Wand of sonics

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Name sonics
Appearance random
Base price 175 zm
Weight 7
Type ray
Maximum charges 8
Monster use May be used offensively by monsters.

The wand of sonics is a new wand introduced in SpliceHack and adapted by Hack'EM. This wand shoots a reflectable ray of sonic noise.


This wand will auto-identify on zapping or engraving. Engraving will also wake nearby monsters since the wand emits loud noises.


This wand shares some traits with the wand of striking in that it will break boulders and statues.[1] Glass golems hit by the sonic ray are instakilled. The sonic ray will also destroy doors.

Sonic rays also tend to destroy glass items, if you are zapped, you zap a monster, or you break the wand.

Breaking this wand results in a sonic explosion that deals (4 x 4 x charges remaining) sonic damage, possibly destroying your glass items.

Monsters will also be happy to zap you with this wand.

Zapping yourself will inflict 6d6 sonic damage and make you deaf for 100-399 turns, [2] and possibly shatter any glass items you are carrying. If you have sonic resistance you will be protected from the damage but not the item destruction.


Name noise
Appearance random
Base price 175 zm
Weight 7
Type ray
Maximum charges 8
Monster use May be used offensively by monsters.

In Hack'EM, the wand of sonics was renamed to the wand of noise. Breaking this wand deals (4 x charges remaining x 4) damage and has a chance to create a magic beam trap depending on how many charges were left.

The wand itself has been made immune to shattering from sonic damage (if it happens to be made of glass).

In addition to destroying doors, a sonic ray can destroy drawbridges, iron bars, and toilets. When the toilet is shattered, it leaves a fountain in it's place. When the iron bars are shattered, it will scatter a couple iron chains.


This wand is quite strong because very few monsters resist sonic damage in SpliceHack. In Hack'EM any monster that has a sonic attack has built-in sonic resistance, as well as all dragons and elementals. This still leaves the vast majority of monsters vulnerable to this damage type. The downside is that any glass items in the monster's possession are susceptible to shattering and you might waste a valuable potion, ring, or wand by accident.

Since iron chains are desirable for forging certain items in Hack'EM (ie: bullets, firearms, or spiked chains), this wand may be useful for farming iron bars for their resulting chains.


The wand issues a series of loud bangs!
You engraved while not deaf.
KABOOM! You deafen yourself!
You zapped yourself.
KABOOM! Well that was loud.
You zapped yourself with sonic resistance.
