it after doing the object checks */
freed_otmp = add_to_minv(mtmp, otmp);
/* and we had to defer this until object is in mtmp's inventory */
if (snuff_otmp)
snuff_light_source(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
return freed_otmp;

struct monst *mtmp;
struct obj *otmp = (struct obj *) 0;
int real = 0, fake = 0;

/* select the artifact to steal */
if (u.uhave.amulet) {
} else if (u.uhave.questart) {
for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
if (is_quest_artifact(otmp))
if (!otmp)
return; /* should we panic instead? */
} else if (u.uhave.bell) {
fake = BELL;
} else if ( {
} else if (u.uhave.menorah) {
} else
return; /* you have nothing of special interest */

if (!otmp) {
/* If we get here, real and fake have been set up. */
for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
if (otmp->otyp == real || (otmp->otyp == fake && !mtmp->iswiz))

if (otmp) { /* we have something to snatch */
if (otmp->owornmask)
remove_worn_item(otmp, TRUE);
if (otmp->unpaid)
subfrombill(otmp, shop_keeper(*u.ushops));
/* mpickobj wont merge otmp because none of the above things
to steal are mergable */
(void) mpickobj(mtmp, otmp); /* may merge and free otmp */
pline("%s stole %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp));
if (can_teleport(mtmp->data) && !tele_restrict(mtmp))
(void) rloc(mtmp, TRUE);

/* when a mimic gets poked with something, it might take that thing
(at present, only implemented for when the hero does the poking) */
maybe_absorb_item(mon, obj, ochance, achance)
struct monst *mon;
struct obj *obj;
int ochance, achance; /* percent chance for ordinary item, artifact */
if (obj == uball || obj == uchain || obj->oclass == ROCK_CLASS
|| obj_resists(obj, 100 - ochance, 100 - achance)
|| !touch_artifact(obj, mon))

if (carried(obj)) {
if (obj->owornmask)
remove_worn_item(obj, TRUE);
if (obj->unpaid)
subfrombill(obj, shop_keeper(*u.ushops));
if (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)) {
const char *MonName = Monnam(mon);

/* mon might be invisible; avoid "It pulls ... and absorbs it!" */
if (!strcmp(MonName, "It"))
MonName = "Something";
pline("%s pulls %s away from you and absorbs %s!", MonName,
yname(obj), (obj->quan > 1L) ? "them" : "it");
} else {
const char *hand_s = body_part(HAND);

if (bimanual(obj))
hand_s = makeplural(hand_s);
pline("%s %s pulled from your %s!", upstart(yname(obj)),
otense(obj, "are"), hand_s);
} else {
/* not carried; presumably thrown or kicked */
if (canspotmon(mon))
pline("%s absorbs %s!", Monnam(mon), yname(obj));
/* add to mon's inventory */
(void) mpickobj(mon, obj);

/* drop one object taken from a (possibly dead) monster's inventory */
mdrop_obj(mon, obj, verbosely)
struct monst *mon;
struct obj *obj;
boolean verbosely;
int omx = mon->mx, omy = mon->my;
boolean update_mon = FALSE;

if (obj->owornmask) {
/* perform worn item handling if the monster is still alive */
if (mon->mhp > 0) {
mon->misc_worn_check &= ~obj->owornmask;
update_mon = TRUE;
/* don't charge for an owned saddle on dead steed (provided
that the hero is within the same shop at the time) */
} else if (mon->mtame && (obj->owornmask & W_SADDLE) && !obj->unpaid
&& costly_spot(omx, omy)
/* being at costly_spot guarantees lev->roomno is not 0 */
&& index(in_rooms(u.ux,, SHOPBASE),
levl[omx][omy].roomno)) {
obj->no_charge = 1;
/* this should be done even if the monster has died */
if (obj->owornmask & W_WEP)
setmnotwielded(mon, obj);
obj->owornmask = 0L;
/* obj_no_longer_held(obj); -- done by place_object */
if (verbosely && cansee(omx, omy))
pline("%s drops %s.", Monnam(mon), distant_name(obj, doname));
if (!flooreffects(obj, omx, omy, "fall")) {
place_object(obj, omx, omy);
/* do this last, after placing obj on floor; removing steed's saddle
throws rider, possibly inflicting fatal damage and producing bones */
if (update_mon)
update_mon_intrinsics(mon, obj, FALSE, TRUE);

/* some monsters bypass the normal rules for moving between levels or
even leaving the game entirely; when that happens, prevent them from
taking the Amulet or invocation tools with them */
struct monst *mon;
struct obj *obj, *otmp;

for (obj = mon->minvent; obj; obj = otmp) {
otmp = obj->nobj;
/* the Amulet, invocation tools, and Rider corpses resist even when
artifacts and ordinary objects are given 0% resistance chance */
if (obj_resists(obj, 0, 0)) {
mdrop_obj(mon, obj, FALSE);

/* release the objects the creature is carrying */
relobj(mtmp, show, is_pet)
struct monst *mtmp;
int show;
boolean is_pet; /* If true, pet should keep wielded/worn items */
struct obj *otmp;
int omx = mtmp->mx, omy = mtmp->my;

/* vault guard's gold goes away rather than be dropped... */
if (mtmp->isgd && (otmp = findgold(mtmp->minvent)) != 0) {
if (canspotmon(mtmp))
pline("%s gold %s.", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)),
canseemon(mtmp) ? "vanishes" : "seems to vanish");
obfree(otmp, (struct obj *) 0);
} /* isgd && has gold */

while ((otmp = (is_pet ? droppables(mtmp) : mtmp->minvent)) != 0) {
mdrop_obj(mtmp, otmp, is_pet && flags.verbose);

if (show && cansee(omx, omy))
newsym(omx, omy);
