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Watchmen are the peacekeepers of Minetown. They are always generated peaceful, but can become hostile through a number of player actions.

  • Attacking a peaceful watchman
  • Attacking a peaceful shopkeeper
  • Killing the priest
  • Cutting down trees
  • Destroying fountains (you will usually get a warning before a fountain dries up)
  • Stealing from shops
  • Digging through walls or doors (you will be warned first)
  • Kicking down doors (you will be warned first)
  • Unlocking doors (you will be warned first). It is often thought that the watch will not object if you use a skeleton key. In fact, it is no different from using a lock pick or credit card.
  • Improvising with a bugle.

Some of these actions will not anger a watchman as long as he isn't in eyesight. Consult the entry on Minetown for a full discussion of the laws and ordinances in force.

In addition, attacking a peaceful watchman or a shopkeeper with a spell or wand does not anger all the guards; only the target of the attack. The watchmen are quite easy to kill (even easier than shopkeepers), and they have some potentially useful items in their inventory, although they often have a cursed item, so check all items on an altar or with a pet first. The watch captains are much harder to kill, but not as hard as shopkeepers. So don't do anything that will anger all the watchmen.

If you do run into any problems with watchmen, or you just want them out of your way without having to commit murder, you can usually buy a key from a Minetown shop and then use it to lock the watchmen inside one of the empty rooms. One can also lure the watchmen to other levels via having them follow you to an up or down stair. If they are adjacent to you when you use the stairs, they will follow you to the next area, at which point you can 'lose' them in the new level, and return to Minetown while they remain in the other area.

Encyclopedia entry

See the encyclopedia entry for human.