Elf mummy

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An elf mummy, M, is a type of monster that appears in NetHack. It is a mummified elf that is among the faster mummies you can encounter.

An elf mummy has a single claw attack.


Randomly-generated elf mummies are always hostile.

Elf mummies have a 67 chance of being generated with a mummy wrapping.[1]

Elf mummies may appear among the mummies that are part of the second quest monster class for Archeologists and make up 6175 of the monsters that are randomly generated on the Archeologist quest.

An elf mummy leaves behind an aged elf corpse upon death.[2][3]


The elf mummy first appears in NetHack 3.0.0, where most of the various mummies are introduced.



In SLASH'EM, elf mummies may appear among the mummies that are part of the first quest monster class for Undead Slayers and make up 24175 of the monsters that are randomly generated on the Undead Slayer quest.


In dNetHack, elf mummies are stronger and can inflict mummy curses on whoever kills them. They also have the same allergy to iron as other elves.


In xNetHack, elf mummies can inflict withering with their melee attacks. They are also not subject to iron hatred like living elves.


In SpliceHack, elf mummies can inflict withering with their melee attacks.


In EvilHack, elf mummies can inflict withering with their melee attacks. They are also not subject to iron hatred like living elves.


In addition to SLASH'EM details, elf mummies in Hack'EM can also inflict withering with their melee attacks as in EvilHack, and they are not subject to iron hatred like living elves.

Encyclopedia entry

But for an account of the manner in which the body was
bandaged, and a list of the unguents and other materials
employed in the process, and the words of power which were
spoken as each bandage was laid in its place, we must have
recourse to a very interesting papyrus which has been edited
and translated by M. Maspero under the title of Le Rituel de
l'Embaumement. ...
Everything that could be done to preserve the body was now
done, and every member of it was, by means of the words of
power which changed perishable substances into imperishable,
protected to all eternity; when the final covering of purple
or white linen had been fastened upon it, the body was ready
for the tomb.

[ Egyptian Magic, by E.A. Wallis Budge ]


  1. Jump up src/makemon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 740
  2. Jump up src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 147: Converting monster index of undead to corpses of their living counterparts
  3. Jump up src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 372: Undead corpses and their ages are handled with other "special" death drops