User:Kahran042/YANI/Erdrick quest

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The User:Kahran042/YANI/Erdrick quest sees you fighting the Dragonlord for the Ball of Light. Its home, locate, and goal levels are based on areas in the Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest series. For more information on the quest branch in general, see the quest article.

Home level Tantagel Castle
Locate level Charlock Castle
Goal level The Lair of the Dragonlord
Leader King Lorik
Guardians royal guards
Nemesis The Dragonlord
Quest Artifact The Ball of Light


Random monsters on this Quest are generated with the following frequencies:

  • 96/175 (55%) Slime (see main YANI page)
  • 24/175 (14%) random b
  • 24/175 (14%) Drakee (see main YANI page)
  • 6/175 (3%) random B
  • 1/7 (14%) normal random monster

Although it might be a SMOP, random monster generation on this quest should be limited to those that appear in Dragon Warrior I - Slimes, Slimebeths, Metal Slimes, Drakees, Magidrakees, Drakeemas, ghosts, skeletons, wizards, knights, werewolves, scorpions, giant scorpions, gold golems, stone golems, Dragons, Kith Dragons, and Darth Dragons.

Tantagel Castle

Based on Tantagel Castle from Dragon Warrior II.


King Lorik is on the throne, and there are six royal guards on the path from the entrance to the throne room, a peaceful shopkeeper in the southwestern room. The marked rooms are a coaligned temple, a weapon store, and a general store.

Upper filler level

This is a swamp-water level.

Charlock Castle

Based on Charlock Castle 1F from Dragon Warrior I.


The above core of the level is surrounded by empty swamp, containing the upstair a little way to the right of the mapped area. The two marked large mimics are both imitating down staircases as a reference to the maze of stairs that makes up most of Charlock in the actual game. The gate is guarded by two knights, each with an axe, and there is a wizard on the throne, accompanied by a werewolf and a Dragon.

Lower filler level(s)

These are "ordinary" room-and-corridor levels.

Lair of the Dragonlord

Based on Charlock Castle B7 from Dragon Warrior II.

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The Dragonlord is on the throne, with the Ball of Light and the Bell of Opening. The northwest, northeast, and southeast corner chambers contain, respectively, a Dragon, Kith Dragon, and Darth Dragon. The marked ' is a stone golem.


In general, both King Lorik and the Dragonlord should show some degree of Wrong Genre Savvy, thinking that it's a traditional console RPG rather than a computer roguelike, possibly also making references to the Grand List of Console RPG Cliches


First time:

Next time:

If already rejected twice due to bad alignment:

Quest guardians

If #chatting before the quest is complete:

"Welcome to Tantegel Castle."
"If thou art planning to take a rest, first see King Lorik."
"Many have been the warriors who have perished on this quest. 
But for thee I wish success, <currentrank>."
"Art thou the descendant of Erdrick? Hast thou any proof?"

If #chatting after the quest is complete:

"Hurrah! Hurrah! Long live <playername>!"
"Thou hast brought us peace, again."
"Come now, King Lorik awaits."

Quest leader

When you first meet your quest leader:

When you return, having been rejected due to lack of experience:

"I am glad thou hast returned.
All our hopes are riding on thee."

This message is not currently used:

When you are expelled from the quest for having failed the alignment test seven times:

"In thy task thou hast failed. Alas, 
I fear thou art not the one Erdrick 
predicted would save us.
Go now!"

When being rejected due to lack of experience:

"Though thou art as brave as thy ancestor, <playername>, 
thou cannot defeat the Dragonlord as
a mere <currentrank>.
See me again when thy level has increased."

When being rejected due to having worse than pious alignment:

"Thou hast failed and thou art cursed.
Leave at once!"

When finally assigned the quest:

"Descendant of Erdrick, listen now to my words. It is told that in ages past Erdrick fought demons
with a Ball of Light. Then came the Dragonlord who stole the precious globe and hid it in the
darkness. Now, <playername>, thou must help us recover the Ball of Light and restore peace to our land.
The Dragonlord must be defeated."


If you subsequently chat to your quest leader, you are encouraged:

"May the light shine upon thee, <playername>!"
"I am greatly pleased that thou hast returned, <playername>."
"Will thou tell me now of thy deeds so they won't be forgotten?"
"Take care and tempt not the Fates."

Locate and goal levels

When first entering the locate level:

You notice the keep of a ruined castle rising from the swamp before you. It can only be Charlock
Castle, stronghold of the Dragonlord.

When returning:

When first entering the goal level:

When returning:

Quest nemesis

When first encountering the quest nemesis:

"Welcome, <playername>. I am the Dragonlord--King of Kings. 
I have been waiting long for one such as thee.
I give thee now a chance to share this world and to 
rule half of it if thou will now stand beside 

Upon further meetings:

"What sayest thou? Will the great warrior stand with me?"

And on the 4th and subsequent meetings:

"Thou art a fool!"

When you have the Ball of Light, but the Dragonlord is still alive:


The Dragonlord will occasionally utter maledictions:

"Thy journey is over. Take now a long, long rest. Hahahaha...."
"If thou dies I can bring thee back for another attempt without 
loss of thy deeds to date."
"I wouldn't fight if I were you. Even a victory would be hollow."
"Thou art surely missing thy brain."


When picking up your quest artifact:

Thou hast found the Ball of Light. Radiance streams 
forth as thy hands touch the object and hold it
aloft. Across the land spreads the brilliance.

When killing the nemesis:

Thou hast done well in defeating the Dragonlord.

When returning to your quest leader:

King Lorik speaks:

When subsequently throwing the Ball of Light to King Lorik:


When talking to King Lorik after the quest:

"The legends have proven true. Thou art indeed of 
the line of Erdrick. It is thy right to rule over
this land. Will thou take my place?"

When talking to King Lorik after getting the Amulet: