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Revision as of 12:20, 1 October 2009 by Newtkiller (talk | contribs)
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added unicorns

As my first edit ever to any wiki, I added unicorns to the list of monsters to reverse-genocide. If you polypile the resulting horns, you might get a magic marker, and thus replace the scrolls used for reverse-genociding unicorns! Riley Riley37 22:20, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

Reverse Genocide and Extinctionism

Can you reverse genocide extinct monsters? --TBF01 23:25, 25 August 2007 (UTC)

Not according to <>

Checking what you genocided?

Is there any way to check to see what you've genocided without dying? (I've played a bit too much Nethack in the past few weeks and can't keep track of what the current character did versus the character who died yesterday, etc...)


I'd love to read a bit on strategy. Can anyone add some tips? Shmoo 06:07, 24 January 2008 (UTC)

I have a personal strategy for sea monsters (;) Do not genocide them until you arrive on the plane of water (just deal with them with a ranged attack, eg use a spell of magic missile if you can). Then genocide them will clear nearly completely the plane of water instantly! If you had genocided them before, then they would be replaced with other difficult monsters). Has anyone tried that apart from me ?

Personally, I don't genocide sea monsters at all because they are quite easy to avoid (perhaps except on the plain of Water), and in the mid-game, I value cursed genocides more, and I tend to overprepare for Astral anyway. On the planes, I just teleport them if they grab me, and use normal methods if not (evade, fight, tame, conflict,...). However, if you really want to avoid encounters at all cost, genociding them late is the common sense approach. It might work to storm through the Plane of Water and genocide them only once they pose an actual threat. -Tjr 21:58, 16 August 2009 (UTC)


If a nymph is robbing you blind, you won't get your stuff back if you genocide her, right? Does a nymph ever steal the amulet? Tjr 22:10, 21 March 2009 (UTC) if you genocide nymphs, then all there stuff falls on the floor, including whatever she stole. 23:32, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Gelatinous cube

Is it really worth it to reverse genocide them as a monk... you should have all the interesting intrisincs by the time you got a magic marker, a permanent elbereth method/free action.